The Judo Information Site is proud to be the first Judo site to promote the serious study and analysis of Judo by publishing research papers online since 1996. Anyone with interesting viewpoints or original research may submit articles for inclusion. From Mike Buckle: Preventing Child Abuse in Judo From the International Budo Symposium, December 2008: Budo, the Role that Judo Should Play in the Era of Internationalization by Yasuhiro Yamashita Transitions within Kodokan Judo Etiquette by Naoki Murata French Judo Players and their Awareness of Etiquette – as Seen from Kano Jigoro’s Studies by Yves Cadot The Internationalization of Judo and the Attention for Etiquette- Focusing on the UK by Mike Callan Respect and International Affairs: Mutual Welfare and Benefit and the Bow as Foreign Policy by David Matsumoto Articles written by George Weers, former chairman of the United States Judo Association coaching program: Newaza Preparation Gripping Strategies The Winning Edge (Getting and Keeping It) photo © Bob Willingham |
Chasing Fads Skill Range of Elite Judo Athletes First Contact and Grip Domination Movement Patterns Transitional Control Assaulting the “Turtle” — Olympic Newaza Use of Ashi Barai Among Elite Athletes The Importance of the Uphill Turn Escape Travel, Throw and Tempo Relationship Counter Throwing Skills Power Hand Placement Survey Study of Throwing Opportunity Newaza From Your Knees Technical research papers provided by Dr. Stanislaw Sterkowicz, Head of Department of Combat Sports, Academy of Physical Education in Krakow, Poland: The Motivation of Men Practising Ju-jitsu and Comparisons with Judoists The Fitness Profile of Men Who Train in Ju-jitsu Body Injuries of Youth Training in Judo Special Judo Fitness Test An Evaluation of Modern Tendencies in Solving Judo Fight The Judo Trainer’s Professional Activities Analysis of the Training Workload Plan for Judo Competitors Differences In the Schooling Tendencies of Men and Women Practicing Judo Managing the Training Process in Combat Sports Levels of Anaerobic and Aerobic Capacity Indices and Results for the Special Fitness Test in Judo Competitors A Cross-National Look at the Values Coaches Hold An Evaluation of the Technical and Tactical Aspects of Judo Matches at the Seniors Level The Temporal And Material Structure Of Ju-Jitsu Sports Combat Abstracts of additional research by Stanislaw Sterkowicz An analysis of World Championship results and Paralympic info by Neil Ohlenkamp: Trends in World Championship Judo Judo for Blind and Visually Impaired Statistical Summary of the 2006 Commonwealth Judo Tournament Yasuhiro Yamashita — Analysis Webcast Debate on The Importance of Newaza in Modern Judo Competition From Juan Carlos Suárez Sosa: Effectiveness of technical-tactical attacks of the -55Kg judokas (male, 15-16 years old) during the Cuban national competition (2007-2008) From Suay, F.: Effects of competition and its outcome on serum testosterone, cortisol and prolactin The Physiological Composition of Elite Judo Players Anaerobic Requirements of Elite Judo Athletes By Raf Tits, Headcoach of Judoteam Duffel, Belgium: The Puzzle of Technique Development Periodisation of Randori Types (PDF version) Mental Projection as a Judo Training Form From Dr. E. K. Koiwai, US Judo Federation Medical Committee Chairperson: How Safe is Choking in Judo? Deaths Allegedly Caused by the Use of Chokeholds By Gregory James and Willy Pieter, UK: Competition Injuries in Young Judo Athletes By Prof. Attilio Sacripanti, Italy: Biomechanical Classification of Judo By Mike Callan, UK: Factors Affecting High Level Judo Players Training in a University Environment From Dave Coles, UK: The Weight-loss Practices of Judoka Making the Weight Coach, I Want to Be a Champion by Gerald Lafon Good Drills, Bad Drills by Gerald Lafon The Training Session by Amos Gil’ad Turnouts: Unorthodox Ukemi by Gerald Lafon Are You Training Efficiently? by Gerald Lafon Variables Affecting Judo Performance by Gerald Lafon Principles of Warm Ups by Gerald Lafon Periodisation in Judo Training by Amos Gil’ad Overtraining by Amos Gil’ad Nomenclature by Amos Gil’ad From Ewan Beaton, Judo Canada: Competition Peaking From Ramdane ALMANSBA: The Course of Fight and the Level of Sports Achievement in Judo Body Composition and Physiological Profile of Elite Algerian Judo Players Articles from Elie Morrell, former chairman of the United States Judo Association coach certification program: Shimewaza – Practised by Many and Mastered by Few Helpful Guidelines for the Learning of Nage no Kata Subtle Similarities in Various Nage Waza The Fragmentation of IJF Referee Rule 20(a) Dissecting Hikite and Tsurite Grips Reflections on Gake and Gari Leg Actions in Ashi Waza The Value of Uchikomi in the Development of Judo Skills Common Causes of Judo Student Attrition Judo: A Dynamic Motor Skill The Mutual Relationship of Throwing and Movement Directions in Judo The Significance of Movement in Judo Disparities in Interpretation of Throwing Scores An Objective Critique of the 2003 Judo Refereeing Rules Observations and Comments on the Current IJF Judo Contest Rules The Challenges of Shimewaza Teaching Judo Techniques Teaching Judo to Preadolescents Characteristic Traits of a Good Judo Coach An Introduction to Variance of Opportunity for Roller and Driver Throwing Actions Golden Score Handicaps Preparatory Moves for Nage Waza Some Technical Aspects of Ne Waza On a Better Understanding of Leg Throwing Techniques From Dr. Tony Scuderi: Judo Therapy: The Use of Judo as a Medium for Group and Individual Psychotherapy in Overcoming Aggression (Anger), Anxiety and Depression The Psychospirituality of Judo Therapy From the IJF: Relations Between Gripping Methods and Favorite Tricks in Judoists From Juan Carlos Suarez and Gerard Baker: Throwing Technique Structural Analysis: The Basis of Teaching Methodology Some Ideas to Preserve the Judo Soul From Susan Lee and Herbert Quan: Hand Dominance of Elite Versus Non-Elite Judo Players From Christopher Miller: Submission Fighting and the Rules of Ancient Greek Wrestling Research Abstracts: Modern Judo Research Abstracts Coaching Science Abstracts From Paul Nogaki: The Quest for the Perfect Judo Floor From Milovan Bratic: Improving Complex Motoric Movements in Judo Judo fitness test from José Manuel García García, National Trainer of Spanish Judo Federation: Test JMG From Enrique Carratala and Vicente Carratala, Valencia University, Spain (en español): Relación de los factores personales y sociales con los motivos de practica del judo (Relationship of personal and social factors in the reasons for practicing judo) Motivos que inducen a los padres a introducir a sus hijos en la practica del judo (Reasons that induce parents to introduce their children to the practice of judo) La competición en el proceso formativo (Competition in the formative process) Análisis de los motivos de practica del judo en las distintas federaciones autonómicas (Analysis of the reasons for practicing judo in the different autonomic federations) Valoración de la fuerza explosiva, elástico-explosiva de los judokas infantiles y cadetes del equipo nacional Español (Evaluation of explosive force of infantile judokas and cadets) Valoración de los componentes cineantropométricos de los judokas infantiles y cadetes del equipo nacional Español (Evaluation of anthropomorphics of infantile judokas and cadets) Motivos Que Inducen a los Padres a Introducir a Sus Hijos en la Práctica del Deporte del Judo (Reasons that induce parents to actually introduce their children to Judo) Los Juegos y Deportes de Lucha con Agarre/Judo: Una Propuesta de Enseñanza (The games and sports of fighting with judo: An education proposal) La Fuerza: Su aplicación al Judo (Force: its application to judo) Valoración De Los Componentes Cineantropométricos De Las Judokas Infantiles Y Cadetes Del Equipo Nacional Español (Evaluation of Kinanthropometrics components of infantile and cadet femenine judokas from National Spanish Team) Valoración De La Flexibilidad De Los Judokas Infantiles Y Cadetes Del Equipo Nacional Español (Evaluation of flexibility of infantile and cadet judokas from Nacional Spanish Team) Additional research from the International Association of Judo Researchers: Judo Research Abstracts “I thought all the time I was learning how to win; But I realize now: To win is no more, No less, than to lose.”