Yoko-sutemi-waza (Side sacrifice) is the classification of Sacrifice Techniques and translated as side sacrifice techniques. These techniques originates from the fact that one opponent drops himself on his side (sacrifices himself) in order to execute the throw.
Here is the list of all Side Sacrifice (Yoko-Sutemi-Waza):
- Yoko Wakare (Side Separation)
- Yoko Otoshi (Side Drop)
- Yoko Guruma (Side Wheel)
- Yoko Gake (Side Drop)
- Uki Waza (Floating Technique)
- Kouchi Makikomi (Inside Leg Trip)
- Daki Wakare (High Lift and Separate)
- Hane Makikomi (Spring Wraparound Throw)
- Harai Makikomi (Sweeping Wraparound)
- Osoto Makikomi (Major Outer Wraparound)
- Soto Makikomi (Outer Wraparound)