| References for the Judo Information Site- All About Judo Geoff Gleeson, EP Publishing Ltd., 1975
- Author is the former national coach for the British Judo Association. This paperback includes information on randori, shiai and kata. While it has only one photo of each technique it has a lot of text explaining theories, coaching, fitness, his own katas and other Judo-related topics.
- Armlocks Neil Adams, Ippon Books, Ltd., 1989
- This book is a study of various armlocks by the world champion who popularized their use in modern competitive Judo. Very useful for learning how to actually apply the armlocks to resisting opponents. Highly recommended. Available here.
- Ashiwaza Nobuyuki Sato, Ippon Books, Ltd.
- All of the books in the Judo Masterclass Series are excellent specialized technical manuals for advanced students and this is no exception. This book is a study of de-ashi-barai, okuri-ashi-barai, harai-tsurikomi-ashi, and sasae-tsurikomi-ashi by two time world champion Sato. Available here.
- Ashiwaza II Michael Swain/Oon Oon Yeoh, Ippon Books, Ltd., 1994
- One of the Judo Masterclass Series. The world champion author covers in detail all the variations of the foot techniques ouchi gari, kouchi gari, kosoto gari, and hiza guruma. Available here.
- Attacking Judo Katsuhiko Kashiwazaki/Hidetoshi Nakanishi, Ippon Books, Ltd, 1995
- This is a useful compendium of counters, combination techniques, and matwork. Relying on good drawings to show important movements and body placement in place of lengthy text descriptions, this book is an excellent reference for students to refer to for training ideas. Available here.
- Best Judo Isao Inokuma/Nobuyuki Sato, Kodansha International Ltd, 1979
- Fundamentals of throwing techniques, grappling techniques, combination techniques, and training. Very comprehensive. Available here.
- Black Belt Judo Neil Ohlenkamp, New Holland Publishers, 2006
- A basic handbook of Judo. Great for any Judo student since it includes every Kodokan throwing technique, and nearly every technique on the mat. Available here.
- Canon of Judo K. Mifune, Seibundo Shinkosha Publishing, 1956
 - This master of Judo presents a comprehensive manual full of pictures and descriptions of all Judo techniques, including many not found in other books. It includes an extensive section on counters, and about 20 pages on the meaning of Judo. Unfortunately the English translation is very difficult to understand and the book is now out of print and hard to find. Here’s an excerpt. It was reprinted in 2004 with a new English translation which makes it an excellent book. Available here.
- A Complete Guide to Judo Robert W. Smith, Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1958
- This is a very fine compilation of articles about Judo, jujutsu, karate, and aikido including history, theory and practice.
- Elements of Judo: A Guide for Coaches Jim Sheedy, 2009
- A resource for coaches, this book describes various techniques, combinations, counters and drills. It also offers coaching tips and theory. Available by contacting the author.
- The Father of Judo: A Biography of Jigoro Kano Brian Watson, Kodansha International, 2000
- An excellent and easily readable account of the life of Jigoro Kano and the development of Judo. Available here.
- Grips Neil Adams, Ippon Books, Ltd., 1992
- One of the Judo Masterclass Series. The world champion author covers in detail all the variations of gripping. Highly recommended. Available here.
- Harai Goshi Jean-Luc Rouge , Ippon Books, Ltd.
- One of the Judo Masterclass Series. An excellent book dedicated to the technique harai goshi, it explores grips, variations, entries, combinations, and self-defence application, by a world champion judoka. Available here.
- How to be a Black Belt in the Art of Life Jack/Beverly Gustafson, Zanshin Productions, 1995
- Not just a Judo book, this is a collection of quotes from martial arts students and teachers about the life lessons they have learned. See page 103 for my contribution.
- Jigoro Kano and the Kodokan: An Innovative Response to Modernisation Compiled by the Kano Sensei Biographic Editorial Committee and Edited and Translated by Alex Bennett, Kodokan, 2009
- An excellent translation of the 1964 biography Kano Jigoro published by the Kodokan, this 182 page book includes chapters on Conception, Rationalisation, Systemization, Maturation, Organization and Propagation.
- Jiu Jitsu Complete Kiyose Nakae, Carol Publishing Group, 1958
- Basic jiu jitsu self-defense book with plenty of illustrations.
- Judo (Appendix: Aikido) Kenji Tomiki, Japan Travel Bureau, 1956
- This is a basic and clear reference on Judo. The author at the time was a 7th dan in Judo and an 8th dan in Aikido. It includes an extensive appendix on Aikido based on the fundamental principles of Judo. This was the first English text on Aikido. An excerpt.
- Judo: 41 Lessons in the Modern Science of Jiu-Jitsu Kuwashima/Welch, Prentice-Hall, 1938
- Selected techniques which can be mastered by the average person with a small expenditure of strength and without previous training.
- Judo: A Pictorial Manual Pat Harrington, Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1987
- A good manual which includes photos of more techniques than any other book (the entire go kyo, the katas, etc). A very complete reference available here.
- Judo Boy John Ball, Jr., Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1964
- An adventure story for juveniles based on Judo in Los Angeles during the early 1960’s.
- Judo Combination Techniques Teizo Kawamura, W. Foulsham and Co. Ltd., 1958
- This book covers both combination and counter techniques for the mat and standing. The only book of its kind by a Kodokan 7th dan.
- Judo, The Essential Guide to Mastering the Art Alex Butcher, The Lyons Press, 2001
- A basic beginner’s book introducing judo with a little of everything. Available here.
- Judo, Formal Techniques Tadao Otaki/Donn Draeger, Charles Tuttle and Co., 1983
- The best book there is on the randori-no-kata. The most complete reference for anyone studying nage-no-kata and katame-no-kata with lots of information about kata in general. Available here.
- Judo, Heart and Soul Hayward Nishioka, Ohara Publications, Inc., 2000
- This book covers the preparation, strategies and technical aspects of Judo competition, especially for elite athletes. More information here.
- Judo in Action Kazuzo Kudo, Japan Publications Trading Co., 1967
- This book is now out of print. It is a 2 volume set, one for grappling techniques and one for throwing techniques. Each technique includes several excellent photos and a detailed explanation of key points, escapes, counters, and possible combinations. Very good resource for the beginner or advanced student.
- Judo Inside Out Geoff Gleeson, Lepus Books, 1983
- A thorough analysis of competition skills integrated with a cultural reconciliation.
- Judo Memoirs of Jigoro Kano Brian N. Watson, 2008
- Over 200 pages of text translated from published notes of an interview done with Jigoro Kano in the late 1920’s by Torahei Ochiai. This material has been available in Japanese for many years — it was first published in a series of articles in 1927 and 1928 in the monthly Kodokan Culture Council magazine Sako, and was re-published in 1992 in Kano Jigoro Chosakushu (Collected Works of Jigoro Kano) volume III. The Kodokan keeps very tight control over the written work of Jigoro Kano. This means original information like this is rare and valuable. Mr. Watson also includes a nice essay of his own on the influence of judo on Japanese society.
- Judo: A Samurai Legacy David Monteverde, Lulu Publishing, 2009
- A nice synopsis of where judo came from and the essential elements in its practice. A quick read at 87 pages. Available here.
- Judo, Through the Looking Glass Jerry Hicks, Redcliffe Press, Ltd., 1994
- An interesting collection of stories and illustrations about various experiences in British Judo. The subtitle is “Tales of Now and Zen”. Available here.
- Judo Training Methods Takahiko Ishikawa/Donn F. Draeger, Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1961
- A complete guide to Judo training exercises in theory and practice. More information.
- Judo Unleashed
Neil Ohlenkamp, McGraw-Hill, 2006 - A basic handbook of Judo. Great for any Judo student since it includes every Kodokan throwing technique, and nearly every technique on the mat. More information available at JudoUnleashed.com.
- Kata of Kodokan Judo Revised Sumiyuki Kotani/Yoshimi Osawa/Yuichi Hirose, Koyano Bussan Kaisha, Ltd., 1968
- A reference and instruction book on all the kata of Kodokan Judo.
- Know the Game, Judo Geoff Gleeson (photos by Bob Willingham), A&C Black, Ltd., 1995
- A small introductory book on the sport of Judo.
- Kodokan Judo Jigoro Kano, Kodansha International 1986 (paperback edition 1994)
- This is the definitive source of information about Judo. The paperback edition is affordable, complete and available here.
- Kodokan New Japanese-English Dictionary of Judo Teizo Kawamura and Toshiro Daigo, Kodokan 2001
- A dictionary of Japanese terms used in Judo.
- Martial Arts Reader Randy F. Nelson, The Overlook Press, 1989
- This is a wonderful compilation of classic writings on the philosophy and techniques of traditional martial arts. It includes “The Contribution of Judo to Education” by Jigoro Kano. Available here.
- Manual of Judo E.J. Harrison, Sterling Publishing Co, 1952
- A wonderful book full of colorful language and simple line drawings on every aspect of Judo by a student of Kyuzo Mifune. The cover is right, “The classic book on the art of unarmed combat by the man who introduced Judo to the West”
- Mechanics of Judo Robert G. Blanchard, Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1961
- Analytical studies of 15 selected standing techniques.
- Modern Judo Peter Seisenbacher/George Kerr, The Crowood Press, 1991
- A very well done analysis of modern competitive Judo, including training tips, balanced with thoughts about traditional Judo.
- My Championship Judo Anton Geesink, Arco Publishing Co., 1966
- This world champion shows his special techniques, including his favorite sankaku waza.
- My Method of Judo M. Kawaishi, W. Foulsham & Co., 1955
- The Technical Director of the french Judo Federation shows his special techniques.
- Osotogari Yasuhiro Yamashita, Ippon Books, Ltd.
- One of the Judo Masterclass Series. In teaching this technique, World and Olympic champion Yamashita emphasizes the importance of good style, while acknowledging the special demands of competition. Available here.
- Pick-ups Robert van de Walle, Ippon Books, Ltd., 1993
- One of the Judo Masterclass Series. The author, a 1980 Olympic champion, covers the techniques morote-gari, sukui-nage, ura-nage and kata-guruma, and a number of miscellaneous pick ups including obi-tori-ashi-dori, mawari-ashi-dori and hikoki-nage. Essential study guide for anyone involved in modern competition. Available here.
- The Pyjama Game: A Journey into Judo by Mark Law
- A wonderful book for everyone. For a full review see the discussion on the Judo Forum. Available as a hardcover UK edition or a paperback.
- Secrets of Combat Jujutsu and Secrets of Advanced Combat Jujutsu by D’Arcy Rahming
- The first book is 192 pages and the second is 240 pages. Each is full of combat theory and techniques illustrated with clear line drawings and a few photos. Methods of defense are shown for nearly every type of attack, including weapons and multiple attackers, covering the techniques required up to first degree brown belt. The manuals are part of the Miyama Ryu system (founded in 1960) which is based on traditional Japanese jujutsu, aikido, and judo. Available here.
- Seoinage Hidetoshi Nakanishi, Ippon Books, Ltd.
- One of the Judo Masterclass Series. The author, along with two time world champion Yoshiharu Minami, demostrates the throws ippon-seoi-nage and morote-seoi-nage. Available here.
- Shimewaza Katsuhiko Kashiwazaki, Ippon Books, Ltd., 1992
- One of the Judo Masterclass Series. This volume is a comprehensive study of chokes and strangles. The author, a world champion, includes a special section on sankaku-jime, the triangular leg strangle. Available here.
- The Sport of Judo Kiyoshi Kobayashi/Harold Sharp, Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1956
- An inexpensive paperback with excellent photos and descriptions of all the basic techniques. I recommend it for all my students as a basic handbook. Available here.
- The Sport Science of Elite Judo Athletes Wayland J. Pulkinnen, Pulkinetics Inc, 2001
- This book is an in-depth exploration of sport science as it relates to Judo athletic performance. It is divided into four parts covering the physiological composition of elite Judo athletes, concerns related to rapid weight loss and overtraining, psycho-behavioral factors in Judo performance, and planning of the training session and training year. It is essential reading for the modern Judo coach, and an excellent source of important scientific information for any athlete who is serious about improving training and competition performance. Available here.
- The Techniques of Judo Shinzo Takagaki/Harold Sharp, Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1957
- An inexpensive paperback with excellent photos and descriptions of all the basic techniques. A little more advanced and detailed than The Sport of Judo, also by Harold Sharp.
- Textbook of Judo Nagayasu Ogasawara, Kokushi Dojo Inc., 1988
- An fine hardcover book with excellent photos and descriptions of all the basic techniques plus combinations, counters and multiple variations. Recommended as a comprehensive handbook. Available here.
- Tomoenage Katsuhiko Kashiwazaki, Ippon Books, Ltd.
- One of the Judo Masterclass Series. This volume is a comprehensive study of tomoenage in every variation. Available here.
- Three Budo Masters John Stevens, Kodansha International
- A very good review of the lives of the founders of Judo (Jigoro Kano), aikido (Morihei Ueshiba), and karate (Gichin Funakoshi). Available here.
- Uchimata Hitoshi Sugai, Ippon Books, Ltd., 1991
- One of the Judo Masterclass Series. The author, a two time world champion, considers old and new forms of uchimata, as well as essential combinations, defenses and counters. Available here.
- Zen Judo, A Way of Life Brian Bagot, Blandford Press, 1994
- This paperback explains all of the techniques and promotion requirements for this style of Judo with a small number of photos and drawings. It explains that the techniques are sometimes different from Kodokan Judo techniques, and competition is deemphasized. Available here.
When a person attacks you he gives you a present of his strength. To make use of this gift you must know how to receive it. …..Yukiso Yamamoto |  |