obi Combination and Counter Techniques of Judo

by Teizo Kawamura (7th dan), 1958

check Combination and Counter Techniques of Judo clear Combination and Counter Techniques of Judo Throwing Combination Techniques (renraku waza)

tomoe Combination and Counter Techniques of Judo

  • seoi nage to seoi otoshi
  • ippon seoi nage to seoi otoshi
  • ko uchi gari to seoi nage
  • ko uchi gari to o uchi gari
  • o uchi gari to tai otoshi
  • o uchi gari to ko uchi gari
  • o uchi gari to uchi mata
  • uchi mata to o uchi gari
  • uchi mata to ko uchi gari
  • tai otoshi to o uchi gari
  • ko soto gari to tai otoshi
  • hiza guruma to o soto gari
  • hiza guruma to de ashi harai
  • o soto gari to ko soto gari
  • hiza guruma to harai goshi
  • hane goshi to o soto gari
  • tsuri komi goshi to sukui nage
  • tsuri komi goshi to o uchi gari

check Combination and Counter Techniques of Judo clear Combination and Counter Techniques of Judo Throwing Counter Techniques (kaeshi waza)

  • tomoe nage to ko soto gari
  • ko uchi gari to hiza guruma
  • hane goshi to harai tsuri komi ashi
  • harai goshi to o soto guruma
  • uchi mata to uki otoshi
  • o uchi gari to uki waza
  • o uchi gari to de ashi harai
  • o soto gari to o soto gari
  • ko soto gari to uchi mata

check Combination and Counter Techniques of Judo clear Combination and Counter Techniques of Judo Groundwork Combination Techniques

  • kesa gatame to ude garami
  • kesa gatame to ude gatame
  • kesa gatame to juji jime variation
  • kesa gatame to juji gatame uchi Combination and Counter Techniques of Judo
  • kesa gatame to waki gatame
  • kesa gatame to kata gatame
  • kuzure kami shiho gatame to juji jime
  • kuzure kami shiho gatame to ude gatame
  • kuzure kami shiho gatame to waki gatame
  • kuzure kami shiho gatame to juji gatame
  • kusure yoko shiho gatame to juji jime
  • kuzure yoko shiho gatame to okuri eri jime
  • kuzure yoko shiho gatame to ude garami variation
  • tate shiho gatame to juji jime

check Combination and Counter Techniques of Judo clear Combination and Counter Techniques of Judo Groundwork Counter Techniques

  • yoko shiho gatame to ude gatame
  • yoko shiho gatame to juji jime
  • kami shiho gatame to kadaka jime


"There are many possible combinations and many variations in their application (in some cases the initial attack is merely a feint) but the principle remains the same, i.e. to utilize the opponent's reaction to one attack to unbalance him and leave him vulnerable to attack by another technique." –Teizo Kawamura, Judo Combination Techniques