This kata originated in 1943 and was created by the second president of the Kodokan Judo Institute. According to Steven R. Cunningham, “The Joshi Goshinho was the construction of Jiro Nango, who was Kano’s nephew and who took over the directorship of the Kodokan after Kano died. He managed the Kodokan through the World War II years. Kano had been concerned about the Kodokan being taken over by the military as a place to train soldiers for combat. To that end, a lot of the old methods of goshinjutsu were hidden away and weren’t publicly taught any more. And after WWII ended, with the Occupation forces, the Kodokan couldn’t operate at all for a while. When it did operate, it was under some restrictions so the goshin waza weren’t taught. Jiro Nango constructed the Joshi Goshinho because he thought there was a need to preserve the self-defense techniques for the women in the Women’s Division.” - Tai-no-ido (body movement)
- Tsugi-ashi (following foot)
- Migi-sabaki, Hidari-sabaki (right and left movement)
- Migi-mae-sabaki, Hidari-mae-sabaki (right and left forward movement)
- Migi-harai, Hidari-harai (right and left sweep)
- Migi-maware, Hidari-maware (right and left turn about)
- Mae-shizume, Migi-shizume, Hidari-shizume (front, right and left sinking down)
- Hiza-ate (knee strike)
- Kata-te-tekubi-dori (single hand wrist hold)
- Ryo-te-kata-te-dori (double hand wrist hold)
- Shishi-gyaku-dori (reverse four finger hold)
- Ude-kakae-dori (arm wrap hold)
- Ushiro-dori (rear hold)
- Ude-gyaku-dori (reverse arm hold)
- Ushiro-eri-dori (rear collar hold)
- Ushiro-kubi-himo-jime (rear neck rope choke)
- Ushiro-dori (rear hold)
- Kyohaku-dori (frontal hold)
 “Purpose of Practice: Considering the usual consitution and the common character of women, these self-defense techniques have been formalized in order to aim at training the powers of courage, the staid character, demonstrating the decisive ability in time of need, and defending themselves from danger at any moment.” Sumiyuki Kotani Kata of Kodokan Judo Revised 1968