kodokan Official Grappling Techniques of Kodokan Judo

Osaekomi-waza (pins or matholds)Shime-waza (chokes or strangles)
1. Kuzure-kesa-gatame1. Nami-juji-jime
2. Kata-gatame2. Gyaku-juji-jime
3. Kami-shiho-gatame3. Kata-juji-jime
4. Kuzure-kami-shiho-gatame4. Hadaka-jime
5. Yoko-shiho-gatame5. Okuri-eri-jime
6. Tate-shiho-gatame6. Kata-ha-jime
7. Kesa-gatame7. Do-jime
8. Sode-guruma-jime
9. Kata-te-jime
10. Ryo-te-jime
11. Tsukkomi-jime
12. Sankaku-jime

Kansetsu-waza (joint locks)
1. Ude-garami2. Ude-hishigi-juji-gatame
3. Ude-hishigi-ude-gatame4. Ude-hishigi-hiza-gatame
5. Ude-hishigi-waki-gatame6. Ude-hishigi-hara-gatame
7. Ashi-garami8. Ude-hishigi-ashi-gatame
9. Ude-hishigi-te-gatame10. Ude-hishigi-sankaku-gatame

endbelt Official Grappling Techniques of Kodokan Judo

Of course there are many other Judo grappling techniques and variations that are not included in the above listing but these are the officially recognized techniques of the Kodokan as of 1997.

gokyo Official Grappling Techniques of Kodokan Judo