
Matsumoto, Yoshizo : et al., “Kodokan dzhudo“, Sofiia, Bulgaria, Meditsina i Fizkultura, 1970, 205p, TCH, 3493.

Wolf, Horst (1917 – ), “Dzudo za naprednali“, Sofiia, Bulgaria, Meditsina i Fizkultura, 1984, 131p, 20 cm, DNB.


Dragić, Branko M., “Džudo metodika”, Novi Sad, Serbia, Zavod za fizičku kulturu Vojvodine, 1980, 101p, 20 cm, TCH, SNU.

Dragić, Branko M., “Džudo tehnika padánja”, Novi Sad, Serbia, Zavod za fizičku kulturu Vojvodine, 1979, 84p, 24 cm, SNU.

Dragić, Branko M. : Gava, Aleksej : Veselinov, Vladislav : Habulin, Andrija, “Judo kombinacije“, Beograd, Serbia, Ilustrovani časopis Razvigor, 1980, 92p, 21 cm, SNU.

Herceg, Emina : Baršnik, Zdravko ; Mišković, Vlatko, “Judo u Zagrebu : pola stoljeća“, Zagreb, Croatia, Potecon, 2001, 64p, 25 cm, TCH, NSK, ISBN 953672216X.

Ivanovski, Blažo, “Daudo“, Gornji Milanovac, Serbia, Privredna knjiga, 1986, 111p, 24 cm, SNU.

Kudo, Kazuzo (1898 – 1970) : Modrić, Žarko, “Judo : Parterna tehnika“, Zagreb, Croatia, Mladost, 1976[3], 127p, 22 cm, TCH, NSK.

Kudō, Kazuzō (1898 – 1970) : Modrić, Žarko, “Judo : Tehnika bacanja“, Zagreb, Croatia, Mladost, 1976, 128p, 21 cm, KGZ.

Kuleš, Branko, “Judo : udžbenik za studente fakulteta za fizičku kulturu“, Zagreb, Croatia, Tribina, 1991, 167p, 30 cm, NSK.

Lucić, Josip : Gržeta, Miroslav : Čurdinjaković, Adam, “Judo u Hrvatskoj vojsci“, Zagreb, Croatia, Ministarstvo obrane Republike Hrvatske, 2000, 24 cm, TCH, NSK, ISBN 9531930066.

Lucić, Josip : Gržeta, Miroslav, “Judo u Hrvatskoj vojsci“, Zagreb, Croatia, Ministarstvo obrane Republike Hrvatske, 2007[2], 24 cm, REP, NSK, ISBN13 9879531930390.

Maletin, Ilija, “Rajko Kusic“, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, UP, 2001, 328p, 295 x 210 x 22, HB, MEM, LIB.

Modrić, Žarko : Mišković, Vlatko : Koydl, Nikola, “Džudo“, Zagreb, Croatia, Tribina, 1984 1987 1989, 92p, 20 cm, REP, SNU.

Modrić, Žarko, “Džudo“, Zagreb, Croatia, Tribina, 1975 1978, 77p, 20 cm, SNU.

Modrić, Žarko, “Obrani se sam : judo, karate, aikido, ju-jitsu“, Zagreb, Croatia, Sportska štampa, 1967, 45p, 19 cm, KGZ.

Momirović, Konstantin, “Džudo“, Zagreb, Croatia, Sportska štampa, 1962 1967, 216p, 21 cm, SNU.

Momirović, Konstantin : Sviben, Branko ; Stojanović, Veljko, “Judo, Jiu-jitsu“, Zagreb, Croatia, Sportska knjiga : Športska štampa, 1958 1960[2], 218p, NSK.

Parčina, Mirko, “Judo : kako postati vrhunski športaš : period športskog usavršavanja“, Omis, Croatia, Typo, 2002, 128p, 21 cm, NSK, ISBN 9539891000.

Parčina, Mirko : Boljat, Ivan, “Judo : primjena tehnike“, Beograd, Croatia, Sportska knjiga, 1990, 220p, 24 cm, TCH, KGZ, ISBN 8671070484.

Pavlović, Jovan, “Bazični judo“, Beograd, Serbia, Jovan Pavlović, 1980, 101p, 24 cm, SNU.

Popović, Srboljub : Joković, Ratomir, “Tajne džudo-a i samoodbrane (goshin-jitsu)“, UL, Croatia, UP, 1985, 231p, 25 cm, SNU.

Rađo, Izet : Kajmović, Husnija : Kapo, Safet, “Judo“, Sarajevo, Croatia, Fakultet sporta i tjelesnog odgoja, 2001, 213p, 30 cm, TCH, KGZ, ISBN 9958606178.

Sapunar, Josip, “Judo : za svakoga“, Zagreb, Croatia, Epoha, 1994, 72p, 21 cm, NSK, ISBN 9536115085.

Sertić, Hrvoje, “Osnove borilačkih sportova : judo, karate, hrvanje“, Zagreb, Croatia, Kineziološki fakultet Sveučilišta, 2006, 171p, 24 cm, KGZ.

Spasović, Vitomir, “Judo“, Zagreb, Croatia, Četiri boje, 1999, 104p, 24 cm, TCH, NSK.

Tamura, Vince, “Samoobrana“, Zagreb, Croatia, Mladost, 1981, 152p, 22 cm, SAM, SNU.

Vračarević, Ljubomir : Kurtović, Mihailo, “Odbrana od noža sa osnovnim elementima samoodbrane aikido – džudo“, Beograd, Serbia, Sportska kniga, 1986, 133p, 24 cm, SNU, ISBN 8671070190.

Březina, Josef, “Judo“, Praha, Czech, Sportpropag, 1990, 116p, 20 cm, NKC.

Brož, Josef : Vaněk, Peter, “Praktické judo : Kombinace a kontrachvaty“, Praha, Czech, Sportpropag, 1988, 52p, 21 cm, NKC.

Brož, Josef : Vaněk, Peter, “Praktické judo : Přechody postoj – zem“, Praha, Czech, Sportpropag, 1989, 18p, 20 cm, NKC.

Dobo, S. F. (pseudonyme), “Zaklady jiu-jitsu“, Praha, Czech, Knihovna nové tělesné výchovy, 1936, 144p, 3258.

Dobo, S. F. (pseudonyme), “Základy jiu-jitsu“, Praha, Czech, Ústav tělesné výchovy při č. vys. Školách, 1937[2], 144p, REP, NKC.

Drobeček, Josef (Joseph), “Jiu-Jitsu, umění sebeobrany“, Horovice, Czech, Nakladatelstvi Vaclav Bluma, 1946, 157p, 27 cm, OJJ, 3038.

Fojtík, Ivan (1940 – ), “Judo : Určeno pro posl. fak. tělesné výchovy a sportu“, Praha, Czech, FTVS, Státní pedagogické nakladatelství, 1975, 130p, Tis.

Geesink, (Anton) Anthonius Johannes (1934 – ) : Masín, Jirí, “Mé judo“, Praha, Czech, Olympia, 1969, 143p, TCH, NKC.

Kitayama, Junyu (Dr.) : Lorenz, Ladimír, “Sebeobrana : Kodokan goshin jutsu“, Praha, Czech, Naše Vojsko, 1963, KAT, KCZ.

Krákora, Bedřich, “Zápas džudo“, Praha, Czech, Naklodatel Jaroslav Tozicka, 1949, 233p, RS.

Lebeda, Adolf Andrej (1913 – 1997), “Branný zápas judo“, Praha, Czech, Sportovní a turistické nakladatelství, 1954[1], 102p, NKC.

Lebeda, Adolf Andrej (1913 – 1997), “Džudo : technika chvatů 5 – 1 kyu“, Praha, Czech, Olympia, 1974, 293p, Tis.

Lebeda, Adolf Andrej (1913 – 1997), “Judo : čtvrté a třetí kyu“, Praha, Czech, Sportovní a turistické nakladatelství, 1956, 143p, TCH, NKC.

Lebeda, Adolf Andrej (1913 – 1997), “Sebeobrana : sebeobranné umění pro každého“, Praha, Czech, Olympia, 1979, SD, KCZ.

Lebeda, Adolf Andrej (1913 – 1997), “Vyšší judo : Druhé a první kyu“, Praha, Czech, Sportovní a turistické nakladatelství, 1958, 182p, Tis.

Lebeda, Adolf Andrej (1913 – 1997), “Základy judo“, Praha, Czech, Sportovní a turistické nakladatelství, 1960, 304p, Tis.

Lorenz, Vladimír : Zrůbek, Karel, “Judo : technika chvatů v postoji“, Praha, Czech, Olympia, 1991, 113p, 20 cm, TCH, NKC, ISBN 8070330759.

Matras, Antonín (Major ), “Sebeobrana : Jen pro přílušníky čs. ozbrojených“, Praha, Czech, Naše Vojsko, 1957, SD, KCZ.

Mikolášek, Viktor, “Džiu-džitsu : Kniha pro ty, kdož se chtějí státi nepřemožitelnými“, Brno, Czech, Moravské nakladatelství B. Pištělák, 1945 1946, 52p, OJJ, NKC.

Mikolášek, Viktor, “Jiu-jitsu : Kniha pro ty, kdož se chtějí státi nepřemožitelnými“, Brno, Czech, Mor.nakladatelství, 1932, 42p, OJJ, Tis.

Mikolášek, Viktor, “Jiu-jitsu : Kniha pro ty, kdož se chtějí státi nepřemožitelnými“, Brno, Czech, Globus, 1942, 48p, REP, Tis.

Mikolášek, Viktor, “Jiu-jitsu : Kniha pro ty, kdož se chtějí státi nepřemožitelnými“, Brno, Czech, Mor.nakladatelství, 1935 1939, 48p, REP, Tis.

Plzák, Miroslav (1925 – ), “Manželské judo“, Praha, Czech, Motto, 1997[3], 158p, 21 cm, REP, NKC, ISBN 808587282X.

Plzák, Miroslav (1925 – ), “Manželské judo“, Praha, Czech, Motto, 2004[4], 158p, 20 cm, REP, NKC, ISBN 8072462229.

Plzák, Miroslav (1925 – ), “Manželské judo“, Praha, Czech, Avicenum, 1970[1] 1972[2], 169p, NKC.

Schäfer, Andreas (1968 – ) : Česenková, Lenka, “Judo (Prúvodce sportem)“, Budějovice, Czech, KOPP nakladatelství, 2006, 128p, TCH, KCZ, ISBN13 9788072323272.

Šíma, František : Krákora, Bedřich, “Džiu-džitsu“, Praha, Czech, Jaroslav Tožička, 1944[1], OJJ, LIB.

Slípka, Hugo J., “Umite se branit : Zapeo Jiu Jitsu“, Praha, Czech, Vijdavstelski Oddelen i Y.M.C.A., 1947, 32p, REP, RS.

Slípka, Hugo J., “Umíte se bránit? : Zápas Jiu-Jitsu“, Praha, Czech, Vydavatelské oddělení YMCA, 1932[2], 31p, 15 cm, TCH, NKC.

Slípka, Hugo J., “Umíte se bránit? : Zápas Jiu-Jitsu“, Praha, Czech, Vydavatelské oddělení KSML, 1940, 35p, REP, Tis.

Srdínko, René : Vachun, Michal, “Judo : technika vybraných chvatů a trénink“, Praha, Czech, Olympia, 1984, 233p, 20 cm, TCH, NKC.

Srdínko, René, “Malá škola juda“, Praha, Czech, Olympia, 1987, Tis.

Stankovič, Jan, “Cvičení kata v judo se zaměřením na formy sebeobrany gošinjitsu no kata“, Praha, Czech, Sportpropag, 1985, 62p, 20 cm, KAT, NKC.

Štěpánek, Jan, “Judo : Základní programové materiály pro sportovně talentovanou mládež a vrcholový sport“, Praha, Czech, Sportpropag, 1990, 124p, 30 cm, NKC.

Vachún, Michal : Srdínko, René, “Judo : základy vybraných chvatů a technik“, Praha, Czech, Olympia, 1984, 233p, Tis.

Vary, Edmond, “Jiu-Jitsu : Umění japonské sebeobrany a tělesného zocelení“, Praha, Czech, Sfinx, 1919, 61p, OJJ, NKC.

Vary, Edmond, “Jiu-Jitsu : Umění japonské sebeobrany a tělesného zocelení“, Praha, Czech, Sfinx, 1921, 78p, 15 cm, REP, NKC.

Vele, Jiří, “Nage-no-kata a katame-no-kata : Met. materiál pro trenéry v oddílech judo“, Praha, Czech, Sportpropag, 1985, 83p, 20 cm, KAT, NKC.

Vele, Jiří, “Trenér juda : Gonoseno-katan a Kime-no-kata“, Praha, Czech, Sportpropag, 1990, 45p, 20 cm, NKC.

Zrůbek, Karel, “Dokonalá sebeobrana : Džiu-džitsu“, V Praze, Czech, Jaromír Velát, 1946, 42p, RS.

Bonde, Hans, “Judo“, UL, Denmark, Clausen Bøger, 1978, 111p, 21 cm, DNC.

Bonde, Hans, “Judo : den milde vej“, Valby, Denmark, Borgen, 1989, 186p, REP, DNC.

Bonfranchi, Riccardo (1950 – ) : Klocke, Ulrich : Olsen, Frode, “Skal vi dyrke judo“, Copenhagen, Denmark, Aschehoug, 1979, 92p, 19 cm, NNB, ISBN 8711039264.

Flagstad, Bengt : Kringelbach, Ole, “Jiu Jitsu : Dansk Lærebog i Selvforsvar og Politigreb“, UL, Denmark, Flagstad & Kringelbachs Forlag. Kbh, 1943[1] 1944[3], 112p, 222 x 142 x 8, PB, SD, JIP.

Gyllerström, Kenneth (1934 – ) : Fisher, Christian, “Jiu-jitsu og judo“, UL, Denmark, Gyldendal, 1968, 99p, TCH, DNC.

Jakobsen, Bent (1929 – ), “Judo“, UL, Denmark, Clausen Bøger, 1978 1986, 111p, 21 cm, TCH, DNC.

Jakobsen, Bent (1929 – ), “Selvforsvar : Håndbog til undervisning og selvstudium“, Copenhagen, Denmark, Borgens Forlag, 1962, SD, KBC.

Janson, Knud, “Lærebog i moderne Jiu-jitsu og Judo“, Copenhagen, Denmark, J.Fr. Clausen, 1961[3] 1964[4] 1968 1971[6], 84p, REP, DNC, ISBN 8711004835.

Janson, Knud, “Lærebog i moderne Jiu-jitsu og Judo : selvforsvarskunst og kampsport for enhver“, Copenhagen, Denmark, H. Hagerup, 1950 1955[2], 124p, RS.

Kringelbach, Ole, “Jiu jitsu for vidrekomne og jiudo“, Copenhagen, Denmark, UP, 1945, 136p, SD, RS.

Morris, Neil (1946 – ), “Judo“, Holte, Denmark, Flachs, 2001, 32p, 28 cm, TCH, LIB, ISBN 8778268877.

Pedersen, Nis, “Nu Dansk laerebog i Jiu jitsu“, Odense, Denmark, Eget Förlag, 1945, 160p, SD, RS.

Robert, Luis : Lievens, Henri : Rich, Lai : Vesterlund, Gyrithe : Nielsen, Kay, “Jeg lærer judo“, UL, Denmark, Thaning & Appel, 1963, 108p, TCH, DNC.

Schönning, Hakon, “Selvforsvar, Jiu jitsu og politigrep“, Copenhagen, Denmark, Pool Granners Förlag, 1944, 104p, SJJ, RS.

Smidth, Arthur, “Jiu jitsu : japansk forsvarsmetode“, Copenhagen, Denmark, Kunstforlaget Union, 1919, 79p, SD, RS.

Vesterlund, Gyrithe : Nielsen, Kay, “Jeg lærer judo (og selvforsvarets teknik)“, UL, Denmark, Kbh, 1963, 108p, SD, DNC.

Abe, Ichiro (1922 – ) : Delbaere, Ronald, “Judo“, Brussels, Belgium, Presses Universitaires de Bruxelles, 1967 1969, 206p, 24 cm, PB, CCF.

Alff, Roel van (1953 – ), “100 keer kantelen : Judo dynamiek grondtechniek“, Rijswijk, Netherlands, Elmar Budo Sport, 1995, 280p, 235 x 159 x 17, PB, NEW, Zbb, ISBN 9038903537.

Alff, Roel van (1953 – ), “100 keer kantelen : Judo dynamiek grondtechniek“, Rijswijk, Netherlands, Elmar Budo Sport, 2001[2], 280p, 235 x 159 x 17, PB, REP, Zbb, ISBN 9038903537.

Anema, Kees Cornelis (1941 – ), “Judo“, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Versluys, 1979, 54p, 19 cm, JBN, ISBN 9024911214.

Band, Gerrit, “Judo“, Best, Netherlands, Zuid Boekproducties, 1986, 101p, 18 cm x 13 cm, PB, OBA, ISBN 9062484670.

Bette, Mark : Roorda, Berber, “Het Hikomi-no-kata : Judo: thematische werkstukken“, Rijswijk, Netherlands, Elmar Budo Sport, 2006, 144p, 239 x 160 x 8, PB, KAT, Zbb, ISBN13 9789038917092.

Blackman, Honor (1926 – ), “Handen thuis, heren! : Zelfverdediging voor dames en hen die het willen blijven“, Den Haag, Netherlands, Stok, 1966, 126p, HB, SD, LIB.

Blonk, Mas : de Bijl, Richard, “Judo : de weg naar de derde dan : Katame no Kata“, Rijswijk, Netherlands, Elmar Budo Sport, 2000, 142p, 235 x 159 x 10, PB, KAT, Zbb, ISBN 903890990X.

Blonk, Mas : de Bijl, Richard, “Judo : de weg naar de zwarte band : Nage no Kata“, Rijswijk, Netherlands, Elmar Budo Sport, 2000, 96p, 235 x 159 x 7, PB, KAT, Zbb, ISBN 9038909896.

Blonk, Mas : de Bijl, Richard, “Judoprincipes in kata : Ju no kata“, Rijswijk, Netherlands, Elmar Budo Sport, 2001, 140p, 235 x 160 x 8, PB, KAT, JBN, ISBN 9038912090.

Blonk, Mas : de Bijl, Richard, “Judoprincipes in kata : Kime no kata“, Rijswijk, Netherlands, Elmar Budo Sport, 2001, 128p, 235 x 160 x 7, PB, KAT, JBN, ISBN 9038912102.

Boersma, Douwe (1950 – ), “Alles over judo : Theorie en praktijk“, Rijswijk, Netherlands, Elmar Budo Sport, 2008, 448p, PB, TCH, LIB, ISBN13 9789038918785.

Boersma, Douwe (1950 – ), “Judo beeld voor beeld : 1e Kyu bruine band : 1e dan zwarte band“, Rotterdam, Netherlands, Bookexpress.info, 2006, 52p, 15 cm x 23 cm, TCH, KBC, ISBN13 9789077850022.

Boersma, Douwe (1950 – ), “Judo beeld voor beeld : richtlijnen examenprogramma Judo Bond Nederland ; *[1]*Witte & gele band“, Rotterdam, Netherlands, Bookexpress.info, 2005, 48p, 15 cm x 23 cm, TCH, KBC, ISBN13 9789077850060.

Boersma, Douwe (1950 – ), “Judo beeld voor beeld : richtlijnen examenprogramma Judo Bond Nederland ; *[2]*Oranje band“, Rotterdam, Netherlands, Bookexpress.info, 2005, 48p, 15 cm x 23 cm, TCH, KBC, ISBN13 9789077850053.

Boersma, Douwe (1950 – ), “Judo beeld voor beeld : richtlijnen examenprogramma Judo Bond Nederland ; *[3]*Groene band“, Rotterdam, Netherlands, Bookexpress.info, 2005, 48p, 15 cm x 23 cm, TCH, KBC, ISBN13 9789077850046.

Boersma, Douwe (1950 – ), “Judo beeld voor beeld : richtlijnen examenprogramma Judo Bond Nederland ; *[4]*Blauwe band“, Rotterdam, Netherlands, Bookexpress.info, 2005, 48p, 15 cm x 23 cm, TCH, KBC, ISBN13 9789077850039.

Boersma, Douwe (1950 – ), “Judo beeld voor beeld : richtlijnen examenprogramma Judo Bond Nederland ; *[5]*Bruine & zwarte band“, Rotterdam, Netherlands, Bookexpress.info, 2005, 48p, 15 cm x 23 cm, TCH, KBC, ISBN 9077850023.

Boersma, Douwe (1950 – ), “Judo in beweging : theorie en praktijk“, Rijswijk, Netherlands, Elmar Budo Sport, 1996[2], 426p, 234 x 160 x 22, PB, REP, Zbb, ISBN 9038904258.

Boersma, Douwe (1950 – ), “Judo in beweging : theorie en praktijk“, Rijswijk, Netherlands, Elmar Budo Sport, 2001[3], 426p, 234 x 160 x 20, PB, REP, Zbb, ISBN13 9789038904252.

Boersma, Douwe (1950 – ), “Judo in beweging : theorie en praktijk“, Rijswijk, Netherlands, Elmar Budo Sport, 1994, 430p, 24 cm, TCH, Zbb, ISBN 9038901240.

Boersma, Wim (1923 – ) : Edel, Mario den, “Jiu-jitsu do“, Rijswijk, Netherlands, Elmar Budo Sport, 1996 2003[2], 432p, 236 x 159 x 20, PB, MJJ, KBC, ISBN 9038903545.

Bontje, Jan J. (1923 – ), “Prisma judoboek“, Utrecht, Netherlands, Het Spectrum, 1974 1978, 160p, Kbr, ISBN 9027409242.

Brouwer, Berend : Faber, K., “Stoeispelen : een introductie op judo“, UL, Netherlands, Bekadidact, 1992, 104p, 25 cm, PB, JBN, ISBN 903210666X.

Bruggen, Johan van der, “Judotechniek“, Den Haag, Netherlands, A. W. Segboer, 1946, 104p, 20 cm, TCH, RS.

Butcher, Alex : Dos Santos, Claudia : Dal, Piet : Hagenouw, Renate, “Judo“, Utrecht, Netherlands, Veltman Uitgevers, 2003, 96p, 28 cm, Zbb, ISBN13 9789059201026.

Denkers, Wim, “Judo voor de jeugd“, Den Haag, Netherlands, Judo Bond Netherlands, 1980 1983[2], 16p, 21 cm, JBN.

Dominy, Eric Norman (1918 – ) : Schilder, J. D., “Judo : van beginner tot zwarte band : Complete en systematische handleiding voor het behalen van alle Kyu-graden : Met Netherlandse en Japanse benamingen“, Amsterdam, Netherlands, UP, 1964, 152p, 20 cm, HB, TCH, KBC.

Eijkenboom, Jan : Eijkenboom, Karel, “Budosleutel Leerplan tashi en ne-waza“, UL, UC, UP, 2003, TCH, JBN.

Essink, Hein, “Elseviers judo-boek“, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Elsevier, 1967[4], 216p, 19 cm, REP, JBN.

Essink, Hein, “Elseviers judo-boek“, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Elsevier, 1963 1964[2], 239p, 18 cm, TCH, KBC.

Fradet, Claude, “Judo voor jongeren in woord en beeld“, Antwerpen, Netherlands, De Netherlandsse Boekhandel, 1975, 148p, 15 cm x 23 cm, TCH, Zbb, ISBN 9028900470.

Gaspar, Víctor Manuel, “Judo Junior : Blauwe band en bruine band“, Helmond, Netherlands, Helmond, 1978 1980, 47p, 24 cm, KID, KBC, ISBN 9025248047.

Gaspar, Víctor Manuel, “Judo Junior : Oranje band en groene band“, Helmond, Netherlands, Helmond, 1978 1980, 47p, 24 cm, KID, JBN, ISBN 9025248039.

Gaspar, Víctor Manuel, “Judo Junior : Witte band en gele band“, Helmond, Netherlands, Helmond, 1978 1980, 47p, 24 cm, KID, KBC, ISBN 9025247474.

Gaspar, Víctor Manuel, “Witte band en gele band : judo in beeld tot de zwarte band“, Helmond, Netherlands, Helmond, UD, 48p, TCH, Zbb, ISBN 9025247474.

Geels, Antoon (1946 – ), “Judo : het ne waza van “Opa” Schutte“, Helsingborg, Sweden, Plus Ultra, 1979, 158p, 23 cm, NEW, KBC.

Geenen, Bert : Moerman, C. : Tummers, P., “Begeleidings- en beoordelingsboek BPV : SB 307 Judo zelfverdediging : druk 1“, Arnhem, Netherlands, Uitgeverij Angerenstein, 2003, 84p, 30 cm, KBC, ISBN13 9789076887654.

Geenen, Bert : Moerman, Cor : Tummers, Patrick, “Judo : zelfverdediging (Begeleidings- en beoordelingsboek BPV : SB 307 : Training en coaching)“, Arnheim, Netherlands, Angerenstein, 2003, 84p, 30 cm, SD, Zbb, ISBN 9076887659.

Geesink, (Anton) Anthonius Johannes (1934 – ), “Judo : de nieuwe basisleermethode“, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Elsevier, 1986 1987, 157p, 28 cm, Kbr, ISBN 9010060772.

Geesink, (Anton) Anthonius Johannes (1934 – ), “Judo : veiligheid door perfectie“, Utrecht, Netherlands, Spectrum, 1977, 184p, 21 cm, PB, TCH, LoC, ISBN 9027458731.

Geesink, (Anton) Anthonius Johannes (1934 – ), “Judo in evolutie : Volledige nieuwe Judo-leergang“, Utrecht, Netherlands, A.W. Bruna & Zoon, 1971, 160p, 22 cm, PB, LoC, ISBN 9022971813.

Geesink, (Anton) Anthonius Johannes (1934 – ), “Judo principes : Go-kyo“, Groningen, Netherlands, P. Noordhoff, 1967, 104p, 22 cm, TCH, LoC.

Geesink, (Anton) Anthonius Johannes (1934 – ), “Judo principes : Ne-waza“, Groningen, Netherlands, P. Noordhoff, 1967, 112p, 165 x 218 x 8, PB, NEW, LoC.

Geesink, (Anton) Anthonius Johannes (1934 – ), “Judo principes : Renraku-waza Combinatietechniek“, Groningen, Netherlands, Wolters-Noordhoff, 1969, 67p, 22 cm, TCH, LoC.

Geesink, (Anton) Anthonius Johannes (1934 – ), “Mijn Judo“, Groningen, Netherlands, Noordhoff, 1965, 134p, 30 cm, TCH, UoB.

Geesink, (Anton) Anthonius Johannes (1934 – ), “Renraku-waza : combinatietechniek“, Groningen, Netherlands, Wolters-Noordhoff, 1969, 67p, 22 cm x 17 cm, TCh, LoC.

Geesink, (Anton) Anthonius Johannes (1934 – ), “Tot hier en niet verder herinneringen van een topatleet en internationaal sportbestuurder“, Baarn, Netherlands, Tirion, 1999, 248p, 24 cm, OLL, ISBN 9051218028.

Geest, Dennis van der : Lotens, Yos (1957 – ), “Dennis laat je (niet) vallen : valoefeningen voor jong en oud“, Rijswijk, Netherlands, Elmar Budo Sport, 2006, 32p, 25 cm, KBC, ISBN 9038917198.

Haesendonck, François M. van, “Judo“, Antwerpen, Netherlands, Standaard Uitgeverij, 1968 1974[3] 1977[5] 1989[8] 1993[9] 1994[10], 271p, 220 x 150 x 21, PB, TCH, Kbr, ISBN 9002198752.

Haesendonck, François M. van, “Judo : encyclopedie in beeld“, Antwerpen, Netherlands, Standaard, 1968 1974[3] 1976 1977 1980[6] 1987[7], 272p, 18 cm, Kbr, ISBN 9002134185.

Haesendonck, François M. van, “Ju-Jitsu : 1 : De witte cirkel“, Antwerpen, Netherlands, De Vlijt, 1975, SJJ, Zbb.

Haesendonck, François M. van, “Ju-jitsu-do“, Antwerpen, Netherlands, Standaard Uitgeverij, 1996, 443p, SJJ, Zbb, ISBN 9002197713.

Haesendonck, François M. van, “Moderne zelfverdediging : ju-jitsu“, Antwerpen, Netherlands, Standaard Uitgeverij, 1985, 495p, SD, Zbb, ISBN 9002152744.

Hart, Ernst, “Jeugdjudo : gewoon, voor de gein?“, Utrecht, Netherlands, Kosmos-Z&K, 1992, 105p, JBN.

Hirano, Tokio (1922-1993), “Judo technique : No. 1 (a): Tai-Otoshi; Ipon Seoi Nage; Morote-Seoi-Nage; O-Soto-Gari; Jiu-Jitsu“, Brugge, Netherlands, Judo Centrum, 1957, 23p, 22 cm, TCH, KBC.

Hofmann, Wolfgang : Vlaardingerbroek, E. : Ohgo, Mahito, “Judo : grondbeginselen van stand en grondgevecht“, Antwerpen, Netherlands, Helmond, 1976, 228p, 26 cm, HB, TCH, Zbb, ISBN 9025265561.

Inman, Roy (1947 – ), “Judo voor vrouwen“, Utrecht, Netherlands, Kosmos, 1987, 192p, 25 cm, PB, TCH, Zbb, ISBN 9021512548.

Jakobsen, Bent (1929 – ) : Nahuys-Duvivié, Jaqueline : Geesink, Anton, “Verdedig u zelf! : Handleiding voor de praktische toepassing van judo bij de zelfverdediging van mannen en vrouwen“, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Duwaer & Zonen, 1962, 171p, 27 cm x 20 cm, PB, SD, JBN.

Judo Bond Netherlands,, “Judo“, Bussum, Netherlands, Unicorn, 1980, 12p, 15 cm x 9 cm, TCH, KBC.

Judo Bond Netherlands,, “Spelregels judo“, Utrecht, Netherlands, Kosmos-Z&K, 1993, 90p, 20 cm, Zbb, ISBN 9021519623.

Kimura, Masahiko (1917 – 1993), “Beter judo: techniek, tactiek en training“, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Elsevier, 1975[1] 1978[2], 168p, 21 cm, TCH, Kbr, ISBN 9010013065.

Knegt-de Graaf, Dieneke : Berg, Willy Everhardus van den (1921 – 2001), “Judo“, Gorinchem, Netherlands, De Ruiter, 1986, 16p, 24 cm, TCH, Zbb, ISBN 9005150645.

Koesen, Wim (1938 – ), “Vallen en opstaan : het levensverhaal van een judo-kampioen : Ruska, Willem“, Leiden, Netherlands, Sijthoff, 1972, 160p, 20 cm, PB, MEM, Zbb, ISBN 9021820420.

Kooman, Kees, “Een Killer in kimono“, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Nieuw Amsterdam, 2009, 270p, 238 x 165 x 25, PB, MEM, LIB, ISBN13 9789046805596.

Korte, (Chris) Christiaan Hendrikus (1938 – ) de : Hruyning, Edgar Eduard (1969 – ), “Busen Judo Kata – De traditionele weg“, Rotterdam, Netherlands, Bookexpress.info, 2008, 224p, 239 x 170 x 12, PB, KAT, LIB, ISBN13 9789077850220.

Kraan, Ria Van der : Oud, Pauline (1963 – ), “Judo“, Groningen, Netherlands, Wolters-Noordhoff, 2002, 16p, 23 cm, KID, Zbb, ISBN 9001149413.

Kroonenburgh, Marinus van : Smeets, Ronnie, “Judo wijzer“, Geulle, Netherlands, Drukkerskollektief Geulle, 1998, 78p, 21 cm, TCH, KBC, ISBN 9070807513.

Kruis, A. J., “Judo als pedagogisch spel“, Deventer, Netherlands, Van Loghum slaterus, 1974, 63p, 215 x 135 x 6, PB, COA, Zbb, ISBN 9060013069.

Kudō, Kazuzō (1898 – 1970) : Messelaar, G. : Pruis, Ab, “Modern judo, 1 : Worpen“, Brussels, Belgium, Elsevier, 1968, 192p, 19 cm x 12 cm, PB, TCH, Kbr.

Kudō, Kazuzō (1898 – 1970) : Messelaar, G. : Pruis, Ab, “Modern judo, 2 : Grepen“, Brussels, Belgium, Elsevier, 1968, 176p, 19 cm x 12 cm, TCH, Kbr.

Lawson-Wood, Denis : Lawson-Wood, Joyce, “Vingertop tips voor eerste hulp : met acupressuur en judo-drukpunten“, UL, Netherlands, Ankh Hermus, 1975, 80p, PB, OTH, LIB.

Lenvers, Max : Martel, Pierre (1920 – ), “Judo met Wim Ruska“, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Aramith, 1984, 36p, 29 cm, MEM, JBN, ISBN 9068340018.

Lipsch, Ben, “Judo : handleiding voor jong en oud“, Oirsbeek, Netherlands, Lindelauf, 1982, 100p, 21 cm, PB, KBC, ISBN 9070408910.

Lotens, Yos (1957 – ) : Zandbergen, Mark (1974 – ), “In de greep van Judo : Oude geheimen, vernieuwde wedstrijdregels“, Rijswijk, Netherlands, Elmar Budo Sport, 2004, 188p, 239 x 1609 x 18, PB, KID, Zbb, ISBN13 9789038914411.

Lotens, Yos (1957 – ) : Hanssen, Nathalie, “Judo-informatie voor de jeugd“, Nieuwegein, Netherlands, Judo Bond Netherlands, 1990, 40p, 21 cm x 15 cm, KID, OBA, ISBN 9090037705.

Lotens, Yos (1957 – ) : Zandbergen, Mark (1974 – ), “Judo-informatie voor de jeugd“, Nieuwegein, Netherlands, Judo Bond Netherlands, 1998[2] 2002, 25p, 21 cm x 15 cm, REP, OBA, ISBN 9090037705.

Lotens, Yos (1957 – ), “Opvoeden door stoeien“, Rijswijk, Netherlands, Elmar Budo Sport, 2004, 165p, Zbb, ISBN 9038915624.

Lotens, Yos (1957 – ) : Zandbergen, Mark, “Wegwijs in judoland : spelregels volgens het wedstrijdreglement“, Nieuwegein, Netherlands, Judo Bond Netherlands, 1998, 116p, Zbb, ISBN 9080423912.

Lotens, Yos (1957 – ), “Verantwoord stoeien : basislessen sociaal gedrag, ontdekkend bewegen, voorbereidend judo“, Amersfoort, Netherlands, Acco, 1992, 148p, 27 cm, Kbr, ISBN 9052560749.

Luiten, Wim (1922 – ), “Judo“, Deventer, Netherlands, Kluwer, 1971, 128p, 20 cm, TCH, LoC.

Luiten, Wim (1922 – ), “judo compleet : Kodokan-systeem Kawaishi-systeem nage-no-kata katame-no kata en talrijke combinaties“, Leiden, Netherlands, N.V. Uitgeverij Meander, 1972, 214p, 193 x 196 x 16, PB, TCH, Zbb, ISBN 906061044X.

Lüschen, Wil (1945 – ), “Judo : stap-voor-stap“, Utrecht, Netherlands, Kosmos-Z&K, 1995, 199p, 23 cm, TCH, Zbb, ISBN 9021527251.

Lüschen, Wil (1945 – ), “Judo : Stap-voor-stap : Deel 1. Achtergronden en basisprincipes“, Rijswijk, Netherlands, Elmar Budo Sport, 2007, 192p, 160 x 240 x 8, PB, BF, KBC, ISBN13 9789038917689.

Lüschen, Wil (1945 – ), “Judo : Stap-voor-stap : Deel 2. Werptechnieken“, Rijswijk, Netherlands, Elmar Budo Sport, 2007, 190p, 16 cm x 24 cm, PB, TCH, KBC, ISBN13 9789038917696.

Middelkamp, Jan (1969 – ), “Judo als spel“, Zeist, Netherlands, Jan Luiting Fonds, 1998, 111p, 21 cm, COA, Zbb, ISBN 9072335171.

Muilwijk, Jan T. (1957 – ), “Go No Kata : het verloren Kata: Kata voor Judo – Karatedo – Jiu Jitsu“, Rotterdam, Netherlands, Bookexpress.info, 2005, 68p, 24 cm x 17 cm, PB, KAT, KBC, ISBN13 9789077850008.

Mulder, J. A. : Bontje, Jan J. (1923 – ), “Prisma Judoboek : Volgens Kodokan“, Antwerpen, Netherlands, Spectrum, 1970, 154p, 19 cm, Zbb.

Nadler, Fritz, “Judo Ne-Waza : Bodenarbeit“, Bad Homburg, Germany, Limpert, 1976, 252p, 213 x 150 x 22, HB, NEW, KBC, ISBN 3785312393.

Nederlands Amateur Dan College,, “Cursus dojo-steward en judo-oefenmeester“, Haarlem, Netherlands, NADC, 1962, 32p, 27 cm, KBC.

Neels, I. M., “Judo : van witte band tot zesde dan“, Leiden, Netherlands, Meander, 1973, 301p, 27 cm, TCH, KBC, ISBN 9060610474.

Nieuwenhuizen, Maurice van, “20 lessen in Jiu-Jitsu (Judo)“, Utrecht, Netherlands, A.W. Bruna & Zoon, 1948, 55p, OJJ, Kbr.

Nieuwenhuizen, Maurice van, “25 lessen in Jiu-Jitsu (Judo)“, Utrecht, Netherlands, A.W. Bruna & Zoon, 1950, 44p, 23 cm, OJJ, KBC.

Nieuwenhuizen, Maurice van : Bruggen, Johan van den, “Jiu jitsu en judo : de feillooze verdedigingssport voor lichaam en geest“, Utrecht, Netherlands, A.W. Bruna & Zoon, 1941 1942, 145p, 240 x 163 x 26, HB, OJJ, JBN.

Nieuwenhuizen, Maurice van, “Jiu jitsu en judo thuis geleerd : zelfonderricht jiu jitsu en judo zonder leermeester door een leermeester“, Den Haag, Netherlands, Netherlandsse Boekenclub, 1950, 247p, 169 x 110 x 15, HB, TCH, KBC.

Nieuwenhuizen, Maurice van, “Jiu jitsu en judo thuis geleerd : zelfonderricht jiu jitsu en judo zonder leermeester door een leermeester“, Den Haag, Netherlands, Succes, 1950, 256p, 16 cm, REP, KBC.

Nieuwenhuizen, Maurice van, “Judo : de moderne wetenschap van het jiu jitsu“, Utrecht, Netherlands, A.W. Bruna & Zoon, 1948, 124p, 240 x 168 x 16, HB, TCH, Kbr.

Nieuwenhuizen, Maurice van, “Judo : Een geschenk uit het Oosten“, Deventer, Netherlands, Kluwer, 1956, 242p, 18 cm, HB, 3011.

Nieuwenhuizen, Maurice van : Mazure, Alfred, “Zelfverdediging : jiu jitsu – judo“, Utrecht, Netherlands, A.W. Bruna & Zoon, 1942[1], 132p, 25 cm, HB, TCH, KBC.

Nieuwenhuizen, Maurice van, “Zelfverdediging Door Middel van Jiu Jitsu“, Utrecht, Netherlands, A.W. Bruna & Zoon, 1947, 187p, 245 x 167, HB, REP, RS.

Ohlenkamp, Neil, “Handboek Judo“, Utrecht, Netherlands, Veltman Uitgevers, 2006, 159p, 287 x 223 x 17, HB, TCH, OBA, ISBN 9059204212.

Ohsawa, Jean Georges (1893 – 1966) (Yukikazu Sakurazawa), “Het boek over judo“, Gent, Netherlands, Herman van Cauwenberge, 1976, 117p, 28 cm, KBC.

Oosten, Gijs van : Looman, Jan, “Los : Dennis van der Geest en de weg naar succes“, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Nieuw Amsterdam, 2007, 192, 21 cm x 14 cm, PB, MEM, LIB, ISBN13 9789046801764.

Robert, Luis : Bloemhof, L. S. : Zijderveld, W. R., “Judo en de techniek van de zelfverdediging“, Utrecht, Netherlands, A.W. Bruna & Zoon, 1963, 160p, 12 cm, Kbr.

Rooker, Jan N., “Yui-Yitsu : praktishe zelfverdediging“, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Kosmos, UD, 38p, PB, SD, JIP.

Saito, K. : C.S., “Jiu jitsu : de geheime kunst van zelfverdediging der Japanneezen, waarbij kracht noch lichaamszwaarte tellen“, Rotterdam, Netherlands, Nijgh & Van Ditmar, 1946[15], 42p, REP, RS.

Saito, K., “Jiu-jitsu : de geheime kunst der Japanners, ter zelfverdediging waarbij kracht noch gewicht tellen“, Rotterdam, Netherlands, van Ditmar & Zaayer, 1908[3], 46p, 211 x 136 x 3, PB, REP, KBC.

Saito, K., “Jiu-jitsu : de geheime kunst der Japanners, ter zelfverdediging waarbij kracht noch gewicht tellen“, Rotterdam, Netherlands, Nijgh & Van Ditmar, 1910[5] 1921[8] 1935 1940[13], 46p, 22 cm, REP, KBC.

Saito, K. : C.S., “Jiu-jitsu : de geheime kunst der Japanners, ter zelfverdediging waarbij kracht noch gewicht tellen“, Rotterdam, Netherlands, van Ditmar & Zaayer, 1905, OJJ, WOC.

Schilder, J. Dick (1926 – ), “Het judokwai judo : een traditionele Oosterse sport in internationale kringen“, Amsterdam, Netherlands, A. J. G. Strengholt, 1961, 92p, 21 cm, LoC.

Schilder, J. Dick (1926 – ), “Nage-no-kata : de kunst van het werpen, judo voor de zwarte banden, 1e en 2e dan in stripverhaal“, Zevenaar, Netherlands, Schilder, 1986, 48p, 15 cm x 23 cm, KAT, KBC.

Scholtens, Johanna Margaretha (1955 – ), “Dat pak trek ik niet aan!“, Tilburg, Netherlands, Zwijsen, 2001, 74p, 22 cm, KBC, ISBN 9027681775.

Schäfer, Andreas (1968 – ) : Buthod-Girard, Ingrid, “Judo : Basisboek voor de sportbeoefenaar“, Baarn, Netherlands, Tirion sport, 2004, 128p, 200 x 156 x 9, PB, TCH, Zbb, ISBN 9043906298.

Smit, Tjerk A., “Judo“, Gorinchem, Netherlands, De Ruiter, 1983, 16p, 24 cm, TCH, JBN.

Smits, Johan H. G., “Nakada : Een Haagse Jiu-Jitsu en Judo school in woord en beeld“, UL, United Kingdom, lulu.com, 2009, 108p, 234 x 156, PB, HIS, LIB, ISBN 9789090239538.

Toepoel, Pieter M.C., “Het origineele Ju Jutsu (Dzjoe Dzjutsj) : De japansche verdedigingsmethode als sport en verweermiddel“, Amsterdam, Netherlands, J.Vlieger, 1910, 52p, 192 x 136 x 4, PB, OJJ, RS.

Toepoel, Pieter M.C., “Het origineele ju jutsu (dzjoe dzjutsj) : de Japanse verdedigingsmethode als sport en verweermiddel (Sport-bibliotheek ; no. 31)“, Baarn, Netherlands, J. E. van de Ven, 1919[3], 52p, 19 cm x 14 cm, REP, KBC.

Toepoel, Pieter M.C., “Jiu-jitsu“, Amsterdam, Netherlands, J. Vlieger, 1941, 115p, OJJ, RS.

Wagenaar, Tonnie : Warner, Salomons, “Kata“, UL, Netherlands, UP, 1993, 46p, KAT, LIB.

Vanderghote, Jan, “Bijzondere didactiek en methodiek van het judo“, Leuven, Belgium, Acco, 1983, 67p, 29 cm, Kbr, ISBN 9033406497.

Vanderghote, Jan : Heylen, Jef : Veulemans, Eric, “Judo op school : een didactische en praktische leidraad bij de lessen lichamelijke“, Leuven, Netherlands, Acco, 1990 1999[2], 166p, 25 cm, Zbb, ISBN 9033422069.

Vanderghote, Jan : Heylen, Jef : Veulemans, Eric, “Verdedigingssporten : Judo op school : een didactische en praktische leidraad bij de lessen lichamelijke opvoeding“, Leuven, Netherlands, Acco, 1999[2], 168p, 25 cm, REP, Zbb, ISBN 9033442612.

Veenendaal, Henk van, “Op de mat naar de top“, Utrecht, Netherlands, A.W. Bruna & Zoon, 1962, 157p, 18 cm, PB, MEM, KBC.

Wendel, J. G., “Het organiseren van wedstrijden en spelen“, Leiden, Netherlands, Meander, 1971, 41p, JBN, ISBN 9060610415.

Vernimen, E. V. J., “Onderzoek naar leermateriaal sportgezondheidsleer : Deelrapport 4 Leraar judo“, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Nationale Sport Akademie, 1988, 28p, 30 cm, KBC.

Westermann, Maarten (1953 – ), “Cor van der Geest : judo doe je zo“, Nieuwegein, Netherlands, Arko Sports Media, 2004, 192p, 239 x 200 x 14, PB, MEM, Zbb, ISBN 9077072691.

Vis, Ninon, “Judo“, Gorinchem, Netherlands, De Ruiter, 1978 1986, 16p, 21 cm, TCH, Zbb, ISBN 9005129247.

Vollenhoven, D. H., “Judo (Ken uw Sport)“, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Duwaer & Zonen, 1958 1974[4], 36p, 19 cm x 13 cm, Zbb, ISBN 9029460261.

Wolters, Adrie : de Korte, Chris, “Dynamiek in judomethodiek“, Spijkenisse, Netherlands, C. H. de Korte, 1980, 60p, 18 cm, JBN.

Vries, Leo de, “Methodisch-didactish leer/werkplan voor het Judo-onderwijs“, Haarlem, Netherlands, De Vrieseborch, 1997 1999[2], 165p, 239 x 178 x 16, PB, COA, Zbb, ISBN 9060764242.

Adams, Neil (1958 – ) : Soames, Nicolas (1950 – ), “A life in judo“, London, United Kingdom, Willow, 1986, 152p, 242 x 163, HB, MEM, NSc, ISBN 0002180111.

Adams, Neil (1958 – ), “Armlocks (judo masterclass techniques)“, London, United Kingdom, Crowood, 1989[1], 96p, 23 cm, NEW, BLC, ISBN 1852232471.

Adams, Neil (1958 – ), “Armlocks (judo masterclass techniques)“, London, United Kingdom, Ippon Books, 1991[2], 96p, 23 cm, REP, BLC, ISBN 1852232471.

Adams, Neil (1958 – ) : Ferrie, Eddie, “Grips (judo masterclass techniques)“, London, United Kingdom, Ippon Books, 1990 1997 1999 2003, 96p, 235 x 164 x 9, PB, TCH, MBR, ISBN 1852233869.

Adams, Neil (1958 – ) : Willingham, Bob, “Judo“, London, United Kingdom, Diamond Books, 1992 1993 1994, 32p, 28 cm, KID, BLC, ISBN 0261664697.

Adams, Neil (1958 – ), “Judo“, London, United Kingdom, Harper Collins, 1992 1993, 32p, 195 x 195 x 3, PB, REP, BLC, ISBN 0001913255.

Adams, Neil (1958 – ) : Carter, Cyril A., “Olympic judo : groundwork techniques“, London, United Kingdom, Pelham, 1986, 95p, 25 cm, NEW, RBU, ISBN 0720716705.

Adams, Neil (1958 – ) : Carter, Cyril A., “Olympic judo : preparation training“, London, United Kingdom, Pelham, 1988, 156p, 26 cm, COA, RBU, ISBN 0720717353.

Adams, Neil (1958 – ) : Carter, Cyril A., “Olympic judo : the throwing techniques“, London, United Kingdom, Pelham, 1986, 112p, 252 x 186, HB, TCH, TPL, ISBN 0720716713.

Adams, Neil (1958 – ), “Tai-otoshi (judo masterclass techniques)“, London, United Kingdom, Ippon Books, 1996, 96p, 24 cm, TCH, RBU, ISBN 1874572216.

Adams, Neil (1958 – ) : Finch, Dave, “The Neil Adams guide to better judo“, London, United Kingdom, Pan Books, 1988, 143p, 21 cm, PB, TCH, COP, ISBN 0330301403.

Aida, Hikoichi (1893 – 1972) : Harrison, Ernest John, “Kodokan Judo“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1956, 282p, 220 x 145 x 31, HB, TCH, BJ.

Allen, Edward L., “American Jiu Jitsu“, New York, United States, Hall, 1943, 76p, SD, RS.

Angus, Ron (1956 – ), “Competitive Judo“, Leeds, United Kingdom, Human Kinetics Europe, 2006, 193p, 254 x 178 x 12, PB, COA, TPL, ISBN 0736057447.

Archer, Eleanor, “Judo Champion“, London, United Kingdom, Franklin Watts, 2000 2004, 24p, 23 cm, NLZ, ISBN 0749636653.

Arima, Sumitomo, “Judo : Japanese physical culture : being a further exposition of jujitsu and similar arts“, Tokyo, Japan, Mitsumura, 1908, 116p, 225 x 160 x 28, HB, TCH, 3429.

Arpin, Louis (1932 – ), “The complete guide to judo“, Cambridge, ON, Canada, Habitex, 1975, 164p, 201 x 133 x 19, PB, TCH, BNQ, ISBN 0889120196.

Ashikaga, Kara, “Jiu-jitsu : the Japanese method of attack and self defence“, Liverpool, United Kingdom, UP, 1905?, 218p, OJJ, RS.

Bagot, Brian N., “Zen judo : a way of life“, London, United Kingdom, Blandford, 1988 1989 1990, 128p, 25 cm, TCH, NLZ, ISBN 0713720522.

Bagot, Brian N., “Zen Judo Instructors Manual“, UL, United Kingdom, Lulu.com, 2007 2009[2], 108p, 229 x 152, PB, TCH, LIB.

Bailey, Donna, “Judo (My World)“, Austin, Texas, United States, Steck-Vaughn Library, 1991, 32p, 21 cm, LoC, ISBN 0811429008.

Bankier, William, “Jiu-jitsu : What it really is“, London, United Kingdom, G. Routledge & Sons, 1905, 176p, OJJ, RS.

Barnett, P. M., “Barnett’s Judo Groundplay to Win“, Louisiana, United States, United States Judo Association, 1974, 60p, 27 cm x 21 cm, NEW, KS.

Barratt, C. (Ed.) : Kuwashima, T. Shozo (1892 – ), “Judo : 41 Martial Arts Lessons (reprint of “Judo : Forty-One Lessons In The Modern Science Of Jiu-Jitsu”)“, London, United Kingdom, Karnak Publishing, 2006, 141p, 202 x 140 x 8, PB, TCH, LIB, ISBN13 9781904891338.

Barrett, Norman (1935 – ) : Jeffries, David, “Judo (Sports Skills Series)“, Hove, United Kingdom, Wayland, 1993, 32p, 265 x 165 x 8, HB, KID, NLZ, ISBN 0750207477.

Bartlett, Eric George (1920 – ), “Basic Judo“, New York, United States, Arco Publishing, 1975, 111p, 26 cm, REP, BJ, ISBN 0685637433.

Bartlett, Eric George (1920 – ), “Judo“, Hove, United Kingdom, Wayland, 1988, 64p, 26 cm, REP, NEM, ISBN1852101504.

Bartlett, Eric George (1920 – ), “Judo“, Morristown, N.J., United States, Silver Burdett Press, 1988, 64p, 27 cm, LoC, ISBN 0382095308.

Bartlett, Eric George (1920 – ), “Judo and self-defense : one hundred lessons arranged as a two-year practical course for private or class study“, New York, United States, Arco Publishing, 1963 1966, 199p, 23 cm, SD, LoC.

Bartlett, Eric George (1920 – ), “Judo and self-defense : one hundred lessons arranged as a two-year practical course for private or class study“, London, United Kingdom, Thorsons Publishers, 1962, 199p, 23 cm, REP, COP.

Bartlett, Eric George (1920 – ), “Traditional judo“, Chichester, United Kingdom, Summersdale, 1996, 158p, 24 cm, TCH, BLC, ISBN 1873475799.

Bartlett, Eric George (1920 – ), “Judo and self-defense : one hundred lessons arranged as a two-year practical course for private or class study“, New York, United States, Arco Publishing, 1974, 199p, PB, REP, LIB, ISBN 0668011416.

Bellew, Bob : Kerr, George (1937 – ), “Judo (Flying Start)“, New York, United States, Bookwright Press, 1992, 32p, 202 x 220 x 9, HB, KID, BoL, ISBN 0750200901.

Beneville, Edward : Cartmell, Tim, “Passing the guard : Brazilian Jiu-jitsu series, vol 1“, Costa Mesa, California, United States, Grappling Arts Publications, 2002, 200p, 278 x 215 x 16, PB, BJJ, LIB, ISBN 0972109757.

Benson, C. E., “Everyday Ju-jutsu“, London, United Kingdom, G. Routledge & Sons, 1920, 48p, OJJ, RS.

Black, Ishi, “Key to Judo“, Maryland, United States, Key Publishing, 1958, 188p, 26 cm, TCH, BJ.

Black, Ishi, “Key to Judo“, Maryland, United States, Ottenheimer, 1962, 188p, REP, BJ.

Black, Ishi, “Key to Judo“, Maryland, United States, Bell, 1962, 188p, REP, BJ.

Blackman, Honor (1926 – ) : Robinson, Joe : Robinson, Doug, “Honor Blackman’s book of self defence“, London, United Kingdom, André Deutsch, 1965, 128p, 240 x 170 x 14, HB, SD, NLZ.

Blackman, Honor (1926 – ) : Robinson, Joe : Robinson, Doug, “Honor Blackman’s book of self defence“, Harmondsworth, United Kingdom, Penguin Books, 1967, 134p, REP, BLC.

Blanchard, Robert G., “The mechanics of Judo : Analytical studies of selected standing techniques“, Rutland, Vermont, United States, Charles E. Tuttle, 1961, 134p, 221 x 157 x 21, HB, TCH, NLZ.

Bluming, Jon (1933 – ), “The History of Jon Bluming : From Street Punk to 10th Dan“, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Jon Bluming, 2000, 160p, 30 cm x 21 cm, HIS, LIB.

Bowen, Richard (1926 – ) : Hodkinson, Henry Malcolm (1931 – ), “Judo (Collins Nutshell Books)“, London, United Kingdom, William Collins Sons & Co., 1963[1], 128p, 15 cm, HB, TCH, BoL.

Bowen, Richard (1926 – ) : Hodkinson, Henry Malcolm (1931 – ), “Judo (Collins Nutshell Books)“, London, United Kingdom, William Collins Sons & Co., 1964 1966 1968 1972, 146p, 16 cm, REP, BoL.

Briggs, Karen (1963 – ) : Soames, Nicholas (1950 – ), “Judo Champion“, Marlborough, United Kingdom, Crowood, 1988, 160p, 23 cm, BLC, ISBN 1852231033.

Brightfield, Rick : Bolle, Frank, “Master of judo“, New York, United States, Bantam Books, 1994, 119p, 18 cm, KID, BLC, ISBN 0553563971.

Brousse, Michel (1952 – ) : Matsumoto, David, “Judo : A sport and a way of life“, Seoul, Korea, International Judo Federation, 1999, 165p, 208 x 149 x 8, PB, HIS, KS.

Brousse, Michel (1952 – ) : Matsumoto, David, “Judo in the United States : a century of dedication“, Berkeley, CA, United States, North Atlantic Books, 2005, 158p, 297 x 208 x 10, PB, HIS, LoC, ISBN 1556435630.

Brown, Wesley Jr., “Self defense (The Barnes sports library)“, New York, United States, A. S. Barnes, 1951, 94p, HB, SD, 3224.

Bruce, Jeannette, “Judo : a gentle beginning“, New York, United States, Crowell, 1975, 151p, 21 cm, LoC.

Buckley, Thomas J., “Judo (Kids’ guide to martial arts)“, Chanhassen, United States, Child’s World, 2004, 32p, 248 x 195 x 9, HB, KID, LoC, ISBN 1592960308.

Buist, Monique (1953 – ), “Viens t’initier au judo“, Trois-Rivières-Ouest, Canada, Editions Delphin, 1985, 123p, 23 cm, LAC.

Burns, Donald J. : Thompson, Stephen M., “An introduction to judo for Student & Teacher“, Dubuque, Iowa, United States, Kendall/Hunt Publishing, 1976, 168p, 28 cm, PB, LAC, ISBN 0840313608.

Butcher, Alex, “Judo : Mastering the art“, London, United Kingdom, New Holland, 2004, 96p, 272 x 203 x 13, HB, REP, UoB, ISBN 1845170318.

Butcher, Alex, “Judo : The essential guide to mastering the art“, Guilford, United Kingdom, Lyons Press, 2001, 96p, 264 x 193 x 6, PB, TCH, LIB, ISBN 1585744492.

Butler, Patrick Trevor (1929 – ), “Advanced Judo and self-defence“, London, United Kingdom, Faber and Faber, 1960, 109p, 23 cm, HB, AD, BLC.

Butler, Patrick Trevor (1929 – ), “Advanced Judo and self-defence“, New York, United States, Emerson Books, 1961, 109p, 23 cm, HB, REP, TPL.

Butler, Patrick Trevor (1929 – ) : Butler, Karen, “Judo and self-defence for women and girls“, London, United Kingdom, Faber & Faber, 1968, 180p, 23 cm, SD, NLA, ISBN 571082386.

Butler, Patrick Trevor (1929 – ), “Judo complete“, London, United Kingdom, Faber and Faber, 1963, 240p, 26 cm, TCH, BJ.

Butler, Patrick Trevor (1929 – ), “Judo for juniors“, London, United Kingdom, Faber, 1966, 62p, 21 cm, KID, LoC.

Butler, Patrick Trevor (1929 – ), “Popular Judo“, London, United Kingdom, Thorsons Publishers, 1958, 78p, 22 cm, TCH, BoL.

Caffary, Brian : Marwood, Desmond, “Skillfull Judo“, London, United Kingdom, A&C Black, 1992, 96p, 24 cm, BLC, ISBN 0713636041.

Caffary, Brian : Marwood, Desmond, “The judo handbook : from beginner to black belt“, London, United Kingdom, Ward Lock, 1989, 144p, 262 x 178 x 18, HB, TCH, LAC, ISBN 0706366964.

Cahn, Irvin, “A defense manual of commando Jiu jitsu“, Chigago, United States, Wilcox & Follet, 1943, 162p, SD, RS.

Caldwell, William H., “Judo and Its Use in Hand-to-Hand Fighting“, Officers Training Area E., Camp Peary, VA, United States, UP, 1943, 45p, SD, LIB.

Camarillo, Dave : Krauss, Erich, “Guerrilla Jiu-Jitsu : Revolutionizing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu“, North Clarendon, VT, United States, Tuttle, 2006, 221p, 279 x 228 x 14, PB, BJJ, LIB, ISBN13 9780977731589.

Campbell, Ben (1933 – ), “Championship judo : Drill training“, UL, United States, Zenbei, 1974, 128p, 20 cm, COA, BJ.

Carlin, Robert J., “Combat Judo“, Toledo, Spain, Paryski Pub. Co, 1945, 64p, SD, RS.

Carmeni, Bruno, “Judo : for visually impaired athletes“, UL, UC, UP, 1997, 97p, COA, BNB.

Casey, Kevin K. (1967 – ), “Judo (Illustrated History of Martial Arts)“, Vero Beach, FL, United States, Rourke, 1994, 32p, 24 cm, LoC, ISBN 0865933693.

Chesterman, Barnaby : Willingham, Bob, “Judo (Martial Arts)“, Broomall, United Kingdom, Mason Crest Publishers, 2003, 32p, 247 x 195 x 9, HB, KID, LoC, ISBN 1590843894.

Chesterman, Barnaby : Willingham, Bob, “Judo (Martial Arts)“, London, United Kingdom, Raintree, 2005, 32p, 247 x 195 x 9, PB, REP, LoC, ISBN 1844216969.

Chesterman, Barnaby : Willingham, Bob : Adams, Neil, “The Gokyo“, London, United Kingdom, Ippon Books, 2008, 94p, 170 x 244 x 7, PB, TCH, TPL, ISBN13 9781874572008.

Clark, Buddy : Davis, Craig, “Alone, Unarmed, but Safe! an Illustrated Guide to Judo Defense“, Smithtown, N.Y., United States, Exposition Pr of Florida, 1981, 113p, 21 cm, PB, SD, LIB, ISBN13 9780682497114.

Collingridge, W. H., “Tricks of self-defence“, London, United Kingdom, Athletic Pub., 1909 1936[7] 1942[9] 1950[10] 1956[12] 1958, 89p, SD, 3234.

Collins, John, “Progressive Judo“, Winchester, United Kingdom, Culverlands, 1976, 88p, BLC.

Collins, Paul (1954 – ), “Judo (Martial Arts)“, Philadelphia, PA, United States, Chelsea House Publications, 2001, 32p, 28 cm, KID, LoC, ISBN 0791065537.

Collins, Paul (1954 – ), “Judo (Martial Arts)“, South Yarra, VIC, Australia, Macmillan Education, 2000, 32p, 28 cm, REP, NLA, ISBN 0732962323.

compiled by members of the Victoria university Judo Club,, “Introducing Judo“, Wellington, New Zealand, Victoria university Judo Club, 1963, 35p, 21 cm, NLZ.

Cornish, J. P., “Go-shin-jutsu : judo self defence Kata“, UL, United Kingdom, British Judo Association, 1984, KAT, UoB.

Cosneck, Bernard J., “American Combat Judo“, Boulder, Colorado, United States, Palladin Press, 2006, 123p, REP, LAC, ISBN13 9781581605310.

Cosneck, Bernard J., “American Combat Judo“, New York, United States, Sentinel Book Publishers, 1959[2], 123p, 20 cm, REP, RS.

Cosneck, Bernard J., “American Combat Judo : 200 photographs illustrating jiu jitsu wrestling foot fighting police tacticks“, New York, United States, Sentinel Book Publishers, 1944[1], 125p, 194 x 139 x 6, PB, TCH, RS.

Coxley, Jane, “Martial arts“, Aylesbury, United Kingdom, Ginn and Company, 1996, 48p, 23 cm, BLC, ISBN 0602265584.

Craats, Rennay, “Judo (For the love of)“, Mankato, Minnesota, United States, Weigl Publishers, 2002, 24p, 27 cm, KID, LoC, ISBN 1930954220.

Craig, Darrell Max, “Japan’s Ultimate Martial Art : Jujitsu Before 1882 : The Classical Japanese Art of Self-Defense“, UL, United States, Charles E. Tuttle, 1995, 168p, 252 x 172 x 16, PB, MJJ, LoC, ISBN 0804830274.

Crewe, Leonard Joseph, “Jiu-jitsu-Judo : Advanced Japanese Wrestling“, London, United Kingdom, Police Review, 1939[3], 21p, REP, BLC.

Crewe, Leonard Joseph, “Jiu-jitsu-Judo : Advanced Japanese Wrestling“, London, United Kingdom, Police Review, 1942[4] 1948[5] 1955[7], 24p, REP, NSc.

Crewe, Leonard Joseph, “Jiu-jitsu-Judo : Advanced Japanese Wrestling“, London, United Kingdom, Police Review, 1932 1933[2], 19p, SD, COP.

Crossingham, John (1974 – ) : Kalman, Bobbie : Crabtree, Marc, “Judo in action (Sports in Action)“, New York, United States, Crabtree, 2005, 32p, 21 cm, KID, LoC, ISBN 0778703428.

Cruse, Edward A. (1918 – ), “Self-defence methods and Judo“, Eastbourne, United Kingdom, Sumfield & Day, 1962, 58p, 22 cm, SD, BLC.

Daigo, Toshiro (1926 – ) : White, Francoise, “Kodokan Judo : Throwing techniques“, Tokyo, Japan, Kodansha Europe, 2005, 285p, 265 x 197 x 25, HB, TCH, NLB, ISBN 4770023308.

D’Amoric, George, “The French Method of the Noble Art of Self Defence“, London, United Kingdom, UP, 1898, SD, RS.

Dando, Justin, “Judo (play the game)“, London, United Kingdom, Ward Lock, 1993[2], 80p, 223 x 168 x 5, PB, REP, TPL, ISBN 0713724161.

Dando, Justin, “Judo (play the game)“, London, United Kingdom, Ward Lock, 1990[1], 80p, 23 cm, KD, BLC, ISBN 0706368568.

Decosterd, Serge (1957 – ) : Calvez, Emmanuel (1975 – ) : Robert, Franck, “Passion Judo : from white belt to brown belt“, Rennes, France, OPC, 2005, 162p, 210 x 144 x 6, PB, TCH, BnF, ISBN 2952043841.

Degroote, Betty, “Judo Vignettes, 1882-1955“, UL, United States, United States Judo Association, 1985, LIB, ISBN 0933099266.

Dennis, R. D., “The new jiu-jitsu“, Memphis, United States, UP, 1944, 75p, RS.

Deshimaru, Taisen, “The zen way to the martial arts“, New York, United States, EP Dutton, 1982, 120p, BF, KS, ISBN 0525932674.

Désormeaux, Ronald (1941 – ), “The Discovery of Judo’s Arsenal : Shin-Gi-Tai“, Gatineau, Quebeck, Canada, UP, 2008, 139p, 24 cm, PB, TCH, LIB, ISBN 2980626988.

Dewey, Christopher, “United States Judo Association Coach Education Program : Level I“, Blountsville, AL, United States, Fifth Estate, 2005, 153p, 228 x 153 x 11, PB, COA, LoC, ISBN 0976099241.

Dewey, Christopher, “United States Judo Association Coach Education Program : Level II“, Blountsville, AL, United States, Fifth Estate, 2005, 156p, 228 x 153 x 11, PB, COA, LoC, ISBN 0976099276.

Dewey, Christopher, “United States Judo Association Coach Education Program : Level III“, Blountsville, AL, United States, Fifth Estate, 2005, 172p, 228 x 153 x 11, PB, COA, LoC, ISBN 0976823306.

Dominy, Eric Norman (1918 – ), “Judo“, London, United Kingdom, Landsborough New English Library, 1960 1969, 156p, 18 cm, REP, COP, ISBN 045000256X.

Dominy, Eric Norman (1918 – ), “Judo“, London, United Kingdom, English Universities press, 1954 1957 1964 1967, 192p, 180 x 114 13, HB, TCH, RS.

Dominy, Eric Norman (1918 – ), “Judo“, London, United Kingdom, English Universities press, 1969[4] 1971, 192p, 21 cm, REP, NSc.

Dominy, Eric Norman (1918 – ), “Judo (Teach yourself Judo)“, London, United Kingdom, English Universities press, 1975, 194p, 21 cm, REP, LAC, ISBN 0340056347.

Dominy, Eric Norman (1918 – ), “Judo : Basic principles“, London, United Kingdom, Herbert Jenkins, 1958[1] 1968, 156p, 23 cm, TCH, NLZ, ISBN 0257659749.

Dominy, Eric Norman (1918 – ), “Judo : Basic principles“, London, United Kingdom, Barrie & Jenkins, 1975, 156p, 23 cm, REP, BLC, ISBN 0257659749.

Dominy, Eric Norman (1918 – ), “Judo : Contest techniques and tactics“, London, United Kingdom, Sphere, 1970[2], 175p, 18 cm, REP, BLC, ISBN 0722130309.

Dominy, Eric Norman (1918 – ), “Judo : Contest techniques and tactics“, London, United Kingdom, Herbert Jenkins, 1966, 161p, 23 cm, TCH, TPL.

Dominy, Eric Norman (1918 – ), “Judo for beginners“, London, United Kingdom, Dragon, 1983, 91p, 29 cm, PB, TCH, BLC, ISBN 0583306292.

Dominy, Eric Norman (1918 – ), “Judo for beginners“, London, United Kingdom, Dragon, 1983, 91p, 29 cm, HB, REP, BLC, ISBN 1894165039.

Dominy, Eric Norman (1918 – ), “Judo from beginner to black belt“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1958, 157p, 20 cm, TCH, LAC, ISBN 0572000790.

Dominy, Eric Norman (1918 – ), “Judo self-taught (Teach yourself Judo)“, New York, United States, Barnes & Noble Books, 1976, 200p, 21 cm, REP, CPL, ISBN 006463440X.

Dominy, Eric Norman (1918 – ), “Judo throws and counters“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1956, 111p, 18 cm, HB, TCH, 3003.

Dominy, Eric Norman (1918 – ), “Teach yourself Judo“, London, United Kingdom, Hodder Paperbacks, 1971, 194p, 18 cm, PB, REP, BLC, ISBN 0340150726.

Dominy, Eric Norman (1918 – ), “Teach yourself Judo“, London, United Kingdom, English Universities press, 1954 1957, 196p, 18 cm, TCH, NSA.

Dominy, Eric Norman (1918 – ), “Teach yourself Judo“, Buchanan, NY, United States, Emerson Books, 1963, 194p, REP, NLA.

Dominy, Eric Norman (1918 – ), “The art of judo“, London, United Kingdom, South London Judo Society, 1949 1951, 83p, 214 x 134 x 9, PB, TCH, 3039.

Donahue, John J., “The forge of the spirit“, London, United Kingdom, Garland Publishing, 1991, 256p, BF, KS, ISBN 082407114X.

Draeger, Donn F. (1922 – 1982) : Smith, Robert William, “Asian fighting arts“, London, United Kingdom, Ward Lock, 1969, 207p, 27 cm, HIS, BLC, ISBN 0706317998.

Draeger, Donn F. (1922 – 1982), “Classical Bujutsu : Martial Arts And Ways Of Japan, Volume 1“, New York, Tokyo, United States, Weatherhill, 1990, 109p, 255 x 180 x 9, PB, BF, NSc, ISBN 0834802333.

Draeger, Donn F. (1922 – 1982), “Modern Bujutsu & Budo“, New York, Tokyo, United States, Weatherhill, 1974, 190p, 27 cm, BF, KS, ISBN 0834800993.

Draeger, Donn F. (1922 – 1982) : Tremayne, Ken, “The joke’s on Judo“, Rutland, Vermont, United States, Charles E. Tuttle, 1966, 72p, 19 cm, BF, BJ.

Draeger, Donn F. (1922 – 1982) : Inokuma, Isao, “Weight training for championship judo“, Tokyo, Japan, Kodansha, 1966, 280p, 28 cm, COA, RBU.

Drayton, Edward, “Ju-jitsu : the japanese physical training and self defence“, London, United Kingdom, Health & Strength, 1907, OJJ, RS.

Ed. by Yoshizo Matsumoto (and others),, “Kodokan Judo“, Tokyo, Japan, Kodansha, 1963, 150p, 21 cm, TCH, 3256.

Ed. under the supervision of the Kodokan editorial committee,, “Kodokan judo : Jigoro Kano“, Tokyo, Japan, Kodansha International, 1986 1994, 264p, 28 cm, TCH, 3525, ISBN 0870116819.

Edmundson, Joseph, “Self-defence and Judo“, London, United Kingdom, Pan Books, 1967, 188p, 18 cm, PB, REP, BoL.

Edmundson, Joseph, “The handbook of self-defence and Judo“, London, United Kingdom, Arthur Barker, 1967, 188p, 18 cm, SD, BtM, ISBN 0213763222.

Edwards, George A. : Menziens, Alan A., “Judo“, London, United Kingdom, Acro Publications, 1962 1965 1968 1969, 104p, 21 cm, TCH, BoL.

Edwards, George A. : Menziens, Alan A., “Judo handbook“, New York, United States, Bell Publishing, 1964, 104p, 21 cm, TCH, BJ.

Edwards, George A. : Menziens, Alan A., “Judo handbook“, London, United Kingdom, Acro Publications, 1962[2], 104p, REP, BLC.

Edwards, George A. : Menziens, Alan A., “Judo handbook“, London, United Kingdom, Mayflower books, 1969[3], 104p, REP, LIB.

Essen, Hans van, “2004 olympic games Judo“, Nieuwegein, Netherlands, Infostrada sport, 2004, 294p, 21 cm, HIS, LIB.

Ewen, Harry, “Modern Judo and self-defence“, New York, United States, Emerson Books, 1957 1958, 84p, SD, UoB.

Ewen, Harry : Butler, Pat, “Modern Judo and self-defence“, London, United Kingdom, Faber & Faber, 1957 1959[3] 1968, 84p, 22 cm, HB, REP, NLA.

Ewen, Harry, “Your book of Judo“, London, United Kingdom, Faber & Faber, 1959, 36p, 22 cm, KID, BoL.

Fairbairn, William Ewart (Capt.), “All-in fighting“, Boulder, Colorado, United States, Palladin Press, 2006, 130p, 22 cm x 14 cm, REP, LAC, ISBN13 9781581605563.

Fairbairn, William Ewart (Capt.), “All-in fighting“, London, United Kingdom, Faber & Faber, 1942, 132p, 21 cm, REP, LAC.

Fairbairn, William Ewart (Capt.) : McCann, Kelly, “Defendu“, Boulder, Colorado, United States, Palladin Press, 2007, 178p, REP, LIB, ISBN13 9781581606027.

Fairbairn, William Ewart (Capt.), “Defendu, scientific self-defense : The official text book for the Shanghai municipal police, Hongkong police and Singapore police“, Shanghai, China, North China daily News & Herald, 1925, 171p, 26 cm, SD, RS.

Fairbairn, William Ewart (Capt.), “Get tough! How to win in hand-to-hand fighting“, Sydney, Australia, Halstead Press, 1943, 126p, OJJ, MoM.

Fairbairn, William Ewart (Capt.), “Get tough! How to win in hand-to-hand fighting“, New York, United States, Appleton-Century company, 1942, 120p, 20 cm, REP, LoC.

Fairbairn, William Ewart (Capt.), “Hands off! Self-defense for women“, Boulder, Colorado, United States, Palladin Press, 2005[2], 41p, 215 x 140 x 5, PB, REP, LoC, ISBN13 9781581604436.

Fairbairn, William Ewart (Capt.), “Hands off! Self-defense for women“, New York, United States, D. Appleton-Century, 1942[1], 41p, 21 cm, SD, MBR.

Fairbairn, William Ewart (Capt.), “Scientific self-defence“, Boulder, Colorado, United States, Palladin Press, 2006[2], 165p, 215 x 140 x 14, PB, REP, LoC, ISBN13 9781581605297.

Fairbairn, William Ewart (Capt.), “Scientific self-defence“, London, United Kingdom, D. Appleton and Company, 1931[1], 165p, 25 cm, SD, LoC.

Farkas, Emil : Leeds, Margaret, “Fight Back a Woman’s Guide to Self-Defense“, New York, United States, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1978, 159p, 30 cm x 25 cm, SD, BNM, ISBN 0030210569.

Farrar, Arthur Hobart, “American Judo Illustrated : Improved, Modern, Scientific Jiu-Jitsu the Art of Hand-Tohand Combat“, New York, United States, Padell Book, 1943, 88p, 190 x 134 x 5, PB, SD, RS.

Feldenkrais, Moshe (1904 – 1984), “Higher Judo : Ground work (Katame-waza)“, London, United Kingdom, Frederick Warne & Co., 1952, 224p, 20 cm, HB, NEW, NSA.

Feldenkrais, Moshe (1904 – 1984), “Judo : the art of Defence and Attack“, London, United Kingdom, Frederick Warne & Co., 1941 1942 1944 1950 1961, 176p, 190 x 128 x 17, HB, TCH, BJ.

Feldenkrais, Moshe (1904 – 1984), “Practical unarmed combat“, London, United Kingdom, Frederick Warne & Co., 1942, 96p, RS.

Feldenkrais, Moshe (1904 – 1984), “Science versus brute force or Jiu-jitsu for intellectuals“, Paris, France, by Author, 1933?, TCH, 3292.

Feldman, Frank, “The japanese art of wrestling or the american art of self defence jiu jitsu“, New York, United States, UP, 1932, 28p, SD, RS.

Fergg, William : Zippel, Paul, “Judo first for self defence“, Detroit, United States, Johnson Smith and Co., 1935, 64p, 29 cm, SD, RS.

Ferrie, Eddie, “Judo for self-defence“, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, United Kingdom, Crowood, 1990, 96p, 232 x 164 x 8, PB, SD, BLC, ISBN 1852233370.

Ferrie, Eddie, “Ju-jitsu: Classical and Modern“, Ramsbury, United Kingdom, Crowood, 2001, 160p, 233 x 164 x 9, PB, REP, BoL, ISBN 1852237228.

Ferrie, Eddie, “Ju-jitsu: Classical and Modern“, Ramsbury, United Kingdom, Crowood, 1990, 160p, 24 cm, HB, MJJ, BoL, ISBN13 9781852233228.

Finchen, Anthony J. Jr : Sasa, Michiyuki, “Judo: Gift from Japan“, Louisiana, United States, United States Judo Association, 1973, 180p, PB, TCH, LIB.

Fox, Catherine, “Fight the Good Fight : From Vicar’s Wife to Killing Machine“, London, United Kingdom, Yellow Jersey press, 2008, 234p, 196 x 128 x 14, PB, MEM, BLC, ISBN13 9780224077705.

Fox, Catherine, “Fight the Good Fight : From Vicar’s Wife to Killing Machine“, London, United Kingdom, Yellow Jersey press, 2007, 256p, 214 x 134 x 20, PB, REP, BLC, ISBN13 9780224077699.

Freudenberg, Karl, “Natural weapons : a manual of karate, judo and jujitsu“, UL, United States, Freudenberg, Karl, 1959, 60p, 24 cm, SD, UoB.

Freudenberg, Karl, “Natural weapons : a manual of karate, judo and jujitsu“, New York, United States, A. S. Barnes, 1962, 60p, 24 cm, REP, UoB.

Friedland, Stan, “The Judo Twins“, Bloomington, Indiana, United States, AuthorHouse, 2007, 333p, 234 x 149, PB, HIS, BLC, ISBN 1434341798.

Fromm, Alan (1943 – ) : Soames, Nicolas (1950 – ), “Judo : the gentle way“, London, United Kingdom, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1982, 117p, 22 cm, TCH, LoC, ISBN 0710090250.

Fujiwara, Toyosaburo : Uchida, George S. : Wilson, George L., “Judo for high school : A handbook for instructors and students“, Kent, Washington, United States, United States Judo Federation, Interscholastic Committee, 1970, 133p, 210 x 149 x 6, PB, TCH, 3020.

Fujiwara, Toyosaburo : Uchida, George S. : Wilson, George L., “Judo for high school and college“, Spokane, United States, Visually Impaired Program, 1986, 21 cm, TCH, 3526.

Fukuda, Keiko (1913 – ), “Born for the mat : a Kodokan kata textbook for women“, San Francisco, United States, K. Fukuda, 1973, 139p, KAT, 3439.

Fukuda, Keiko (1913 – ), “Ju-No-Kata : a Kodokan textbook“, Berkeley, CA, United States, North Atlantic Books, 2004, 176p, 253 x 202 x 17, PB, KAT, SK, ISBN 1556435045.

Futsiaka, Kato : Prof. Butch, “Police Jiu-jitsu : Also vital holds in wrestling featuring Kato Futsiaka and Prof. Butch“, New York, United States, Padell Book, 1937, 93p, SD, RS.

Gadd, Stephen : Smith, Tony (1957 – ), “My first judo book“, London, United Kingdom, Ippon Books, 1989, 80p, 24 cm, HB, KID, BLC, ISBN 185223248x.

Galen, Gough, “Simplified self defense ; thru an improved system of Americanized jiu-jitsu and judo“, Los Angeles, California, United States, W.G. Scholts, 1943, OJJ, WOC.

Gardner, Ruth B., “Judo for the gentle woman“, Rutland, Vermont, United States, Charles E. Tuttle, 1971 1972, 147p, 191 x 132 x 11, PB, TCH, TPL, ISBN 0804806608.

Garrud, William, “The complete Jujitsuan“, Boulder, Colorado, United States, Palladin Press, 2003, 136p, 22 cm, REP, LoC, ISBN13 9781581604214.

Garrud, William, “The complete Jujitsuan“, New York, United States, E. P. Dutton & Co., 1914, REP, RS.

Garrud, William, “The complete Jujitsuan“, London, United Kingdom, Methuen & Co., 1914[1] 1919[2] 1924[3] 1929[4] 1935[5] 1941[6] 1949[7] 1953[8], 133p, 190 x 132 x 16, HB, OJJ, RS.

Gauthier, Bernard, “Canadian and American modern judo“, Hull, Quebeck, Canada, Canadian Judo Information Centre, 1952, WOC.

Geesink, (Anton) Anthonius Johannes (1934 – ), “Gokyo : principles of Judo“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1967, 96p, 254 x 180 x 14, HB, TCH, TPL, ISBN 0572004516.

Geesink, (Anton) Anthonius Johannes (1934 – ), “Gokyo : principles of Judo“, New York, United States, Arco Publishing, 1968, 96p, 26 cm, REP, KBC.

Geesink, (Anton) Anthonius Johannes (1934 – ), “Judo : Based on social aspects and biomechanical principles, divided in two parts : judo as an olympic sport, traditional judo“, Tokyo, Japan, Kokushikan University, 2000, 217p, 210 x 150 x 14, PB, COA, OLL.

Geesink, (Anton) Anthonius Johannes (1934 – ), “Judo principles : Newaza“, New York, United States, Arco Publishing, 1967, 95p, 27 cm, NEW, LoC, ISBN 0668018518.

Geesink, (Anton) Anthonius Johannes (1934 – ), “Judo principles : Newaza“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1969, 95p, 26 cm, REP, BLC, ISBN 0572005970.

Geesink, (Anton) Anthonius Johannes (1934 – ), “My championship Judo“, New York, United States, Arco Publishing, 1966, 135p, 26 cm, COP.

Geesink, (Anton) Anthonius Johannes (1934 – ), “With complements Anton Geesink (Uitg. t.g.v. de heropening van Sportschool Geesink in de Anton Geesinkstraat in Utrecht)“, Utrecht, Netherlands, UP, 1988, 17p, 21 cm, JBN.

Geesink, (Anton) Anthonius Johannes (1934 – ), “Judo : safety through perfection“, Nationaal Sportcentrum Papendal, Arnhem, Netherlands, UP, 1986, 30p, 30 cm, TCH, KBC.

Geis, Karl E., “A Book of 12 Winds: An Aikido Masters Life Strategy“, Coral Springs, FL, United States, Llumina Press, 1998 2005, 142p, 204 x 126 x 10, PB, BF, LIB, ISBN 1595260374.

Geis, Karl E., “The Twelve Winds of Aikido and Judo : An Aikido Master’s Life Strategy“, UL, United Kingdom, Llumina Press, 2005, 164p, 198 x 124 x 13, PB, MEM, LIB, ISBN 1595260374.

Gibson, Walter Brown (1897 – ), “Judo : attack and defense [by] Maborushi Kineji“, New York, United States, Vista House, 1961, 136p, 234 x 157 x 12, HB, OJJ, LoC.

Gifford, Clive, “Judo (Know your sport)“, London, United Kingdom, Franklin Watts, 2007, 32p, 268 x 212 x 10, HB, REP, LIB, ISBN13 9780749674090.

Glass, George, “Competitive Judo : Throwing techniques and weight control“, London, United Kingdom, Faber and Faber, 1977, 91p, 253 x 178 x 6, PB, TCH, NSc, ISBN 0571109152.

Glass, George, “Take up Judo“, Huddersfield, United Kingdom, Springfield books limited, 1990, 56p, 21 cm, PB, TCH, NSc, ISBN 0947655778.

Glass, George, “Your book of Judo“, London, United Kingdom, Faber & Faber, 1978, 56p, 22 cm, KID, NLZ, ISBN 0571110541.

Gleeson, Geoffrey Robert (1927 – 1994), “All about judo (EP sport series)“, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom, EP Publishing, 1975, 143p, 205 x 202 x 15, HB, TCH, 3007, ISBN 0715805908.

Gleeson, Geoffrey Robert (1927 – 1994), “All about judo (EP sport series)“, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom, EP Publishing, 1975, 143p, 24 cm, REP, 3007, ISBN 0951845527.

Gleeson, Geoffrey Robert (1927 – 1994), “Anatomy of judo : Analysis of judo skills in dynamic situations“, New York, United States, A. S. Barnes, 1969, 176p, 23 cm, REP, TPL, ISBN13 9780498074950.

Gleeson, Geoffrey Robert (1927 – 1994), “Anatomy of judo : Analysis of judo skills in dynamic situations“, London, United Kingdom, Kaye & Ward, 1969, 176p, 215 x 135, HB, COA, 3048, ISBN 0718207890.

Gleeson, Geoffrey Robert (1927 – 1994), “Better Judo : The key to improved performance“, London, United Kingdom, Kaye & Ward, 1972 1977, 96p, 23 cm, LoC, ISBN 0718204859.

Gleeson, Geoffrey Robert (1927 – 1994), “How to play judo“, London, United Kingdom, Kaye & Ward, 1970, 94p, 19 cm, TCH, 3043, ISBN 0718208641.

Gleeson, Geoffrey Robert (1927 – 1994), “Judo“, London, United Kingdom, A&C Black, 1988 1990, 96p, 200 x 198 x 7, PB, TCH, ECL, ISBN 0713655895.

Gleeson, Geoffrey Robert (1927 – 1994), “Judo (know the game)“, London, United Kingdom, A&C Black, 2004[4], 48p, 131 x 202 x 3, PB, REP, BLC, ISBN 0713666838.

Gleeson, Geoffrey Robert (1927 – 1994), “Judo (know the game)“, London, United Kingdom, A&C Black, 1981[1] 1990[2], 32p, 133 x 202 x 4, PB, TCH, KS, ISBN 0713656964.

Gleeson, Geoffrey Robert (1927 – 1994), “Judo (know the game)“, London, United Kingdom, A&C Black, 1995[3], 48p, 133 x 202 x 4, PB, REP, BLC, ISBN 0713638206.

Gleeson, Geoffrey Robert (1927 – 1994), “Judo as a Sport“, London, United Kingdom, Kaye & Ward, 1971, 94p, 19 cm, TCH, COP, ISBN 0718209028.

Gleeson, Geoffrey Robert (1927 – 1994), “Judo for the west“, London, United Kingdom, Kaye & Ward, 1967, 207p, 23 cm, TCH, 3004.

Gleeson, Geoffrey Robert (1927 – 1994), “Judo games“, London, United Kingdom, A&C Black, 1989, 72p, 213 x 138 x 7, PB, KID, NSc, ISBN 071365709X.

Gleeson, Geoffrey Robert (1927 – 1994), “Judo inside out : a cultural reconciliation“, Wakefield, United Kingdom, Lepus Book, 1983, 155p, 25 cm, PB, LoC, ISBN 0860191087.

Gleeson, Geoffrey Robert (1927 – 1994), “Judo inside out : a cultural reconciliation“, Wakefield, United Kingdom, Lepus Book, 1983, 155p, 25 cm, HB, REP, LoC, ISBN 0860191001.

Gleeson, Geoffrey Robert (1927 – 1994), “The Budokwai basic training manual“, London, United Kingdom, Budokwai, 1957, 20p, 3273.

Gleeson, Geoffrey Robert (1927 – 1994), “The complete book of Judo“, Toronto, Canada, Coles Publishing, 1976, 143p, 201 x 204 x 14, PB, TCH, BJ.

Goffe, Toni, “Judo for juniors“, Alton, United Kingdom, Pendulum Gallery, 1986, 96p, 21 cm, PB, TCH, NSc, ISBN 0948912014.

Goffe, Toni, “Judo games“, Alton, United Kingdom, Pedulum Gallery, 1986[2], 88p, 21 cm, PB, REP, BLC, ISBN 0948912006.

Goffe, Toni, “Judo games“, London, United Kingdom, Gorgi, 1977[1], 88p, 18 cm, COA, BLC, ISBN 0552541249.

Goldman, John, “Judo : the complete course : a step-by-step guide from first move to first competition“, Enfield, United Kingdom, Guinness, 1986, 159p, 248 x 198 x 13, PB, TCH, LoC, ISBN 0851128645.

Goldman, John, “Judo : the complete course : a step-by-step guide from first move to first competition“, Enfield, United Kingdom, Guinness, 1986, 159p, 27 cm, REP, LoC, ISBN 0851128653.

Good, John, “Judo“, Toronto, Canada, Coles Publishing, 1976, 127p, 211 x 135 x 13, PB, TCH, LAC.

Goodbody, John, “Judo : how to become a champion“, London, United Kingdom, W. Luscombe, 1975, 127p, 22 cm, REP, COP, ISBN 0860021289.

Goodbody, John, “Judo : how to become a champion“, London, United Kingdom, Mitchell Beazley, 1974, 127p, 23 cm, TCH, LoC, ISBN 0860020088.

Goodger, Brian Christopher, “The development of judo in Britain : a sociological study“, London, United Kingdom, University of London, 1981, 441p, HIS, BLC.

Goodger, John M. : Goodger, B. C., “Two faces of Judo (Leisure learning series)“, London, United Kingdom, Leonard Hill, 1967, 85p, 22 cm, PB, TCH, BoL, ISBN 0249388340.

Goodger, John Michael, “Judo : a changing future“, London, United Kingdom, University of London, 1981, 470p, BLC.

Goodman, Fay : James, Mike, “The guide to karate, aikido, ju-jitsu, judo“, London, United Kingdom, Lorenz Books, 2000, 128p, 23 cm, TPL, ISBN 1840388048.

Gracie, Carlson : Fernandez, Julio “Foca”, “Brazilian Jiu-jitsu : For experts only“, Monpelier, Vermont, United States, Invisible Cities Press, 2004, 253p, 266 x 216 x 15, PB, BJJ, LoC, ISBN 1931229341.

Gracie, Helio (1913 – 2009), “Gracie Jiu-jitsu“, Santa Clarita, California, United States, Black Belt Books, 2006, 284p, 28 cm x 22 cm, BJJ, LIB, ISBN13 9780975941119.

Gracie, Renzo : Gracie, Royler : Peligro, Kid : Danaher, John, “Brazilian Jiu-jitsu : Theory and technique“, Monpelier, Vermont, United States, Invisible Cities Press, 2001, 256p, 27 cm, PB, BJJ, LoC, ISBN 1931229082.

Gracie, Renzo : Danaher, John, “Mastering Jujitsu“, Champaign, IL, United States, Human Kinetics, 2003, 233p, 277 x 213 x 17, PB, BJJ, LoC, ISBN 0736044043.

Gracie, Renzo : Peligro, Kid, “The Complete Guide to Gracie Jiu-Jitsu“, Monpelier, Vermont, United States, Invisible Cities Press, 2008, 263p, PB, TPL, ISBN13 9781931229470.

Green, Thomas A. (1949 – ) : Svinth, Joseph S., “Martial Arts in the Modern World“, Westport, CT, United States, Praeger Publishing, 2003, 322p, 25 cm, HB, HIS, LoC, ISBN 0275981533.

Green, Tim, “History of Oxford & Cambridge University judo“, Godalming, United Kingdom, T. Green, 1987, 15p, 30 cm, HIS, BoL.

Gregory, O. H. : Tomita, Tsunejiro, “Judo : modern school of jiu-jitsu“, Chigago, United States, O. H. Gregory, UD, 14p, 27 cm, OJJ, 3430.

Gummerson, Tony, “Going for black belt“, London, United Kingdom, Stanley Paul, 1990, 156p, 240 x 185 x 12, PB, COA, LoC, ISBN 075290213X.

Gummerson, Tony, “Junior Martial Arts“, London, United Kingdom, A&C Black, 1990, 160p, 222 x 170 x 12, PB, COA, LoC, ISBN 0713656972.

Gummerson, Tony, “Teaching Martial Arts“, London, United Kingdom, A&C Black, 1992, 128p, 215 x 137 x 8, PB, COA, LoC, ISBN 0713633999.

Gummerson, Tony, “Training Theory for Martial Arts“, London, United Kingdom, A&C Black, 1992, 112p, 214 x 138 x 8, PB, COA, LoC, ISBN 0713634006.

Gurgel, Fabio Duca do Amaral, “Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu : Advanced Techniques“, Berkeley, CA, United States, Blue Snake Books, 2007, 140p, 240 x 168 x 7, PB, BJJ, LoC, ISBN13 9781583941669.

Gurgel, Fabio Duca do Amaral, “Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu : Basic Techniques: The Jiu-Jitsu Handbook“, Berkeley, CA, United States, Blue Snake Books, 2007, 154p, 236 x 165 x 13, PB, BJJ, LoC, ISBN13 9781583941652.

Gutman, Bill, “Judo“, Minneapolis, MN, United States, Capstone Press, 1995 1996, 48p, 22 cm, TPL, ISBN 1560652659.

Hammond, Dave, “Ippon! The fight for judo’s soul“, London, United Kingdom, London League Publications Ltd, 2008, 86p, 208 x 147 x 4, PB, HIS, BLC, ISBN13 9781903659380.

Hancock, Harrie Irving (1868 – 1922), “Japanese physical training : the system of exercise, diet, and general mode of living that has made the Mikado’s people the healthiest, strongest, and happiest men and women in the world“, New York, United States, Putnam, 1903, xv,156p, 20 cm, HB, OJJ, 3219.

Hancock, Harrie Irving (1868 – 1922), “Jiu-jitsu combat tricks : Japanese feats of attack and defence in personal encounter“, New York, United States, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1904, 151p, 194 x 132 x 29, HB, OJJ, BoL.

Hancock, Harrie Irving (1868 – 1922), “Jiu-jitsu combat tricks : Japanese Feats of Attack and Defence in Personal Encounter“, New York, United States, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1924, 151p, REP, LIB.

Hancock, Harrie Irving (1868 – 1922), “Physical Training for Children by Japanese Methods : a manual for use in schools and at home“, New York & London, United States, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1904, 153p, 20 cm, HB, OJJ, BoL.

Hancock, Harrie Irving (1868 – 1922), “Physical Training for Women by Japanese Methods“, New York & London, United States, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1904 1905, 152p, 20 cm, HB, COA, LAC.

Hancock, Harrie Irving (1868 – 1922) : Higashi, Katsukuma, “The complete Kano Jiu-Jitsu (Judo)“, Mineola, NY, United States, Dover Publications, 2006, 526p, OJJ, BJ, ISBN 0486443434.

Hancock, Harrie Irving (1868 – 1922) : Higashi, Katsukuma, “The complete Kano Jiu-Jitsu (Judo)“, New York, United States, Dover Publications, 1961 1980, 500p, 21 cm, PB, REP, KBC, ISBN 0486206394.

Hancock, Harrie Irving (1868 – 1922) : Higashi, Katsukuma, “The complete Kano Jiu-Jitsu (Judo)“, New York, United States, G. P. Putnam & Sons, 1905, 526p, 23 cm, HB, OJJ, NSc.

Hancock, Harrie Irving (1868 – 1922) : Higashi, Katsukuma, “The complete Kano jiu-jitsu (Judo)“, London, United Kingdom, Constable, 1961, 500p, 21 cm, REP, COP.

Hancock, Harrie Irving (1868 – 1922) : Higashi, Katsukuma, “The complete Kano jiu-jitsu, judo : the official jiu-jitsu of the Japanese government, with the additions of Hoshino and Tsutsumi, and chapters on the serious and fatal blows and on Kuatsu the Japanese science of the restoration of life“, London, United Kingdom, G. P. Putnam & Sons, 1924[1] 1927[2] 1931[4] 1935[4], 526p, 225 x 155 x 135, HB, REP, WOC.

Hancock, Harrie Irving (1868 – 1922) : Higashi, Katsukuma, “The complete Kano jiu-jitsu, judo : the official jiu-jitsu of the Japanese government, with the additions of Hoshino and Tsutsumi, and chapters on the serious and fatal blows and on Kuatsu the Japanese science of the restoration of life“, London, United Kingdom, G. P. Putnam & Sons, 1938[5], 526p, 225 x 155 x 135, HB, REP, LIB.

Hanley, R. E., “Combat conditioning manual : Jiu jitsu defense“, Chigago, United States, Gordy publishing, 1943, 159p, SD, RS.

Hargreaves, Peter Hickman : Ross, R. F. : Goodger, J. M., “Famous Judo throws : 1 Haraigoshi“, London, United Kingdom, Leonard Hill Books, 1969, 111p, 214 x 140 x 9, PB, TCH, UoB, ISBN 0249439646.

Harkin, John, “Judo games and first action skills“, Ballyshannon, Ireland, Donegal Democrat, 1996, LIB.

Harley, V. G., “Never look back : the Owen Lowery story“, Crowborough, United Kingdom, Highland, 1990, 224p, 22 cm, LIB.

Harrington, (Pat) Patricia : Huxley, Betty, “Judo : a pictorial manual“, Rutland, Vermont, United States, Charles E. Tuttle, 1987[1] 1992[2], 280p, 240 x 177 x 16, PB, KAT, TPL, ISBN 0804818789.

Harrington, (Pat) Patricia : Huxley, Betty, “Judo : a pictorial manual“, Newton Abbot, United Kingdom, David & Charles, 1987, 280p, 24 cm, KAT, BLC, ISBN 071538984X.

Harrington, (Pat) Patricia, “Judo : a pictorial manual“, Kenthurst, NSW, Australia, Kangaroo Press, 1987, 280p, 24 cm, REP, NLA, ISBN 086417103X.

Harrington, (Pat) Patricia, “Judo basics : Principles, rules, and rankings“, Tokyo, Japan, Kodansha International, 2002, 200p, 26 cm, HB, TCH, UoB, ISBN 4770028075.

Harrington, (Pat) Patricia : Huxley, Betty, “Judo instructors handbook“, Engadine, NSW, Australia, Sosuishi-Ryu Australia, 1996, 223p, 30 cm, COA, NLA, ISBN 0959342141.

Harrington, Anthony Patrick, “Defend yourself with Judo“, London, United Kingdom, Stanley Paul, 1957[1] 1958[2], 128p, 217 x 143 x 12, HB, TCH, UoB.

Harrington, Anthony Patrick, “Defend yourself with Judo“, New York, United States, Emerson Books, 1960, 128p, 22 cm, REP, LoC.

Harrington, Anthony Patrick, “Every boy’s judo“, New York, United States, Emerson Books, 1960, 140p, 22 cm, REP, LoC.

Harrington, Anthony Patrick, “Every Boy’s Judo“, London, United Kingdom, Stanley Paul, 1971[3], 175p, 23 cm, REP, BLC, ISBN 0090530713.

Harrington, Anthony Patrick, “Every Boy’s Judo“, London, United Kingdom, Signet, 1959[1], 144p, 22 cm, TCH, BLC.

Harrington, Anthony Patrick, “Every Boy’s Judo“, London, United Kingdom, Stanley Paul, 1965[2], 168p, 22 cm, REP, BLC.

Harrington, Anthony Patrick, “Every Girl’s Judo“, London, United Kingdom, Stanley Paul, 1960[1], 128p, 208 x 143 x 12, HB, TCH, NSc.

Harrington, Anthony Patrick, “Every Girl’s Judo“, Buchanan, United States, Emerson books, 1961 1974[2], 128p, 21 cm, REP, BLC.

Harrington, Anthony Patrick, “Judo guide to black belt“, London, United Kingdom, Stanley Paul, 1970, 228p, 22 cm, TCH, LoC, ISBN 0091011809.

Harrington, Anthony Patrick : Thompson, Fred, “The Science of Judo“, New York, United States, Emerson Books, 1962, 160p, 22 cm, REP, UoB.

Harrington, Anthony Patrick, “The Science of Judo“, London, United Kingdom, Stanley Paul, 1962, 160p, 22 cm, TCH, BLC.

Harrison, Ernest John (1873 – 1961), “Coaching Succesfully Judo“, New Delhi, India, Sports Publication, 2002, 194p, 22 cm, COA, LIB, ISBN 8178790432.

Harrison, Ernest John (1873 – 1961), “Judo“, London, United Kingdom, Frederick Muller, 1952, 104p, 19 cm, REP, NLZ.

Harrison, Ernest John (1873 – 1961), “Judo“, London, United Kingdom, W. G. Foyle, 1950[1] 1951 1963[2], 104p, 19 cm, TCH, UoB.

Harrison, Ernest John (1873 – 1961) : Law, Donald : Gregory, Malcolm J. : Hardie, B. H., “Judo“, London, United Kingdom, W. G. Foyle, 1974[3], 119p, 19 cm, REP, BLC.

Harrison, Ernest John (1873 – 1961), “Judo : At-a-glance“, Baltimore, Maryland, United States, I. & M. Ottenheimer, 1953[1] 1956[2], 91p, HB, BJ.

Harrison, Ernest John (1873 – 1961) : Shepheard, H., “Judo : the Art of Ju-Jitsu“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1960 1968, 95 p, 16 cm, PB, REP, BLC, ISBN 0572005695.

Harrison, Ernest John (1873 – 1961), “Judo for beginners“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1953 1958, 63 p, 27 cm, PB, TCH, BLC.

Harrison, Ernest John (1873 – 1961), “Judo for girls“, New York, United States, Sterling, 1962, 110p, 20 cm, KID, LoC.

Harrison, Ernest John (1873 – 1961), “Judo for Women“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1957, 92 p, TCH, BLC.

Harrison, Ernest John (1873 – 1961), “Judo for Young Girls“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1961, 95 p, 17 cm, REP, BLC.

Harrison, Ernest John (1873 – 1961), “Judo for young girls (The new Sports Library)“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1957, 110p, 17 cm, TCH, NSc.

Harrison, Ernest John (1873 – 1961) : Oda, Jōin (Tsunetani) (1982 – 1955), “Judo on the ground : Katamewaza – the Oda method : An interpretation of the Oda system comprising numerous drastic immobilizations, necklocks and dislocation methods hitherto unknown in the West“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1954, 199p, 221 x 143 x 27, HB, NEW, NSc.

Harrison, Ernest John (1873 – 1961), “Junior Judo“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1957, 61 p, 18 cm, KID, BLC.

Harrison, Ernest John (1873 – 1961), “Junior Judo“, New York, United States, Sterling, 1965[1] 1966[2] 1972[3] 1976[4], 127p, 178 x 144 x 11, PB, KID, BLC.

Harrison, Ernest John (1873 – 1961) : Martin, Geoff, “Manual of Judo“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1988, 168p, 20 cm, REP, BLC, ISBN 0572013795.

Harrison, Ernest John (1873 – 1961) : (reprint of Judo on the ground), “Play better judo“, New Delhi, India, Sports Publication, 2001, 194 p, 220 x 144 x 13, HB, RTCH, LIB, ISBN 8178790076.

Harrison, Ernest John (1873 – 1961), “The art of ju-jitsu : Scientific defence for everybody“, Philadelphia, PA, United States, David McKay, 1932, 91p, 16 cm, TCH, RS.

Harrison, Ernest John (1873 – 1961), “The art of ju-jitsu : Scientific defence for everybody“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1932, 91p, 156 x 102 x 13, PB, TCH, RS.

Harrison, Ernest John (1873 – 1961), “The art of ju-jitsu : the practice of Judo“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1958, 91p, 158 x 102 x 12, PB, REP, RS.

Harrison, Ernest John (1873 – 1961), “The fighting spirit of Japan“, New York, United States, Overlook Press, 1982 1988 2000, 251p, 22 cm x 14 cm, PB, REP, LoC, ISBN13 9780879511548.

Harrison, Ernest John (1873 – 1961), “The fighting spirit of Japan“, London, United Kingdom, T. Fisher Unwin, 1913, 351p, 23 cm, HB, MEM, 3140.

Harrison, Ernest John (1873 – 1961), “The fighting spirit of Japan“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1955 1966 1975?, 250p, 222 x 142 x 28, HB, REP, BLC.

Harrison, Ernest John (1873 – 1961), “The manual of Judo“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1952[1], 159p, TCH, BLC.

Harrison, Ernest John (1873 – 1961), “The manual of Judo“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1964[2], 172p, 22 cm, REP, MBR.

Harrison, Ernest John (1873 – 1961), “Theory & practice of judo“, Reading, United Kingdom, UP, 1928, TCH, 3293.

Harrison, Ernest John (1873 – 1961) : Wood, W. (Billy), “Wrestling : Catch-as-catch-can, Cumberland & Westmorland, & All-in Styles“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1938 1960, 93p, 158 x 102 x 12, PB, OTH, BLC.

Harrison, Ernest John (1873 – 1961) (J. L.) : (reprint of The art of ju-jitsu : Scientific defence for everybody), “Teaching and coaching Judo“, Delhi, India, Lokeshi tani, 1998, 91p, 220 x 146 x 12, HB, TCH, LIB, ISBN 818619052X.

Harvey, (Mike) Maurice George (1923 – 2007), “Comprehensive self-defence“, New York, United States, Emerson Books, 1967 1975, HB, SD, LIB.

Harvey, (Mike) Maurice George (1923 – 2007), “Comprehensive self-defence“, London, United Kingdom, Kaye & Ward, 1967, 179p, HB, REP, LIB.

Harvey, (Mike) Maurice George (1923 – 2007), “Self defense by Judo“, London, United Kingdom, Nicholas Kaye, 1959 1962, 149p, HB, SD, BLC.

Harvey, (Mike) Maurice George (1923 – 2007), “Self defense by Judo“, Toronto, Canada, Coles Publishing, 1975, 149p, 22 cm x 14 cm, PB, REP, KS.

Harvey, (Mike) Maurice George (1923 – 2007), “Self defense by Judo“, London, United Kingdom, Kaye & Ward, 1968, 149p, HB, REP, LIB, ISBN 0718206789.

Harvey, (Mike) Maurice George (1923 – 2007), “The judo instructor“, London, United Kingdom, Nicholas Kaye, 1966[2] 1973, 128p, 20 cm, HB, REP, BLC, ISBN 0718209583.

Harvey, (Mike) Maurice George (1923 – 2007), “The judo instructor“, London, United Kingdom, Nicholas Kaye, 1957[1], 120p, 20 cm, COA, NSc.

Harvey, (Mike) Maurice George (1923 – 2007), “The judo instructor“, New York, United States, Emerson Books, 1958 1960, 121p, HB, REP, LIB.

Hatta, Itiro, “Judo“, Tokyo, Japan, Meguro Shoten, 1940, WOC.

Heim, Jean, “Judo“, Mantois, France, l’Association sportive mantaise, 1964, 63p, TCH, LoC.

Helm, Dennis, “2000 Years : Jiu Jitsu – Kodokan Judo – American Judo“, UL, United States, Panda’s Place, 2007, 326p, 280 x 240 x 17, PB, REP, LIB, ISBN13 9780979745812.

Helm, Dennis, “2000 Years : Jujitsu and Kodokan Judo“, Illinois, United States, Illinois Judo association, 1991, 116p, 280 x 240 x 17, PB, HIS, MBR.

Hicks, Jerry (1927 – ), “Judo through the looking glass“, Bristol, United Kingdom, Redcliffe Press, 1994, 133p, 232 x 152 x 10, PB, BF, KS, ISBN 1872971830.

Hicks, Simon : Soames, Nicolas (1950 – ), “50 great Judo champions“, London, United Kingdom, Ippon Books, 2001, 117p, 26 cm, HB, HIS, UoB, ISBN 1874572917.

Higashi, Nobuyoshi (1937 – ), “Basic Judo“, New York, N.Y.?, United States, New York Branch of Kokushikan University Press, 1984, 71p, 28 cm, LoC, ISBN 0961211806.

Hipkiss, James, “Unarmed combat : The Art of Physical Defence and Attack Practically Explained and Illustrated“, London, United Kingdom, F. W. Bridges, 1941, 78p, SD, JIS.

Hoare, Sydney R. (1939 – ), “A History of Judo“, UL, United Kingdom, Yamagi Books, 2008, 160p, 228 x 152 x 14, PB, HIS, BLC, ISBN13 9780956049803.

Hoare, Sydney R. (1939 – ) : Goodger, J. M., “Famous Judo throws : 2 Osotogari“, London, United Kingdom, Leonard Hill Books, 1968, 105p, 214 x 140 x 9, PB, TCH, UoB.

Hoare, Sydney R. (1939 – ), “Judo“, Lincolnwood, Ill., United States, NTC Pub Group, 1993, 173p, 24 cm, REP, LoC, ISBN 0946284792.

Hoare, Sydney R. (1939 – ), “Judo (Teach yourself books)“, Sevenoaks, United Kingdom, Hodder and Stoughton, 1980, 177p, 20 cm, TCH, BLC, ISBN 034024786X.

Hoare, Sydney R. (1939 – ), “Judo (Teach yourself books)“, UL, United States, Random House Publishing, 1993, 176p, 196 x 128 x 11, PB, REP, KS, ISBN 0844239267.

Hoare, Sydney R. (1939 – ), “Judo strategies“, London, United Kingdom, Ippon Books, 2002, 192p, 210 x 148 x 8, PB, BF, RBU, ISBN 187457202X.

Hoare, Sydney R. (1939 – ), “The A to Z of Judo“, London, United Kingdom, Ippon Books, 1994, 1997, 2000, 2002, 192p, 245 x 172 x 20, PB, TCH, KS, ISBN 1874572704.

Holm, John Ralph : Harman, Lori. Wolfe, Robert L. : Wolfe, Diane, “Judo is for me“, Minneapolis, MN, United States, Lerner Publications, 1986, 46p, 23 cm, HB, LoC, ISBN 0822511495.

Holme, Peter (1941 – ), “Competition judo (Get to grips)“, London, United Kingdom, Ward Lock, 1996, 80p, 223 x 170 x 4, PB, TCH, BLC, ISBN 0706375394.

Holme, Peter (1941 – ), “Get to grips with : judo“, London, United Kingdom, Blandford, 1995, 80p, 222 x 168 x 6, PB, TCH, LoC, ISBN 0713725168.

Holme, Peter (1941 – ), “Judo : rules“, London, United Kingdom, Ward Lock, 1997, 64p, 223 x 170 x 6, PB, COA, LoC, ISBN 0706376013.

Horan, Ruth, “Judo for women“, New York, United States, Crown Publishers, 1965, 149p, 24 cm, HB, TCH, MoM.

Horn, Douglas C., “Moves“, Unionville, N.Y., United States, Royal Fireworks Press, 1995, 189p, 22 cm, LoC, ISBN 0091750202.

Hunter, H., “Super jiu jitsu“, Monteral, Canada, UP, 1926, 132p, RS.

Hunter, John W., “Official U S J F judo handbook“, New York?, United States, U.S.J.F., 1974, xii.228p, 24 cm, PB, REF, 3508.

Hunter, Rebecca (1935 – ), “Judo (Starting sports)“, UL, United Kingdom, Watts publishing Group, 2006, 32p, 27 cm x 22 xm, KID, ECL, ISBN13 9780749669004.

Iatskevich, Alexander, “Russian Judo (judo masterclass techniques)“, London, United Kingdom, Ippon Books, 1999, 92p, 235 x 164 x 9, PB, TCH, BJ, ISBN 1874572461.

Inman, Roy (1947 – ) : Soames, Nicolas (1950 – ), “Practical women’s judo (rev.ed. Judo for women)“, Marlborough, United Kingdom, Crowood, 1989, 176p, 26 cm, BLC, ISBN 1852232366.

Inman, Roy (1947 – ), “The Ju jitsu handbook“, Leicester, United Kingdom, Silverdale Books, 2004, 256p, 210 x 163 x 18, PB, TCH, NLB, ISBN 184509042X.

Inman, Roy (1947 – ) : Soames, Nicolas (1950 – ), “Contest judo“, Marlborough, United Kingdom, Crowood, 1987, 201p, 26 cm, TCH, KS, ISBN 1852230762.

Inman, Roy (1947 – ), “Judo ( the skills of the game)“, Marlborough, United Kingdom, Crowood, 1995[1] 1997[2], 128p, 233 x 163 x 7, PB, TCH, BtM, ISBN 1861260695.

Inman, Roy (1947 – ) : Soames, Nicolas (1950 – ), “Judo for women“, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, United Kingdom, Crowood, 1987, 237p, 23 cm, TCH, LoC, ISBN 1852230401.

Inman, Roy (1947 – ), “The Judo handbook“, Leicester, United Kingdom, Silverdale Books, 2004, 256p, 210 x 163 x 18, PB, TCH, UoB, ISBN 1845090411.

Inman, Roy (1947 – ), “The Judo handbook“, Leicester, United Kingdom, Rosen Publishing, 2008, 256p, 213 x 165 x 20, HB, REP, NLB, ISBN13 9781404213937.

Inokuma, Isao (1938 – ) : Satō, Nobuyuki, “Best Judo“, Tokyo, Japan, Kodansha International, 1986, 255p, 258 x 180 x 18, PB, TCH, COP, ISBN 0870117866.

Inokuma, Isao (1938 – ) : Sato, Nobuyuki, “Best Judo“, Tokyo, Japan, Kodansha International, 1979, 255p, 27 cm, REP, 3539, ISBN 087011381X.

International Judo Federation,, “Contest rules of the International Judo Federation“, Tokyo, Japan, I.J.F., UD, 7p, 17 cm, REF, 3532.

International Olympic Committee,, “Judo : official results book = Judo : brochure des résultats officiels (Games of the XXVII Olympiad = Les Jeux de la XXVII Olympiade)“, Lausanne, Switzerland, International Olympic Committee, 2000, 80p, 30 cm, HIS, BoL.

Ishiguro, Keishichi (1897 – 1974), “Jūdō“, UL, UC, UP, 1942, 286p, 19 cm, TCH, LoC.

Ishikawa, Takahiko (1917 – ) : Foos, “Ishikawa Judo School vol. 1 no 10“, Virginia, United States, Ishikawa & Foos, 1983, 864p, 24 cm, 3507.

Ishikawa, Takahiko (1917 – ) : Foos, “Ishikawa Judo School vol. 1 no 11“, Virginia, United States, Ishikawa & Foos, 1985, 608p, 3492.

Ishikawa, Takahiko (1917 – ) : Foos, “Ishikawa Judo School vol. 1 no 5“, Virginia, United States, Ishikawa & Foos, 1978, 194p, 31 cm, 3509.

Ishikawa, Takahiko (1917 – ) : Foos, “Ishikawa Judo School vol. 1 no 8“, Virginia, United States, Ishikawa & Foos, 1979, 416p, 3291.

Ishikawa, Takahiko (1917 – ) : Draeger, Donn F. (1922 – 1982), “Judo : training methods“, Tokyo, Japan, Charles E. Tuttle, 1999, 324p, 253 x 178 x 23, PB, REP, 3016, ISBN 0804832102.

Ishikawa, Takahiko (1917 – ) : Draeger, Donn F. (1922 – 1982), “Judo : training methods : a source book“, Tokyo, Japan, Charles E. Tuttle, 1963, 324p, 33 cm, TCH, 3016.

Ito, Kazuo (1898 – 1974), “This is Jûdô for women“, Tokyo, Japan, Tokyo News Service, 1968, 115p, 27 cm x 17 cm, TCH, KBC.

Ito, Kazuo (1898 – 1974), “This is Judo: A Comprehensive Text from Beginner to Advanced with Sections on Self Defense and Resuscitation“, Tokyo, Japan, Tokyo News Service, 1964[1] 1965[2] 1967[3], xvi,259p, 23 cm, TCH, 3438.

Jacks, Brian (1946 – ) : Carter, Cyril A., “1st Dan to 2nd Dan : an interpretation of the British Judo Association Syllabus“, London, United Kingdom, Pelham Books, 1979, 87p, 26 cm, TCH, BLC, ISBN 0720711436.

Jacks, Brian (1946 – ), “Judo (Pelham pictorial sports instruction series)“, London, United Kingdom, Pelham Books, 1976, 64p, 26 cm, LoC, ISBN 0720709229.

Jacks, Brian (1946 – ) : Carter, Cyril A., “Novice to 1st dan : an interpretation of the British Judo Association syllabus“, London, United Kingdom, Pelham Books, 1978, 96p, 255 x 10 x 14, HB, TCH, LAC, ISBN 0720711037.

James, F., “Basic Judo“, Toronto, Canada, Coles Publishing, 1976, 112p, 228 x 152 x 8, PB, TCH, KS.

James, Stuart (1926 – ), “The complete beginner’s guide to Judo“, Garden City, United States, Doubleday & Company, 1978, 115p, 24 cm, LoC, ISBN 0385060335.

Janicot, Didier : Pouillart, Gilbert, “Judo : techniques and tactics“, New York, United States, Sterling, 1997, 104p, 256 x 198 x 16, HB, TCH, LoC, ISBN 0806919701.

Jones, F. P., “Judo in action!“, Toronto, Canada, Dalton, 1975, 96p, 21 cm, PB, TCH, LAC.

Jones, Helen Dudenbostel, “Judo jiu-jitsu and hand-to-hand fighting a list of references“, Washington, United States, Library of Congress, 1943, 18p, 27 cm, LoC.

Jorgensen, Svend J. (1890 – 1974), “American Jiu-jitsu“, Seattle, United States, Edition privée, 1931, 108p, SJJ, LIB.

Jorgensen, Svend J. (1890 – 1974), “American police Jiu-jitsu“, Seattle, United States, Edition privée, 1937[1], 109p, 21 cm, SJJ, RS.

Jorgensen, Svend J. (1890 – 1974), “American police Jiu-jitsu“, Boulder, Colorado, United States, Palladin Press, 2005[2], 109p, 213 x 140 x 7, PB, REP, LAC, ISBN13 9781581604504.

Jorgensen, Svend J. (1890 – 1974), “Official police Jiu jitsu“, Seattle, United States, UP, 1938, 33p, OJJ, RS.

Jorgensen, Svend J. (1890 – 1974), “Stick’em up! American offensive and defensive jui-jitsui [!] methods“, Seattle, United States, UP, 1930, 15 cm, SD, LoC.

Kanō, Jigorō (1860 – 1938), “Jūdō (Jūjūtsu)“, Tokyo, Japan, Buyu Shoseki Shuppan, 2001, 59p, 228 x 151 x 4, PB, REP, NLS, ISBN 4901619005.

Kanō, Jigorō (1860 – 1938), “Judo (jujutsu) (Tourist library, 16)“, Tokyo, Japan, Kokusai kanko kyokai (Board of tourist industry japanese governement railways), 1937, 70p, 195 x 133 x 4, PB, 3431, .

Kanō, Jigorō (1860 – 1938), “Jujutsu and judo : what are they?“, Tokyo, Japan, Kodokwan, 1937, 70p, 22 cm, HIS, 3524.

Kanō, Jigorō (1860 – 1938), “Kodokan judo“, Tokyo, Japan, Kodansha International, 1986, 264p, 263 x 190 x 24, HB, REP, COP, ISBN 0870116819.

Kanō, Jigorō (1860 – 1938), “Kodokan judo“, Tokyo, Japan, Kodansha International, 1994, 264p, 256 x 182 x 19, PB, REP, COP, ISBN 4770017995.

Kanō, Jigorō (1860 – 1938), “Lecture on the principles of judo and their application to all phases of human activity“, UL, UC, UP, UD, 4p, 3427.

Kanō, Jigorō (1860 – 1938), “Mind over muscle : Writings from the founder of Judo“, Tokyo, Japan, Kodansha International, 2006, 155p, 195 x 140 x 18, BF, COP, ISBN 4770030150.

Kanō, Jigorō (1860 – 1938), “The contribution of judo to education“, UL, UC, UP, UD, 8p, BF, 3428.

Kanō, Risei (1900 – ), “What is Judo?“, Tokyo, Japan, Kodokan, 1947[1] 1952[2] 1953[3] 1956[4], 79p, 186 x 128 x 9, HB, TCH, 3434.

Kasatu, Higami, “Ju-Jitsu: Exposure of all Methods of Self-Defence : Police and Japanese secrets of attack and defence“, Sydney, Australia, Briton Publications Pty., 1918, OJJ, NLA.

Kasatu, Higami, “Ju-Jitsu: Exposure of all Methods of Self-Defence : Police and Japanese secrets of attack and defence“, UL, United Kingdom, Lulu.com, 2008, 34p, 297 x 210, PB, REP, LIB.

Kashiwazaki, Katsuhiko (1951 – ) : Nakanishi, Hidetoshi (1958 – ), “Attacking judo“, London, United Kingdom, Ippon Books, 2001 2005 2006, 136p, 242 x 170 x 12, PB, REP, NSc, ISBN 0951845594.

Kashiwazaki, Katsuhiko (1951 – ) : Nakanishi, Hidetoshi (1958 – ), “Attacking judo“, London, United Kingdom, Ippon Books, 1992, 136p, 255 x 180 x 13, PB, TCH, NSc, ISBN 0951845594.

Kashiwazaki, Katsuhiko (1951 – ), “Fighting judo“, London, United Kingdom, Pelham Books, 1985, 143p, 298 x 230 x 18, HB, TCH, BLC, ISBN 0720715946.

Kashiwazaki, Katsuhiko (1951 – ), “Fighting judo“, New York, United States, Viking Press, 1987, 143p, 28 cm, REP, BLC, ISBN 0720715946.

Kashiwazaki, Katsuhiko (1951 – ), “Osaekomi (judo masterclass techniques)“, London, United Kingdom, Ippon Books, 1997 2000 2004, 112p, 235 x 164 x 9, PB, NEW, RBU, ISBN 1874572364.

Kashiwazaki, Katsuhiko (1951 – ), “Shimewaza (judo masterclass techniques)“, London, United Kingdom, Ippon Books, 1992 1997 2000, 112p, 235 x 164 x 9, PB, NEW, NSc, ISBN 0951845535.

Kashiwazaki, Katsuhiko (1951 – ), “Tomoe-nage (judo masterclass techniques)“, Marlborough, United Kingdom, Crowood, 1989, 96p, 24cm, TCH, LoC, ISBN 1852232498.

Kauert, F. P., “Judo“, London, United Kingdom, Budokwai, 1952, TCH, UoB.

Kautz, Herman, “A Path to Liberation“, Woodstock, N. Y., United States, Overlook Press, 1992, 120p, 208 x 178 x 9, PB, BF, LIB, ISBN 0879514574.

Kawaishi, Mikonosuke (1899 – 1970) : Gailhat, Jean : Harrison, E. J., “My Method of Self-Defence“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1957, 127p, 30 cm, SD, BLC.

Kawaishi, Mikonosuke (1899 – 1970) : Gailhat, Jean : Harrison, E. J., “My Method of Self-Defence“, New York, United States, Wehman Brothers, 1957, 125p, HB, REP, MoM.

Kawaishi, Mikonosuke (1899 – 1970) : Gailhat, Jean : Harrison, E. J., “My Methof of Judo“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1955, 246p, 220 x 140 x 38, HB, TCH, UoB.

Kawaishi, Mikonosuke (1899 – 1970) : Gailhat, Jean, “Standing Judo : The combinations and counter – attacks“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1963, 136p, 26 cm, HB, TCH, NSA.

Kawaishi, Mikonosuke (1899 – 1970) : Harrison, Ernest John (1873 – 1961), “The Complete 7 Katas of Judo“, Woodstock, N. Y., United States, Overlook Press, 1982[2], 203p, 212 x 140 x 18, PB, REP, LAC, ISBN 0879511567.

Kawaishi, Mikonosuke (1899 – 1970) : Harrison, Ernest John (1873 – 1961), “The Complete 7 Katas of Judo“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1957[1], 203p, 220 x 140 x 38, HB, KAT, NSc.

Kawamura, Teizo (1922 – ) : Hamilton, G., “Judo : combination techniques“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1958, 61p, 223 x 143 x 9, HB, TCH, 3432.

Kelly, Vince M.S., “Fell’s Guide to Judo for Protection and Self-Defense“, New York, United States, Frederick Fell, Inc., 1965 1972, 122p, HB, SD, LOC.

Kerr, George (1937 – ), “Judo : basic training manual for beginners“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1964, 64p, 223 x 143 x 12, TCH, NLZ.

Kim, Daeshik (1934 – ), “Judo“, Dubuque, Iowa, United States, Wm. C. Brown, 1969, 64p, 228 x 158 x 7, PB, TCH, LoC, ISBN 0697070697.

Kim, Daeshik (1934 – ) : Dhin, Kyung Sun, “Judo“, Dubuque, Iowa, United States, Wm. C. Brown, 1977, 86p, 228 x 162 x 6, PB, TCH, LoC, ISBN 0697070697.

Kim, Daeshik (1934 – ) : Dhin, Kyung Sun, “Judo (Exploring sports)“, Dubuque, Iowa, United States, Wm. C. Brown, 1983, 86p, PB, REP, LoC, ISBN 0697099105.

Kineji, Maborushi : Gibson, Walter Brown (1897 – ), “Judo attack and defense“, New York, United States, Vista House, 1961, 136p, 24 cm, HB, SJJ, LoC.

King, I. C., “How to use Jiu Jitsu : Army-tested methods of self-defense for men and women“, Chigago, United States, Beckley-Ralston, 1944, 48p, SD, RS.

Klein, Yves (1928 – 1962) : Whittlesea, Ian, “The Foundations of Judo“, UL, United Kingdom, Everyday Press, 2009, 256p, 224 x 140 x 19, PB, KAT, LIB, ISBN13 9780956173805.

Klinger-Klingerstorff, Hubert (1920 – ), “Judo and Judo-do“, London, United Kingdom, Herbert Jenkins, 1953, 144p, 190 x 130 x 14, HB, TCH, NLA.

Klinger-Klingerstorff, Hubert (1920 – ), “Judo self taught in pictures“, London, United Kingdom, Herbert Jenkins, 1952 1953[4], 160p, 183 x 123 x 13, PB, TCH, NSc.

Klinger-Klingerstorff, Hubert (1920 – ), “Judo self taught in pictures“, New York, United States, Wehman Brothers, 1955, 160p, PB, REP, MoM.

Klocke, Ulrich (1970 – ), “Judo : top action“, Oxford, United Kingdom, Meyer & Meyer, 2001, 167p, 288 x 220 x 17, HB, HIS, BLC, ISBN 1841260355.

Kobayashi, Kiyoshi (1925 – ), “Illustrated judo : kyu & dan“, Tokyo, Japan, Obun-Intereurope, 1975, 144p, 30 cm, TCH, LAC.

Kobayashi, Kiyoshi (1925 – ) : Sharp, Harold E., “The sport of judo as practiced in Japan“, Rutland, Vermont, United States, Charles E. Tuttle, 1993[45] 1997, 104p, 228 x 145 x 9, PB, REP, LAC, ISBN 0804805423.

Kobayashi, Kiyoshi (1925 – ) : Sharp, Harold E., “The sport of judo as practiced in Japan“, Rutland, Vermont, United States, Charles E. Tuttle, 1955 1968 1974[2], xi,104p, 22 cm, TCH, 3030.

Kodokan,, “Judo by the Kodokan“, Osaka, Japan, Nunoi Shobo, 1961, 149p, 14 cm, 3440.

Koiwai, Eichi, “Official A A U – J B B F judo handbook“, New York, United States, Amateur Athletic Union of U.S., 1964, 256p, REF, 3253.

Koizumi, Gunji (1885 – 1963) : Hardie, bruce, “Eight Judo excercises“, London, United Kingdom, Budokwai, 1950, 40p, 22 cm, NLZ.

Koizumi, Gunji (1885 – 1963), “Four lectures on judo“, London, United Kingdom, Budokwai, 1938, UoB.

Koizumi, Gunji (1885 – 1963), “Judo : the basic technical principles and exercises, supplemented with contest rules and grading syllabus (A fifth issue of the “Twelve judo throws” and the second of the “Eight judo exercises”… in one volume.)“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1958, 64p, 22 cm, TCH, BoL.

Koizumi, Gunji (1885 – 1963), “Judo exercises“, London, United Kingdom, Budokwai, 1937, COA, UoB.

Koizumi, Gunji (1885 – 1963), “My study of Judo : The principles and the technical fundamentals“, New York, United States, Cornerstone Library Publications, 1960, 200p, 204 x 130 x 13, PB, REP, BJ.

Koizumi, Gunji (1885 – 1963), “My study of Judo : The principles and the technical fundamentals“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1960, 200p, 24 cm, TCH, BLC.

Koizumi, Gunji (1885 – 1963), “Twelve Judo throws“, London, United Kingdom, Budokwai, 1955[4], 48p, 22 cm, REP, KBC.

Koizumi, Gunji (1885 – 1963), “Twelve Judo throws and tsukuri“, London, United Kingdom, Budokwai, 1948, 40p, 212 x 136 x 3, PB, TCH, RS.

Kotani, Sumiyuki (1903 – 1991) : Hirose, Yuichi, “Formal techniques of Kodokan judo“, Manila, Philippines, National Athletic Supply, 1957, 169p, 28 cm, TCH, 3444.

Kotani, Sumiyuki (1903 – 1991) : Osawa, Yoshimi (1926 – ) : Hirose, Yuichi (1918 – ), “Kata of Kodokan Judo : revised : nage-no-kata, katame-no-kata, Kodokan goshinjutsu, kime-no-kata, Joshi Judo goshinho, seiryoku-zenyo kokumin-taiku, renkoho, kime-shiki“, Kobe, Japan, Koyano Bussan Kaisha, 1968 1970, 193p, 209 x 152 x 12, PB, KAT, KS.

Kotani, Sumiyuki (1903 – 1991) : Osawa, Yoshimi (1926 – ) : Hirose, Yuichi (1918 – ), “Newaza of Judo“, Kobe, Japan, Koyano Bussan Kaisha, 1973, 153p, 25 cm x 20 cm, PB, NEW, LIB.

Koyama, K. : Minami, A., “Jiu jitsu the effective japanese mode of self defence (Spalding’s Athletic Library No. 2.)“, London, United Kingdom, British Sports Publishing, 1930 1940, 79p, REP, NSc.

Koyama, K. : Minami, A., “Jiu jitsu the effective japanese mode of self defence : illustrated by snapshots of K. Koyama and A. Minami well known native experts“, London, United Kingdom, Renwick of Otley, 1906, 79p, OJJ, NSc.

Koyama, K. : Minami, A., “Jiu jitsu the effective japanese mode of self defence : illustrated by snapshots of K. Koyama and A. Minami well known native experts“, New York, United States, Kessinger Publishing, 2005, 81p, 228 x 152 x 5, PB, REP, RBU, ISBN 141795163X.

Koyama, K. : Minami, A., “Jiu jitsu the effective japanese mode of self defence : illustrated by snapshots of K. Koyama and A. Minami well known native experts“, New York, United States, American sports publishing, 1924 1934, 81p, REP, RS.

Kozuki, Russell, “Blackbelt fighting techniques“, New York, United States, Sterling, 1983, 160p, JBN.

Kudō, Kazuzō (1898 – 1970) : Gage, Richard L., “Dynamic Judo : Grappling techniques“, Tokyo, Japan, Japan Publication Trading, 1967 1970[3], 224p, 304 x 216 x 26, HB, NEW, TPL.

Kudō, Kazuzō (1898 – 1970), “Dynamic Judo : Throwing techniques“, Tokyo, Japan, Japan Publication Trading, 1967, 224p, 304 x 216 x 26, HB, TCH, TPL.

Kudō, Kazuzō (1898 – 1970), “Judo in action : grappling techniques“, Tokyo, Japan, Japan Publication Trading, 1971[5] 1974[8] 1977 1978 1984[15], 128p, 210 x 148 x 11, PB, REP, LAC, ISBN 0870400738.

Kudō, Kazuzō (1898 – 1970), “Judo in action : grappling techniques“, Tokyo, Japan, Japan Publication Trading, 1967, 128p, 27 cm, NEW, KS.

Kudō, Kazuzō (1898 – 1970), “Judo in action : throwing techniques“, Tokyo, Japan, Japan Publication Trading, 1971 1972 1973 1974 1976[11] 1978 1989, 127p, 27 cm, REP, LAC, ISBN 0870400746.

Kudō, Kazuzō (1898 – 1970), “Judo in action : throwing techniques“, Tokyo, Japan, Japan Publication Trading, 1967 1968 1970 1971 1972 1973, 127p, 210 x 148 x 11, PB, TCH, KS.

Kurihara, Tamio (1896 – 1979) : Wilson, Howard, “Championship judo : Origin and development, techniques, training, self-defence“, London, United Kingdom, Arthur Barker, 1966, 120p, 26 cm, REP, 3009.

Kurihara, Tamio (1896 – 1979) : Wilson, Howard, “Championship judo : Origin and development, techniques, training, self-defence“, Rutland, Vt., United States, C.E. Tuttle Co., 1966, 120p, 286 x 222 x 16, HB, TCH, WOC.

Kuwashima, T. Shozo (1892 – ) : Welch, Ashbel Russell (1897 – ), “Judo : Forty-One Lessons In The Modern Science Of Jiu-Jitsu“, UL, United States, Kessinger Publishing, 2007, 164p, 28 cm x 21 cm, REP, KBC, ISBN13 9781432553715.

Kuwashima, T. Shozo (1892 – ) : Welch, Ashbel Russell (1897 – ), “Judo : forty-one lessons in the modern science of Jiu-Jitsu“, New York, United States, Prentice-Hall, 1943, 156p, 228 x 178 x 11, HB, TCH, TPL.

Kuwashima, T. Shozo (1892 – ) : Welch, Ashbel Russell (1897 – ), “Judo : forty-one lessons in the modern science of Jiu-Jitsu“, London, United Kingdom, Putnam, 1949 1951, 156p, 23 cm, REP, BLC.

Kuwashima, T. Shozo (1892 – ) : Welch, Ashbel Russell (1897 – ), “Judo : forty-one lessons in the modern science of jiu-jitsu“, New York, United States, Prentice-Hall, 1950 1966, xii,146p, 26 cm, REP, 3051.

Kuwashima, T. Shozo (1892 – ) : Welch, Ashbel Russell, “Judo : Thirty Lessons In The Modern Science Of Jiu-Jitsu“, UL, United States, Kessinger Publishing, 2007, 136p, 23 cm x 19 cm, REP, LIB, ISBN13 9781432518196.

Kuwashima, T. Shozo (1892 – ) : Welch, Ashbel Russell, “Judo : Thirty lessons in the modern science of Jiu-Jitsu“, New York, United States, Prentice-Hall, 1938, 119p, 228 x 178 x 11, HB, TCH, LoC.

Kuwashima, T. Shozo (1892 – ) : Welch, Ashbel Russell, “Judo : Thirty lessons in the modern science of Jiu-Jitsu“, London, United Kingdom, Sir I. Pitman & Sons, 1939 1949, 119p, REP, BLC.

Lammi, Esko, “Judo training“, Helsinki, Finland, General Staff of the Finnish Defence Forces, 1982, 121p, 208 x 148 x 8, PB, COA, 3520, ISBN 1861260202.

Lanius, Len (1865 – ), “American jiu jitsu : the new art of self defence“, Cincinnati, United States, Lanius Publishing Co., 1922, 42p, SJJ, RS.

Law, Mark, “Falling Hard: A Journey Into the World of Judo“, London, United Kingdom, Trumpeter, 2009, 272p, PB, REP, BLC, ISBN13 9781590307151.

Law, Mark, “The Pyjama Game“, London, United Kingdom, Aurum press, 2007, 324p, 221 x 143 x 32, HB, MEM, ECL, ISBN13 9781845130909.

Law, Mark, “The Pyjama Game“, London, United Kingdom, Aurum press, 2008, 336p, 196 x 128 x 24, PB, REP, ECL, ISBN13 9781845133498.

Lawson-Wood, Denis : Lawson-Wood, Joyce, “First-aid at your finger-tips : [On the use of certain judo pressure points and Chinese acupuncture points, in first aid]“, Rustington, Sussex, United Kingdom, Health Science Press, 1963, 49p, MED, NSc.

Lawson-Wood, Denis : Lawson-Wood, Joyce, “Judo : Revival points, athletes’ points and posture“, Rustington, Sussex, United Kingdom, Health Science Press, 1960, 56p, 220 x 143 x 12, HB, MED, NLM.

Leather, E. Heatrtley (Capt.), “Combat without weapons“, Boulder, Colorado, United States, Palladin Press, 2005[3], 37p, 213 x 140 x 5, PB, REP, LIB, ISBN13 9780873640602.

Leather, E. Heatrtley (Capt.), “Combat without weapons“, Aldershot, United States, Gale & Polden limited, 1942[1] 943[2], 39p, 19 cm, SD, LoC.

LeBell, Gene, “Gene LeBell’s handbook of judo : a step-by-step guide to winning sport judo“, Los Angeles, CA, United States, Pro-Action Pub., 1996, 186p, 22 cm, REP, LoC, ISBN 0961512660.

LeBell, Gene, “Gene LeBell’s handbook of Self-defense“, Los Angeles, CA, United States, Pro-Action Pub., 1996, 144p, 212 x 136 x 7, PB, SD, LoC, ISBN 0961512679.

LeBell, Gene : Ryder, Bob, “Judo and self-defense for the young adult“, Rutland, Vermont, United States, Charles E. Tuttle, 1971, 128p, 18 cm, SD, LoC, ISBN 0804809224.

LeBell, Gene : Calhoun, Bob : Foon, George, “The Godfather of Grappling“, Santa Monica, CA, United States, G. LeBell Enterprises, 2004, 296p, 27 cm, MEM, LoC, ISBN 0967654351.

LeBell, Gene : Coughran, Laurie C., “The Handbook of Judo : An illustrated step-by-step guide to winning sport judo“, New York, United States, Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1962, 186p, 201 x 130 x 12, PB, TCH, BLC.

Leggett, Trevor Pryce (1914 – 2000) : Watanabe, Kisaburo, “Championship Judo : tai-otoshi and o-uchi-gari attacks“, London, United Kingdom, Ippon Books, 1994[2], 64p, 233 x 163 x 5, PB, REP, BLC, ISBN 0874572550.

Leggett, Trevor Pryce (1914 – 2000) : Watanabe, Kisaburo, “Championship Judo : Tai-Otoshi and O-Uchi-Gari attacks“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1964[1], 64p, 23 cm, TCH, BLC.

Leggett, Trevor Pryce (1914 – 2000), “Kata judo“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1982[2], 179p, 222 x 145 x 14, HB, REP, RBU, ISBN 057201175X.

Leggett, Trevor Pryce (1914 – 2000), “Kata judo“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1964[1], 179p, 222 x 145 x 14, HB, KAT, UoB.

Leggett, Trevor Pryce (1914 – 2000), “The Demonstration of Gentleness : Ju-no-kata (Renshuden judo library)“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1964, 62p, 23 cm, HB, KAT, 3217.

Leggett, Trevor Pryce (1914 – 2000), “The Demonstration of Holds : Katame-no-kata (Renshuden judo library)“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1964, 60p, 222 x 145 x 9, HB, KAT, UoB.

Leggett, Trevor Pryce (1914 – 2000), “The Demonstration of Throws : Nage-no-Kata (Renshuden judo library)“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1960 1964, 70p, 222 x 145 x 9, HB, KAT, BLC.

Leggett, Trevor Pryce (1914 – 2000), “The Dragon Mask and Other Judo Stories in the Zen Tradition“, London, United Kingdom, Ippon Books, 1995, 128p, 21 cm, PB, MEM, RBU, ISBN13 9781874572169.

Leiderman, Earle (1886 – 1970), “The science of wrestling and the art of jiu jitsu“, Boulder, Colorado, United States, Palladin Press, 2006[5], 223p, 277 x 215 x 14, PB, REP, LIB, ISBN13 9781581605112.

Leiderman, Earle (1886 – 1970), “The science of wrestling and the art of jiu jitsu“, New York, United States, UP, 1923[1] 1924[2] 1925[3] 1926[4], 223p, HB, OJJ, RS.

Leigh, Mike, “Junior judo 1“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1983, 47p, 17 cm, PB, KID, NSc, ISBN 0572012284.

Leigh, Mike, “Junior judo 2“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1983, 47p, 17 cm, PB, KID, NSc, ISBN 0572012292.

Leigh, Mike, “Junior judo 3“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1984, 47p, 17 cm, PB, KID, NSc, ISBN 0572012632.

Leigh, Mike, “Manual of junior Judo“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1992, 128p, 20 cm, KID, LIB, ISBN 0918860504.

Leigh, Mike, “The complete junior Judo“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1997, 132p, 220 x 206 x 8, PB, KID, BLC, ISBN 0572018215.

Lev, Joseph (1940 – ), “Judo and self defence for the disabled“, Mevasseret-Zion, Israel, Mevasseret-Zion Judo Club, 1986, 244p, 24 cm, SD, LoC.

Lev, Joseph (1940 – ), “Judo and self defence for the disabled“, Jerusalem, Israel, Kav-Ram, 1986, 244p, 24 cm, REP, LIB.

Leyshon, Glynn A. (1929 – ), “Judoka : the history of judo in Canada“, Gloucester, Ont., Canada, Judo Canada, 1997, 188p, 29 cm, HIS, LAC, ISBN 1894165004.

Linck, Samuel, “Combat Jiu jitsu for offence and defense“, Portland, USA, United States, Stevens-Ness Law Publishing, 1943, 126p, SD, MBR.

Longhurst, Percy William (1874 – ), “Jiu-jitsu and other methods of self-defence“, London, United Kingdom, L. Upcott Gill, 1906 1909, 108p, OJJ, RS.

Longhurst, Percy William (1874 – ), “Jiu-jitsu and other methods of self-defence“, London, United Kingdom, Thorsons Publishers, 1938 1942 1943[5] 1946[6] 1949[7] 1950[8] 1951[9] 1952[10] 1954 1957 1959[12], 110p, REP, NSc.

Longhurst, Percy William (1874 – ), “Jiu-jitsu and other methods of self-defence“, London, United Kingdom, Bazaar, Exchange and Mart, 1936 1942 1943[5] 1946[6] 1948[7] 1949[8] 1951[10] 1953, 110p, REP, BLC.

Longhurst, Percy William (1874 – ), “Ju-jutsu and judo“, Boulder, Colorado, United States, Palladin Press, 2005, 64p, 22 cm, REP, JIP, ISBN13 9780873641890.

Longhurst, Percy William (1874 – ), “Ju-jutsu and judo (Warne’s “recreation” books)“, London, United Kingdom, Palladin Press, 1980, 64p, 22 cm, REP, BLC, ISBN 0873641892.

Longhurst, Percy William (1874 – ), “Ju-jutsu and judo (Warne’s “recreation” books)“, London, United Kingdom, Frederick Warne & Co., 1928 1936 1946, 64p, 174 x 123 x 6, PB, OJJ, 3022.

Lowell, Frederick Paul, “America fit – with jiu jitsu-Judo“, New York, United States, Business Bourse, 1944[2], 248p, 22 cm, SD, RS.

Lowell, Frederick Paul, “Jiu-jitsu“, New York, United States, A. S. Barnes, 1942 1945 1947[11] 1955[18], x,83p, 20 cm, OJJ, 3012.

Lowell, Frederick Paul, “The way to better Judo“, New York, United States, Exposition Press, 1952, 248p, HB, TCH, RS.

Lowry, Dave, “In the dojo“, Boston, MA, United States, Weatherhill, 2006, 207p, 213 x 140 x 14, PB, BF, LoC, ISBN13 9780834805729.

Lubbert, Hal (1936 – ), “Insights on judo : Kansetsu Waza“, Cedar Falls, Iowa, United States, Kodokan Iowa Pub, 1985, NEW, LoC.

Lubbert, Hal (1936 – ), “Insights on judo : kuzushi“, Cedar Falls, Iowa, United States, Kodokan Iowa Pub, 1985, 134p, 28 cm, TCH, KS, ISBN 0933099231.

Lubbert, Hal (1936 – ), “Insights on judo : The tactics of Osotogari“, Cedar Falls, Iowa, United States, Kodokan Iowa Pub, 1986, TCH, LoC.

Lubbert, Hal (1936 – ), “Insights on judo : The tactics of Tai Otoshi“, Cedar Falls, Iowa, United States, Kodokan Iowa Pub, 1985, TCH, LoC.

Lukichev, A.V., “Dziudo judo sportivnye terminy na piati iazykakh : russkii, francais, english, deutsch, espanol“, Moskva, Russia, Russkii iazyk, 1979, 94p, 17 cm, COA, NSc.

Lyberg, Wolf, “Judo : the athletes of the summer games“, Stockholm, Sweden, W. Lyberg, 1996, [37] f., 30 cm, HIS, OLL.

Maberry, John Earl : Rinear, Charles, “Judo and you : a handbook for the serious student“, Dubuque, Iowa, United States, Kendall/Hunt, 1991, 84p, 24 cm, TCH, LoC, ISBN 0840366647.

Machado, Jean Jacques : Peligro, Kid, “Brazilian Jiu-jitsu : Black belt techniques“, Monpelier, Vermont, United States, Invisible Cities Press, 2003, 245p, 267 x 217 x 17, PB, BJJ, LoC, ISBN 1931229325.

Machado, Jean Jacques : Peligro, Kid, “Brazilian Jiu-jitsu : Championship techniques“, Monpelier, Vermont, United States, Invisible Cities Press, 2004, 272p, 267 x 217 x 17, PB, BJJ, LoC, ISBN 1931229376.

Machado, Rigan : Fraguas, Jose M., “Encyclopedia of Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Vol 1“, Burbank, CA, United States, Unique Publications, 2004, 26 cm, BJJ, LoC, ISBN 0865682240.

Machado, Rigan : Fraguas, Jose M., “Encyclopedia of Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Vol 1“, Burbank, CA, United States, Unique Publications, 2006, 26 cm, REP, LoC, ISBN 1933901330.

Machado, Rigan : Fraguas, Jose M., “Encyclopedia of Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Vol 2“, Burbank, CA, United States, Unique Publications, 2004, 26 cm, BJJ, LoC, ISBN 0865682291.

Machado, Rigan : Fraguas, Jose M., “Encyclopedia of Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Vol 2“, Burbank, CA, United States, Unique Publications, 2006, 26 cm, REP, LoC, ISBN 1933901349.

Machado, Rigan : Fraguas, Jose M., “Encyclopedia of Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Vol 3“, Burbank, CA, United States, Unique Publications, 2004, 26 cm, BJJ, LoC, ISBN 0865682205.

Machado, Rigan : Fraguas, Jose M., “Encyclopedia of Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Vol 3“, Burbank, CA, United States, Unique Publications, 2006, 26 cm, REP, LoC, ISBN 1933901357.

Machado, Rigan, “Encyclopedia of leglocks : Brazilian jiu jitsu“, Los Angeles, Calif., United States, Empire Books, 2006, 208p, 26 cm, PB, BJJ, LoC, ISBN 1933901144.

Machado, Rigan, “The Essence of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu“, Burbank, CA, United States, Unique Publications, 2002, 128p, 253 x 178 x 9, PB, BJJ, LoC, ISBN 0865681945.

Marks, Roger, “Judo“, London, United Kingdom, Connections Book Publishing, 2006, 16p, TCH, LIB, ISBN 1859061982.

Marks, Roger : Hosaka, Akinori, “Judo : Martial Art Basics“, New York, United States, Barnes & Noble Books, 2006, 20p, 157 x 155 x 36, PB, TCH, LIB, ISBN 0760780315.

Martel, Pierre (1920 – ) : Fradet, Claude, “Jeune Judoka“, Paris, France, Gallimard, 1976, 95p, 18 cm x 11 cm, PB, KID, BnF.

Martel, Pierre (1920 – ), “Judo“, Paris, France, Chancerel Fleurus, 1983, 36p, TCH, BnF, ISBN 2854291115.

Martel, Pierre (1920 – ), “Judo“, London, United Kingdom, Hamilton Children’s, 1986, 34p, 28 cm, TCH, BoL, ISBN 0241118638.

Martel, Pierre (1920 – ), “Judo (Action Sports)“, London, United Kingdom, Gorgi, 1986, 34p, 28 cm, REP, BLC, ISBN 0552542776.

Martel, Pierre (1920 – ), “Judo (Action Sports)“, London, United Kingdom, Hamilton Children’s, 1986, 34p, 28 cm, KID, BLC, ISBN 0241118638.

Martin, Ashley P., “How to Improve at Judo (How to Improve At…)“, London, United Kingdom, Crabtree, 2009, 48p, 274 x 218 x 8, HB, KID, LIB, ISBN13 9780778735748.

Martin, Ashley P., “How to Improve at Judo (How to Improve At…)“, London, United Kingdom, Crabtree, 2009, 48p, 276 x 202 x 8, PB, REP, LIB, ISBN13 9780778735960.

Marwood, Desmond, “Critical judo“, London, United Kingdom, A&C Black, 1992, 128p, 24 cm, ECL, ISBN 0713636025.

Marwood, Desmond, “Decisive judo“, London, United Kingdom, Ippon Books, 1998, 128p, TCH, UoB, ISBN 1874572410.

Mason, Paul (1967 – ), “A world-class Judo champion (Making of a champion series)“, Oxford, United Kingdom, Heinemann Library, 2004, 48p, 270 x 200 x 8, HB, KID, NLB, ISBN 0431189250.

Mason, Paul (1967 – ), “Judo (Know your sport)“, London, United Kingdom, Franklin Watts, 2008, 32p, 264 x 213 x 8, HB, KID, NLB, ISBN13 9781597711517.

Matsumae, Shigeyoshi, “My turbulent life in a turbulent century“, Tokyo, Japan, Tokai University press, 1982, 241p, HIS, MBR.

Matsumoto, David, “An introduction to Kodokan Judo : History and philosophy“, Tokyo, Japan, Hon-No-Tomosha, 1996, 316p, 181 x 132 x 19, PB, BF, MBR, ISBN 4894390426.

Matsumoto, Yoshizo : Kawamura, Teizo (1922 – ) : Daigo, Toshiro : Osawa, Yoshimi, “Kodokan Judo : a Guide to Proficiency“, Tokyo, Japan, Kodansha, 1963, 150p, 218 x 153 x 14, HB, TCH, KBC.

Matsushita, Saburo : Stevens, (Septo) Warwick (1930 – ), “Contest Judo : Ten decisive throws“, London, United Kingdom, Ippon Books, 1994[2], 100p, 233 x 172 x 8, PB, REP, BLC, ISBN 1874572607.

Matsushita, Saburo : Septo, Warwick (1930 – ), “Contest Judo : Ten decisive throws“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1961[1], 100p, 23 cm, TCH, ECL.

Maynard, Ken : Menziens, Alan A., “Attacking judo : Integrated movement patterns“, London, United Kingdom, Pelham Books, 1968, 135p, TCH, NSc.

Maynard, Ken : Menziens, Alan R., “Judo for schools“, London, United Kingdom, Pelham Books, 1970, 158p, 20 cm, TCH, LoC, ISBN 0720702321.

McIver, Colin : 1945, “Olympic judo“, UL, United Kingdom, Judo Sponsors Ltd., 1978, 28p, COP.

McLaglan, Leopold, “Capt. Leo McLaglan’s modernised learn-as-you-look jiu-jitsu lessons“, Sydney, Australia, by Author, 1908, 96p, 23 cm, PB, OJJ, NLA.

McLaglan, Leopold, “Jiu Jitsu : a manual of the science : With special chapters on unarmed attack and defence for the Navy and Army and Throws, holds and truncheon work for the regular and special constabulary“, London, United Kingdom, Harrison, 1918, 84p, 19 cm, OJJ, BoL.

Mealing, G. R., “Judo handbook“, Lewisham, United Kingdom, EGRM, 1987[1] 1988[2] 1996[3?], 40p, 209 x 148 x 3, PB, TCH, UoB.

Mickiewicz, Gra´zyna : Malecka, Renata : Sikorski, Waldemar, “Contemporary problems of training and judo contest : International Congress on Judo (9-11 November, 1987, Spala, Poland)“, Wien, Austria, European Judo Union, 1989, 187p, 24 cm, COA, KBC.

Mifune, Kyūzō (1883 – 1965) : Sugai, K., “Canon of Judo : Principle and technique“, Tokyo, Japan, Seibundo-Shinkosha Publishing, 1956[1], 245p, 17 cm, TCH, BJ.

Mifune, Kyūzō (1883 – 1965) : Sugai, K., “Canon of Judo : Principle and technique“, Tokyo, Japan, Kodansha International, 1958[2] 1959[3] 1960 1961[6] 1962[7], 245p, 17 cm, REP, BJ.

Mifune, Kyūzō (1883 – 1965) : White, Françoise, “The Canon of Judo : Classical teachings of Principles and techniques“, Tokyo, Japan, Kodansha International, 2004, 224p, 267 x 194 x 20, HB, REP, BLC, ISBN 4770029799.

Millard, Andrew : Lawson, Gordon, “Complete Zen Judo Book“, UL, United Kingdom, Radcliffe Zen Judo club, 2004, 84p, LIB.

Miller, Frederic P. : Vandome, Agnes F. : McBrewster, John, “Judo : Kanō Jigorō, Sensei, Judo technique, Ground fighting, List of Kodokan Judo techniques, Kata, Nage-no-kata, Katame-no-kata, Kime-no-kata, Kodokan… Grappling, Joint lock, Judo rules“, UL, United States, Alphascript Publishing, 2009, 88p, 220 x 150 x 5, PB, TCH, LIB, ISBN13 9786130004965.

Mol, Serge (1970 – ), “Classical fighting arts of Japan : a complete quide to Koyrū Jūjutsu“, Tokyo, Japan, Kodansha International, 2001, 242p, 263 x 186 x 22, HB, HIS, LIB, ISBN 4770026196.

Moreira, Joe : Darrow, Daniel, “Brazilian Jujutsu : side-mount techniques“, Santa Clarita, California, United States, Ohara Publications, 2004 2005, 149p, 22 cm x 15 cm, BJJ, LIB, ISBN 0897501454.

Moreira, Joe : Beneville, Ed, “The guard : Brazilian jiu-jitsu details and techniques“, Costa Mesa, California, United States, Grappling Arts Publications, 2005, 230p, 28 cm, PB, BJJ, LoC, ISBN 9780972109710.

Morrah, David Jr. (Lt.), “Dirty Fighting : An Introduction to the Principles of Combat wthout Weapons“, Camp Davis, N. C., United States, AAA school, UD, 66p, SJJ, JIS.

Morris, Neil (1946 – ), “Judo (Get Going! Martial Arts)“, Oxford, United Kingdom, Heinemann Library, 2001, 32p, 269 x 200 x 9, HB, KID, BLC, ISBN 0431110409.

Moshanov, Andrew, “Judo : From a russian perspective“, Vaihingen, Germany, Ipa, 2004, 132p, 210 x 150 x 8, PB, COA, LIB, ISBN 3933486556.

Moynahan, James McCauslin Jr., “Guide to Judo, Ju Jitsu and Associated Arts“, Cheney, Washington, United States, Pullman, 1961, 24 cm x 20 cm, BF, KS.

Moynahan, James McCauslin Jr., “Police Ju Jitsu“, Springfield, IL, United States, Charles C. Thomas Publisher, 1962, 120p, HB, SD, LIB.

Mullen, Eddie (1949 – ), “Making a Champion in the Right Time for Gold : Championship Judo“, Bloomington, Indiana, United States, AuthorHouse, 2007, 196p, 279 x 214 x 15, PB, HIS, LIB, ISBN13 9781434300836.

Murphy, Kevin : US edition by Stewart, Paul (1936 – ), “Judo : sports illustrated“, London, United Kingdom, A&C Black, 1980, 92p, 23 cm, TCH, BLC, ISBN 0713620021.

Murray, Gary, “An introduction to judo“, London, United Kingdom, Optima, 1989, 128p, 213 x 133 x 11, PB, TCH, BtM, ISBN 0356178560.

Murray, John (1932 – ) : Bunasawa, Nori, “The toughest man who ever lived“, Irvine, CA, United States, Judo Journal, 2003[1] 2007[2], 296p, 216 x 139 x 18, PB, HIS, LIB, ISBN 096489842X.

Nakabayashi, Sadaki : Uchida, Yoshihiro : Uchida, George, “Fundamentals of Judo“, New York, United States, Ronald Press, 1964, 273p, 26 cm, HB, TCH, LoC.

Nakabayashi, Sadaki : Okamura, Henry : Nagao, Hikaru : Harper, Paul V. (Dr.): Korey, Morey, “How to Improve Your Judo“, Chicago, IL, United States, Athletic Institute USA, 1960, 96p, 211 x 137 x 7, PB, TCH, LIB.

Nakabayashi, Sadaki, “Judo“, London, United Kingdom, Ward Lock, 1974, 160p, 21 cm, REP, COP, ISBN 0706120507.

Nakabayashi, Sadaki : Okamura, Henry. : Nagao, Hikaru. : Harper, Paul V. : Korey, Morey, “Judo“, London, United Kingdom, Oak Tree press, 1966, 128p, 21 cm, HB, REP, NLZ.

Nakabayashi, Sadaki, “Judo“, New York, United States, Sterling, 1968 1974, 160p, 21 cm, REP, LoC.

Nakabayashi, Sadaki, “Judo“, New York, United States, Sterling, 1965 1966[3], 128p, 20 cm, HB, TCH, LoC.

Nakae, Kiyose : Yeager, Charles, “Jiu jitsu complete“, Preston, United States, A. Thomas & Co., 1958, 171p, 182 x 107 x 16, PB, MJJ, MBR.

Nakae, Kiyose : Yeager, Charles, “Jiu jitsu complete“, London, United Kingdom, Four square books, 1963, 240p, 19 cm, REP, JBN.

Nakae, Kiyose : Yeager, Charles, “Jiu jitsu complete“, New York, United States, L. Stuart, 1958, 165p, 27 cm, REP, CPL.

Nakae, Kiyose : Yeager, Charles, “Jiu jitsu complete“, Secaucus, N.J., United States, Citadel Press, 1975, 171p, 27 cm, REP, CPL.

Nakae, Kiyose : Yeager, Charles, “Jiu jitsu complete“, New York, United States, Carol Pub. Group, 1997, 175p, 26 cm, REP, CPL.

Nakae, Kiyose : Yeager, Charles, “Jiu jitsu complete“, London, United Kingdom, New English Library, 1967 1969, 239p, 18 cm, REP, NSc.

Nakamura, Ryozo ( – 1992), “Judo“, Rorgers, ARK, United States, Ichiban Enterprises, UD, 32p, KID, LIB.

Nakanishi, Chikashi, “The Key to Judo“, London, United Kingdom, Pelham Books, 1963, 99p, 25 cm, HB, COP.

Nakanishi, Hidetoshi (1958 – ), “Seoi-nage (judo masterclass techniques)“, London, United Kingdom, Ippon Books, 1992, 160p, 235 x 164 x 9, PB, TCH, NSc, ISBN 0951845543.

Nakanishi, Hidetoshi (1958 – ), “Seoi-nage (judo masterclass techniques)“, London, United Kingdom, Ippon Books, 1996[2] 1998 2004, 160p, 235 x 164 x 9, PB, REP, NSc, ISBN 0951845543.

Nango, Jiro, “General remarks to the bu-do & Ju-do“, Tokyo, Japan, UP, 1939?, 14p, 23 cm, 3275.

Nardi, Thomas J. : Seiden, Art : Boron, Mary Pat, “Karate and judo : How to play the all-star way“, Austin, Texas, United States, Raintree Steck, 1996, 48p, 25 cm, KID, LAC, ISBN 0811465977.

Naunton, Benjamin, “An investigation of expert mat-side judo coaches within the competitive environment“, Bath, United Kingdom, University of Bath, 2004, COA, UoB.

Neff, Fred, “Basic jujitsu handbook“, Minneapolis, MN, United States, Lerner Publishers, 1976, 59p, 24 cm, HB, TPL, ISBN 0822511517.

Neff, Fred, “Manual of throws for sports judo and self-defence“, Minneapolis, MN, United States, Lerner Publishers, 1976, 59p, 24 cm, SD, BLC, ISBN 082251155X.

Nelson, Randy F. (Ed.), “Martial arts reader“, New York, United States, Overlook Press, 1989, 307p, BF, KS, ISBN 0824044355.

Nishioka, Hayward (1942 – ), “Foot throws : Karate Judo and self-defence“, Santa Clarita, California, United States, Ohara Publications, 1972, 95p, 224 x 148 x 8, PB, TCH, BJ, ISBN 0897500253.

Nishioka, Hayward (1942 – ), “Judo : heart & soul“, Santa Clarita, California, United States, Ohara Publications, 2000, 255p, 225 x 150 x 13, PB, COA, LoC, ISBN13 9780897501378.

Nishioka, Hayward (1942 – ) : West, James, “The Judo textbook : In practical application“, Santa Clarita, California, United States, Ohara Publications, 1979 1988 1995[11] 2003, 192p, 223 x 148 x 11, PB, TCH, BJ, ISBN 0897500636.

O’Brien, John J., “A complete course on Jiu-jitsu : The Japanese Secret Science Demonstrated by the Ex. Supt. Of Police at Nagasaki, Japan and Instructor of Pres. Roosevelt. A $50.00 Course in Jiu-Jitsu for $1.00“, Chigago, United States, American College of Physical Culture by Physician’s Publishing Co., 1904, 118p, 239 x 159, HB, OJJ, RS.

O’Brien, John J., “A Course on Jiu-jitsu and Physical Culture“, Chigago, United States, Self-preservation League, 1912[2], 118p, PB, REP, JIP.

Ogasawara, Nagayasu (1940 – ), “Textbook of judo : Judo kyosho“, Montvale, N.J., United States, Kokushi Dojo, 1988, 274p, PB, MBR.

Ohashi, Mori (1861 – ), “Scientific jiu-jitsu : the Japanese system of physical culture, showing defensive and offensive movements“, New York, United States, Richard K. Fox Publishing, 1904[1] 1912, 69p, OJJ, 3252.

Ohashi, Takumi (1905 – ), “A guide to Judo grappling techniques with additional physiological explanations“, Tokyo, Japan, Sakei-International, 1958 1960 1962[4], 124p, 190 x 133 x 13, HB, NEW, UoB.

Ohashi, Takumi (1905 – ), “A guide to Judo throwing techniques“, Tokyo, Japan, Nihon Kogyo Shimbun, 1964, 108p, 21 cm, TCH, NLM.

Ohlenkamp, Neil, “Black belt Judo skills and techniques“, London, United Kingdom, New Holland, 2006, 160p, 287 x 223 x 17, HB, TCH, NLB, ISBN 1845371097.

Ohlenkamp, Neil, “Judo unleashed“, New York, United States, McGraw-Hill, 2006, 160p, 280 x 213 x 12, PB, TCH, NLB, ISBN 0071475346.

Ohsawa, Georges (1893 – 1966), “The art of peace : a new translation of The book of judo“, Oroville, Calif., United States, George Ohsawa Macrobiotic Foundation, 1990, 157p, 20 cm, MEM, LoC, ISBN 0918860504.

Okano, Isao (1944 – ), “Vital judo : Grappling techniques“, Tokyo, Japan, Japan Publications, 1976, 191p, 26 cm, HB, NEW, MBR, ISBN 0870405179.

Okano, Isao (1944 – ), “Vital judo : Grappling techniques“, Tokyo, Japan, Japan Publications, 1982, 191p, 256 x 181, PB, REP, MBR, ISBN 0870405179.

Okano, Isao (1944 – ) : Sato, Tetsuya (1925 – ), “Vital judo : Throwing techniques“, Tokyo, Japan, Japan Publications, 1982, 191p, 256 x 183 x 16, PB, REP, MBR, ISBN 0870401734.

Okano, Isao (1944 – ) : Sato, Tetsuya (1925 – ), “Vital judo : Throwing techniques“, Tokyo, Japan, Japan Publications, 1973, 191p, 263 x 190 x 18, HB, TCH, MBR.

Okazaki, Henry Seishiro, “The science of self-defence for girls and women“, Hawaii, United States, Henry Seishiro Okazaki, 1929, 72p, SD, 3227.

Onda, Tetsuya, “Judo : a historical, statistical and scientific appraisal“, Sheffield, United Kingdom, University of Sheffield, 1995, BLC.

Ōtaki, Tadao (1908 – ), “Illustrated Kodokan judo“, Tokyo, Japan, Kodansha, 1955, xiv,285p, 263 x 187 x 20, HB, TCH, 3437.

Ōtaki, Tadao (1908 – ) : Draeger, Donn F. (1922 – 1982), “Judo for young men : An interscholastic and intercollegiate standard : (Basic and intermediate)“, Tokyo, Japan, Kodansha International, 1965, 336p, 265 x 190 x 32, HB, TCH, 3435.

Ōtaki, Tadao (1908 – ) : Draeger, Donn F. (1922 – 1982), “Judo formal techniques : a complete guide to Kodokan Randori no Kata“, Tokyo, Japan, Charles E. Tuttle, 1990, 451p, 225 x 152 x 24, PB, REP, TPL, ISBN 080481676X.

Ōtaki, Tadao (1908 – ) : Draeger, Donn F. (1922 – 1982), “Judo formal techniques : a complete guide to Kodokan Randori no Kata“, Tokyo, Japan, Charles E. Tuttle, 1983, 451p, 225 x 152 x 24, HB, KAT, 3019, ISBN 080481676X.

Parisyan, (Karo) Karapet : Krauss, Erich (1971 – ) : Cordoza, Glen, “Karo Parisyan-Judo for Mixed Martial Arts“, California, United States, Victory Belt, 2008, 284p, 279 x 230 x 17, PB, TCH, LIB, ISBN13 9780977731572.

Parulski, George R., “Black belt judo“, Chigago, United States, Contemporary Books, 1985, 210p, 23 cm, TCH, JBN, ISBN 0809253267.

Parulski, George R., “The complete book of judo“, Chigago, United States, Contemporary Books, 1984, 182p, 21 cm, JBN, ISBN 0809254506.

Pearson, Francis Walter, “Judo coaching manual“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1966, 112p, 222 x 143 x 16, HB, COA, BoL.

Pearson, Francis Walter, “The basis of Judo“, London, United Kingdom, G. Bell & Sons, 1966, 116p, 23 cm, HB, NLA.

Pedro, Jimmy (1970 – ) : Durbin, Willam (1959 – ), “Judo techniques & tactics“, Champaign, IL, United States, Human Kinetics, 2001, 192p, 228 x 152 x 12, PB, TCH, RBU, ISBN 0736003436.

Peligro, Kid, “The Gracie way : an illustrated history of the world’s greatest martial arts family“, Monpelier, Vermont, United States, Invisible Cities Press, 2003, 230p, 266 x 213 x 12, PB, BJJ, LAC, ISBN 1931229287.

Pohl, Donald, “Official A A U – J B B F judo handbook“, New York, United States, Amateur Athletic Union of USA, 1966, 318p, REF, 3018.

Pohl, Donald, “Official A A U – U S J F judo handbook“, New York, United States, Amateur Athletic Union of USA, 1968, 352p, REF, 3013.

Pohl, Donald, “Official A A U – U S J F judo handbook“, New York, United States, Amateur Athletic Union of USA, 1970, 395p, 22 cm, REF, 3014.

Poindexter, Luther H., “Simplified Jiu jitsu“, Magnum, Oklahoma, United States, E. V. Wattt, 1919, 5p, RS.

Põldma, Janno (1950 – ), “The young judokas“, Tallinn, Estonia, Perioodika, 1990, 118p, 24 cm, KID, ERB.

Porter, Philip S., “Judo from the beginning : National Coaching Standards“, Sacramento, CA, United States, Zenbei, 1974, 128p, 275 x 212 x 9, PB, TCH, BJ.

Pujol, Jean (1924 – ), “South African Judo syllabus“, Cape Town, South Africa, Tafelberg-uitgewers, 1970 1975[2], 135p, 25 cm, TCH, NSA, ISBN 062400743X.

Pulkkinen, Waylan J., “The sport science of elite judo athletes : a review application for training“, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, Pulkinetics, 2001, 94p, 218 x 143 x 8, PB, COA, SK, ISBN 0968869300.

Putin, Vladimir Vladimirovich (1952 – ) : Shestakov, Vasily : Levittsky, Alexey, “Judo : History, theory, practice“, Berkeley, CA, United States, North Atlantic Books, 2004, 194p, 279 x 204 x 22, PB, TCH, TPL, ISBN 1556434456.

Randall, Pamela, “Judo“, New York, United States, PowerKids Press, 1999, 24p, 19 cm, KID, LoC, ISBN 082395238X.

Random, Michael, “The martial arts : swordsmanship, kendo, aikido, judo, karate“, London, United Kingdom, Peerage, 1984, BLC.

Reay, Tony, “Judo ( Go for sport)“, UL, UC, Wayland, 1993, 48p, KID, BLC, ISBN 0750206616.

Reay, Tony, “Judo : a basic guide for young beginners“, Twickenham, United Kingdom, Hamlyn, 1986, 61p, 29 cm, NLZ, ISBN 0600310809.

Reay, Tony, “Judo : skills and techniques“, Marlborough, United Kingdom, Crowood, 1985[1] 1986[2], 115p, 23 cm, TCH, BLC, ISBN 0946284229.

Reay, Tony, “The illustrated guide to Judo“, New York, United States, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1979, 176p, 30 cm, TCH, LoC, ISBN 0442260962.

Reay, Tony : Hobbs, Geoffry, “The judo manual“, London, United Kingdom, Barrie & Jenkins, 1979, 176p, 31 cm, TCH, BLC, ISBN 0214205177.

Reay, Tony : Hobbs, Geoffry, “The judo manual“, London, United Kingdom, Stanley Paul, 1992[3], 160p, 26 cm, REP, BLC, ISBN 0091750202.

Reay, Tony : Hobbs, Geoffry, “The judo manual“, London, United Kingdom, Stanley Paul, 1982[2] 1987, 176p, 30 cm, REP, BLC, ISBN 009150421X.

Robinson, Jack, “Complete course of Judo in the black belt system of Judo-Kwai“, Johannesburg, South Africa, by Author, 1932, 32p, RS.

Robinson, Jack, “Judo Karate self-defence“, Johannesburg, South Africa, By Author, 1965, 143p, 330 x 212 x 17, PB, SD, LIB.

Ross, A. J. “Jack” (Dr.), “Text book of Judo (Jiu-jitsu) vol. 1“, Sydney, Australia, Australian Council of Judo, 1949, 71p, 208 x 135 x 5, PB, TCH, NLA.

Rougé, Jean Luc (1949 – ), “Harai-goshi (judo masterclass techniques)“, London, United Kingdom, Ippon Books, 1991, 95p, 24 cm, TCH, MBR, ISBN 1852235977.

Sagittarus,, “Everybody’s self defence“, London, United Kingdom, Vawser & Wiles, 1943, 64p, SD, MBR.

Saint Denis, Claude, “Combat Judo made easy“, New York, United States, Lancer Book, 1963 1969[2], 174p, 19 cm, PB, SD, MBR.

Saito, K., “Jiu-jitsu tricks“, New York, United States, Richard K. Fox Publishing, 1905 1912, 119p, SD, RS.

Sakamoto, Mamouru, “Lion aroused : Conversations with Shigeyoshi matsumae“, Tokyo, Japan, Tokai University press, 1986, 298p, HIS, MBR.

Salling, Kjell, “Bibliographical notes on some scientific works about judo and jiu-jitsu“, Sarpsborg, Norway, by Author, 1983, 28p, 30 cm, NNB.

Sandelson, Robert, “Combat sports“, New York, United States, Crestwood House, 1991, 48p, 17 cm, LoC, ISBN 0896866688.

Sander, Hedda : Deling, Björn, “Judo : From white/yellow belt to brown belt“, Oxford, United Kingdom, Meyer & Meyer, 2002, 183p, 210 x 148 x 12, PB, KID, BLC, ISBN 1841260762.

Sathaye, Margot (1941 – 2000), “Judo for Women“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1964, 92p, 185 x 186 x 7, HB, TCH, TPL.

Sato, Nobuyuki (1944 – ), “Ashiwaza (judo masterclass techniques)“, Marlborough, United Kingdom, Crowood, 1990, 111p, 24 cm, TCH, 3537, ISBN 1852234911.

Satō, Nobuyuki (1944 – ), “Ashiwaza (judo masterclass techniques)“, London, United Kingdom, Ippon Books, 1992 1996 1999, 111p, 235 x 164 x 9, PB, TCH, COP, ISBN 0951845551.

Schilder, J. Dick (1926 – ), “Judo : the art of self-defence“, Jakarta, Indonesia, Usaha Penerbitan Gapura, 1952, 88p, 20 cm, SD, KBC.

Scott, Derek, “Judo games“, UL, United Kingdom, Lulu.com, 2008, 124p, 228 x 150 x 8, PB, COA, LIB, ISBN13 9781847996107.

Scott, Steve (1952 – ), “Coaching on the mat – A textbook for teaching Judo and Jujitsu“, Jefferson, Kansas City, United States, Steve Scott, 2005, 144p, 28 cm x 22 cm, PB, COA, LoC.

Scott, Steve (1952 – ), “Drills for Grapplers: Training Drills And Games You Can Do On The Mat For Jujitsu, Judo And Submission Grappling“, Santa Fe, NM, United States, Turtle Press, 2008, 160p, PB, COA, LoC, ISBN13 9781934903049.

Scott, Steve (1952 – ), “Groundfighting Pins and Breakdowns: Effective Pins and Breakdowns for Judo, Jujitsu, Submission Grappling and Mixed Martial Arts“, Santa Fe, NM, United States, Turtle Press, 2008, 288p, 224 x 150, PB, NEW, LoC, ISBN13 9781934903032.

Scott, Steve (1952 – ) : West, Bill, “Secrets of the cross body armlock : Juji-gatame complete“, UL, United States, Roaring Lion Publishing, UD, 135p, 28 cm, TCH, LIB.

Scott, Steve (1952 – ), “The armlock encyclopedia : 85 armlocks for Jujitsu, Judo, Sambo and Mixed Martial Arts“, Santa Fe, NM, United States, Turtle Press, 2006, 264p, 24 cm, PB, TCH, LoC, ISBN 188033691X.

Scott, Steve (1952 – ), “The Grappler’s Book of Strangles and Chokes“, Santa Fe, NM, United States, Turtle Press, 2007, 240p, 226 x 152, PB, NEW, LoC, ISBN13 9781880336946.

Scott, Steve (1952 – ), “Vital Leglocks: 65 leglocks for jujitsu, judo, sambo and mixed martial arts“, Santa Fe, NM, United States, Turtle Press, 2007, 216p, 226 x 150, PB, TCH, NLB, ISBN13 9781880336960.

Seisenbacher, Peter (1960 – ) : Kerr, George, “Modern judo : Techniques of east and west“, Swindon, United Kingdom, Crowood, 1991[1] 1997[2], 192p, 245 x 183 x 14, PB, MEM, ECL, ISBN 1852235705.

Shanghai Municipal Police,, “Manual of Self-Defence : Shanghai Municipal Police“, Shanghai, China, China Pub. & Printing, 1915, 103p, 22 cm, SD, 3276.

Sharp, Harold E., “Boy’s judo : Sport and Self Defence“, UL, United States, Rising Sun Productions, 2007, 92p, PB, REP, LIB, ISBN13 9781897397786.

Sharp, Harold E. : Hadly, Cook C. Jr., “Boy’s judo : Sport defence“, Los Angeles, Calif., United States, Burton, 1961, 91p, 22 cm, SD, 3510.

Sharp, Paul W., “New improved Americanized judo“, Los Angeles, United States, Improved Judo, 1949, WOC.

Sheedy, Jim, “Elements of Judo: A Guide for Coaches“, Mudgee, N.S.W., Australia, J & K Sheedy, 2009, 90p, 30 cm, PB, TCH, NLA, ISBN13 9780646512471.

Sheedy, Jim, “Fun and games for Judo : A guide for coaches“, New York, NY, United States, Hyperion Books, 1988, 84p, KID, NLA, ISBN 0731630815.

Sheedy, Jim : Tantaro, Nick, “Fun and games for Judo : A guide for coaches“, Willoughby, NSW, Australia, Desipa, 1988, 83p, 22 cm, REP, NLA, ISBN 0731630815.

Shirai, Hisaya, “The life and struggles of a fighter for peace : Shigeyoshi Matsumae’s contribution to histrory“, Tokyo, Japan, Tokai University press, 1988, 371p, HIS, MBR.

Short, James G. : Katsuharu, Hashimoto, “Beginning Jiu-jitsu“, London, United Kingdom, Paul H. Crompton, 1979, 134p, MBR.

Skinner, Harry Hall (1858 – ) : Kuwashima, B. H., “Jiu-jitsu : A comprehensive and copiously ilustrated treatise on the wonderful japanese method of attack and self-defense“, New York, United States, Japanese publishing, 1904, 118p, 21 cm, OJJ, BoL.

Skinner, Harry Hall (1858 – ) : Kuwashima, B. H., “Jiu-jitsu : A comprehensive and copiously ilustrated treatise on the wonderful japanese method of attack and self-defense“, New York, United States, Kessinger Publishing, 2008, 120p, HB, REP, BoL, ISBN13 9781437176988.

Smith, Allan Corstorphin, “The secrets of jujitsu : A complete course in self defense“, Columbus, Ga, United States, Stahara Publishing, 1920, 240p, OJJ, RS.

Smith, Don (1926 – ) : Rubin, Daniel R., “From beginner to black belt“, Mahwah, N.J., United States, Troll Associates, 1974, 32p, 23 cm, TCH, LoC.

Smith, Don (1926 – ), “Judo for sport and self-defense“, Mahwah, N.J., United States, Troll Associates, 1974, 32p, 23 cm, TCH, LoC.

Smith, Ken (1932 – ), “Judo dictionary“, London, United Kingdom, F. C. Avis, 1968, 240p, 17 cm, BoL, ISBN 0211268372.

Smith, Robert W. (1926 – ), “A bibliography of judo and other self-defense systems including cognate works and articles“, Rutland, Vermont, United States, Charles E. Tuttle, 1959 1961, 249p, 20 cm, HIS, BJ.

Smith, Robert W. (1926 – ), “A complete guide to Judo : It’s story and practice“, Rutland, Vermont, United States, Charles E. Tuttle, 1958[1] 1959[1] 1960[1], 249p, 223 x 156 x 30, HB, HIS, BJ.

Smith, Robert W. (1926 – ), “Martial musings“, Erie, United States, Via Media Publishing, 1999, 390p, 237 x 160 x 27, HB, BF, BJ, ISBN 1893765008.

Smith, Tat, “Judo mastery in self-defense“, Montreal, Canada, A. Weider Publisher, 1947, 25p, RS.

Soames, Nicolas (1950 – ), “Judo for juniors“, London, United Kingdom, Stanley Paul, 1991, 96p, 243 x 188x 7, PB, TCH, BtM, ISBN 0752804388.

Soames, Nicolas (1950 – ) : Inman, Roy (1947 – ), “Olympic judo : history and techniques“, Aylesbury, United Kingdom, Crowood, 1990, 253p, 252 x 193 x 23, HB, HIS, NLB, ISBN 185223489X.

Soto, Irving, “Atemi : the forgotten art“, Santee, California, United States, I. Soto, 1997, 232p, 23 cm, SD, LoC, ISBN 0966088808.

Staley, Charles I., “The Science of martial Arts training“, Burbank, CA, United States, Multi-Media Books, 1999, 201p, 253 x 178 x 16, PB, COA, LoC, ISBN 1892515016.

Starbrook, Dave : Wilson, Neil (1944 – ), “Judo : Starbrook style“, London, United Kingdom, Macdonald and Jane’s Publishers Limited, 1978, 128p, 29 cm, TCH, TPL, ISBN 0354085204.

Steers, W. E., “A perfect manhood or Judo of Kodokwan“, London, United Kingdom, Budokwai, 1918, HIS, RS.

Stein, Max, “Jiu-Jitsu : a Superior Leverage Force : The Original Method Muscle Science or Tricks of Jiu-Jitsu Wrestling and Self-Defense“, Chigago, United States, Stein Publishing House, 1950[2] 1955, 130p, 18 cm x 13 cm, PB, REP, JIP.

Stein, Max, “The japanese art of wrestling and self-defense : Jiu jitsu : A superior leverage force : Muscle science tricks of Jiu-jitsu“, Chigago, United States, Stein Publishing House, 1940, 130p, 179 x 145, PB, SD, RS.

Steiner, Bradley J., “Manuals on mayhem“, Mason, Michigan, United States, Loompanics, 1979, 86p, 215 x 139 x 7, PB, HIS, MoM.

Stewart, Paul (1936 – ), “Sports illustrated Judo“, Philadelphia, United States, J. B. Lippincott, 1976, 96p, 22 cm, TCH, KS, ISBN 0397011040.

Stevens, John (1947 – ), “Three budo masters : Jigoro Kano (judo), Gichin Funakoshi (karate), Morihei Ueshiba (Aikido)“, Tokyo, Japan, Kodansha International, 1995, 144p, 19 cm, HIS, RBU, ISBN 4770018525.

Sugai, Hitoshi (1962 – ), “Uchimata (judo masterclass techniques)“, London, United Kingdom, Ippon Books, 1991, 112p, 235 x 165 x 7, PB, TCH, KS, ISBN 0951845519.

Sutherland, W. Bruce, “Ju-Jitsu self-defence : A selection of Ju-jitsu and other secret holds, locks and throws“, London, United Kingdom, Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1916 1920, 127p, OJJ, MBR.

Swain, Michael (1960 – ), “Ashiwaza II : ouchi-gari, kouchi-gari, kosuto-gari, hiza-guruma (judo masterclass techniques)“, London, United Kingdom, Ippon Books, 1994 1996 1999 2003, 111p, 235 x 164 x 9, PB, TCH, BLC, ISBN 1874572658.

Swain, Michael (1960 – ), “Championship judo“, Los Angeles, Calif., United States, Empire Books, 2006, 250p, 255 x 180 x 22, PB, TCH, LoC, ISBN 1933901179.

Swain, Michael (1960 – ) : Jefferson, Chuck (1976 – ), “Clinch Fighting for Mixed Martial Arts“, Los Angeles, CA, United States, Empire Books, 2006, 163p, 253 x 176 x 18, PB, MJJ, LoC, ISBN13 9781933901071.

Sweeney, A. J. : Goodger, B. C. : Hargreaves, P. H., “Famous Judo throws : 3 Seoinage“, London, United Kingdom, Leonard Hill Books, 1969, 96p, 22 cm, TCH, TPL, ISBN 0249439654.

Svinth, Joseph R. (1957 – ), “Getting a grip : judo in the Japanese American communities of Washington and Oregon, 1900-1950“, Seattle, Washington, United States, J. R. Svinth, 1998, 225p, 28 cm, HIS, CPL.

Svinth, Joseph R. (1957 – ), “Getting a grip : judo in the Japanese American communities of Washington and Oregon, 1900-1950“, Seattle, Washington, United States, J. R. Svinth, 2000, 237p, 28 cm, REP, CPL.

Svinth, Joseph R. (1957 – ), “Getting a grip : judo in the Nikkei American communities of the Pacific Northwest, 1900-1950“, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, EJMAS, 2003, 300p, 22 cm, REP, LoC, ISBN 0968967302.

Sylvain, Georges, “Scientific method of police fighting : judo, karate, jiu-jitsu“, UL, Canada, UP, 1965, SD, UoB.

Takagaki, Shinzo (1893 – ) : Sharp, Harold E., “The techniques of judo“, Tokyo, Japan, Charles E. Tuttle, 1957, 143p, 302 x 210 x 15, PB, TCH, 3017.

Takahashi, Masao, “Mastering Judo“, Champaign, IL, United States, Human Kinetics, 2005, 214p, 278 x 214 x 19, PB, TCH, TPL, ISBN 073605099X.

Tani, Yukio (1881 – 1950) : Miyake, Taro, “The game of Ju-jitsu – for the use of schools and colleges“, London, United Kingdom, Hazell, Watson & Viney, 1906, 86p, TCH, JIP.

Tedeschi, Marc, “The art of ground fighting : Principles and techniques“, New York, Tokyo, United States, Weatherhill, 2002, 207p, 288 x 224 x 22, HB, NEW, LoC, ISBN 0834804964.

Tedeschi, Marc, “The art of holding : Principles and techniques“, New York, Tokyo, United States, Weatherhill, 2001, 207p, 288 x 224 x 18, HB, NEW, LoC, ISBN 0834804913.

Tedeschi, Marc, “The art of throwing : Principles and techniques“, New York, Tokyo, United States, Weatherhill, 2001, 207p, 288 x 224 x 22, HB, TCH, KS, ISBN 0834804905.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985), “Black Belt Judo : Karate & Jukado : Advanced Techniques for Experts : Instruction to Improve Your Ability in Self-Defense and Sport“, Ventura, California, United States, Thor Publishing, 1967, 94p, 22 cm, LoC.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985), “Complete book of Judo“, London, United Kingdom, Corgi Books, 1967[1] 1968 1970, 256p, 19 cm, REP, COP, ISBN 0552079170.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985), “Complete book of Judo : with Step-By-step Illustrations“, New York, United States, Bantam Books, 1967[1] 1970[7] 1972[12] 1973 1975, 256p, 177 x 107 x 11, PB, TCH, MBR, ISBN 0553028197.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985), “Complete book of jujitsu“, Ventura, California, United States, Thor Publishing, 1977, 191p, 23 cm, TCH, LoC, ISBN 0874075165.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985), “Complete book of jujitsu“, New York, United States, Bantam Books, 1978, 191p, 23 cm, REP, LoC, ISBN 0553114360.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985), “Complete book of jujitsu“, New York, United States, Bantam Books, 1986, 191p, 214 x 138 x 14, PB, REP, LoC, ISBN 0874070279.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985), “Complete book of Jukado“, New York, United States, Thor Publishing, 1974, REP, JBN, ISBN13 9780874075045.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985), “Complete book of Jukado“, London, United Kingdom, Corgi Books, 1970, 256p, 18 cm, REP, COP, ISBN 0552084565.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985), “Complete book of jukado self-defense : judo, karate, aikido (jiu jitsu modernized) : White belt through black belt“, New York, United States, Grosset & Dunlap, 1968, 256p, MJJ, TPL.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985), “Complete Book of Self-Defense : Judo, Jiu Jitsu, Karate, Savate, Yawara, Aikido, and Ate-Waza“, Westminster, Maryland, United States, Bantam Books, 1963 1968 1972 1975 1981, 223p, 21 cm x 14 cm, SD, LoC, ISBN 0553078372.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985), “Defense tactics for law enforcement“, Ventura, California, United States, Thor Publishing, 1986, 191p, 214 x 138 x 14, PB, REP, LIB, ISBN 0874070287.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985), “Defense tactics for law enforcement : : weaponless defense & control and baton techniques“, Ventura, California, United States, Thor Publishing, 1972 1978, 191p, 20 cm x 14 cm, PB, SD, LoC, ISBN 087407018X.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985), “Judo & Karate Belt Degrees: Requirements, Rules, Regulations“, Hollywood, California, United States, Thor Publishing, 1963[1] 1967[2], 96p, 22 cm, REF, LoC.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985), “Judo & karate exercises : physical conditioning for the un-armed fighting arts“, Hollywood, California, United States, Thor Publishing, 1963, 93p, 22 cm, COA, NLM.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985), “Judo : Beginner to black belt“, Ventura, Calif., United States, Thor Publishing, 1982[2] 1987[3] 1991[4] 1994, 207p, 27 cm, REP, LIB, ISBN 0874070414.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985), “Judo : Beginner to black belt“, Ventura, Calif., United States, Thor Publishing, 1967[1], 207p, 27 cm, TCH, BJ.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985), “Judo : Sport Techniques for Physical Fitness and Tournament“, Ventura, California, United States, Thor Publishing, 1976, 127p, 22 cm, TCH, LoC, ISBN 0874070252.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985), “Judo for fun : sport techniques“, Ventura, California, United States, Thor Publishing, 1970[2?], 125p, 22 cm, REP, LoC, ISBN 0874070082.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985), “Judo for fun : Sport Techniques Made Easy“, Hollywood, California, United States, Thor Publishing, 1961[1], 121p, 218 x 140 x 6, PB, TCH, LoC.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985), “Judo-Karate for Law Officers : Defence & Control, A Simple Method“, Hollywood, California, United States, Thor Publishing, 1962, 125p, SD, LAC.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985), “Karate and Judo Exercises“, Ventura, California, United States, Thor Publishing, 1981[2], 95p, 22 cm, REP, LoC, ISBN 0874070368.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985), “Karate and Judo Exercises : Physical Conditioning for Oriental Sport Fighting Arts“, Ventura, California, United States, Thor Publishing, 1972[1], 123p, 22 cm, COA, LoC, ISBN 0874070228.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985), “Method of Self-Defence“, London, United Kingdom, Corgi Books, 1960 1972, SD, LoC, ISBN 0552089745.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985), “Method of Self-Defence“, New York, United States, Bantam Books, 1972, REP, LoC.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985), “Method of Self-Defence : The Best Judo, Jiu-jitsu, Karate, Savate, Yawara, Aikido Ate-waza“, Los Angeles, United States, Thor Publishing, 1960 1961, 143p, 218 x 140 x 9, PB, REP, TPL.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985), “Method of Self-Defence : the best of judo, jiu jitsu, karate, savate, yawara, aikido, and ate-waza“, Ventura, California, United States, Thor Publishing, 1969, 127p, 22 cm, REP, LAC, ISBN 0874070031.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985), “Self defense : nerve centers & pressure points : For karate, jujitsu & atemi-waza“, Ventura, California, United States, Thor Publishing, 1968 1978[2] 1990, 128p, 208 x 133 x 7, PB, BJJ, LoC, ISBN 0874070295.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985), “Self-defence for Women : A Physical Education Course“, Ventura, California, United States, Thor Publishing, 1973[3], 125p, SD, LIB.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985), “Self-Defense : a Basic Course“, Ventura, California, United States, Thor Publishing, 1979[1] 1988[2], 111p, 22 cm, SD, LAC, ISBN 0874070317.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985) : McGrath, Alice Greenfield, “Self-Defense and Assault Prevention for Girls and Women“, Ventura, California, United States, Thor Publishing, 1977 1978 1982 1986, 125p, SD, LoC, ISBN 0874070260.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985), “Self-Defense for Boys & Men : a physical education course“, Ventura, California, United States, Thor Publishing, 1973, 125p, 22 cm, REP, LoC, ISBN 0874075068.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985), “Self-Defense for Boys & Men : a Secondary School and College Manual“, Ventura, California, United States, Thor Publishing, 1969, 125p, 22 cm, REP, LoC.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985), “Self-Defense for Boys & Men : a Secondary School and College Manual“, Ventura, California, United States, Thor Publishing, 1968, 93p, 22 cm, SD, LoC.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985) : McGrath, Alice Greenfield, “Self-Defense for Girls & Women : A Physical Education Course (rep from Self-Defense for Girls : A Secondary School and College Manual )“, Ventura, California, United States, Thor Publishing, 1972, 125p, 21 cm, PB, REP, LoC, ISBN 0874070147.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985) : McGrath, Alice Greenfield, “Self-Defense for Girls : A Secondary School and College Manual“, New York, United States, Grosset & Dunlap, 1969, 125p, 22 cm, REP, LoC.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985) : McGrath, Alice Greenfield, “Self-Defense for Girls : A Secondary School and College Manual“, Los Angeles, California, United States, Thor Publishing, 1967, 93p, 22 cm, SD, LoC.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985) : McGrath, Alice Greenfield, “Self-defense for women : a simple method“, Ventura, California, United States, Thor Publishing, 1969[2], 128p, 22 cm, SD, LoC, ISBN 0874070066.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985) : McGrath, Alice Greenfield, “Self-defense for women : a simple method“, Los Angeles, California, United States, Thor Publishing, 1961, 71p, 218 x 140 x 4, PB, SD, LoC.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985) : McGrath, Alice Greenfield, “Self-Defense for Your Child“, Ventura, California, United States, Thor Publishing, 1976, 127p, 22 cm, SD, LoC, ISBN 0874070244.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985), “Teach Your Boy Self-Defense and Self-Confidence“, Hollywood, California, United States, Thor Publishing, 1961, 118p, SD, LoC.

Thibault, Claude (1934 – ) : Morris, Iain, “Japanese Judo champions : Their methods and techniques“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1960 1966, 95p, 253 x 184 x 13, HB, TCH, NLZ.

Thibault, Claude (1934 – ) : Morris, Iain, “Japanese Judo champions : Their methods and techniques“, New York, United States, Sterling, 1966, 96p, 26 cm, REP, COP.

Thompson, Geoff, “Arm Bars and Joint Locks (Ground Fighting, Vol. 4)“, Chichester, United Kingdom, Summersdale, 2001, 96p, 234 x 153 x 8, PB, MJJ, BLC, ISBN 1840241764.

Thompson, Geoff, “Chokes and Strangles (Ground Fighting Vol 3)“, Chichester, United Kingdom, Summersdale, 2001, 96 p, 232 x 156 x 9, PB, MJJ, BLC, ISBN 1840241721.

Thompson, Geoff, “The throws and take downs of judo“, Chichester, United Kingdom, Summersdale, 2001, 87p, 232 x 156 x 7, PB, TCH, RBU, ISBN 1840240261.

Thornberry, Risher W., “A general course in jiu jitsu“, Los Angeles, Calif., United States, American School of Jiu Jitsu, 1933, 59p, OJJ, RS.

Thornberry, Risher W., “Jiu-Jitsu As Taught by Kishoku Inouye“, Yokohama, Japan, Box of Curios Printing & Publishing Co., 1905, OJJ, LIB.

Tomiki, Kenji (1900 – 1979), “Judo (Tourist library series, 22)“, Tokyo, Japan, Japan Travel Bureau, 1956, xii,176p, 21 cm, TCH, 3021.

Tomiki, Kenji (1900 – 1979), “Judo and Aikido (Tourist library 22)“, Tokyo, Japan, Japan Travel Bureau, 1960 1963[6] 1967[8], 184p, 19 cm, REP, BLC.

Toule, Chris, “Illustrated Judo techniques : Vol. 1 Yellow“, Willowdale, Ont., Canada, Budokai Judo Club, 1972, 18 cm, TCH, LAC.

Toule, Chris, “Illustrated Judo techniques : Vol. 2 White“, Willowdale, Ont., Canada, Budokai Judo Club, 1972, 18 cm, TCH, LAC.

Toule, Chris, “Illustrated Judo techniques : Vol. 3 Blue“, Willowdale, Ont., Canada, Budokai Judo Club, 1972, 18 cm, TCH, LAC.

Toule, Chris, “Illustrated Judo techniques : Vol. 4 Orange“, Willowdale, Ont., Canada, Budokai Judo Club, 1972, 18 cm, TCH, LAC.

Toule, Chris, “Illustrated Judo techniques : Vol. 5 Green“, Willowdale, Ont., Canada, Budokai Judo Club, 1972, 18 cm, TCH, LAC.

Trimble, Adrian, “Judo (Martial and Fighting Arts)“, Broomall, United Kingdom, Mason Crest Publishers, 2005, 96p, 25 cm, TCH, NSc, ISBN 0091748801.

Turner, Tommy, “Judo simplified“, Sydney, Australia, T. Turner, 1947, 71p, 20 cm, TCH, NLA.

UA,, “Bulletin of the Association for the Scientific Studies on Judo, I“, Tokyo, Japan, Kodokan, 1958, 95,104p, 22 cm, COA, 3530.

UA,, “Competition rules for women / Australian Women’s Judo Federation“, Sydney, Australia, Australian Women’s Judo Federation, 1971, 7p, 21 cm, PB, REF, NLA, ISBN 0959931562.

UA,, “Complete course in super Ju jitsu for home study“, Chigago, United States, Nelson-Hall, 1942, 180p, OJJ, RS.

UA,, “Contest rules and commentary (B J A official series, 2)“, London, United Kingdom, British Judo Association, 1960, 31p, 24 cm, REF, 3441.

UA,, “Examinations; promotion & coaching (B J A official series, 3)“, London, United Kingdom, British Judo Association, 1960, 34p, 21 cm, COA, 3442.

UA,, “Fifty simple tricks for self defence“, Detroit, United States, Johnson Smith and Co., 1935, 64p, SD, RS.

UA,, “Jiudo in art of Japanese physical culture“, Singapore, Singapore, South Sea Kodo-kwan Grade Holders Association (?), 1933?, 30p, 3277.

UA,, “Jiu-jitsu japanese feats of attack and defense in personal encounter“, Detroit, United States, Johnson Smith and Co., 1935, 64p, RS.

UA,, “Judo (Know the game) published in collaboration with the Budokwai for the British Judo Association“, London, United Kingdom, Niblick Publishing Co. Ltd. for Educational Productions Ltd, 1957[1], 31p, 20 cm x 14 cm, TCH, 3287.

UA,, “Judo : Webster’s Timeline History, 1708 – 2007“, UL, United States, Icon Group International, 2009, 68p, 229 x 179 x 5, PB, HIS, LIB.

UA,, “Modern wrestling and Jiu-Jitsu : Fully explained, with illustrations. Hints on Græco-Roman & Catch-as-catch-can“, Gorton, United Kingdom, UP, 1905, OJJ, NSc.

UA,, “National training and grading syllabus“, Sydney, Australia, Australian Women’s Judo Federation, 1971, 8p, 21 cm, PB, REF, NLA, ISBN 0959931511.

UA,, “Official A A U judo handbook“, New York, United States, Amateur Athletic Union of U.S., 1963, 288p, 28 cm, REF, 3251.

UA,, “Official judo rules, 1955“, New York, United States, Amateur Athletic Union, 1955?, 84p, REF, 3315.

UA,, “Shonen boys training and grading syllabus under 16 years“, Bondi Beach, NSW, Australia, Australian Women’s Judo Federation, 1971, 9p, 26 cm, PB, REF, NLA, ISBN 095993152X.

UA,, “Shonen girls training and grading syllabus under 16 years“, Bondi Beach, NSW, Australia, Australian Women’s Judo Federation, 1971, 9p, 26 cm, PB, REF, NLA, ISBN 0959931546.

UA,, “Technical explanation of the “Yudo”“, Seoul, Korea, Korean Judo Association, 1950, 8p, RS.

UA,, “The science of Jiu jitsu and japanese combat tricks“, Detroit, United States, Johnson Smith and Co., 1935, 68p, OJJ, RS.

UA,, “The Science of wrestling and jiu-jitsu“, Sydney, Australia, Withrow Physical Culture Institute, 1936, 60p, 26 cm, OJJ, NLA.

UA,, “Yonen boys training and grading syllabus under 13 years“, Bondi Beach, NSW, Australia, Australian Women’s Judo Federation, 1971, 7p, 26 cm, PB, REF, NLA, ISBN 0959931538.

UA,, “Yonen girls training and grading syllabus under 13 years“, Bondi Beach, NSW, Australia, Australian Women’s Judo Federation, 1971, 7p, 26 cm, PB, REF, NLA, ISBN 0959931554.

Uchima, Ansho Mas : Kobyashi, Larry Akira, “Fighting Spirit: Judo in Southern California, 1930-1941“, Pasadena, California, United States, Midori Books, 2006, 433p, 24 cm x 18 cm, PB, HIS, LIB, ISBN 0974969710.

Uenishi (Uyenishi), Sadakazu (1880 – ), “The text-book of Ju-jutsu as practised in Japan“, London, United Kingdom, Athletic Pub., 1905, 106p, 22 cm, HB, TCH, 3278.

Uenishi (Uyenishi), Sadakazu (1880 – ), “The text-book of ju-jutsu as practised in Japan : being a simple treatise on the Japanese method of self-defence“, London, United Kingdom, Athletic Pub., 1920 1935 1938[5] 1950[8] 1956[9], 106p, 218 x 140 x 14, HB, REP, WOC.

Uhlan, Edward : Thomas, Dana L., “Shoriki : miracle man of Japan“, New York, United States, Exposition Press, 1957, 202p, 3049.

Uphoff, Joseph A. Jr. (1950 – ) : Joe Uphoff, “Judo : The art of struggle“, Colorado Springs, CO, United States, Arjuna Library Press, 1992, TCH, JIS, ISBN 0943123194.

Vairamuttu, Robert Ambalapillai, “Scientific unarmed combat : The art of dynamic self-defence : The ancient asian pyscho-physical study“, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1954, 91p, SD, RS.

Walle, Robert Van De (1954 – ) : Finch, David, “Pick-ups (judo masterclass techniques)“, London, United Kingdom, Ippon Books, 1993 1996[2] 1997, 111p, 235 x 164 x 9, PB, TCH, MBR, ISBN 1874572100.

Watanabe, Jiichi : Avakian, Lindy, “The secrets of judo : a text for instructors and students“, Tokyo, Japan, Charles E. Tuttle, 1960 1962, 186p, 227 x 152 x 14, PB, TCH, 3008, ISBN 080481631X.

Watanabe, Jiichi : Avakian, Lindy, “The secrets of judo : a text for instructors and students“, Tokyo, Japan, Charles E. Tuttle, 1990 2001, 186p, 228 x 153 x 11, PB, REP, ECL, ISBN 080481631X.

Vats, Rajiv, “Better judo“, New Delhi, India, Vision books, 1979, 136p, 19 cm, NSK.

Vats, Rajiv, “Judo for all“, New Delhi, India, Subohd publications, 1981, 109p, 19 cm, TCH, NSK.

Watson, Brian N. (1942 – ), “Judo Memoirs of Jigoro Kano“, UL, United States, Trafford publishing, 2008, 216p, 228 x 152 x 14, PB, MEM, LoC, ISBN 1425163491.

Watson, Brian N. (1942 – ), “The father of judo : a biography of Jigoro Kano“, Tokyo, Japan, Kodansha, 2000, 212p, 218 x 154 x 23, HB, MEM, TPL, ISBN 4770025300.

Watson, Brian N. (1942 – ), “The father of judo : a biography of Jigoro Kano“, Tokyo, Japan, Kodansha, 2000, 212p, 22 cm, REP, COP, ISBN 4770021356.

Watts, Emily : Beldam, G. W., “The Fine Art of Jujitsu“, London, United Kingdom, William Heinemann, 1906, 146p, 248 x 197, HB, OJJ, RS.

Webber, Kenneth Leslie : Collins, Malcolm D., “Creative judo teaching : the essential coaches guide to methods and lesson planning for the teaching of judo in schools, colleges and clubs“, Warley, United Kingdom, Kyudan Books, 2005, 132p, 208 x 148 x 9, PB, COA, ECL, ISBN 0955052300.

Webber, Kenneth Leslie, “Teaching judo : useful suggestions for judo teachers and coaches“, Birmingham, United Kingdom, Ken L. Webber, 1997, 63p, 24 cm, COA, BoL, ISBN 0953065308.

Weider, Ben, “Ju-do and ju-jitsu : 40 lessons, latest holds, defend yourself against any man“, Montreal, Canada, Your Physique Publishing, 1950, 41p, TCH, RS.

Wheeldon, G. H., “Self-defence : a treatise upon the art of defence against attack“, London, United Kingdom, Sporting Life, 1905, 63p, SD, JIP.

White, David : Lenvers, Max, “Judo : the practical way“, London, United Kingdom, Chancerel, Barrie and Jenkins, 1977, 91p, 21 cm, TCH, LoC, ISBN 0905703049.

Willingham, Bob : Matsumoto, David, “The Thrill of Victory and the Agony of Defeat“, Bristol, United Kingdom, World of Judo Publications, 2007, 292p, 25 x 193 x 28, HB, COA, LIB, ISBN13 9780955535116.

Viola, Herman J., “Ben Nighthorse Campbell, An American Warrior“, New York, United States, Crown Publishing Group., 1993, 321p, 241 x 160 x 30, HB, MEM, NLA, ISBN 0517596520.

Wood, Tim : Fairclough, Chris (1951 – ), “Judo“, New York, United States, Franklin Watts, 1990, 32p, 23 cm, TCH, BtM, ISBN 0531140520.

Yabe, Yae Kichi, “A course of instruction in jiu-jitsu“, Rochester, N. Y., United States, U.P., 1904, 19 cm, REP, BoL.

Yabe, Yae Kichi, “A Course of Instruction in Jiu-Jitsu (5 vols.)“, London, United Kingdom, Clark, Dudley & Co., 1904, 652p, OJJ, NSc.

Yamanaka, K. : (unauthorised translation of judo by Yokoyama and Oshima), “Jiu-jutsu or Jiu-Do : Selection from Kodokwan method“, Cleveland, United States, Rikko Art, 1918, 212p, 132 x 155 x 16, HB, TCH, RS.

Yamanaka, K. : (unauthorised translation of judo by Yokoyama and Oshima), “Jiu-jutsu or Jiu-Do : Selection from Kodokwan method“, UL, United Kingdom, Argos Classic reprints, 2007, 178p, 229 x 152, PB, REP, LIB.

Yamashita, Yasuhiro (1957 – ), “Osoto-gari (judo masterclass techniques)“, Wiltshire, United Kingdom, Crowood, 1991, 96p, 19 cm, TCH, 3538, ISBN 1852234903.

Yamashita, Yasuhiro (1957 – ), “The fighting spirit of judo : the technique and spirit to win“, London, United Kingdom, Ippon Books, 1993 1999, 208p, 255 x 183 x 22, PB, MEM, RBU, ISBN 1874572151.

Yeoh, Oon Oon, “Great Judo championships of the world“, London, United Kingdom, Ippon Books, 1993, 240p, 243 x 172 x 13, PB, HIS, NSc, ISBN 1874572208.

Yerkow, Charles (1912 – 1994), “Contest judo“, Pennsylvania, United States, Stackpole, 1961, x,193p, 223 x 143 x 23, HB, TCH, 3002.

Yerkow, Charles (1912 – 1994), “Judo katas : Fundamentals of throwing and mat techniques (Nage-no-Kata and Katame-no-Kata)“, New York, United States, Prentice-Hall, 1955, xi,163p, 22 cm, KAT, 3052.

Yerkow, Charles (1912 – 1994), “Judo katas : Fundamentals of throwing and mat techniques (Nage-no-Kata and Katame-no-Kata)“, London, United Kingdom, Herbert Jenkins, 1956, 143p, 22 cm, REP, BLC.

Yerkow, Charles (1912 – 1994), “Modern Judo : basic and advanced technique“, Harrisburg, PA, United States, Military Service Publishing Company, 1947, 692p, 21 cm, REP, LoC.

Yerkow, Charles (1912 – 1994), “Modern Judo : basic and advanced technique : The complete Ju-Jutsu Library“, Harrisburg, PA, United States, Military Service Publishing Company, 1942[1] 1943 1943[2], 528p, 209 x 147 x 41, HB, TCH, TPL.

Yerkow, Charles (1912 – 1994), “Modern judo : The Complete Ju-Jutsu Library“, New York, United States, Kessinger Publishing, 2007, 296p, 229 x 152 x 18, PB, REP, LIB, ISBN 143259186X.

Yerkow, Charles (1912 – 1994), “Modern judo : vol 1 Basic technique“, Pennsylvania, United States, Military Service Publishing Company, 1947[3] 1949 1951, 295p, TCH, MBR.

Yerkow, Charles (1912 – 1994), “Modern judo : vol 1 Basic technique“, Pennsylvania, United States, Military Service Publishing Company, 1953[4] 1956 1959, 315p, REP, LoC.

Yerkow, Charles (1912 – 1994), “Modern judo : vol 2 Advanced technique“, Pennsylvania, United States, Military Service Publishing Company, 1942[1] 1943[2] 1945 1947[3] 1949 1951 1954, 234p, HB, TCH, 3006.

Yerkow, Charles (1912 – 1994), “Modern judo : vol 2 Advanced technique“, Pennsylvania, United States, Military Service Publishing Company, 1958[4], 253p, REP, LoC.

Yerkow, Charles (1912 – 1994), “Modern judo : vol 3 Forty Gokyo techniques“, Pennsylvania, United States, Military Service Publishing Company, 1955 1960, xii,164p, 23 cm, TCH, 3005.

Yerkow, Charles (1912 – 1994), “Official judo“, London, United Kingdom, Arco Publishing, 1958, 97p, 28 cm, REP, 3211.

Yerkow, Charles (1912 – 1994), “Official judo : the authentic guide to sport judo and self-defense“, New York, United States, A. A. Wyn, 1953, 96p, 23 cm, TCH, LoC.

Yerkow, Charles (1912 – 1994), “Official judo : the authentic guide to sport judo and self-defense“, New York, United States, Hill and Wang, 1957[2], 97p, 28 cm, REP, LoC.

Yerkow, Charles (1912 – 1994), “Sport judo“, Harrisburg, Pa, United States, Stackpole and Heck, 1950, 162p, 218 x 146 x 17, HB, TCH, 3045.

Yerkow, Charles (1912 – 1994), “Sport judo“, Harrisburg, Pa, United States, Stackpole and Heck, 1958[2], 170p, 22 cm, REP, LoC.

Yokoyama, Sakujirō (1864 – 1914) : Oshima, Eisuke, “Judo“, Tokyo, Japan, Nishodo, 1915, 297p, 21 cm, TCH, 3282.

Yokoyama, Sakujirō (1864 – 1914) : Oshima, Eisuke, “Judo Kyohan“, UL, United States, Rising Sun Productions, 2006, 297p, 224 x 148 x 19, PB, REP, LIB, ISBN13 9780920129951.

Yokoyama, Sakujirō (1864 – 1914) : Oshima, Eisuke, “Judo Kyohan“, Tokyo, Japan, Buyu Shoseki Shuppan, 2003, 175p, 210 x 148 x 10, PB, REP, LIB, ISBN 4901619055.

Bonfranchini, Riccardo (1950 – ) : Klocke, Ulrich : Raab, Peter, “Väike judoõpik“, Tartu, Estonia, Elmatar, 2002, 111p, 174 x 214 x 7, PB, KID, ERB, ISBN 9985937678.

Eesti Judoliit,, “Rahvusvahelise Judoföderatsiooni (I.J.F.) võistlusmäärused (märkustega)“, Tallinn, Estonia, Spin Press, 1993, 20p, 20 cm, REF, ERB.

Kolk, Lembit, “Enesekaitse käsiraamat“, Tallinn, Estonia, kirjastus Ilo, 2000, 152p, 238 x 159 x 9, PB, SD, ERB, ISBN 9985572696.

Lutsar, Andres (1937 – ), “Enesekaitse“, Tallinn, Estonia, Olion, 1994, 215p, 202 x 138 x 13, PB, SD, ERB, ISBN 5460000939.

Lutsar, Andres (1937 – ), “Judo : Tallinna džuudoklubi “Aita” õppemetoodiline brošüür“, Tallinn, Estonia, Tallinna Džuudoklubi Aita, 1980, 156p, 20 cm x 14 cm, TCH, ERB.

Lutsar, Andres (1937 – ), “Judo : Tallinna džuudoklubi “Aita” õppe-metoodiline brošüür“, Tallinn, Estonia, Tallinna Pedagoogiline Instituut, 1982, 156p, 20 cm x 14 cm, REP, ERB.

Lutsar, Andres (1937 – ) : Fradet, Claude, “Judo meile : kavandatud lastele : õpilasastmed – KYU“, Tallinn, Estonia, Judoklubi Aita, 1994, 156p, 144 x 203 x 9, PB, KID, LIB.

Parbus, Ivo, “Indrek Pertelson Kojujõudmine“, Tallinn, Estonia, Kirjastus Revelex, 2005, 157p, 214 x 145 x 9, PB, MEM, ERB, ISBN 9985956346.

Põldma, Janno (1950 – ), “Džuudopoisid“, Tallinn, Estonia, Eesti Raamat, 1985, 95p, 23 cm, KID, ERB.

Cronholm, Viking (1874 – 1961), “Jiu-jitsu : japanilainen itsepuolustusjärjestelmä“, Helsinki, Finland, Helsingin Kustannusosakeyhtiö, 1910, 69p, SD, NBF.

Dan-kollegio,, “Graduointiopas“, Lappeenranta, Finland, Suomen Dan Kolleegio r.y. Graduointivaliokunta, 1993, 23p, PB, COA, NBF.

Fagerlund, Reino (1953 – ), “Judo-opas“, Helsinki, Finland, Suomen Judoliitto, 1996, 32p, 208 x 148 x 2, PB, TCH, NBF.

Fagerlund, Reino (1953 – ), “Kehitysvammaisten judo“, Helsinki, Finland, Kehitysvammaliitto, 1993, COA, NBF.

Fradet, Claude : Lehtikari, Virve, “Judo – meille, osa 1 : keltainen vyö : oranssi vyö“, Helsinki, Finland, Työväen Urheiluliitto, 1986, 40p, 14 cm, TCH, NBF, ISBN 9519375899.

Fradet, Claude : Lehtikari, Virve, “Judo – meille, osa 2 : vihreä vyö“, Helsinki, Finland, Työväen Urheiluliitto, 1986, 46p, 14 cm, TCH, NBF, ISBN 9519375546.

Fradet, Claude, “Judo – meille, osa 3 : sininen vyö : ruskea vyö“, Helsinki, Finland, Työväen Urheiluliitto, 1986, 40p, 14 cm, TCH, NBF.

Fradet, Claude, “Judo – meille, osa 4 : Nage-no-gata“, Helsinki, Finland, Työväen Urheiluliitto, 1986, 40p, 14 cm, KAT, NBF.

Hagelberg, K. : Hätönen, K., “Itsepuolustus“, Helsinki, Finland, Otava, 1960, 118p, 172 x 123 x 7, HB, SD, NBF.

Hancock, Harrie Irving (1868 – 1922) : Roine, Reinhold, “Dshiu-Dshitsu : ikivanha, päälle 2,500 vuotinen japanilainen järjestelmä : Osa I Japanilainen ruumiin kasvatus : harjoitus- ja ravintojärjestelmä sekä yleinen elantotapa, jotka yhteisesti ovat tehneet Mikadon kansan miehet ja naiset terveimmiksi, voimakkaimmiksi ja onnellisimmiksi maailmassa“, Helsinki, Finland, Lindstedt’in Antikvaarinen Kirjakauppa, 1905, 144p, OJJ, NBF.

Hancock, Harrie Irving (1868 – 1922) : Roine, Reinhold, “Dshiu-Dshitsu : ikivanha, päälle 2,500 vuotinen japanilainen ruumiinkasvatus ja harjoitusjärjestelmä : Osa II Dshiu-Dshitsu-taistelu-temppuja : japanilaisia hyökkäys- ja puolustustapoja kaksintaistelussa“, Helsinki, Finland, Lindstedt’in Antikvaarinen Kirjakauppa, 1905, 128p, OJJ, NBF.

Harju, Timo (1937 – ), “70-vuotta : Muistelmat 1937 – 2007“, Kuopio, Finland, Kopijyvä, 2007, 264, 250 x 174 x 16, PB, MEM, LIB.

Heinonen, Sauli, “Kamppailuvalmennus : judo karate taekwondo paini nyrkkeily potkunyrkkeily“, Turku, Finland, Samline, 2000, 204p, 248 x 176 x 13, PB, COA, LIB, ISBN 951977470X.

Iivonen, Markku : Vihavainen, Jorma, “Junnujudo : ohjaajan opas“, Vantaa, Finland, by Author, 2006, 90p, KID, LIB, ISBN 9529204302.

Jensen, Max (1933 – ), “Judo : valkoisesta mustaan vyöhön“, Helsinki, Finland, Tammi, 1967 1969[2] 1970[3] 1972[4] 1974[5] 1978[6] 1985[7] 1993[8], 127p, 190 x 157 x 11, PB, TCH, LoC.

Jensen, Max (1933 – ), “judon salaisuudet ja musta vyö“, Helsinki, Finland, Tammi, 1973, 120p, 190 x 157 x 8, PB, TCH, NBF, ISBN 9513021335.

Kivinen, Jorma, “Judokan käsikirja“, Lappeenranta, Finland, Suomen dan-kollegio, 1986, 191p, 173 x 125 x 9, PB, HIS, NBF, ISBN 9519970657.

Klinger-Klingerstorff, Hubert (1920 – ) : (unofficial translation of Judo self taught in pictures no author name mentioned), “Judo : Itsepuolustuksen oppikurssi Vihko 2“, Helsinki, Finland, Judo-opisto, Saaristo & K:ni, 1955, 32p, 208 x 150 x 3, PB, SD, NBF.

Klinger-Klingerstorff, Hubert (1920 – ) : (unofficial translation of Judo self taught in pictures no author name mentioned), “Judo : Itsepuolustuksen oppikurssi Vihko 3“, Helsinki, Finland, Judo-opisto, Saaristo & K:ni, 1955, 32p, 21 cm, PB, SD, NBF.

Klinger-Klingerstorff, Hubert (1920 – ) : (unofficial translation of Judo self taught in pictures no author name mentioned), “Judo : Itsepuolustuksen oppikurssi Vihko 4“, Helsinki, Finland, Judo-opisto, Saaristo & K:ni, 1955, 32p, 208 x 148 x 3, PB, SD, NBF.

Klinger-Klingerstorff, Hubert (1920 – ) : (unofficial translation of Judo self taught in pictures no author name mentioned), “Judo : Itsepuolustuksen oppikurssi Vihko 5“, Helsinki, Finland, Judo-opisto, Saaristo & K:ni, 1955, 32p, 208 x 148 x 3, PB, SD, NBF.

Klinger-Klingerstorff, Hubert (1920 – ) : (unofficial translation of Judo self taught in pictures no author name mentioned), “Judo-kurssi : Vihko 1“, Helsinki, Finland, Judo-opisto, Saaristo & K:ni, 1955, 32p, 208 x 148 x 2, PB, SD, NBF.

Korpiola, Kyösti (1941 – ) : Päiviö, Ismo : Kihlberg, Tapio, “judo aikido karate“, Helsinki, Finland, Werner Söderstöm, 1974, 174p, 174 x 164 x 8, PB, TCH, LoC, ISBN 951006257X.

Kyllönen, Ari, “Judon historia“, Kuopio, Finland, Ari Kyllönen, 2003, 141p, 250 x 177 x 6, PB, HIS, NBF, ISBN 9518422648.

Kyllönen, Ari, “Judon historia“, Kuopio, Finland, Kuopion kaupunki, 2003[2], 141p, 25 cm, REP, NBF, ISBN 9518422648.

Kyllönen, Ari, “Suomalaisen judon historiaa : Wolfgang Dhuy“, Kuopio, Finland, Ari Kyllönen, 2005, 18p, 208 x 145 x 4, PB, HIS, NBF, ISBN 9518422915.

Laaksonen, Tero, “Kamppailijoita dojolta tatamilta“, Helsinki, Finland, by Author, 1992, 195p, 215 x 153 x 13, HB, HIS, NBF, ISBN 9529037775.

Lammi, Esko, “Judovalmennus“, Jyväskylä, Finland, K. J. Gummerus, 1979, 121p, 204 x 134 x 7, PB, COA, NBF, ISBN 9519496718.

Lehmusto, Heikki, “Painin Historia“, Helsinki, Finland, Otava, 1920, 343p, 219 x 150 x 23, HB, HIS, NBF.

Lehmusto, Heikki, “Painin Historia“, Helsinki, Finland, Otava, 1939[2], 487, 218 x 148 x 27, HB, HIS, NBF.

Lehmusto, Heikki : Laitinen, Armas, “Painiskeluopas“, Helsinki, Finland, Otava, 1924, 182p, 215 x 148 x 12, HB, HIS, NBF.

Lähteenkorva, Heikki : Pahlman, Tom, “Gonosen no kata“, Helsinki, Finland, Judon Tuki ry, 2005, 30p, 209 x 293 x 4, PB, KAT, NBF.

Marttila, Jouko T., “Joustavan tien kulkijat : puoli vuosisataa suomalaista judoa“, Helsinki, Finland, Suomen Judoliitto, 2008, 155p, 215 x 150 x 17, HB, HIS, NBF, ISBN13 9789529246410.

Marwood, Desmond : Lindgren, Staffan, “Judon taito“, Hämeenlinna, Finland, Karisto, 1992 1995[2], 128p, 255 x 175 x 10, HB, TCH, NBF, ISBN 9512332752.

Myllylä, Seppo (1958 – ) : Pilviö, Riitta, “Opi Judoa : tekniikat, vyöarvot, harjoittelu“, Jyväskylä, Finland, Gummerus, 1994 1995[2] 2005[3], 168p, 248 x 152 x 9, PB, TCH, NBF, ISBN 9529057423.

Niiniketo, Auvo, “ju-jutsu : itsepuolustuksen perusta“, Helsinki, Finland, Tammi, 1982 1986[2], 179p, 193 x 155 x 12, HB, MJJ, LIB, ISBN 9513065103.

Purjo, Timo, “Väkivallan hallinta : -ilman väkivaltaa- : Itsepuolustus, itsesuojelu ja väkivallan hallinta työpaikalla ja vapaa-aikana“, Helsinki, Finland, Porrum, 1997, 66p, 297 x 213 x 4, PB, SD, NBF, ISBN 9519760601.

Reumann, Wallace R., “Aseeton itsepuolustus“, Iisalmi, Finland, IS-paino, 1986, 63p, 240 x 170 x 4, PB, SD, DNB.

Salo, Niilo, “Jiujitsukurssi“, Tampere, Finland, Wrange, 1980[2], 64p, 207 x 145 X 6, PB, REP, NBF.

Salo, Niilo, “Jiujitsukurssi : 1 vihko“, Hämeenlinna, Finland, Arvi A. Karisto, 1954[1], 32p, 207 x 145 X 3, PB, OJJ, NBF.

Salo, Niilo, “Jiujitsukurssi : 2 vihko“, Hämeenlinna, Finland, Arvi A. Karisto, 1954[1], 16p, 207 x 145 X 3, PB, OJJ, NBF.

Salo, Niilo, “Jiujitsukurssi : 3 vihko“, Hämeenlinna, Finland, Arvi A. Karisto, 1954[1], 16p, 207 x 145 X 3, PB, OJJ, NBF.

Schönning, Hakon : Rauta, Viljo, “Itsepuolustus : Jiu-jitsu ja poliisiotteet“, Porvoo, Finland, Werner Söderstöm Osakeyhtiö, 1943, 106p, 184 x 128 x 9, PB, SD, NBF.

Sivén, Elis, “Jiu-jitsu opas“, Helsinki, Finland, Kustannus Osakeyhtiö Lukemisto, 1932, 57p, TCH, NBF.

Sivén, Elis, “Jiu-jitsu opas“, Helsinki, Finland, Kustannus Osakeyhtiö Lukemisto, 1937, 60p, 20 cm, REP, NBF.

Sivén, Elis, “Jiu-jitsu opas“, Helsinki, Finland, by Author, 1944[3], 61p, REP, NBF.

TUL,, “Judovalmentajakurssi : III-taso“, Helsinki, Finland, Työväen Urheiluliitto, 1986, 39p, 30 cm, COA, NBF, ISBN 9519375910.

Abe, Ichiro (1922 – ) : Falise, Jean-Marie : Ravinet, George, “Judo“, Liege, France, Editions Chiron, 1964 1967[2] 1969[3] 1972 1980, 207p, 243 x 160, PB, TCH, MBR.

Abe, Ichiro (1922 – ) : Falise, Jean-Marie : Ravinet, George, “Judo“, Ham-sur-Heure, Belgium, Jean-Marie Falise, 1985, 207p, 24 cm, REP, Kbr.

Abe, Ichiro (1922 – ) : Falise, Jean-Marie : Ravinet, George, “Judo“, Couillet, Belgium, Imprimerie Guillaume, 1981, 279p, 245 x 160, PB, REP, LIB.

Abe, Ichiro (1922 – ) : Lasserre, Robert, “Souvenirs de judo“, Toulouse, France, Éditions Judo, 1953, 95p, 192 x 142, PB, MEM, 3218.

Adami, Jean-Pierre : Couturier, Gérard, “Judo“, Paris, France, A. Colin, 1975, 64p, 21 cm, TCH, CCF.

Adami, Jean-Pierre : Couturier, Gérard, “Vers une approche nouvelle du judo de haut niveau“, Paris, France, Édition Sport et plein air, 1978, 24p, 21 cm, CCF.

Adams, Neil (1958 – ), “Kumikata : les techniques des champions“, Paris, France, Chiron Sports, 1993, 94p, 24 cm, TCH, OLL, ISBN 2702704921.

Adams, Neil (1958 – ), “Les clefs de bras (les techniques des champions)“, Paris, France, Chiron Sports, 1995, 94p, 24 cm, TCH, OLL, ISBN 2702704700.

Agogué, Jean-François, “Le livre d’or du Judo“, Paris, France, Solar, 1982, 111p, 26 cm, TCH, BnF, ISBN 2263007075.

Aïda, Hikoichi (1893 – 1972) : Dramard, Eric B. de, “Le judo de Hikoichi Aida du Kodokan“, Paris, France, Chiron, 1964, 307p, 21 cm, TCH, MBR.

Alcheik, Jim, “Jiu-jitsu“, UL, France, Edition privée, 1956, 54p, MJJ, MBR.

Alcheik, Jim, “Le judo : technique de l’Académi Internationale de Judi (Kodokan)“, UL, France, Édition privée, 1956, 108p, 258 x 182 x 12, PB, TCH, 3280.

Amdur, Ellis, “Traditions martiales : Origine et transmission du savoir dans les écoles d’escrime japonaise“, Paris, France, Budo éditions, 2006, 271p, 240 x 170 x 22, PB, NON, LIB, ISBN 2846171084.

André, Émile, “100 façons de se défendre dans la rue sans armes“, Paris, France, Ernest Flammarion, 1904, 160p, 17 cm, SD, RBU.

André, Émile, “Cent coups de jiu-jitsu – coups et parades“, Paris, France, Flammarion, 1899 1906, 146p, 11 cm, PB, OJJ, MBR.

André, Émile, “L’art de se defendre dans la rue“, Paris, France, Ernest Flammarion, 1889, 143p, 24 cm, OJJ, 3254.

André, Émile, “L’art de se defendre dans la rue avec armes ou sans armes“, Paris, France, Ernest Flammarion, 1929, 191p, REP, MBR.

Arpin, Louis (1932 – ), “Le Guide complet du Judo“, Montreal, Canada, Les Editions de l’Homme, 1999, 262p, REP, BML, ISBN13 9782761902885.

Arpin, Louis (1932 – ), “Le guide complet du judo pour hommes et femmes“, Montreal, Canada, Les Editions de l’Homme, 1983, 262p, 20 cm, LAC, ISBN 2761902882.

Arpin, Louis (1932 – ), “Le guide complet du self-défense pour hommes et femmes : Les meilleures techniques de : judo – aïkido – karaté – yawara – ju-jitsu – et savate“, Montreal, Canada, Les Editions de l’Homme, 1984, 312p, 21 cm, BnF, ISBN 2761903188.

Arpin, Louis (1932 – ), “Le guide du judo : au sol : Newaza“, Montreal, Canada, Les Editions de L’homme, 1971, 223p, 202 x 135 x 15, PB, NEW, 3026.

Arpin, Louis (1932 – ), “Le guide du judo : technique debout : Tachi-waga (Go-kyo)“, Montreal, Canada, Les Editions de L’homme, 1970, 219p, 20 cm x 14 cm, PB, TCH, 3001.

Aubert, Jean-Luc (1948 – ), “Le judo et les arts martiaux“, Paris, France, Epigones, 1987 1990, 30p, 28 cm, TCH, BML, ISBN 2736623223.

Augé, Jérôme : Lavie, François : Meuley, Philippe, “Judo : Une pédagogie du savoir-combattre“, Paris, France, Revue EP.S, 2002, 174p, 26 cm, COA, BnF, ISBN 2867132533.

Awazu, Shozo (1923 – ), “Judo par ceinture – Le Judo Féminin“, Paris, France, Chiron Sports, 1974, TCH, LIB.

Awazu, Shozo (1923 – ) : Bouthinon, André, “Méthode de Judo au sol“, Paris, France, Chiron, 1963 1974, 187p, 23 cm, REP, LAC, ISBN 2702700330.

Awazu, Shozo (1923 – ) : Bouthinon, André, “Méthode de Judo au sol“, Paris, France, Le Plessis Robinson, Publi-Judo, 1959, 173p, 240 x 160 x 12, PB, NEW, CCF.

Barioli, César, “Le grand livre du judo : les techniques originales japonaises expliquées par un célèbre champion et maître“, Paris, France, De Vecchi, 1988 1995 1997, 211p, 238 x 172 x 15, PB, TCH, OLL, ISBN 273280570X.

Barioli, César, “Le Judo : techniques, exercices, combats“, Paris, France, De Vecchi, 1989, 63p, 20 cm, BnF, ISBN 2732814237.

Barioli, César, “Le judo de la ceinture blanche à la ceinture noire“, Paris, France, De Vecchi, 1981, TCH, BML, ISBN 2732805439.

Barioli, César, “Le Judo en 12 leçons, de la ceinture blanche à la ceinture noire“, Paris, France, De Vecchi, 1974, 302p, 21 cm, MBR, ISBN 2732805439.

Barrault, Denys : Brondani, Jean-Claude : Rousseau, Didier, “Médecine du judo“, Paris, France, Masson, 1991 1997, 228p, 24 cm, COA, BnF, ISBN 2225823863.

Barrault, Denys : Brondani, Jean-Claude : Rousseau, Didier : Vesselle, B., “Médecine et traumatologie du judo“, Paris, France, Roussel, 1990, 31p, 228 x 150 x 4, PB, MED, BnF.

Bartlett, Eric George (1920 – ), “Judo et auto-défense : Pourquoi? Comment?“, Paris, France, Denoël, 1963, 239p, 20 cm, SD, MBR.

Baudot, Georges : Pelletier, Guy (1921 – ) : Urvoy, Claude, “Judo superieur : enchainements 1 : O goshi, ippon seoi nage, hiza guruma, de ashi barai, o soto gari, uki goshi“, Boulogne, France, Sedirep, 1971, 126p, 181 x 133 x 8, PB, TCH, BnF.

Baudot, Georges : Pelletier, Guy (1921 – ) : Urvoy, Claude, “Judo superieur : enchainements 2“, Boulogne, France, Sedirep, 1973, 141p, 181 x 133 x 9, PB, TCH, BnF.

Baudot, Georges : Pelletier, Guy (1921 – ) : Urvoy, Claude, “Judo superieur : enchainements 3“, Boulogne, France, Sedirep, 1975, 135p, 181 x 133 x 8, PB, TCH, BnF, ISBN 2901551246.

Baudot, Georges : Pelletier, Guy (1921 – ) : Urvoy, Claude, “Judo superieur : enchainements 4“, Boulogne, France, Sedirep, 1977, 133p, 181 x 133 x 9, PB, TCH, RBU, ISBN 2901551424.

Beaudoin, Jean, “Ne-waza : Le dernier mot du Judo“, Tokyo, Japan, Dai Nippon Printing, 1964, 82p, 21 cm x 30 cm, PB, NEW, MBR.

Beaujean, Jean, “Jiu-jitsu : partie Judo d’aprés la méthode de Kawaishi Shi-Han ceinture noire 6e dan“, Paris, France, Edition privée, 1945, 415p, OJJ, MBR.

Beaujean, Jean, “Les quatre projections clés du Judo“, Paris, France, Judo Kodokan, 1953, 46p, 225 x 155 x 13, PB, MBR.

Beaujean, Jean, “Manuel de Judo et de Jiu-jitsu“, Paris, France, Édition privée, 1954, 32p, RS.

Bellard, Franck (1976 – ), “Ma diététique de judoka“, Paris, France, Amphora, 2003, 207p, 208 x 165 x 11, PB, MED, BnF, ISBN 2851806297.

Besson, François : de Mondenard, Jean-Pierre, “Judo“, Paris, France, André Leson, 1977, 186p, 21 cm, BML, ISBN 2239100168.

Bilas, Gilbert, “Ne Waza moderne“, Boulogne, France, Sedirep, 1978, 136p, 295 x 210 x 9, PB, NEW, LIB, ISBN 2702708935.

Blanchetête, Loïc, “Judo : Les techniques oubliées“, Noisy-sur-École, France, Budo éditions, 2003, 223p, 239 x 170 x 12, PB, TCH, BnF, ISBN 284617069X.

Blanchetête, Loïc, “Judo Okuden : Les secrets de l’efficacité“, Noisy-sur-École, France, Budo éditions, 2007, 222p, 238 x 170 x 13, PB, TCH, BNF, ISBN13 9782846171212.

Bonét-Maury, Paul Albert Antoine (1900 – ) : Herdt, Jean de (1923 – ), “Judo et Jiu-jitsu“, Paris, France, Vigot Freres, 1946, 99p, 19 cm x 14 cm, TCH, 3279.

Bonét-Maury, Paul Albert Antoine (1900 – ) : Herdt, Jean de (1923 – ), “Judo et Jiu-jitsu“, Paris, France, Vigot Freres, 1948[2] 1949[3] 1950[4], 99p, 19 cm x 14 cm, REP, KBC.

Bonét-Maury, Paul Albert Antoine (1900 – ) : Courtine, Henri, “Le judo (que sais-je?)“, Paris, France, Presses Universitaires de France, 1989[3], 127p, 175 x 113 x 11, PB, REP, Kbr, ISBN 2130424848.

Bonét-Maury, Paul Albert Antoine (1900 – ) : Courtine, Henri : Ithurriague, Madeleine, “Le judo (que sais-je?)“, Paris, France, Presses Universitaires de France, 1971, 127p, 18 cm, TCH, MBR.

Boulat, Robert, “Lutte, judo, sambo : progression sportive de l’écoleau club“, Paris, France, Éducation Physique et Sport, INSEP, 1973, 80p, BNP.

Bouras, Djamel (1971 – ), “Combat vers la lumière“, Paris, France, Stock, 2000, 305p, 23 cm, PB, MEM, OLL, ISBN 2234051908.

Bourgoin, Frédéric (1963 – ), “Ju jitsu : Techniques de base et méthodes d’entraînement“, Paris, France, Chiron, 1994 2001, 158p, 239 x 169 x 11, PB, MJJ, BnF, ISBN13 9782702705155.

Bourgoin, Frédéric (1963 – ), “Ju-jitsu au sol : techniques de base et méthodes d’entraînement“, Paris, France, Chiron, 1997, 126p, 25 cm, NEW, BnF, ISBN 2702705782.

Bourgoin, Frédéric (1963 – ), “La nomenclature du judo debout : Tome 1 : Te-waza et Ashi-waza“, Amiens, France, Ab Sarl Eds, 2006, 168p, 239 x 169 x 10, PB, TCH, BnF, ISBN13 9782952719506.

Brélivet, François, “Memento des techniques de judo : ceinture blanche à marron“, Paris, France, Brélès, 2003, 14p, 21 cm, TCH, BnF, ISBN 2911122097.

Bronchart, Bernard, “L’enseignement des sports de combat : judo, lutte, sambo : de l’initiation au perfectionement“, Paris, France, Éditions Amphora, 1989, 159p, PB, COA, BNP, ISBN 2851801900.

Bronchart, Bernard, “L’Enseignement des sports de combat : judo, lutte, sambo : de l’initiation au perfectionnement“, Paris, France, Amphora, 1989, 159p, 22 cm, COA, BnF, ISBN 2851801902.

Brondani, Jean-Claude, “Influence de la pratique du judo sur le rachis en période de croissance“, Paris, France, Faculté de Médecine de l’Université Paris, 1974, 71p, COA, NKC.

Brousse, Michel (1952 – ), “Le judo : son histoire ses succès“, Genève, France, Liber, 1996, 187p, 291 x 250 x 24, HB, HIS, OLL, ISBN 2881430775.

Brousse, Michel (1952 – ), “Le judo : son histoire ses succès“, Genève, Switzerland, Minerva, 2002, 211p, 29 cm, REP, BnF, ISBN 2830706595.

Brousse, Michel (1952 – ), “Les racines du judo francais : Histoire d’une culture sportive“, Bordeaux, France, Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2006, 367p, 24 cm, BnF, ISBN 2867813689.

Brun-Aube, Jean-Claude : Brondani, Jean-Claude : Coche, Jean-Paul, “Judo et societe : Des plaisirs du Judo au Judo plaisir“, Cergy Pontoise, France, Noris Sports, 2000, 180p, 204 x 145 x 9, PB, BnF, ISBN 2906823112.

Bui, Gilles Xuan : Dabonneville, Michel, “Judo et surdité“, Aubière, France, Université de Clermont-Ferrand II. U.E.R. Éducation physique et sportive, 1980, 59p, 30 cm, BnF.

Butcher, Alex, “Judo : Les arts martiaux simples et pratiques“, London, United Kingdom, New Holland, 2001, 96p, 263 x 193 x 7, PB, TCH, LIB, ISBN 2743449969.

Buvat, A., “Enseignement methodique et practique du jiu-jitsu : Lutte Japonaise“, UL, France, Jean Durand & Cie, 1910, OJJ, RS.

Buvat, A., “Memento de Jiu-Jitsu (à l’usage de la Police parisienne)“, UL, France, UP, 1906, TCH, BJ.

Cadière, Roger : Trilles, Frances (1949 – ), “Judo : analyse et propositions pour la pratique de son enseignement les bases de l’initiation pour l’école et le club“, Paris, France, Revue EP.S, 1998, 173p, 296 x 209 x 7, PB, OLL, ISBN 2867131715.

Calmet, Michel, “Didactique judo en milieu scolaire : formation professionnelle continue des enseignants d’EPS“, Beauvais, France, Centre départemental de documentation pédagogique de l’Oise, 1987, 38p, 30 cm, BnF.

Calmet, Michel, “Enseigner le judo au collège et au lycée“, Amiens, France, CRDP d’Amiens, 2002, 104p, 29 cm, COA, BnF, ISBN 2866152689.

Carré, Claude (1956 – ), “Judo : de la légende à l’histoire“, Grenoble, Switzerland, Glénat, 1996, 47p, 30 cm, BnF, ISBN 2723421503.

Ceracchini, Augusto, “L’ABC du judo“, Paris, France, Editions Sambel, 1968[2], 126p, 17 cm, BNQ.

Chabosseau, Christian : Hoffer, Bruno, “Grand cours de judo“, Paris, France, De Vecchi, 1999, 142p, 239 x 169 x 11, PB, TCH, NSc, ISBN 2732867330.

Charlot, Emmanuel (1964 – ) : Bridge, Janet, “Cours de Judo : L’histoire : La théorie, la compétition, les techniques fondamentales, le combat“, Paris, France, De Vecchi, 2008, 205p, 239 x 169 x 11, PB, TCH, LIB, ISBN13 9782732868370.

Charlot, Emmanuel (1964 – ), “Judo : principes et fondements“, Ivry, France, K. éditions, 2006, 143p, 204 x 139 x 14, PB, BF, BnF, ISBN13 9782952413503.

Cherpillod, Armand, “Je me défends toute seule! : quelques coups du Jiu-Jitsu japonais a l’usage des dames, avec 38 planches d’après nature“, Paris, France, Librairie Générale d’Éducation, 1907, 98p, 18 cm, SD, RS.

Cherpillod, Armand, “Manuel de jiu-jitsu a l’usage des sociétés de gymnastique de l’armée et du public en général“, Neuchâtel, France, Attinger Frères Éditeurs, 1906, 127p, 178 x 120 x 8, HB, OJJ, RS.

Coche, Jean-Paul (1947 – ) : Renault, Jean-François, “Judo : La technique, la tactique, l’entraînement“, Paris, France, Robert Laffont, 1975, 215p, 24 cm x 16 cm, TCH, LoC.

Coche, Jean-Paul (1947 – ) : Renault, Jean-François, “Judo : La technique, la tactique, l’entraînement (ed. rev.)“, Paris, France, Robert Laffont, 1989, 160p, 210 x 188 x 12, PB, REP, BML, ISBN 2221065425.

Corbeil, Jean : Beaulieu, René ; Laforce, Alain, “Lexique du judo : Francais-English-Deutsch-Espanol“, Québec, Canada, Régie de la langue française, 1976, 38p, TPL.

Corea, Igor (1919 – 2000), “L’origine du judo : entretiens avec Rudolf di Stefano et Laurent Bruel“, Montreuil, France, Association des actions physiques et mentales, 2002, 159p, 21 cm, BnF, ISBN 2847670009.

Courtine, Henri (1930 – ), “Judo et Jiu Jitsu“, Paris, France, Denoel Editions, 1977, TCH, LIB.

Courtine, Henri (1930 – ) : Bonét-Mauri, Paul, “Le Judo“, Paris, France, Presses Universitaries, 1971, 168p, 245 x 150, TCH, MBR.

Courtine, Henri (1930 – ) : Bonét-Mauri, Paul, “Le Judo“, Paris, France, Denoël, 1975, 168p, 245 x 180, PB, REP, LIB.

Couzinié, Émile J. : Crespin, Eugène, “Enchaînements et contreprises du judo moderne, techniques : la méthode complète de la progression française du judo“, Paris, France, Judogi, 1982, 95p, 22 cm, BnF, ISBN 290691407X.

Couzinié, Émile J., “Judo moderne“, Paris, France, Judogi, 1971 1988[6], 63p, 21 cm x 13 cm, PB, BnF.

Couzinié, Émile J. : Crespin, Eugéne, “Katas modernes : Nage-no-kata, Katame-no-kata, Kime-no-kata“, Paris, France, Judogi, 1970, 144p, 209 x 130 x 4, PB, KAT, BnF.

Couzinié, Émile J. : Crespin, Eugéne, “Katas modernes : Nage-no-kata, Katame-no-kata, Kime-no-kata : aide-mémoire du judo français“, Paris, France, Judogi, 1986, 94p, 21 cm, REP, BnF, ISBN 2906914134.

Couzinié, Émile J. : Crespin, Eugéne, “Ne-waza : le Judo moderne au sol“, Paris, France, Judogi, 1984, 152p, 210 x 128 x 9, PB, NEW, MBR, ISBN 290691410X.

Couzinié, Émile J. : Crespin, Eugéne, “Self defense moderne par le judo“, Paris, France, Girotypo, 1977 1986, 97p, 22 cm, PB, REP, BnF, ISBN 2906914142.

Couzinié, Émile J. : Crespin, Eugéne, “Self defense moderne par le judo“, Paris, France, Girotypo, 1972, 97p, 20 cm, PB, SD, BnF.

Couzinié, Émile J. : Crespin, Eugène, “Techniques, enchaînements et contreprises du judo moderne“, Paris, France, Judogi, 2002 2003, 95p, 208 x 150 x 7, PB, REP, BML, ISBN 2702707726.

Crespin, Eugène, “Ceintures bicolores Judo“, Paris, France, Judogi, 1996, 32p, 144 x 230 x 3, PB, TCH, LIB, ISBN 290691441X.

Crespin, Eugène, “Judo de competition“, Paris, France, Amphora, 2003, 269p, REP, BnF, ISBN13 9782851801098.

Crespin, Eugène, “Judo de competition“, Paris, France, Amphora, 1986, 269p, 27 cm, TCH, BnF, ISBN 2851801090.

Crespin, Eugène : Martel, Pierre (1920 – ) : Plée, Henry (1923 – ) : Besson, François, “Le guide du judo, du karaté, de l’aïkido, du kendo, et autres sports de combat“, Paris, France, Judogi, 1977, 256p, LIB.

Crottier, Patricia : Bergé, Bob, “le Judo : la Voie de la Souplesse“, Allauch, France, Clair de lune, 2006 2009, 40p, 290 x 216 x 7, HB, KID, BnF, ISBN13 9782913714951.

Crottier, Patricia : Bergé, Bob, “Le Judo, Tome 2 : Panique au dojo“, Allauch, France, Clair de lune, 2009, 40p, 290 x 216 x 7, HB, KID, LIB, ISBN13 9782353250790.

Damie, Jean Philippe, “Le Palmarès du judo français“, Choisy-le-Roi, France, CES [Conseil en équipements sportifs], 1990, 255p, 24 cm, BnF, ISBN 2950444717.

Dardenne, Maurice, “Harmonisation naturelle du Judo“, Meaux, France, Rousseaux, 1961, LIB.

Decosterd, Serge (1957 – ) : Calvez, Emmanuel (1975 – ), “Passion Judo : 80 techniques en images pour perfectionner son judo“, Rennes, France, OPC, 2003, 194p, 210 x 144 x 6, PB, TCH, BnF, ISBN13 9782952043816.

Decosterd, Serge (1957 – ) : Calvez, Emmanuel (1975 – ), “Passion Judo : de la ceinture blanche au 1er dan“, Rennes, France, OPC, 2005, 194p, 210 x 144 x 6, PB, TCH, BnF, ISBN 2952043817.

Decosterd, Serge (1957 – ) : Calvez, Emmanuel (1975 – ) : Robert, Franck, “Passion Judo : katas et jujitsu : du 1er au 4e dan“, Rennes, France, OPC, 2005, 258p, 210 x 144 x 9, PB, KAT, BnF, ISBN 2952043825.

Decosterd, Serge (1957 – ) : Robert, Franck : Calvez, Emmanuel (1970 – ), “Passion Judo : le guide du jeune arbitre“, Rennes, France, OPC, 2005, 66p, 210 x 144 x 4, PB, REF, BnF, ISBN 2952043833.

Désormeaux, Ronald (1941 – ), “Les mystères du judo : céder pour vaincre“, Cantley, Canada, Forges canadiennes de gestion, 1999, 25 cm, NBQ, ISBN 2980626902.

Dorcino, Jean, “Le Judo et lui“, Paris, France, Chiron Sports, 1992, 153p, REP, BML, ISBN 2908580020.

Dorcino, Jean, “Le Judo et lui“, UL, France, Publi Judo, 1959, 153p, TCH, LIB.

Douillet, David (1969 – ), “110 % – 18 clés pour devenir un champion de la vie“, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France, Michel Lafon, 2001, 258p, 20 cm x 13 cm, PB, MEM, BnF, ISBN 2840987376.

Douillet, David (1969 – ), “110 % – 18 clés pour devenir un champion de la vie“, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France, les Éd. de la Seine, 2002, 258p, 23 cm, REP, BnF, ISBN 2738216633.

Douillet, David (1969 – ), “110 % – 18 clés pour devenir un champion de la vie“, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France, J’ai lu, 2003, 253p, 18 cm, REP, BnF, ISBN 2290324183.

Douillet, David (1969 – ), “L’âme du conquérant“, Paris, France, France loisirs, 1999, 275p, 21 cm, REP, BnF, ISBN 2744128295.

Douillet, David (1969 – ), “L’âme du conquérant“, Paris, France, Robert Laffont, 1998, 275p, 22 cm, MEM, OLL, ISBN 2221087658.

Drouin, Francis, “Le judo… du plaisir pour tous!“, Montreal, Canada, Judo Québec, 1992, 18p, 21 cm, NBQ, ISBN 2980309907.

Dubois, Georges, “Comment se défendre“, Paris, France, Nilsson, 1913, 203p, SD, MBR.

Duval, D., “Progression d’enseignement de judo de la blanche à la noire“, Boulogne, France, Sedirep, 1971, 96p, 21 cm, LoC.

Falsoni, Ennio, “Le Ju-jitsu“, Paris, France, Editions de Vecchi, 1985, 224p, MBR.

Fédération française de judo,, “Shin : Ethique et tradition dans l’enseignement du judo“, Noisy-sur-École, France, Budo éditions, 2008, 127p, 209 x 139 x 10, PB, BF, LIB, ISBN13 9782846172400.

Fédération française de judo, jujitsu, kendo et disciplines associées,, “Approche pédagogique 6/9 ans“, Paris, France, Fédération française de judo, jiu-jitsu et disciplines associées, 1976 1985, 95p, 30 cm, KID, BnF.

Fédération française de judo, jujitsu, kendo et disciplines associées,, “Pochette d’enseignement“, Paris, France, FFJDA, UD, 88p, KID, LIB.

Feldenkrais, Moshe (1904 – 1984) : Beaujan, Jean, “A B C du Judo (jiu-jitsu)“, Paris, France, Editions Chiron, 1944 1945 1948[3], 63p, 155 x 228 x 5, PB, TCH, 3274.

Feldenkrais, Moshe (1904 – 1984), “A.B.C du Judo (jiu-jitsu)“, Paris, France, Editions Chiron, 1952[5], 64p, REP, CCF.

Feldenkrais, Moshe (1904 – 1984), “Judo pour ceintures noires : le travail à terre“, Paris, France, Editions Chiron, 1951 1953 1960, 226p, 27 cm, NEW, 3229.

Feldenkrais, Moshe (1904 – 1984), “Manuel pratique de jiu-jitsu : la défense du faible contre l’agresseur“, Paris, France, Éditions Chiron, 1944, 158p, 3221.

Fournier, Jean (1968 – ), “Éléments du répertoire comportemental du judoka avant le combat : mémoire de maîtrise STAPS“, Tours, France, J. Fournier, 1990, 27p, 30 cm, BnF.

Fournier, Jean (1968 – ), “Recherches en préparation mentale des judokas“, Tours, France, J. Fournier, 1994, 61p, 30 cm, COA, BnF.

Fradet, Claude, “Atémi ju-jitsu : Ceintures verte, bleue et marron“, Paris, France, Chiron, 1982, 51p, 15 cm x 23 cm, PB, MJJ, CCF.

Fradet, Claude, “Atémi ju-jitsu : Tome 1, Ceintures blanches, jaune et orange“, Paris, France, Chiron, 2002, 60p, 144 x 230 x 4, PB, REP, BnF, ISBN13 9782702707524.

Fradet, Claude, “Atémi ju-jitsu : Tome 2, Ceintures verte, bleue et marron“, Paris, France, Chiron, 2002, 51p, 144 x 230 x 4, PB, MJJ, BnF, ISBN13 9782702707531.

Fradet, Claude, “Judo pour nous : 1, Ceinture blanche, ceinture jaune“, Paris, France, Judogi, 1972, 48p, 228 x 142 x 3, PB, TCH, BNF, ISBN 2906914282.

Fradet, Claude, “Judo pour nous : 2, Ceintures verte, bleue et marron“, Paris, France, Judogi, 1973, 48p, 228 x 142 x 3, PB, TCH, BNF, ISBN 2906914282.

Fradet, Claude, “Judo pour nous : 3, Ceintures bleue et marron“, Paris, France, Judogi, 1974 1985, 48p, 228 x 142 x 3, PB, TCH, BNF, ISBN 2906914304.

Fradet, Claude, “Judo pour nous : 4, Nage-no-kata, forme des projections : ceinture noire“, Paris, France, Judogi, 2002, 48p, 14 cm, KAT, BNF, ISBN 2702707599.

Fradet, Claude, “Judo pour nous : Ceinture bleue ceinture marron“, Noisy-sur-Ecole, France, Budo éditions, 2006, 50p, 239 x 161 x 5, PB, REP, BNF, ISBN13 9782846170857.

Fradet, Claude, “Judo pour nous : Ceinture orange ceinture verte“, Noisy-sur-Ecole, France, Budo éditions, 2006, 50p, 239 x 161x 5, PB, REP, BNF, ISBN13 9782846170840.

Fradet, Claude, “Judo pour rire“, UL, France, UP, UD, 48p, 238 x 157 x 4, PB, OTH, BNF.

Fradet, Claude, “Le judo en bandes dessinées : Tome 1, La progression française à l’intention des jeunes : Ceintures blanche et jaune“, Paris, France, Chiron, 2002, 48p, 15 cm x 23 cm, REP, BnF, ISBN13 9782702707467.

Fradet, Claude, “Le judo en bandes dessinées : Tome 2, La progression française à l’intention des jeunes : Ceintures orange et verte“, Paris, France, Chiron, 2002, 48p, 15 cm x 23 cm, REP, BnF, ISBN13 9782702707470.

Fradet, Claude, “Le judo en bandes dessinées : Tome 3, La progression française à l’intention des jeunes : Ceintures bleue et marron“, Paris, France, Chiron, 2002, 48p, 15 cm x 23 cm, REP, BnF, ISBN13 9782702707487.

Fradet, Claude, “Le judo en bandes dessinées : Tome 4, La progression française à l’intention des jeunes : Ceinture noire“, Paris, France, Chiron, 2002, 48p, 15 cm x 23 cm, REP, BnF, ISBN13 9782702707593.

Fradet, Claude, “Le Judo, quelle histoire : des samouraïs aux jeux Olympiques“, Cergy Pontoise, France, SFM Noris, 1997, 152p, 29 cm, HIS, OLL, ISBN 2906823092.

Fradet, Claude, “Nage-no-kata : forme des projections : le Jjdo pour les Ceintures Noires : 1er Dan et 2éme DAN : en bandes dessinées“, Paris, France, Judogi, 1987, 48p, 143 x 228 x 3, PB, KAT, BnF, ISBN 2906914207.

Gazet, Laurent Joseph (1927 – ), “Judo-jujitsu en Auvergne : 1949-1999, cinquantième anniversaire : son histoire au pays des volcans… résultats sportifs interrégionaux, nationaux et internationaux“, Clermont-Ferrand, France, L. J. Gazet, 1999, 190p, 24 p, HIS, BnF, ISBN 2951375700.

Geesink, (Anton) Anthonius Johannes (1934 – ) : Regnier, Robert R., “Go-Kyo“, Groningen, Netherlands, Wolters-Noordhoff, 1966, 100p, 168 x 220 x 7, PB, TCH, DNB.

Georges, Dominique, “Le Judo“, Paris, France, Édition de l’instant, 1985, 160p, TCH, BnF, ISBN 2869290047.

Georges, Dominique, “Le Judo“, Paris, France, L’ instant/poche, 1985, 159p, TCH, BnF, ISBN 2869290047.

Ghetti, Roberto, “Leçons de Judo“, Paris, France, De Vecchi, 2000, 111p, 24 cm, TCH, BnF, ISBN 2732867527.

Gibert, Jean-Pierre (1952 – ) : Flamand, Jean-Baptiste, “Judo champion : les techniques du succes au sol“, Paris, France, Solar, 1993, 206p, 210 x 190 x 14, PB, NEW, BnF, ISBN 2263021426.

Godet, Robert J. : Mathieu, Georges, “Le Judo de l’espirit“, Paris, France, E. Durand, 1964, 27 cm x 22 cm, BnF.

Godet, Robert J., “Tout le judo : histoire, technique, philosophie, anecdotes“, Paris, France, Amiot-Dumont, 1952, 177p, 213 x 159 x 16, PB, HIS, BML.

Goetghebuer, Gilles, “le judo“, Brussels, Belgium, Pire, 2004, 64p, 15 cm, TCH, Kbr, ISBN 287415394X.

Guion, Jeanine : Guion, Jean, “Ralette fait du Judo“, Paris, France, Hatier, 1996, 31p, 18 cm, KID, BnF, ISBN 2218713934.

Habersetzer, Roland (1942 – ), “Découvrir et pratiquer le judo (Budoscope, tome 2)“, Paris, France, Amphora, 1996, 111p, 22 cm, PB, REP, OLL, ISBN 2851801619.

Habersetzer, Roland (1942 – ), “Découvrir le judo“, Paris, France, Amphora, 1989, 111p, 22 cm, TCH, RBU, ISBN 2851801619.

Haesendonck, François M. van, “Judo : Encyclopédie par l’image“, Anvers, France, Éditions Erasme, 1968, 271p, 180 x 125, PB, MBR.

Hamot, Claude, “ju no kata“, Boulogne, France, Sedirep, 1969, 47p, 223 x 186 x 4, PB, KAT, MBR.

Hamot, Claude : Pelletier, Guy (1921 – ) : Urvoy, Claude, “Katame no kata : goshin jutsu“, Paris, France, sedirep, 1971, 123p, 220 x 186 x 6, PB, KAT, BnF.

Hamot, Claude : Pelletier, Guy (1921 – ) : Urvoy, Claude, “Katame no kata : Kodokan goshin jutsu“, Boulogne-Billancourt, France, Sedirep, 1985, 123p, 24 cm, REP, BnF, ISBN 2901551262.

Hamot, Claude : Pelletier, Guy (1921 – ) : Urvoy, Claude, “Kime no kata“, Paris, France, sedirep, 1985, 63p, 22 cm x 18 cm, PB, REP, BnF, ISBN 2901551270.

Hamot, Claude : Pelletier, Guy (1921 – ) : Urvoy, Claude, “Kime no kata“, Paris, France, sedirep, 1970, 63p, 223 x 186 x 4, PB, KAT, MBR, ISBN 2901551262.

Hamot, Claude : Pelletier, Guy (1921 – ) : Urvoy, Claude, “Nage no kata : kime shiki“, Paris, France, sedirep, 1985, 79p, 22 cm x 18 cm, PB, REP, BnF, ISBN 2901551254.

Hamot, Claude : Pelletier, Guy (1921 – ) : Urvoy, Claude, “Nage no kata : kime shiki“, Paris, France, sedirep, 1970, 79p, 220 x 186 x 4, PB, KAT, BnF.

Hamot, Claude : Tissier, Bernard, “Planning de judo-base“, Paris, France, CDU et SEDES, 1967, 530p, MBR.

Hancock, Harrie Irving (1868 – 1922), “Coups de combat du jiu-jitsu, procédes d’attaque et de défense pour le combat individuel“, Paris, France, Berger-Levrault, 1909, 167p, MBR.

Hancock, Harrie Irving (1868 – 1922) : Ferrus L. : Pesseaud, J., “Jiu-jitsu : Méthode d’entrainment et de combat qui a fait des Japonais les adversaires les plus redoutables du monde“, Paris, France, Berger-Levrault, 1905, 172p, 198 x 130 x 34, HB, OJJ, MBR.

Hancock, Harrie Irving (1868 – 1922) : Ferrus L. : Pesseaud, J., “Jiu-jitsu : Méthode Japonais“, Paris, France, Berger-Levrault, 1934, 172p, PB, REP, JIP.

Hancock, Harrie Irving (1868 – 1922), “Le Jiu-jitsu et la femme : entraînement physique féminin“, Paris, France, Berger-Levrault, 1906, 166p, 20 cm, OJJ, MBR.

Hancock, Harrie Irving (1868 – 1922), “Les coups de combat de Jiu-jitsu“, Paris, France, Berger-Levrault, 1909, 167p, OJJ, RS.

Hancock, Harrie Irving (1868 – 1922) : Higashi, Katsukuma, “Traité complet de Jiu-Jitsu, méthode Kano : Jiu-Jitsu officiel du gouvernement japonais, coups dangereux ou mortels, Kuatsu ou science du rappel à la vie“, Paris, France, Berger-Levrault, 1908, 527p, 25 cm, HB, OJJ, RS.

Hansenne, Marcel (1917 – ), “Le Judo“, Paris, France, La Table Ronde, 1962, 247p, 18 cm, HIS, LoC.

Harmond, C., “Jiu-jitsu : methode d’entrainement et de combat“, UL, France, UP, 1909, ???, RS.

Harty, : RIFF, “Le judo illustrée de A à Z“, Genève, Switzerland, Source – La Sirène, 1998 2001, 46p, 206 x 247 x 12, HB, BF, OLL, ISBN 2884613781.

Heim, Jean, “Apprenez vous même le judo“, Paris, France, Eyrolles, 1965, 63p, 18 cm, BnF.

Hein, Jean, “Judo (apperenez vous-méme)“, Paris, France, Eyrolles, 1966, 64p, 178 x 134 x 9, HB, TCH, LIB.

Herdt, Jean de (1923 – ), “Jiu-jitsu et Judo“, Paris, France, Editions S. E. I. P., 1945, 32p, TCH, MBR.

Herdt, Jean de (1923 – ), “Jiu-Jitsu Et Judo“, Paris, France, Editions S.E.I.P., 1948 1953, 32p, 155 x 115, TCH, BnF.

Herdt, Jean de (1923 – ), “Manuel de Jiu-jitsu et Judo a l’usage del la formation premilitaire“, Paris, France, Yves Alexandre, 1948, 32p, RS.

Herrmann, Pierre (1941 – ), “Practique du Judo : Pédagogie nouvelle“, Grenoble, France, Librerie Arthaud, 1976 1992, 231p, 22 cm x 17 cm, PB, BML, ISBN 2700301145.

Higashi, Katsukuma : Hancock, Irving, “Le Jujitsu Kano : Origine du Judo“, Paris, France, Budo Eveil, 2002, 246p, 262 x 187 x 24, HB, OJJ, BML, ISBN 284617007X.

Huratami, : Gaffet, P., “Le Jiu-jitsu illustré par la photographie“, Paris, France, Amand Girard, 1920, 40p, 19 cm, RS.

Inogai, Tadao (1908 – 1978) : Habersetzer, Rolad, “Judo initiation : Ceintures blanche, jaune, orange, verte“, Paris, France, Amphora, 2001, 127p, 188 x 144 x 10, PB, TCH, BnF, ISBN 2851805835.

Inogai, Tadao (1908 – 1978) : Habersetzer, Rolad, “Judo kata : les formes classiques du Kodokan“, Paris, France, Amphora, 2007, 352p, 210 x 164 x 21, PB, REP, BNQ, ISBN13 9782851807205.

Inogai, Tadao (1908 – 1978) : Habersetzer, Rolad, “Judo kata : les formes classiques du Kodokan“, Paris, France, Amphora, 1992 1998, 350p, 24 cm, KAT, BnF, ISBN 2851803271.

Inogai, Tadao (1908 – 1978) : Habersetzer, Roland (1942 – ), “Judo perfectionnement : Ceintures bleue, marron, noire“, Paris, France, Amphora, 2001 2003, 128p, 189 x 139 x 9, PB, TCH, BnF, ISBN 3878920109.

Inogai, Tadao (1908 – 1978), “Judo pratique : du débutant à la ceinture noire“, Paris, France, Amphora, 1981 1984 1986 2002, 399p, 210 x 164 x 21, PB, TCH, OLL, ISBN 2851805908.

Inogai, Tadao (1908 – 1978), “Judo pratique : du débutant à la ceinture noire“, Paris, France, Amphora, 1992[ep] 2002, 334p, 24 cm, REP, BnF, ISBN 2851800485.

Janicot, Didier : Pouillart, Gilbert, “Le judo : la technique, la tactique, la pratique“, Toulouse, France, Éditions Milan, 1997 2003, 125p, 250 x 200 x 10, PB, TCH, BML, ISBN 2841134458.

Jazarin, Jean-Lucien (1900 – 1982), “Le Judo : École de vie“, Paris, France, Budostore, 1974[1], 188p, 175 x 110 x 19, PB, BF, BML.

Jazarin, Jean-Lucien (1900 – 1982), “Le Judo : École de vie“, Paris, France, Budostore, 1995, 188p, 179 x 114 x 14, PB, REP, BnF, ISBN 2908580535.

Jazarin, Jean-Lucien (1900 – 1982), “L’espirit du Judo : Entretiens avec mon maître“, Paris, France, Budostore, 1993, 255p, 18 cm, REP, BnF, ISBN 2908580527.

Jazarin, Jean-Lucien (1900 – 1982), “L’espirit du Judo : Entretiens avec mon maître“, Paris, France, les Editions du Pavillon, 1968 1972[2], 278p, 18 cm x 11 cm, BF, BnF.

Jazarin, Jean-Lucien (1900 – 1982), “L’espirit du Judo : Entretiens avec mon maître“, Paris, France, Budo éditions, 2006, 253p, 18 cm, PB, REP, BnF, ISBN13 9782846171120.

Jiu-Jitsu Co,, “Expose d’un cours complet et authentique de Ju-jitsu“, Fairport, France, UP, 1905, 14p, OJJ, RS.

Joseph-Renaud, Jean, “La défense dans la rue“, Paris, France, Lafitte, 1912, 420p, SD, MBR.

Kanō, Jigorō (1860 – 1938) : Hernandez, Jean-François, “Judo (jujutsu) : Méthode et pédagogie“, Paris, France, Editions Fabert, 2009, 115p, 218 x 150 x 8, PB, TCH, LIB, ISBN13 9782849220566.

Kanō, Jigorō (1860 – 1938), “Judo Kodokan : la bible du judo“, Noisy-sur-Ecole, France, Budo éditions, 1999 2001 2006, 262p, 27 cm, REP, BML, ISBN 2846170789.

Kanō, Jigorō (1860 – 1938), “Kodokan Judo : la bible du judo“, Noisy-sur-Ecole, France, Budo éditions, 1999, 262p, 26 cm, REP, OLL, ISBN 2908580799.

Kanō, Jigorō (1860 – 1938), “Kodokan Judo : la bible du judo“, Noisy-sur-Ecole, France, Budo éditions, 2006[3], 262p, 27 cm, REP, BnF, ISBN 2846170789.

Kanō, Jigorō (1860 – 1938) : Murata, Gaoki : Nickels-Grolier, Josette, “L’Essence du Judo : Écrits du fondateur du judo“, Paris, France, Budo éditions, 2008, 141p, 209 x 139 x 11, PB, BF, LIB, ISBN13 9782846172424.

Kashiwazaki, Katsuhiko (1951 – ), “Shimewaza“, Paris, France, Chiron Sports, 1994, 110p, 19 cm, NEW, BnF, ISBN 2702704905.

Kashiwazaki, Katsuhiko (1951 – ), “Tomoe-nage (les techniques des champions)“, Paris, France, Chiron Sports, 1995, 95p, 23 cm, TCH, OLL, ISBN 2702704913.

Kawaishi, Mikonosuke (1899 – 1970) : Gailhat, Jean, “Enchainements et contre-prises du Judo debout“, Paris, France, Judo International, 1959, 159p, 25 cm, TCH, MBR.

Kawaishi, Mikonosuke (1899 – 1970) : Gailhat, Jean, “Enchainements et contre-prises du Judo debout“, Paris, France, Judo International, 1964, 158p, 18 cm x 12 cm, PB, REP, BnF.

Kawaishi, Mikonosuke (1899 – 1970), “Les 7 katas complets du judo“, Paris, France, Edition privée, 1952, 302p, KAT, MBR.

Kawaishi, Mikonosuke (1899 – 1970), “Ma méthode de Judo“, Paris, France, Edité par Imp. Cario, 1951 1956 1957, 294p, 187 x 115 x 23, PB, TCH, MBR.

Kawaishi, Mikonosuke (1899 – 1970), “Ma méthode de Judo“, Paris, France, Judo International, 1970 1977, 294p, 18 cm x 12 cm, PB, REP, LIB.

Kawaishi, Mikonosuke (1899 – 1970), “Ma méthode de self défense“, Paris, France, Edité par Imp. Cario, 1952, 389p, 189 x 120 x 38, PB, SD, MBR.

Kawaishi, Mikonosuke (1899 – 1970), “Ma méthode secrête de judo“, Paris, France, Edition privée, 1960, 195p, 175 x 115, PB, TCH, MBR.

Kawaishi, Mikonosuke (1899 – 1970), “Ma méthode de self défense“, Paris, France, Judo International, 1963, REP, LIB.

Klein, Yves (1928 – 1962), “Les fondements du judo“, Paris, France, Dilecta, 2006, 207p, 222 x 140 x 14, PB, REP, BnF, ISBN13 9782916275116.

Klein, Yves (1928 – 1962), “Les fondements du judo“, Paris, France, Grasset, 1954, 204p, 230 x 145, KAT, 3216.

Klinger-Klingerstorff, Hubert (1920 – ), “Judo et Judo-Do : haute école du combat“, Paris, France, Vigot Freres, 1952, 132p, 20 cm, TCH, 3222.

Klinger-Klingerstorff, Hubert (1920 – ), “Le Jiu-jitsu par vous-meme“, Paris, France, Vigot Freres, 1951, 159p, 3228.

Kodokan,, “Histoire du Judo (Revue Judo Kodokan nº 5, vol. XII, 1962)“, Paris, France, Federation International de Judo, 1962, 160p, 238 x 160 x 13, PB, HIS, RBU.

Kodokan,, “Judo Kodokan illustre“, Tokyo, Japan, Dai-Nippon Yubenkai Kodansha, 1955, xiv,286p, 263 x 187 x 23, HB, TCH, 3436.

Koike, Tadashi (1927 – ) : Boulet, Michele, “Le Judo aujourd’hui : Manuel practique“, Paris, France, De Vecchi, 1976, 87p, 21 cm, TCH, BnF.

La Taille, Gérard de : La Taille, Marie-Françoise, “Je fais du judo“, Toulouse, France, Milan, 2008, 125p, 247 x 201 x 16, HB, KID, LIB, ISBN13 9782745934772.

La Taille, Gérard de, “Le Judo“, Toulouse, France, Milan, 1999 2003, 48p, 19 cm, TCH, LAC, ISBN 2841138836.

La Taille, Gérard de, “Mes premiers pas au judo“, Toulouse, France, Milan, 2000 2003, 44p, 27 cm, KID, BnF, ISBN 2745901028.

Lamendin, Henri : Coqueron, Michel, “Handicapés et judo“, Paris, France, Fédération Française de Judo, 1976[2], 59p, 30 cm, BNP.

Lamotte, Marius : Marcelin, J. R., “Manuel complet de judo et jiu-jitsu, tome 1 : Projections“, Paris, France, Édition privée, 1949, 90p, 21 cm, PB, OJJ, 3295.

Lamotte, Marius : Marcelin, J. R., “Manuel complet de judo et jiu-jitsu, tome 2 : le travail au sol, immobilisationsm étranglements, clés“, Paris, France, Édition privée, 1950, 85p, PB, OJJ, 3296.

Lamotte, Marius : Marcelin, J. R., “Manuel complet de judo et jiu-jitsu, tome 3 : Self-défense, attaques, atémis, boxe, boxe francaise, combat de rue, utilisation des armes“, Paris, France, Édition privée, 1950, 94p, PB, OJJ, 3297.

Lamotte, Marius : Marcelin, J. R., “Manuel complet de judo et jiu-jitsu, tome 4 : Méthodes de défense, contreprises, combinaisons, nage-no-kata (1er kata), katame-no-kata (2e kata), gonosen-no-kata (3e kata)“, Paris, France, Édition privée, 1950, 74p, PB, OJJ, MBR.

Lamotte, Marius : Marcelin, J. R., “Manuel complet de judo et jiu-jitsu, tome 5 : Éléments d’anatomie à l’usage des judokas, initiation au Buddhisme Zen“, Paris, France, Édition privée, 1950, 74p, OJJ, MBR.

Lamotte, Marius : Marcelin, J. R., “Manuel complet de judo et jiu-jitsu, tome 6 : Complement de travail au sol, kime-no-kata, conseils pratiques pour l’entrainment et le combat : Culture physique judo, les lois de la mécanique appliquees au Judo“, Paris, France, Édition privée, 1955, 104p, OJJ, MBR.

Lasserre, Robert : Chausson, René, “Atémis et Jiu-jitsu : manuel practique“, Toulouse, France, Éditions Judo, 1962, 255p, 23 cm, PB, SD, BnF.

Lasserre, Robert, “Judo : manuel pratique : selon l’enseignement du Kodokan (Centre Supérieur Mondial du Judo)“, Paris, France, R. Lasserre, 1951, 283p, 235 x 152 x 18, PB, TCH, 3236.

Lasserre, Robert, “Judo : manuel pratique : selon l’enseignement du Kodokan (collège de judo à Tokyo)“, Paris, France, Chiron, 1954 1959 1962 1964 1969, 283p, 20 cm x 14 cm, REP, BnF.

Lasserre, Robert, “Le livre du kiaï et des kuatsu (Judo, 5)“, Toulouse, France, Éditions Judo, 1954 1959, 181p, 229 x 162, PB, MED, NLM.

Lasserre, Robert, “Techniques Secretes De Reanimation – Le Livre Du Kiaï Et Des Kuatsu“, Paris, France, Chiron Sports, 1959 1974, REP, LIB.

Le Bihan, Miwako (Natsume), “Ju no Kata“, Boulogne, France, Sedirep, 1981, 104p, 239 x 170 x 6, PB, KAT, BnF, ISBN 2901551041.

Le Bihan, Miwako (Natsume) : Odile, Martin, “Le judo feminin (judo par ceintures 4)“, Paris, France, La Maison du Judoka, 1974, 120p, 18 cm x 13 cm, PB, TCH, BnF, ISBN 2901551661.

Le Bihan, Miwako (Natsume), “Maitrise et puissance par le Judo au sol“, Boulogne, France, Sedirep, 1981, NEW, LIB.

le Caër, Pierre : Urvoy, Claude : Pelletier, Guy (1921 – ), “Koshiki no kata : (Forme antique)“, Boulogne, France, Sedirep, 1987, 78p, 240 x 172 x 4, PB, KAT, BnF, ISBN 2901551440.

Le Goulven, Francis, “le Judo : comment devenir meilleur“, Paris, France, R.S.T., 1977, 37p, 33 cm, TCH, MBR, ISBN 2709000563.

Le Mée, Patrick, “Le Randori No Kata des premiers maîtres du judo : Les bases fondamentales de la compétition“, Paris, France, Chiron, 2006, 142p, 240 x 170 x 12, PB, KAT, BnF, ISBN 2702711170.

Leguidcoq, Laurent (1967 – ), “Mon premier livre de judo : ceinture blanche et blanche-jaune : en route pour la ceinture jaune avec Yakachuté“, Courbevoie, France, Allô sport, 2000, 22p, 21 cm, KID, BnF, ISBN 2951612400.

Lehnert, André (1914 – ), “Le judo“, Paris, France, Flammarion, 1983 1992, 155p, 200 x 140 x 10, PB, REP, LIB, ISBN 2082002683.

Lehnert, André (1914 – ), “Le judo (Sports et tourisme)“, Paris, France, Flammarion, 1952, 155p, 198 x 144 x 6, PB, TCH, 3025.

Lepage, Claude (1927 – ), “Jigoro Kano, Un Grand Initie : Symbolisme Et Philosophie Du Judo“, Nantes, France, Amalthee, 2008, 271p, 210 x 150 x 17, PB, HIS, BnF, ISBN13 9782310000642.

Lévitan, Felix : Chassaignon, André : Grosbrne, J.-B. : Mousseau, J. : Encausse, P., “Judo-Lutte“, Paris, France, Baillière et Fils, 1955, 32p, 175 x 140, MBR.

Loyer, Frédéric, “Passeport Judo : préparer l’oral 3 CAPEPS : Passport pour l’enseignement“, Paris, France, Revue EP.S, 2003, 135p, 200 x 135 x 8, PB, COA, BnF, ISBN 2867132673.

Maîtrot, E., “Les sports de defense“, Paris, France, Nilsson, 1911, 112p, OJJ, MBR.

Majewski, Jacques, “Judo : Ju-Jitsu, nouvelle méthodologie du judo pour une didactique du judo en situations évolutives“, Nantes, France, Université de Nantes, 1990, 101p, 24 cm, BnF, ISBN 2869390432.

Manaud, Léon, “L’ABC du Jiu-jitsu“, UL, France, Edition privée, UD, 58p, MBR.

Mantion, Jacques : Pelletier, Flavius, “Projections en judo : analyse gestuelle“, Mont-Royal, Canada, Modulo, 1987, 50p, 35 cm, COA, LAC, ISBN 2891130367.

Marcello, Zé, “Jiu-Jitsu Brésilien : techniques de base“, Palaiseau, France, Éditions I-PROD, 2007, 160p, 303 x 216 x 9, HB, BJJ, LIB, ISBN13 9782353950010.

Martel, Pierre (1920 – ) : Lachiver, Jack : Fradet, Claude, “Le Judo (En savoir plus)“, Paris, France, Hachette, 1979, 62p, 26 cm, TCH, BnF, ISBN 2010068211.

Martel, Pierre (1920 – ), “Le Judo : pour se défendre … pour se détendre“, Paris, France, Chancerel Fleurus, 1976, 90p, 21 cm x 21 cm, PB, TCH, MBR, ISBN 2854290267.

Masnières, Jean-Luc, “Judo au sol : Technique de base, étude en situation“, Paris, France, Editions Amphora, 1976, 133p, 24 cm x 16 cm, PB, NEW, BML.

Masnières, Jean-Luc, “Judo d’attaque : construction d’attaque : etude en situation“, Paris, France, Amphora, 1975, 159p, 240 x 158 x 14, PB, TCH, BML.

Masnières, Jean-Luc, “Judo éducatif : progression technique, principes physiques“, Paris, France, Éditions Amphora, 1975, 94p, 24 cm x 16 cm, PB, BML.

Masnières, Jean-Luc, “Judo sportif : technique moderne & competition“, Paris, France, Amphora, 1974, 216p, 24 cm x 16 cm, PB, BML.

Masnières, Jean-Luc, “Le judo“, Paris, France, Solar, 1988 1992, 157p, 225 x 155 x 13, PB, TCH, BnF, ISBN 2263012605.

Masnières, Jean-Luc, “Le judo : une méthode complète et moderne pour apprendre ou se perfectionner“, Paris, France, Solar, 1992, 157p, 23 cm, REP, OLL, ISBN 226301926X.

Masnières, Jean-Luc : Bordier, Joël, “Les Secrets du judo“, Paris, France, Solar, 1979, 127p, 21 cm, BnF, ISBN 2263003800.

Mazac, Michel, “Jigoro Kano : Père du judo“, Noisy-sur-École, France, Budo éditions, 2006, 316p, 223 x 155 x 23, PB, HIS, BnF, ISBN 2846171106.

Mochizuki, Minouru : Alcheik, Jim : Gallecier, René, “Judo au sol“, UL, France, Editeur Institut International, UD, 25p, NEW, LIB.

Moloch, Huet Michel (1953 – ) : Uderzo, Marcel (1925 – ), “Champions ! Judo“, Paris, France, J2B, 2001, 48p, 31 cm, BnF, ISBN 2951500912.

Moreau, Paul-Augustin-Jacques, “Les accidents du judo et leurs mécanismes“, Paris, France, Ed. A. G. E. M. P, 1957, 45p, COA, Kbr.

Morvan-Denègre, Frank, “Le Judo“, Paris, France, Solar, 1976, 61p, 18 cm, TCH, BnF, ISBN 2263000488.

Moyset, René, “Initiation au judo“, Paris, France, Bornemann, 1959 1960, 46p, 19 cm, NBQ.

Moyset, René, “Initiation au judo avec une leçon d’initiation de Guy Pelletier“, Paris, France, Bornemann, 1968 1969 1970 1972 1974 1985, 79p, 19 cm, PB, REP, NBQ.

Muckensturm, Michel (1953 – ) : Briswalter, Georges : Guillocheau, Guy, “Judokas et dojos de Haute-Alsace : 1945-2005, soixante ans d’histoire“, Mulhouse, France, Comité du Haut-Rhin de Judo, 2005, 301p, 21 cm, HIS, BnF, ISBN 2952553602.

Nakanishi, Hidetoshi (1958 – ), “Seoi-Nage“, Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France, Chiron Sports, 1994 1998, 128p, 24 cm, TCH, BnF, ISBN 2702706037.

Nieuwenhuizen, Maurice van, “Le judo : la science moderne du jiu-jitsu“, Paris, France, Éditions J. Dupuis, 1949 1952[2], 148p, 248 x 165 x 17, HB, TCH, 3032.

Noris, Jacques : Parisi, Angelo, “Progression officielle d’enseignement du Judo“, Cergy Village, France, SFJAM Noris, 1987, 96p, TCH, MBR, ISBN 2906823031.

Nowak, Michel, “Judo : un état d’esprit“, Cergy Saint Christophe, France, Noris Sports, 1995, LIB.

Novovitch, Michel, “Judo : Gravité zéro“, UL, Spain, Depot, 2003, 110p, SK, ISBN 2951958609.

Ohgo, Mahito, “Technique du Judo“, Paris, France, Flammarion, 1972 1976, 207p, 21 cm, PB, TCH, CCF, ISBN 2082006522.

Ohsawa, Georges (1893 – 1966), “Le livre du judo“, Paris, France, C.I.M.O, 1989, 198p, REP, MBR, ISBN 2950365302.

Ohsawa, Georges (1893 – 1966), “Le livre du judo“, Yokohama, France, Sekai Seihu Kyokai, 1952, 239p, 179 x 127 x 12, PB, BF, MBR.

Ohsawa, Georges (1893 – 1966), “Le livre du judo : commentaire sur le principe des écoles de “Do”“, Paris, France, Centre International Ignoramus, 1976, 156p, REP, BML.

Okano, Isao (1944 – ) : Sato, Tetsuya :Devêvre, Jacques, “Le Judo vivant“, Asnières, France, Maison du judoka, 1974, 191p, 26 cm x 19 cm, TCH, BnF.

Oki,, “Le Jiu-jitsu, n 30 de la collection tous les sports par des champions“, Paris, France, S. Bornemann, 1903, 70p, RS.

Pacher, Rémi, “Jiu-jitsu policier“, Bagneux, France, Éditions du Cep, 1945, 112p, SD, RS.

Pariset, Bernard, “Atemi-Ju Jitsu : self-défense moderne : progression officielle française par ceintures“, Paris, France, Judogi, 1982, 112p, 21 cm, SD, BnF, ISBN 2906914150.

Pariset, Bernard, “Jiu-jitsu moderne par l’image : Self-défense Judo d’apreé la progression francaise“, Paris, France, Judo International, 1972, 151p, 24 cm x 18 cm, MBR.

Pariset, Bernard, “Judo : progression officielle française“, Paris, France, Judo international, 1969, 132p, 19 cm x 24 cm, PB, TCH, BnF.

Pariset, Bernard, “Judo : progression officielle française“, Mailly-le-Château, France, G. Pariset, 1984, 128p, REP, BnF.

Pariset, Bernard : Courtine, Henri, “Nage no Kata – Kime Shiki“, Paris, France, Judo International, 1970, 60p, 30 cm x 21 cm, PB, KAT, LoC.

Pariset, Eric (1954 – ), “Ju-jitsu : Goshin-jitsu-no-kata : les 16 techniques imposées et les 16 contrôles“, Paris, France, Edition Prisca – S.E.A.M., 1998, 116p, 240 x 160 x 7, PB, REP, BnF, ISBN 295105761X.

Pariset, Eric (1954 – ), “Ju-jitsu : les 16 techniques et les Goshin-jitsu“, Cergy village, France, Éd. Noris sports, 1987, 93p, KAT, BnF, ISBN 2906823023.

Parisi, Angelo (1953 – ), “Judo“, Hatier, France, Rageot, 1989, 78p, 18 cm, TCH, BML, ISBN 2700203011.

Parisi, Angelo (1953 – ) : Noris, Jacques : Sequin, Jacques : Flerchinger, Jean-Jacques, “Les cinq Katas“, Cergy, France, Noris Sports, 1993, 143p, 238 x 170 x 12, PB, KAT, BML, ISBN 2906823058.

Pechard, Charles, “Defense-vous mesdames : manuel de défense féminine“, Paris, France, Jules Rueff, 1914, 331p, SD, MBR.

Pechard, Charles, “Méthode de police pratique à l’usage des agents l’autorité enseignant les divers moyens d’arrêter, immobiliser, terasser, conduire ou emporter un malfaiteur même armé“, Paris, France, Jules Rueff, 1909, 119p, SD, MBR.

Péchard, Charles : (pseud. Charles Pherdac), “Le Jiu-jitsu pratique : moyen de défense et d’attaque enseignant 100 moyens d’arrêter, immobiliser, terrasser, conduire ou emporter un malfaiteur, même armé“, Paris, France, Jules Rueff, 1906, 122p, BnF.

Pegois, Daniel : Parisi, Angelo, “Judo raconté par Angelo Parisi“, Paris, France, Hatier/Rageot, 1985, 94p, MEM, MBR, ISBN 2700203011.

Pelletier, Guy (1921 – ) : Siry, Georges, “Apprenez à vous défendre : l’art du self-défense“, Paris, France, Sodepresse, 1965, 305p, MBR.

Pelletier, Guy (1921 – ) : Urvoy, Claude, “Judo : 1, Blanche et jaune“, Boulogne, France, Sedirep, 1983, 89p, 18 cm, TCH, BnF, ISBN 2901551157.

Pelletier, Guy (1921 – ) : Urvoy, Claude, “Judo : 2, Orange et verte“, Boulogne, France, Sedirep, 1982, 89p, 18 cm, TCH, BnF, ISBN 2901551068.

Pelletier, Guy (1921 – ) : Urvoy, Claude, “Judo : 3, Bleue et marron“, Boulogne, France, Sedirep, 1981, 110p, 18 cm, TCH, BnF, ISBN 2901551025.

Pelletier, Guy (1921 – ) : Urvoy, Claude, “Judo par ceintures“, Asnières, France, La Maison du Judoka, 1970, 89p, TCH, LoC.

Pelletier, Guy (1921 – ) : Urvoy, Claude, “Judo par ceintures, 1, Blanche et jaune“, Asnières, France, La Maison du Judoka, 1977[2], 89p, 18 cm, REP, BnF.

Pelletier, Guy (1921 – ) : Urvoy, Claude, “Judo par ceintures, 1, Ceintures blanche et jaune“, Asnières, France, La Maison du Judoka, 1970, 95p, 18 cm, TCH, BnF.

Pelletier, Guy (1921 – ) : Urvoy, Claude, “Judo par ceintures, 2, Ceintures orange et verte“, Asnières, France, La Maison du Judoka, 1971 1977, 112p, 18 cm, TCH, KBC, ISBN 2901551068.

Pelletier, Guy (1921 – ) : Urvoy, Claude, “Judo par ceintures, 3, Ceintures bleue et marron“, Asnières, France, La Maison du Judoka, 1971, 112p, 183 x 133 x 6, PB, TCH, BnF, ISBN 2901551025.

Pelletier, Guy (1921 – ) : Urvoy, Claude, “Judo par ceintures, Vol 5.“, Asnières, France, La Maison du Judoka, 1979, TCH, LIB.

Pelletier, Guy (1921 – ) : Urvoy, Claude, “Judo superieur : enchainements 5“, Boulogne, France, Sedirep, 1979, 159p, 181 x 133 x 9, PB, TCH, RBU, ISBN 2901551513.

Pelletier, Guy (1921 – ) : Urvoy, Claude, “Ne waza : fondamental et dynamique (Judo supérieur tome 6)“, Boulogne, France, Sedirep, 1981, 199p, 24 cm, NEW, BnF, ISBN 2901551025.

Pelletier, Guy (1921 – ) : Urvoy, Claude, “Ne waza : Shime waza (les étranglements) Kwansetsu waza (les clés) (Judo supérieur tome 7)“, Boulogne, France, Sedirep, 1981 1987, 264p, 239 x 170 x 14, PB, NEW, BnF, ISBN 2901551416.

Pérès, Marcel (1950 – ), “Progression judo ju-jitsu de Marcel Pérès“, Saint-Barthélemy-d’Anjou, France, Angers bureau, 1989, 50p, 21 cm, BnF.

Philippe, Maurice, “Méthodes pratiques de seifuku et kuatsu, traitement des traumatismes ey accidents sportifs“, Paris, France, Judo International, 1953, 124p, MED, MBR.

Philippe, Maurice, “Seifukus et kuatsus“, Paris, France, Judo International, 128p, 185 x 120, PB, REP, LIB.

Philippe, Maurice, “Seifukus et kuatsus : traitment des traumatismes et accidentes sportives“, Paris, France, Edition privée, 1943 1953, 121p, 215 x 155, MED, LIB.

Pittilloni, Henri, “À propos d’une expérience en vue de l’insertion des handicapés mentaux à partir du judo“, Bourges, France, Office municipal des sports, jeunesse et culture : C.R.D.P., 1979, 191p, 30 cm, BnF.

Plée, Henry (1923 – ), “Judo international (combined edition)“, Paris, France, Editions A.M.I., 1950, 400p, 239 x 157 x 17, PB, TCH, LIB.

Plée, Henry (1923 – ), “Judo International, 1 (chapters 1 – 7)“, Paris, France, Editions A.M.I., 1950, 192p, 239 x 157 x 9, PB, TCH, 3226.

Plée, Henry (1923 – ), “Judo international, 2 (chapters 8 – 9)“, Paris, France, Editions A.M.I., 1950, 196p, 239 x 157 x 10, PB, TCH, 3249.

Poulain, R., “Sports de combat : judo boxes anglaise et francaise et méthode de défense contre un agresseur“, Paris, France, A. Legrand, 1946, 184p, MBR.

Poy-Tardieu, Nicolas (1969 – ), “Le guide du Judo“, Noisy-sur-École, France, Budo éditions, 2002, 133p, BnF, ISBN13 9782846170369.

Pujol, Jean (1924 – ), “Judo moderne : Programme d’initiation jusqu’à la ceinture noire“, Nice, France, “La Diane française”, 1963, 142, 195 x 139 x 8, PB, TCH, Kbr.

Pujol, Jean (1924 – ), “Judo universel : Programme moderne d’initiation jusqu’à la ceinture noire“, Nice, France, Jean Pujol, 1962, 272p, 26 cm, TCH, Kbr.

Pujol, Jean (1924 – ), “Le Judo du Kodokan“, Lyon, France, Editions de L’Acropole, 1953, 160p, 240 x 149 x 10, PB, TCH, MBR.

Quero, Jacques Jean, “Ju-jutsu et judo : le meilleur emploi de l’énergie : progression technique et pédagogique de l’Académie européenne de ju-jutsu traditionnel“, Haybes, France, A.E.J.T. (Académie européenne d’hakkoryu-ju-jutsu), 1979, 30 cm, BnF.

Quidet, Christian, “L’aventure du judo francais“, Paris, France, Solar, 1973, 187p, 200 x 130 x 17, PB, HIS, MBR.

Raisin, Lydie, “Pour réussir sa ceinture jaune“, Alleur, Belgium, Marabout, 1998, 64p, 215 x 160 x 5, PB, TCH, BnF, ISBN 2501030869.

Raisin, Lydie, “Pour réussir sa ceinture orange“, Alleur, Belgium, Marabout, 1998, 64p, 215 x 160 x 5, PB, TCH, BnF, ISBN 2501030877.

Raisin, Lydie, “Pour réussir sa ceinture verte“, Alleur, Belgium, Marabout, 1998, 64p, 215 x 160 x 5, PB, TCH, BnF, ISBN 2501030885.

Raisin, Lydie, “Réussis tes ceintures blanche-jaune et jaune : de la ceinture blanche à la ceinture jaune“, Alleur, Belgium, Marabout, 1999, 64p, 22 cm, BnF, ISBN 2501031318.

Rascol, Jean-Michel : Birot, Michel, “Judo : David Douillet“, Paris, France, Mango, 1996, 112p, 28 cm, MEM, OLL, ISBN 2910635783.

Regnier, Ernest (Ré-Nié) : de Montgailhard, Guy, “Les secrets du jiu-jitsu“, Paris, France, Paul Paclot, 1905, 180p, OJJ, MBR.

Renault, Jean-François, “Judo en 10 lecons“, Paris, France, Hachette, 1975, 159p, 20 cm, TCH, LoC, ISBN 2010017609.

Renault, Jean-François, “Rougé“, Paris, France, Calmann-Lévy, 1976, 126p, 244 x 165 x 13, PB, MEM, LIB, ISBN 2702101240.

Rey, Olivier : Courtine, Henry, “Le livre d’or du Judo“, Paris, France, Editions Solar, 1980, 111p, 27 cm, TCH, BnF, ISBN 2263005021.

Robert, Luis, “Des méthodes de défense … aux techniques de combat : le Judo et la self-défense“, Verviers, Belgium, Gérard & Co, 1962, 156p, MBR.

Robert, Luis, “Le Guide Marabout du judo“, Alleur, Belgium, Marabout, 1971 1977 1978 1980 1983 1984 1986 1987, 444p, 18 cm x 11 cm, PB, REP, BnF, ISBN 2501008278.

Robert, Luis, “Le judo“, Verviers, Belgium, Gérard & Co, 1964 1966[4] 1967[5] 1969[9], 438p, 179 x 113 x 27, PB, TCH, Kbr.

Robert, Luis, “Le judo : et les techniques de l’autodéfense“, Verviers, Belgium, Gérard & Co : Marabout flash, 1968, 156p, 116 x 113 x 9, PB, REP, Kbr.

Robert, Luis, “Le judo et la self-défense“, Verviers, Belgium, Gérard & Co, 1962, 156p, TCH, Kbr.

Robert, Michel, “J’aime le judo“, Paris, France, les Ed. du Sport, 1992 2005, 64p, 19 cm, PB, BnF, ISBN 274040168X.

Rougé, Jean Luc (1949 – ), “Harai-goshi (les techniques des champions)“, Paris, France, Chiron, 1992, 95p, 24 cm, TCH, OLL, ISBN 2702704727.

Rougé, Jean Luc (1949 – ), “Le Judo de champions “La compétition”“, Paris, France, Ichiban, 1977, 136p, MBR.

Roullet, Jean (1929 – ), “Le judo et l’educateur physique“, Ottawa, Canada, Leméac, 1969, 319p, 20 cm, TCH, BNQ.

Rousseau, Roger, “Games of the XXI Olympiad, Montreal 1976 : Judo / Jeux de la XXIe Olympiade, Montreal 1976 : Judo“, Montreal, Canada, Organizing Committe for the Games of the XXI Olympiad, 1976, 56p, HB, OTH, LIB.

Sasia, Raymond (1927 – ), “Judo au sol : Méthode d’entraînment et de perfectionnement“, Paris, France, R. Sasia, 1955, 191p, 181 x 136 x 11, PB, NEW, 3027.

Sato, Nobuyuki (1944 – ), “Ashi-waza (les techniques des champions)“, Paris, France, Chiron Sports, 1993, 109p, 24 cm, TCH, OLL, ISBN 2702704875.

Sato, Tetsuya ( 1925 – ) : Okano, Isao, “Judo Vivant“, Asnières, France, La Maison du Judoka, 1974, BML.

Setzer, Léon, “Du Jiu-jitsu : methodes d’entrainement et du combat“, Paris, France, Librairie militaire R. Chapelot et Cie., 1909, 90p, 20 cm, OJJ, RS.

Stephan, Erich, “Sachez vous défendre sans armes“, Paris, France, S. Bornemann, 1937, 44p, SD, MBR.

Stevens, John (1947 – ) : Reymond, Philippe (1918 – ), “Les 3 maîtres du budo : Jigoro Kano (judo), Morihei Ueshiba (aïkido), Gishin Funakoshi (karatedo)“, Noisy-sur-École, France, Budo, 1997, 127p, 19 cm, HIS, BNQ, ISBN 2908580705.

Stevens, John (1947 – ) : Reymond, Philippe (1918 – ), “Les trois maîtres du budo : Jigorô Kanô, jûdô, Morihei Ueshiba, aikidô, Gichin Funakoshi, karate-dô“, Noisy-sur-École, France, Budo, 2006, 123p, 21 cm, HIS, BNQ, ISBN13 9782846171144.

Sugai, Hitoshi (1962 – ), “Uchi-mata (les techniques des champions)“, Paris, France, Chiron Sports, 1994, 111p, 24 cm, TCH, OLL, ISBN 2702704891.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985) : McGrath, Alice Greenfield, “Self défense pour femmes“, Paris & Montreal, France, Bordas, 1968, 127p, 17 cm, SD, BnF.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985), “Self défense pour hommes : une méthode simple, rapide et efficasse“, Paris & Montreal, France, Bordas, 1968, 127p, 17 cm, SD, BnF.

Thabot, Christian (1930 – ), “La face cachée : nage-no-kata“, Anserville, France, C. Thabot, 1999, 77p, 23 cm, KAT, BnF.

Thabot, Dominique, “Judo optimal“, Paris, France, Éditions Actio, 1995, 95p, 259 x 189 x 6, PB, COA, OLL, ISBN 2906411167.

Thibault, Claude (1934 – ), “Défends-toi! : Close-combat et self-défense“, Paris, France, Chiron, 1967, 172p, SD, MBR.

Thibault, Claude (1934 – ), “Entretiens avec les pionniers du judo français“, Paris, France, Résidence, 2000, 286p, 210 x 135 x 21, PB, HIS, OLL, ISBN 2912640067.

Thibault, Claude (1934 – ), “Judo de champions“, Paris, France, Chiron, 1960, 120p, 22 cm, TCH, MBR.

Thibault, Claude (1934 – ), “Méthodes comparées : Kawaishi – Kodokan : Telles quelles sont enseignées en France, dans les pays de langue Française et au Japon“, Paris, France, Judo International, 1966, 190p, 24 cm x 16 cm, PB, TCH, MBR.

Thibault, Claude (1934 – ), “Un million de judokas : histoire du judo francais“, Paris, France, Editions Albin Michel, 1966, 270p, 189 x 139 x 23, PB, HIS, 3215.

Thibault, Claude (1934 – ), “Vérités sur le Judo japonais“, Paris, France, Judo International, 1963, 128p, MBR.

Tomiki, Kenji (1900 – 1979), “Judo et aikido“, Tokyo, Japan, Japan Travel Bureau, 1960, 198p, 18 cm, TCH, 3024.

Toni, Charles, “Le Judo : une méthode complète d’éducation physique et morale“, Nimes, France, Édition privée, 1951, 142p, 19 cm, MBR.

Traineau, Stéphane (1966 – ), “Profession champion : Conversations avec Gilles Van Kote“, Paris, France, Hachette, 2003, 251p, 225 x 140 x 24, PB, MEM, BnF, ISBN 2012356141.

Trilles, Francis (1949 – ), “Etude des interactions Judoka-Tatami : optimisation du compromis performance-protection et problématique d’une normalisation“, Poitiers, France, Th. univ. : Sci. et tech. des activités phys. et sportives, 1987, COA, BnF.

Trilles, Francis (1949 – ) : Cadière, Roger, “Judo : cahier des sports“, Paris, France, Revue EP.S, 1998, 174p, TCH, LIB, ISBN 2867131715.

UA,, “Aide-mémoire du Judoka“, Paris, France, Judo International, 1966, 68p, 15 cm x 11 cm, PB, LIB.

UA,, “Dojos : constructions industrialisees“, Loiret, France, Societe Bornhauser-Molinari & Cie, 1971, 5p, 3521.

UA,, “Judo et Entraînement Physique“, Paris, France, Fédération Française De Judo, 1970, 171p, 210 x 290, PB, COA, LIB.

Valin, Alain Alphonse (1915 – ), “Judo au sol : Méthode pratique de combat au sol Vol. 1 Position inferieure“, Noisy-sur-École, France, Budo éditions, 1953, 96p, 182 x 123 x 8, PB, NEW, MBR.

Valin, Alain Alphonse (1915 – ) : Ovtcharoff, Pierre, “Judo au sol : Méthode pratique de combat au sol Vol. II La Position superieure“, Noisy-sur-École, France, Budo éditions, 1956, 96p, 182 x 123 x 8, PB, NEW, LIB.

Valin, Alain Alphonse (1915 – ), “Maîtrise et puissance par le judo au sol : la position superieure de Tori : methode pratique illustree“, Paris, France, Édition Oliven, 1956 1959, 238p, 226 x 178 x 18, PB, NEW, CCF.

Vary, Edmond, “Le judo : la science moderne du jiu-jitsu“, Paris, France, Éditions J. Dupuis, 1949, 180p, TCH, MBR.

Vaucher, Abel : Cherpillod, Armand, “La vie d’un champion : Cours de culture physique et de jiu-jitsiu“, Lausanne, France, éditions “civis”, 1933, 374p, 24 cm, HIS, MBR.

Weinmann, Wolfgang, “Le judo pour tous Vol III : katame-waza 30 prises au sol et kuatsu“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1962, 44p, NEW, MBR.

Weiss, Stéphane (1972 – ), “Le Judo (Passion Sports)“, UL, France, Gamma Jeunesse, 2008, 47p, PB, TCH, LIB, ISBN13 9782713021008.

Weiss, Stéphane (1972 – ), “Le petit guide du Judo“, Noisy-sur-Ecole, France, Budo éditions, 2003, 141p, 216 x 128 x 11, PB, TCH, BML, ISBN 2846170363.

Weiss, Stéphane (1972 – ), “Tout savoir sur le judo de compétition“, Paris, France, Chiron, 2007, 239p, 239 x 170 x 12, PB, COA, BNQ, ISBN13 9782702711682.

Vial, Frédéric : Ruffin, François, “Histoire du judo en Franche-Comté“, Franois, France, Empreinte, 2000, 182p, 21 cm, HIS, BnF, ISBN 2913489168.

Vial, Patrick : Roche, Daniel : Fradet, Claude, “Le Judo : Evolution de la competition“, Paris, France, Vigot, 1978, 242p, 21 cm, TCH, MBR, ISBN 2711407489.

Wirz, Bernard, “Judo, Budo et tradition : la voie et ses degrés“, Lausanne, Switzerland, Hagakuré, 2005, 254p, 24 cm, SNL, ISBN 283990117X.

Yamashita, Yasuhiro (1957 – ), “Osoto-gari“, Paris, France, Chiron Sports, 1993, 95p, 24 cm, TCH, BML, ISBN 2702704883.

Yerkow, Charles (1912 – 1994), “Judo et yoga“, Paris, France, Les écrits de France M.C.L., 1964, 224p, 26 cm, BnF.

Yokoyama, Sakujirō (1864 – 1914) : Oshima, Eisuke, “Judo : manuel de jiu-jitsu de l’ecole Kano a Tokio“, Paris, France, Berger-Levrault, 1911, xi,209p, 202 x 130 x 21, PB, TCH, 3231.

Zin, Jean (1915 – ), “Le Judo“, Paris, France, Barbreau & Gabarrot, 1945, 207p, TCH, RS.

Addamiani, Silvano, “Goshin-jitsu no kata : Form der modernen Selbstverteidigung“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1978[1] 1980[2] 1986[3] 1992[4] 1996 2005, 73p, 208 x 148 x 5, PB, KAT, OLL, ISBN 3878920121.

Alonso, Marcelo : Tucci, Alfredo, “Die Familie Gracie: Und die Revolution im Jiu-Jitsu“, UL, Germany, Sportimex Budo International, 2008, 288p, 238 x 169 x 20, PB, BJJ, LIB, ISBN13 9783868360455.

Amirpour, Khosrow, “Judo als Rehabilitationssport für bewegungsgestörte und behinderte Kinder und Jugendliche“, Bonn, Germany, Rehabilitationsverlag, 1985, 108p, 21 cm, COA, DNB, ISBN 3882391138.

Andrejew, W. M. : Tschumakow, Evgenij. M., “Sambo … der kraftvolle, russische Kampfsport“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 2001, 159p, 210 x 147 x 13, PB, SAM, LIB, ISBN 3878920245.

Art, Josef, “Judo : Polizeigriffe, Ju-Jutsu“, Pollenfeld, Germany, By Author, 1973[1] 1975[2], 126p, 30 cm, SD, LoC.

Art, Josef, “Ju-jutsu : modernste selbstverteidigung“, Pollenfeld, Germany, By Author, 1979, 464p, 24 cm, DNB.

Barth, Paul : Kaiser, Ulrich, “Judo für Jugendliche“, München, Germany, Humboldt, 1980, 223p, 18 cm, REP, DNB, ISBN 3581663910.

Barth, Paul : Kaiser, Ulrich, “Judo für Jugendliche“, München, Germany, Nymphenburger, 1978, 128p, 218 x 215 x 13, HB, TCH, BSZ, ISBN 3485016330.

Bartlett, Eric George (1920 – ), “Basic Judo“, Newton Abbot, United Kingdom, David & Charles, 1974, 111p, 25 cm, TCH, KBC, ISBN 0715365169.

Bauman, Alfred, “Jiu-jitsu : Die Kunst der Selbstverteidigung“, Zürich, Switzerland, Neue Bucher, UD, 62p, SD, RS.

Beissner, Claus : Birod, Manfred, “Judo“, Reinbek bei Hamburg, Germany, Rowohlt, 1977[1] 1979 1981 1982, 220p, 19 cm, DNB, ISBN 3499170124.

Beissner, Claus, “Judo : Technik, Methodik, Geist“, Reinbek bei Hamburg, Germany, Rowohlt Taschenbuch, 1977, 219p, TCH, JBN, ISBN 3499170124.

Beissner, Claus : Birod, Manfred, “Judo : Training, Technik, Taktik“, Reinbek bei Hamburg, Germany, Rowohlt, 1977 1984 1986 1988 1990[2], 217p, 19 cm, REP, BSZ, ISBN 3499170124.

Bernard, : Graete, “Jiu-jitsu : die selbstverteidigung“, Leipzig and Wien, Germany, UP, 1933, SD, RS.

Birod, Manfred, “Judokurs : Training, Technik, Taktik“, Reinbek bei Hamburg, Germany, Rowohlt Taschenbuch, 1979 1983 1984, 170p, 19 cm, DNB, ISBN 3499170337.

Bonfranchi, Riccardo (1950 – ), “Judo : Ein erziehungstherapeutischer Weg“, Aachen, Germany, Meyer & Meyer, 2002, 140p, 208 x 147 x 10, PB, DNB, ISBN 3891248768.

Bonfranchi, Riccardo (1950 – ), “Sport als erziehungstherapeutisches Mittel für verhaltensauffällige Kinder und Jugendliche : dargest. am Beispiel Judo“, Berlin, Germany, Marhold, 1980, 216p, 21 cm, DNB, ISBN 3786405085.

Bonfranchi, Riccardo (1950 – ) : Klocke, Ulrich, “Wir machen Judo“, Bonn, Germany, Dieter Born, 1999, 93p, 22 cm x 18 cm, REP, DNB, ISBN 3922006183.

Bonfranchi, Riccardo (1950 – ) : Klocke, Ulrich, “Wir machen Judo“, Niedernhausen, Germany, Falken, 1978 1984, 91p, 22 cm x 19 cm, TCH, DNB, ISBN 3806850690.

Braun, Christian, “Ju-jutsu : der weg zum meister : das prüfungsprogramm zum braungurt“, Aachen, Germany, Meyer & Meyer, 2006, 264p, 210 x 149 x 16, PB, MJJ, LIB, ISBN 3898990788.

Braun, Christian, “Ju-jutsu : der weg zum meister : das prüfungsprogramm zum schwarzgurt“, Aachen, Germany, Meyer & Meyer, 2006, 264p, 210 x 149 x 19, PB, MJJ, LIB, ISBN 3898990788.

Braun, Christian, “Ju-jutsu : effektives training : das prüfungsprogramm vom grün- un blaugurt“, Aachen, Germany, Meyer & Meyer, 2006, 264p, 210 x 149 x 17, PB, MJJ, LIB, ISBN 1841261793.

Brief, Otto, “Judo“, Fulda, Germany, Parzeller & Co., 1950 1956, 216p, 212 x 150 x 13, HB, DNB.

Brief, Otto, “Judo“, Fulda, Germany, Parzeller & Co., 1961[3], 284p, 21 cm x 15 cm, REP, DNB.

Bruce, Jeannette, “Das Judobuch für Kinder : alles, was d. Judoka schon immer wissen wollte“, Stuttgart, Germany, Franckh, 1978, 120p, 20 cm, KID, DNB, ISBN 3440046281.

Buchholz, Erhard (1943 – ) : Pöhler, Ralf, “Judo Kata Heute und Morgen“, UL, Germany, Deutscher Judo-Bund, 1996, 4p, 297 x 210 x 3, PB, KAT, SK.

Butcher, Alex, “Judo : Traditionen, Grundlagen, Techniken“, Stuttgart, Germany, Pietsch, 2002, 96p, 28 cm, TCH, DNB, ISBN 3613504146.

Cherpillod, Armand : Briggen, Fritz, “Handbuch des Dschiu-dschitsu (Judo et Jiu-jitsu)“, Leipzig, Germany, H. G. Wallmans, 1906, 125p, OJJ, RS.

Cherpillod, Armand, “Meine Selbsthilfe – Einige Kunstgriffe des Dschiu-Dschitsu für Damen“, Nürnberg, Germany, Attinger, 1915, 98p, REP, DNB.

Cherpillod, Armand, “Meine selbsthilfe Jiu jitsu für damen“, Nürnberg, Germany, Attinger, 1901, 98p, SD, RS.

Claßen, Barbara, “Judo : Der sanfte Weg?“, Dreieich, Germany, Budo verlag Sport Rhode, 1989, 96p, PB, SK.

Clemens, Erich : Simon, Karl H. : Metzmann, Otto, “Judo als schulsport“, Schorndorf, Germany, Hoffmann Karl, 1989, 193p, 21 cm, COA, NLS, ISBN 3778099310.

Courtine, Henri (1930 – ), “Judo perfekt : Technik, Training, Wettkampf“, München, Germany, Blv Verlagsgesellschaft, 1977, 142p, 21 cm, PB, BSZ, ISBN 3405116104.

Curly, Willy, “Gewapnet ohne waffe durch Jiu-jitsu“, Hamburg, Germany, Kulturel Sportverlag Franz Dauhrer, 1929, 64p, SD, MBR.

Czerwenka-Wenkstetten, Heribert, “Kanon des Nippon Jujitsu“, Innsbruck, Austria, Tyrolia-Verl, 1993, 225p, 256 x 182 x 11, PB, OJJ, DNB, ISBN 3702218157.

Dauhrer, A., “Der waffenlose nahkampf (Jiu-jitsu)“, Berlin, Germany, Jiu-Jitsu Sport, 1939, 96p, 193 x 127 x 4, OJJ, MBR.

Decosterd, Serge (1957 – ) : Calvez, Emmanuel (1970 – ) : Robert, Franck, “Passion Judo : vom weissen bis zum braunen Gürtel“, Rennes, France, OPC, 2005, 162p, 210 x 144 x 6, PB, TCH, DNB, ISBN 2952043868.

Delius, Herbert, “Judo als sportlicher Kampf (Lehrmeister -Bûcherei Nr. 997)“, Minden, Germany, Albrecht Philler, 1959, 78p, 167 x 120 x 3, PB, TCH, DNB.

Diwischek, Joseph, “Jiu-jitsu die waffenlose Selbstverteidigung“, Wien, Austria, Steyrermuhl, 1927 1935, 136p, 20 cm, SD, 3255.

Diwischek, Joseph, “Jiu-jitsu und Judo“, Wien, Austria, Ostmärkische Zeitungsverlags-Gesellschaft, 1927, RS.

Diwischek, Joseph, “Jiu-jitsu und Judo“, Leipzig, Wien, Austria, Ostmärkische Zeitungsverlags-Gesellschaft, 1937 1939, 160p, 189 x 120 x 6, PB, REP, ÖNB.

Ehmann, Elisabeth, “Sportratgeber Judo“, Köln, Germany, Buch und Zeit, 1990, 128p, PB, SK, ISBN 3816696678.

Eichenberger, Walter, “Judo“, Zürich, Switzerland, by Author, 1965[3], 56p, 21 cm, TCH, KBC.

Eichenberger, Walter, “Judo“, Zürich, Switzerland, by Author, 1965, 62p, 21 cm, REP, SNL.

Eichenberger, Walter, “Judo“, Zürich, Switzerland, by Author, 1978[9], 74p, 21 cm, REP, SNL.

Essink, Hein, “Judo in Wort und Bild“, Gütersloh, Germany, Steckenpferd Bücherei / Bertelsmann, 1968, 190p, 20 cm, HB, LoC.

Fradet, Claude, “Judo für uns, Band 1“, Paris, France, Judogi, UD, 50, 145 x 230, PB, TCH, SK, ISBN 2702707564.

Fradet, Claude, “Judo für uns, Band 2“, Paris, France, Judogi, UD, 50, 145 x 230, PB, TCH, SK, ISBN 2702707556.

Fradet, Claude, “Judo für uns, Band 3“, Paris, France, Judogi, UD, 50, 145 x 230, PB, TCH, SK, ISBN 2702707548.

Frömmel, Marlen, “Leistungsbestimmelse Faktoren im Judo“, Bar hersfeld, Germany, Grin, 2008, 64p, 20 x 150 x 4, PB, LIB, ISBN13 9783640108923.

Fuchs, Kurt, “Fit mit Judo“, Niedernhausen, Germany, Falken, 1990, 112p, 21 cm, DNB, ISBN 3806823197.

Fuchs, Kurt, “Judo perfekt I : Grundlegende bewegungsformen und Go-kyo“, Niedernhausen, Germany, Falken, 1997, 124p, 24 cm, PB, TCH, DNB, ISBN 3806812497.

Fuchs, Kurt, “Judo perfekt II : Wettkampftechniken im Stand“, Niedernhausen, Germany, Falken, 1994, 110p, 24 cm, PB, TCH, DNB, ISBN 3806814619.

Fuchs, Kurt, “Judo perfekt III : Wettkampftechniken am Boden“, Niedernhausen, Germany, Falken, 1995, 133p, 24 cm, PB, NEW, DNB, ISBN 3806816417.

Fuchs, Kurt : Geuer, Alfred, “Judo Wurftchniken außerhalb der Gokyo“, UL, Germany, by Author, 2005, TCH, SK.

Fukuda, Heko, “Jiu jitsu ein lehrbuch von selbstverteidigung ohne waffen“, Berlin, Germany, B. Sellin, 1916, 30p, SD, RS.

Geels, Antoon (1946 – ), “Judo Bodentechnik von “Opa” Schutte“, Malmö, Sweden, Team offset, 1979, NEW, SK.

Geesink, (Anton) Anthonius Johannes (1934 – ), “Go-Kyo : 40 Grund- und Kampfwürfe“, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Sport-Rhode, 1967, 98p, TCH, DNB.

Geesink, (Anton) Anthonius Johannes (1934 – ) : Rampen, Arie : Polaschek, Herbert, “Judo in evolution : vollständiger, neuer Judolehrgang“, Utrecht, Netherlands, A.W. Bruna & Zoon, 1977, 160p, 22 cm, SK, ISBN 9022971813.

Geesink, (Anton) Anthonius Johannes (1934 – ) : Schulze, K.-J., “Mijn Judo“, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Budo verlag Sport Rhode, 1967, 120p, TCH, DNB.

Glass, George, “Judo“, München, Germany, Copress, 1990, 56p, 21 cm, TCH, DNB, ISBN 3767903156.

Glucker, August, “Jiu-jitsu judo : Selbstverteidigung ohne Waffen“, Stuttgart, Germany, Franckh’sche Verlagshandlung, 1953 1955[13], 104p, 194 x 131 x 7, PB, REP, RS.

Glucker, August, “Jiu-jitsu und Judo : Selbstverteidigung ohne Waffen und sportl. Zweikampf“, Stuttgart, Germany, Franckh’sche Verlagshandlung, 1951, 64p, 21 cm, SD, DNB.

Glucker, August, “Judo : Sport und Selbstverteidigung“, Stuttgart, Germany, Franckh’sche Verlagshandlung?, 1954[1] 1955[2], SD, LIB.

Glucker, August, “Tricks und neue Würfe : Jiu-jitsu und Judo“, Stuttgart, Germany, Franckh’sche Verlagshandlung, 1954 1957[2] 1960[3] 1962[4] 1965, 110p, 196 x 130 x 10, PB, OJJ, RS.

Glucker, August, “Waffenlos siegen – Jiu-jitsu (Jiu-do) als Selbstverteitigung und Sport“, Stuttgart, Germany, Franckh’sche Verlagshandlung, 1934 1938, 96p, 198 x 133 x 12, PB, SD, RS.

Glucker, August, “Waffenlos siegen! Judo, der neue sportliche, waffenlose Zweikampf und Jiu-Jitsu, Selbstverteidigung und Ernstkampf“, Stuttgart, Germany, Franckh’sche Verlagshandlung, 1938[13] 1940[18] 1940[19] 1940[20] 1941[21] 1941[22], 63p, 20 cm, REP, ÖNB.

Goertz, Volker, “Ju-no-kata : Siegen durch Nachgeben“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1975[2] 1985[4] 1991[5], 51p, 209 x 149 x 4, PB, KAT, OLL, ISBN 3878920105.

Goertz, Volker, “Nage-no-Kata“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1963, 39p, 208 x 148 x 4, PB, KAT, DNB.

Goertz, Volker, “Nage-no-kata : die 15 Grundwürfe des Judo“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1981[12] 1985[14] 1988[15] 1991[16] 1993[17] 2000[19] 2004 2009, 45p, 213 x 151 x 8, PB, REP, OLL, ISBN 3828920059.

Goertz, Volker, “Nage-no-Kata : die 15 Grundwürfe des Judo“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1981[12] 1983[13], 45p, 21 cm, REP, DNB.

Gold, Tilo, “Schnelle neuromuskuläre Innervationsmuster bei azyklischen Bewegungen : die Analyse schneller Armzugbewegungen im Judo“, Tübingen, Germany, Tübingen, Univ., Diss., 2005, 282p, 21 cm, COA, DNB.

Gold, Tilo, “Schnelligkeit und Schnelligkeitstraining im Judo: Schnelle neuromuskuläre Innervationsmuster – Ein neuer Weg in den Zweikampfsportarten“, Saarbrücken, Germany, Dr. Müller, 2008, 288, 218 x 150 x 20, PB, COA, LIB, ISBN13 9783639024005.

Groller, Balduin, “Dschiu-dschitsu : Sport und Körperpflege“, UL, Germany, UP, 1908, OJJ, JIP.

Grünewald, Georg, “Judo-Kampfsportschule : Körperschulung, Falltechnik, Jiu-Jitsu-Kampfschule, Judo-Übungskampf“, Kempten, Germany, Oechelhäuser, 1937, 75p, TCH, DNB.

Göztepe, Ufuk : Mahnke, Nils, “Judo : Kata für Kinder : Kata für Anfänger“, Mammendorf, Germany, pro literatur, 2007, 72p, 210 x 150 x 4, PB, KAT, DNB, ISBN13 9783866113152.

Haesendonck, François M. van : Götz Schaffhauser, “Das praktische Handbuch der Judotechniken“, München, Germany, Blv Verlagsgesellschaft, 1981, 267p, 21 cm, ÖNB, ISBN 3405120063.

Hancock, Harrie Irving (1868 – 1922) : Higashi, Katsukuma, “Das Kano jiu-jitsu (Jiudo) : das offizielle Jiu-Jitsu der japanischen Regierung : mit Ergänzungen von Hoshino und Tsutsumi, sowie Erläuterungen über gefährliche Schläge und das Kuatsu, das japanische Verfahren zur Wiederbelebung Bewustloser“, Stuttgart, Germany, Julius Hoffmann, 1906, 526p, 23 cm, OJJ, 3053.

Hancock, Harrie Irving (1868 – 1922), “Dschiu-dschitsu : Die quelle japanischer kraft“, Stuttgart, Germany, Julius Hoffmann, 1905, 235p, OJJ, RS.

Hancock, Harrie Irving (1868 – 1922), “Japanische Gymnastik für Knaben und Mädchen nach dem Jiu-Jitsu-System“, Stuttgart, Germany, Julius Hoffmann, 1906 1925, 127p, 20 cm, OJJ, NLS.

Hanelt, Klaus : Ochiai, Toshiyasu, “Go no Kata“, Bonn, Germany, Dieter Born, 2007, 36p, 20 cm x 15 cm, PB, KAT, LIB, ISBN13 9783922006268.

Happ, Sigrid, “Judo und Persönlichkeit“, Ahrensburg, Germany, Czwalina, 1983[1], 119p, 19 cm, TCH, DNB, ISBN 3880201137.

Harrison, Ernest John (1873 – 1961) : Frantzen, Heinrich, “Theorie und Praxis des Judo“, Köln-Müngersdorf, Haus Midgard, Germany, Selbstverl. d. Übers, 1951, 131p, TCH, DNB.

Hartmann, Hans : Graf, Walter, “Judo : Technik, Methodik, Geist : ein Handbuch für Lernende und Lehrer“, Schorndorf, Germany, Hoffmann Karl, 1986[2], 240p, 23 cm, REP, NLS, ISBN 3778030426.

Hartmann, Hans : Graf, Walter, “Judo : Technik, Methodik, Geist : ein Handbuch für Lernende und Lehrer“, Schorndorf, Germany, Hoffmann Karl, 1979[1], 240p, 23 cm, TCH, SNL, ISBN 3778030418.

Hasegawa, Hiro, “Jiu jitsu / Judo : die kunst der selbstverteidigung“, Lindau, Germany, Rudolph’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1930, 72p, SD, LIB.

Hasegawa, Hiro : Rothweiler, Hugo, “Jiu-Jitsu, Judo : Die Kunst der Selbstverteidigung“, Lindau, Germany, Rudolph, 1963, 71p, REP, DNB.

Hasegawa, Hiro : Krafft, Heinrich, “Jiu-Jitsu, Judo : Die Kunst der Selbstverteidigung“, Lindau, Germany, Rudolph, 1957, 72p, REP, DNB.

Hasemeier, Alfred (1910 – ), “Boden-Prüfungsordnung für den Judoka : nach den Richtlinien die Deutches DAN-Kollegiums“, Stuttgart, Germany, Franckh, 1973, 78p, 20 cm, DNB, ISBN 3440039706.

Hasemeier, Alfred (1910 – ), “Judo-Grundschule“, Stuttgart, Germany, Franckh, 1973[2] 1975[3], 78p, 20 cm, REP, DNB, ISBN 3440040135.

Hasemeier, Alfred (1910 – ) : Krutwig, Rolf-Jürgen, “Judo-Grundschule“, Stuttgart, Germany, Franckh, 1968, 78p, 20 cm, NEW, LoC.

Hasemeier, Alfred (1910 – ), “Judo-Grundschule“, Stuttgart, Germany, Franckh, 1977[4], 78p, 20 cm, REP, DNB.

Hasemeier, Alfred (1910 – ), “Judo-Kampftechnik“, Stuttgart, Germany, Franckh, 1969, 76p, 20 cm, TCH, LoC.

Hasemeier, Alfred (1910 – ), “Judo-Kampftechnik : Würfe, Griffe, Kombinationstechniken für Fortgeschrittene“, Stuttgart, Germany, Franckh, 1969 1977[2], 76p, 20 cm, REP, DNB, ISBN 3440044297.

Hasemeier, Alfred (1910 – ), “Judo-Lehrgang : der Weg zur Gürtelprüfung“, Stuttgart, Germany, Franckh, 1967 1975[3] 1978[4], 78p, 193 x 128 x 5, PB, TCH, LoC, ISBN 3440035115.

Hasemeier, Alfred (1910 – ), “Judo-Standtechnik : 40 Würfe in 5 Stufen für d. Gürtelprüfungen“, Stuttgart, Germany, Franckh, 1973, 63p, 20 cm, TCH, DNB, ISBN 3440039773.

Hauri, Ernesto : Katanishi, Hiroshi : Knecht, Richard : Hauri, Daniel, “Judo : praktisches Handbuch : mit Prüfungsprogramm der KYU-Grade gemäss den Richtlinien des Schweizerischen Judo- und Ju-Jitsu-Verbandes“, Zürich, Switzerland, Budosport HANTEI, 1989, 52p, 21 cm, TCH, SNL.

Hausmann, Karl-Heinz, “Judo 1, “Fallübungen vorwärts und seitwärts”, Judo 2, “Uki-Goshi”, Judo 3, “Kesa-Gatame”“, Berlin, Germany, Inst. für Unterrichtsmittel, 1978, 12p, 21 cm, TCH, DNB.

Heilemann, Karsten, “Aufbautraining Judo : Entwicklung und Erprobung eines trainingsmethodisch-psychologischen Stufenprogramms zur Ausbildung situationsangemessener Kampfhandlungen“, Köln, Germany, bps-Verl, 1993, 177p, 23 cm, BSZ, ISBN 392238644X.

Heim, Werner (1925 – ) : Gresch, Franz Josef, “Ju Jutsu : Waffenlose selbstverteidigung : Das Beste aus Judo, Karate, Aikido“, München, Germany, Falken, 1971, 155p, 21 cm, SD, LoC, ISBN 3806802769.

Heinemann, Dirk, “Psychischer Stress im Judo : eine theoretische und empirische Analyse der Stressbewertung, der Stressbewältigung und des Selbstkonzepts von Judoka“, Köln, Germany, Sport und Buch Strauß, 1999, 304p, COA, BSZ, ISBN 3890010466.

Herrmann, Pierre (1941 – ), “Judo-Praxis : neue Lehrmethoden“, Niedernhausen, Germany, Falken, 1977, 223p, 21 cm, TCH, DNB, ISBN 3806804249.

Herrmann, Pierre (1941 – ), “Neue Lehrmethoden der Judo-Praxis“, Niedernhausen, Germany, Falken, 1982 1985 1987 1989, 223p, 208 x 147 x 16, PB, REP, DNB, ISBN 3806804249.

Hofmann, Wolfgang, “Judo : Grundlagen des Stand- und Bodenkampfes“, Wiesbaden, Germany, Falken, 1978[2] 1983 1985, 244p, 27 cm, REP, DNB, ISBN 380684013X.

Hofmann, Wolfgang, “Judo : Grundlagen des Stand- und Bodenkampfes“, Wiesbaden, Germany, Falken, 1969[1], 228p, 27 cm, TCH, LoC.

Hofmann, Wolfgang, “Judo für die Jugend : Bd. 1., Kennenlernen und Üben“, Bad Honnef/Rhein, Germany, Honnefer Buchverlag, 1976, 134p, 21 cm x 20 cm, TCH, DNB, ISBN 3881280057.

Hofmann, Wolfgang, “Judo für die Jugend : Bd. 2., Trainieren und kämpfen“, Bad Honnef/Rhein, Germany, Honnefer Buchverlag, 1977, 127p, 21 cm x 20 cm, TCH, DNB, ISBN 3881280022.

Ihlo, Heinz, “Kampfsport in der Schule“, Berlin, Germany, Volk und Wissen, 1981, 223p, 24 cm, DNB.

Innenmoser, Jürgen : Janko, Wolfgang : Vögtle, Hans-Jochen, “Judo als rehasport : behindertenspezifische aufarbeitung der sportart Judo“, Idstein, Germany, Schulz-Kirchner, Nordrhein-Westfälischer Judo-Verband, 1992, 186p, 21cm, COA, BSZ, ISBN 3824800519.

Janko, Wolfgang, “Judounterricht mit Behinderten : method. Einf. in d. Judo-Sport“, Idstein, Germany, Schulz-Kirchner, 1986, 107p, 21 cm, TCH, DNB, ISBN 3925196188.

Kaffenberger, von Sievert, “Das Gürtelprüfungsbuch Band 1 : weiß-gelber bis oranger Gürtel“, Ruppertshofen, Germany, MPM, Motion-Pictures-Media, 1996, 48p, TCH, SK, ISBN 3980519600.

Kaffenberger, von Sievert, “Das Gürtelprüfungsbuch Band 2 : orange-grüner bis brauner Gürtel“, Ruppertshofen, Germany, MPM, Motion-Pictures-Media, 1996, 48p, TCH, SK, ISBN 3980519619.

Kanō, Jigorō (1860 – 1938), “Jiu jitsu“, Stuttgart, Germany, UP, 1914, RS.

Kawamura, Teizo (1922 – ), “Judo : Kombinations und gegentechniken“, Fulda, Germany, Parzeller & Co., 1958, 64p, 22 cm, TCH, LIB.

Kawamura, Teizo (1922 – ) : Schäfer, Edgar, “Judo : Kombinations- und Gegentechniken : 44 fortschrittl. Techniken, die z. Zeit in Japan gebraucht werden, eigens ausgew. f.d. Judoka ausserhalb Japans“, Fulda, Germany, Parzeller & Co., 1963, 61p, REP, DNB.

Ketelhut, Reinhard (Dr.), “Kinder-Judo : ein fröliches Lehrbuch für Jungen und Mädchen“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1980[1] 1982[3] 1984[4] 1986[5] 1987[6] 1989[7] 1990[8] 1991[9] 1993[10] 1994[11] 1995[12] 1999[14] 2005 2008, 91p, 210 x 148 x 5, PB, KID, OLL, ISBN 3878920113.

Khafagy, Mohamed Moheb Abdel-Ghaffar, “Der Einfluss des mentalen Lernens auf die Technikoptimierung in der Kampfsportart Judo unter den Bedingungen der Grundausbildung : dargestellt an der Technik “O-Goshi”“, Magdeburg, Germany, Magdeburg, Univ., Diss., 2005, 185p, 31 cm, DNB.

Kimura, Masahiko (1917 – 1993) : Lewandowski, Jürgen, “Judo für anfänger + kämpfer“, München, Germany, Blv Verlagsgesellschaft, 1978[2], 162p, 204 x 204 x 17, HB, REP, JBN, ISBN 3405118158.

Kimura, Masahiko (1917 – 1993) : Lewandowski, Jürgen : Ohgo, Mahito, “Judo für anfänger + kämpfer“, München, Germany, Blv Verlagsgesellschaft, 1974[1], 162p, 21 cm, TCH, SNL, ISBN 3405113431.

Klinger-Klingerstorff, Hubert (1920 – ), “Jiu-Jitsu im Selbstunterricht“, Wien, Austria, by Author, 1950, 159p, SD, ÖNB.

Klinger-Klingerstorff, Hubert (1920 – ), “Jiu-Jitsu im Selbstunterricht“, Wien, Austria, Pechan, 1952[3]1959[6] 1961[7] 1962[8] 1964[9], 159p, REP, ÖNB.

Klinger-Klingerstorff, Hubert (1920 – ), “Jiu-Jitsu, Karate im Selbstunterricht“, Wien, Austria, Pechan, 1966[10], 159p, REP, ÖNB.

Klinger-Klingerstorff, Hubert (1920 – ), “Judo : Die hohe Schule des Kampfes“, Wien, Austria, Pechan, 1959[2] 1963[3] 1966[4] 1974, 160p, 17 cm, REP, ÖNB.

Klinger-Klingerstorff, Hubert (1920 – ), “JuDo : Die hohe Schule des Kampfes“, Wien, Austria, Pechan, 1959[2], 160p, SD, DNB.

Klinger-Klingerstorff, Hubert (1920 – ), “JuDo : die hohe Schule des Kampfes (Perlen-Reihe : Bd 612)“, Wien, Austria, Pechan, 1977[5], 160p, 17 cm, REP, LLB.

Klinger-Klingerstorff, Hubert (1920 – ), “JuDo und JuDo-Do : Die hohe Schule des Kampfes“, Wien, Austria, Borotha-Schoeler, 1951, 143p, OJJ, ÖNB.

Klocke, Ulrich (1970 – ), “Judo : Top Action“, Aachen, Germany, Meyer & Meyer, 2001, 167p, 23 cm, TCH, DNB, ISBN 3891246706.

Klocke, Ulrich (1970 – ), “Judo anwenden : 4. bis 1. Kuy, orange-grün bis braun“, Bonn, Germany, Dieter Born, 2006[6], 192p, 21 cm x 15 cm, REP, DNB, ISBN 392200623X.

Klocke, Ulrich (1970 – ), “Judo anwenden : 4. bis 1. Kuy, orange-grün bis braun“, Bonn, Germany, Dieter Born, 1999[3], 140p, TCH, DNB, ISBN 3922006116.

Klocke, Ulrich (1970 – ), “Judo lernen“, Bonn, Germany, Dieter Born, 2005, 160p, 147 x 208 x 9, PB, REP, SK, ISBN 3922006221.

Klocke, Ulrich (1970 – ), “Judo lernen : 8. bis 5. Kyu, weiß-gelb bis orange“, Bonn, Germany, Dieter Born, 2003, 123p, 14 cm, TCH, DNB, ISBN 3922006205.

Klocke, Ulrich (1970 – ), “Judo lernen : 8. bis 5. Kyu, weiß-gelb bis orange“, Bonn, Germany, Dieter Born, 2000[6], 123p, 14 cm, REP, DNB, ISBN 3922006140.

Klocke, Ulrich (1970 – ), “Judo-Faszination : Weltklasse judoka in aktion“, Bonn, Germany, Flying Kiwi, 1990, 144p, 30 cm, DNB, ISBN 3926055030.

Knorn, Hans, “Das japanische Jiu-jitsu in deutscher Uebung : Ein lehrbuch der kunst der selbstverteidigung“, Dresden, Germany, Rudolph’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1925 1934[3], 101p, 30 cm, SD, 3288.

Kohnert, Jochen, “Kodokan Goshin Jutsu No Kata“, Hagen, Germany, Kohnert, 1992[2] 2000[3], 48p, 26 cm x 19 cm, KAT, SK.

Korn, Michael, “Budo-Spiele für alle Kampfsportarten“, Stuttgart, Germany, Pietsch, 2006, 192p, 212 x 147 x 17, HB, KID, DNB, ISBN13 9783613505216.

Korn, Michael, “Selbstverteidigung für Kinder und Jugendliche“, UL, Germany, Pietsch, 2006, 128p, 203 x 137 x 8, PB, KID, LIB, ISBN13 9783613505193.

Kressel, Bodo, “Jiu-jitsu – ein lehrgang zum selbstunterricht“, Wiesbaden, Germany, Falken, 1951, 76p, PB, SD, RS.

Krotki, Rudolf, “Jiu-jitsu : ein lehrbuch für selbstverteidigung und sportlichem kampf“, Berlin, Germany, Falken, 1926, 80p, SD, RS.

Krutwig, Rolf-Jürgen : Patzner, Franz Karl, “Judo im Bild 2“, München, Germany, Friedr. Bassermann’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1969, 21 cm, TCH, SK.

Krutwig, Rolf-Jürgen, “Judo – mein Freizeitsport“, München, Germany, Humboldt, 1983, 174p, 18 cm, TCH, DNB, ISBN 3581664542.

Kudo, Kazuzo (1898 – 1970) : Schulze, Klaus-Jürgen (Dr.), “Judo Praxis : Bodentechniken“, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Budo verlag Sport Rhode, 1973, 128p, 21 cm x 15 cm, PB, NEW, SK.

Kudo, Kazuzo (1898 – 1970) : Schulze, Klaus-Jürgen (Dr.), “Judo Praxis : Würfe (Standtechniken)“, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Budo verlag Sport Rhode, 1980, 128p, 21 cm x 15 cm, PB, TCH, SK.

Kurihara, Tamio (1896 – 1979) : Wilson, Haward, “Meisterliches Judo : Ursprung und Entwicklung, Techniken, Training, Selbstverteidigung“, Fulda, Germany, Parzeller, 1969, 119p, TCH, DNB.

Köck, Hans, “Yu-Yutsu – Die unfehlbare Kunst der Japaner“, Wien, Austria, M. Salzer, 1934, OJJ, LIB.

Landessportbund NRW,, “Leistungstraining Judo“, Wiebelsheim, Germany, Limpert, 2006, 184p, 240 x 170 x 13, PB, COA, SK, ISBN 3785317158.

Lehmann, Gerhard (1935 – ) : Lorbeer, Willi : Müller-Deck, Hans (1936 – ), “Ausbildungsprogramm im Deutschen Judo-Verband der DDR“, Berlin, Germany, Deutscher Judo-Verband der DDR, Kinder- und Jugendkommission, 1969, 32p, DNB.

Lehmann, Gerhard (1935 – ) : Birkner, Karlheinz, “Grosse Judo-Wurfschule : klassische und moderne Wurftechniken“, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Ullstein, 1994, 200p, 19 cm, TCH, BSZ, ISBN 3548276202.

Lehmann, Gerhard (1935 – ) : Müller-Deck, Hans (1936 – ), “Judo“, Berlin, Germany, Sportverlag Berlin, 1987[1] 1989[2], 356p, 244 x 172 x 23, HB, TCH, SK, ISBN 3328001476.

Lehmann, Gerhard (1935 – ) : Müller-Deck, Hans (1936 – ), “Judo : Ein Lehrbuch für Trainer, Übungsleiter und Aktive“, Berlin, Germany, Sportverlag, 1987[1] 1989[2], 356p, 25 cm, NKC, ISBN 3328001476.

Lehmann, Gerhard (1935 – ) : Ulbricht, Hans-Jürgen, “Judo : Klassische und moderne wurftechniken : Praxis für schule und verein“, Aachen, Germany, Meyer & Meyer, 2006, 240p, 210 x 148 x 15, PB, TCH, DNB, ISBN 3898992330.

Leutenegger, Jacques : Leutenegger, Robert, “Nahkampf technik“, Solothurn, Czech, B. Vogtschild, 1941, 129p, SD, RS.

Lidle, Koegner, “Jiu jitsu“, München, Germany, Durd und Verlag, UD, OJJ, RS.

Linn, Bernd, “Judo : das Prüfungsprogramm von orange-grün bis braun“, Aachen, Germany, Meyer & Meyer, 2006, 192p, 21 cm, TCH, DNB, ISBN13 9783898991902.

Linn, Bernd, “Judo : das Prüfungsprogramm von weißgelb bis orange : Mit neuer prüfungsordnung“, Aachen, Germany, Meyer & Meyer, 2006, 165p, 210 x 148 x 13, PB, TCH, SK, ISBN 389899189X.

Lippmann, Ralf (1961 – ), “Judo : Ausbildungsskript fachübungsleiter- / Trainer-C-ausbildung“, Norderstedt, Germany, Books on Demand, 2002, 342p, 209 x 148 x 23, PB, COA, LIB, ISBN 3831123667.

Lippmann, Ralf (1961 – ), “Judo : Trainer-B-ausbildung Skript“, UL, Germany, Deutscher Judo-Bund, 1999, COA, SK.

Lippmann, Ralf (1961 – ) : Ritler Susebeek, Karin (1974 – ), “Koordinationstraining im Judo“, Köln, Germany, Sportverlag Strauß, 2006[2], 125p, 210 x 147 x 8, PB, COA, DNB, ISBN 3939390526.

Lotens, Yos (1957 – ), “Judogeheimen“, Woubrugge, Germany, Lotens, 1995, 104p, 24 cm, OBA, ISBN 9090087508.

Maetschke, Stefan, “Nage No Kata : Die Form des Werferns“, Münster, Germany, Monsenstein und Vannerdat, 2004, 234p, 206 x 148 x 14, PB, KAT, DNB, ISBN 3937312587.

Magerlein, Heinz, “Jiu-jitsu : Die kunst der selbstverteidigung : Lehrmeister – Bücherei Nr. 998“, Minden, Germany, Albrecht Philler, 1910, SD, LIB.

Manz, Hermann H., “Analyse und Planung des Judo-Unterrichts an der Sekundarstufe I.“, Gerbrunn bei Würzburg, Germany, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag A. Lehmann, 1978, 126p, 21 cm, COA, DNB, ISBN 3881620125.

Marti, Roland Tony, “Geist, Körper und Judo : Elemente der Körpermechanik“, UL, Switzerland, UP, 1946, SNL.

Matschke, Klaus-Dieter : Velte, Herbert, “Budo-Etikette“, UL, Germany, Schramm Sport, 2005, 162p, BF, SK, ISBN 3000157077.

Matschke, Klaus-Dieter : Velte, Herbert, “Großes Jiu-Jitsu-, Ju-Jutsu- und Judo-Lexikon : ein fachwörterbuch von A bis Z ; Japanisch – Deutsch, Deutsch – Japanisch ; mit mehr als 1500 historischen und neuzeitlichen Fachbegriffen aus 90 Wissensgebieten“, Vierkirchen, Germany, Schramm Sport, 2006[3], 226p, 21 cm, DNB, ISBN13 9783000197437.

Matschke, Klaus-Dieter : Velte, Herbert, “Judo für den fortgeschrittenen Kämpfer und Meister“, Vierkirchen, Germany, Schramm Sport, 2005, 165p, 21 cm, BSZ, ISBN 3000173811.

Meknatgoo, Hossein, “Der Weg zur Prüfung bis zum 1. Dan“, Passau, Germany, UP, 2004, TCH, SK.

Metzler, Heinrich, “Judo : Lehrheft des DJB : O-soto-gari“, Bremerhaven, Germany, Deutscher Judo-Bund, 1961, 28p, 21 cm, TCH, KBC.

Michelmann, Manfred, “Studienanleitung für das Fernstudium zum Lehrgebiet Theorie und Methodik des Trainings der Sportarten, Judo, Grundausbildung“, Leipzig, Germany, Dt. Hochsch. für Körperkultur, 1982, 16p, 21 cm, DNB.

Mieth, Rudolf, “Judo : Unterrichtsmaterialien zur Sportlehrerausbildung für den schulischen und ausserschulischen Bereich“, Schorndorf, Germany, Hoffmann Karl, 1981, 168p, 19 cm, NLS, ISBN 3778072013.

Mieth, Rudolf, “Texte zur Theorie der Sportarten : Band 3 Judo“, Schorndorf, Germany, Hoffman Karl, 1980, SK, ISBN 3778072013.

Mifune, Kyūzō (1883 – 1965), “Judo : Kampf und Technik“, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Budo verlag Sport Rhode, 1967, 244p, TCH, BJ.

Mittenzwei, Claus : Glahn, Klaus, “Judo mit Glahn : Deutschlands erfolgreichster Judoka zeigt seine erfolgreichsten Techniken“, München, Germany, Copress, 1973 1976, 95p, 213 x 150 x 16, HB, TCH, DNB, ISBN 3767900157.

Mittenzwei, Claus : Glahn, Klaus, “Judo mit Klaus Glahn : Deutschlands erfolgreichster Judomeister lehrt seine Techniken“, München, Germany, Heyne, 1977, 105p, 18 cm, REP, DNB, ISBN 3453412176.

Mosebach, Uwe, “Fallen und Kämpfen lernen“, Bonn, Germany, Dieter Born, 2007, 206p, 24 cm x 17 cm, PB, SD, DNB, ISBN 3922006515.

Mosebach, Uwe, “Fallen-Können und Bewegungslernen : eine empirische Untersuchung über Effekte der Judofalltechniken (Ukemi) auf das Erlernen sportlicher Bewegungen“, Bonn, Germany, Dieter Born, 1997, 175p, 21 cm, PB, SD, DNB, ISBN13 9783922006138.

Mosebach, Uwe, “Judo : Wurf und Fall“, Schorndorf, Germany, Hoffman Karl, 1997, 220p, 212 x 148 x 15, PB, COA, DNB, ISBN 3778075209.

Mosebach, Uwe, “Judo in Bewegung“, Bonn, Germany, Dieter Born, 2003, 286p, 24 cm, DNB, ISBN 3922006191.

Müller-Deck, Hans (1936 – ) : Ivinger, Erich M., “Der Weg zum Top-Judoka“, Wien, Austria, Infostrada-Sports, 2007, 280p, 239 x 165 x 17, PB, COA, LIB, ISBN13 9783902480194.

Müller-Deck, Hans (1936 – ) : Michelmann, Manfred, “Grosse Judo – Bodenkampfschule“, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Ullstein, 1987 1994, 220p, 19 cm, PB, NEW, DNB, ISBN 3548276350.

Müller-Deck, Hans (1936 – ) : Lehmann, Gerhard, “Judo“, Berlin, Germany, Sportverlag Berlin, 1976[1] 1978[2] 1980[3], 160p, 204 x 146 x 13, HB, TCH, JBN.

Müller-Deck, Hans (1936 – ) : Lehmann, Gerhard, “Judo“, Berlin, Germany, Sportverlag Berlin, 1983[4], 160p, 204 x 146 x 13, HB, REP, JBN.

Müller-Deck, Hans (1936 – ), “Nage-No-Kata und Katame-No-Kata : DAN-Broschüre die Deutcher Judo-Verband der DDR“, Berlin, Germany, Deutscher Judo-Verband der DDR, 1984[3], 80p, 21 cm, KAT, DNB.

Mägerlein, Heinz, “Jiu-jitsu : der waffenlose Nahkampf“, Leipzig, Germany, Hachmeister & Thal, 1934, 79p, OJJ, RS.

Mägerlein, Heinz, “Jiu-Jitsu : Die Kunst der Selbstverteidigung (Lehrmeister-Bücherei ; Nr. 998/99)“, Minden, Germany, Philler, 1950, 79p, PB, OJJ, DNB.

Nadler, Fritz, “Handbuch für den Judo-Lehrer“, Sprendlingen, Germany, Budo verlag Sport Rhode, 1969, 312p, DNB.

Nakabayashi, Sadaki : Nagao, Hikaru : Okamura, Henry : Harper, Paul V. (Dr.): Korey, Morey, “Judo im Bild“, München, Germany, Friedr. Bassermann’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1967, 127p, 202 x 130 x 17, HB, TCH, DNB.

Nakamura, A., “Das Jiu-jitsu“, Berlin, Germany, UP, 1920, OJJ, RS.

Niehaus, Andreas, “Leben und Werk Kanô Jigôros (1860 – 1938): Eni Forschungsbeitrag zur leibeserziehung und zum Sport in Japan“, Würzburg, Germany, ERGON, 2003, 382p, 224 x 154 x 22, PB, HIS, SK, ISBN 3899133102.

Nimführ, Franz, “Das grosse buch der selbstverteidigung“, Wien, Austria, F. Nimführ, 1988, 444p, 22 cm, SD, 3511, ISBN 3703800240.

Nimführ, Franz, “Judo : Waffe und Sport“, Wien, Austria, Österreichischer Bundesverlag, 1956 1959[2] 1965[3], 99p, 18 cm, SD, 3031.

Nishioka, Hayward (1942 – ), “Fusswürfe für Judo, Karate und Selbstverteidigung“, Niedernhausen, Germany, Falken, 1978 1982 1985 1987 1990 1994, 95p, 21 cm, REP, DNB, ISBN 3806804397.

Nishioka, Hayward (1942 – ), “Fusswürfe für Judo, Karate und Selbstverteidigung“, Niedernhausen, Germany, Falken, 1982, 93p, 21 cm, TCH, DNB.

Nowoisky, Heinz, “Zur Bewegungsstruktur und zweckmässigen Anrissgestaltung von Technikübungen im Judo : dargestellt am Beispiel ausgewählter Wurftechniken“, Leipzig, Germany, Forschungsinst. für Körperkultur und Sport, Diss. A, 1990, 140p, 30 cm, COA, DNB.

Ohgo, Mahito, “Gokyo Kampftechniken“, Wiesbaden, Germany, Falken, 1974[1] 1986[2], 157p, 21 cm, TCH, KBC, ISBN 3806803528.

Ohgo, Mahito, “Judo : Grundlagen und methodik“, Wiesbaden, Germany, Falken, 1972 1987 1988 1989, 205p, 208 x 147 x 23, PB, TCH, DNB, ISBN 3806803056.

Ohlenkamp, Neil, “Meisterliches Judo“, Stuttgart, Germany, Pietsch, 2006, 159p, 285 x 222 x 17, HB, TCH, DNB, ISBN 3613505037.

Ohsawa, Georges (1893 – 1966), “Das Buch vom Judo“, Holthausen/ü. Münster, Germany, Mahajiva Christalle, 1989, 124p, 21 cm, DNB, ISBN 3924845123.

Okano, Isao (1944 – ), “Vital Judo : Boden-Techniken“, Wetzlar, Germany, HA-RU, 1976[1] 1980[2], NEW, SK, ISBN 3980028801.

Oppenheimer, H. J., “Jiu jitsu“, UL, UC, UP, 1930, OJJ, RS.

Paetsch, Wolf-Dieter, “Judo : Lehrheft des DJB : 3 Hane-Goshi“, Bremerhaven, Germany, Deutscher Judo-Bund, 1961, 32p, 21 cm, TCH, KBC.

Pampel, Martin, “Deutscher Kampfsport ohne Waffe (Judo)“, Berlin, Germany, B. G. Teubner, 1935, 60p, 179 x 121 x 5, PB, TCH, RS.

Parker, Peter, “Keine Angst vor Überfällen! : Wirksame Griffe und Kniffe zur Selbstverteidigung auf d. Grundlage von Jiu-Jitsu und Judo“, Darmstadt, Germany, Teich, 1958, 57p, DNB.

Pfeiffer, Ute : Bauer, Günther, “Judo – Nage-no-Kata : Die Form des Werfens“, Aachen, Germany, Meyer & Meyer, 2008, 144p, 239 x 165 x 8, PB, KAT, LIB, ISBN13 9783898993999.

Pieske, Eckhard, “Judo in der Schule“, Lütjensee, Germany, Albrechts, 1979, 32p, 21 cm, DNB, ISBN 3882980397.

Pitsch, Bettina : Müller-Deck, Hans (1936 – ), “Wettkampfregeln der Internationalen Judo-Federation : inoffizielle Übersetzung aus dem Englischen“, UL, Germany, International Judo Federation, 1987, 54p, 21 cm, REF, DNB.

Põldma, Janno (1950 – ), “Die Judojungs“, Tallinn, Estonia, Perioodika, 1990, 118p, 24 cm, KID, ERB.

Pöhler, Ralf, “Judo : in zehn schritten zum grünen gürtel mit praktischem trainingsbegleiter“, München, Germany, Sportinform, 1994, 120p, 22 cm, DNB, ISBN 382540451X.

Pöhler, Ralf, “Ju-Do-Kata : Hintergründe und Geir=steshaltung der Bewegungsformen des Judo“, Ahrensburg bei Hamburg, Germany, Ingrid Czwalina Ahrensburg, 1985[1], 105p, 19 cm, KAT, KBC, ISBN 388020134x.

Rahn, Erich (1885 – 1973), “50 Jahre Jiu-jitsu und Judo mit Erich Rahn : Die unsichtbare Waffe“, Berlin, Germany, Johann Bernard, 1950, 92p, RS.

Rahn, Erich (1885 – 1973), “Die unsichtbare waffe (Jiu=Jitsu)“, Berlin, Germany, Guido Hackebeil, 1926, 138p, 232 x 157 x 10, PB, SD, 3272.

Rahn, Erich (1885 – 1973), “Die unsichtbare waffe (Jiu-Jitsu)“, Berlin, Germany, Weidmannsche Vlg. Buchh., 1931[2], 144p, PB, REP, LIB.

Rahn, Erich (1885 – 1973), “Ich lerne Jiu-Jitsu“, Olten, Germany, Fackelverlag, 1953[9] 1957, 158p, OJJ, RS.

Rahn, Erich (1885 – 1973) : Dietze, Alfred, “Ich lerne Jiu-Jitsu“, Olten, Germany, Fackelverlag, 1965, 158p, REP, DNB.

Rahn, Erich (1885 – 1973), “Jiu jitsu brieflich“, München, Germany, H. Zickert, 1953, OJJ, RS.

Rahn, Erich (1885 – 1973), “Jiu-jitsu und Judo (Miniatur-Bibliothek Nr. 721)“, Hildesheim, Germany, Friedlich M. Hörhold, 1951, 62p, 120 x 80 x 3, PB, OJJ, RS.

Rahn, Erich (1885 – 1973), “Jiu-Jitsu, die beste Körperkultur- und Selbstverteidigungs-Methode der Welt“, Berlin, Germany, Illustrierter Sport, 1920, SD, DNB.

Rahn, Erich (1885 – 1973), “Neue Griffe und Kniffe im Jiu-jitsu / Judo“, Berlin, Germany, Falken, 1955, 83p, 21 cm, SD, DNB.

Rahn, Erich (1885 – 1973), “Neue Griffe und Kniffe im Jiu-Jitsu, Judo : waffenlose Selbstverteidigung (Falken-Bücherei ; Bd 111)“, Niedernhausen, Germany, Falken, 1979, 83p, 21 cm, SD, DNB.

Renault, Jean-François, “Judo : der weg zur selbstverteidigung“, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Ullstein, 1978, 119p, 18 cm, PB, DNB, ISBN 3548041205.

Reuter, Hans, “Jiu-jitsu, 1“, München, Germany, Possenbacher Buchdruckerei und Verlagsanstalt, 1925, 63p, 3284.

Reuter, Hans, “Jiu-jitsu, 2“, München, Germany, Possenbacher Buchdruckerei und Verlagsanstalt, 1925, 63p, 21 cm, 3285.

Rhi, Hanho, “Judo und Jiu-Jitsu : Sporthygiene und Judo“, UL, Switzerland, UP, 1944, TCH, SNL.

Rhode, Alfred, “Jiu-Jitsu, die grosse Quelle des Selbstvertrauens in 12 Bildern“, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Voigt & Gleiber, 1925, SD, DNB.

Robrecht, Frank : Fürnberg, Igor, “Judo-Wurftechniken“, Halle an der Saale, Germany, Knet-Kombinat, 2004, 208p, 25 cm, TCH, DNB, ISBN 3000148108.

Rychter, Oliver, “Judo (Leistungstraining Sport Kinder und Jugendliche)“, Wiebelsheim, Germany, Limpert, 2006, 178p, 12 cm, DNB, ISBN 3785317158.

Röthlisberger, Jürg : Metz, Wolf, “Mein Weg zur Olympia-Medaille : wie ich es meinem Freund und Mitautor Wolf Metz erzählte“, Zürich, Switzerland, Leonis, 1976, 127p, 22 cm, MEM, DNB, ISBN 3721048768.

Sander, Hedda : Deling, Björn, “Judo : Bodenprogramm von orangegrün bis braun“, Aachen, Germany, Meyer & Meyer, 2001, 192p, 21 cm, PB, NEW, DNB, ISBN 3891246854.

Sander, Hedda : Deling, Björn, “Judo : Bodenprogramm von weissgelb bis braun“, Aachen, Germany, Meyer & Meyer, 2001, 184p, 21 cm, NEW, LIB, ISBN 3891245912.

Sander, Hedda : Deling, Björn, “Judo : Bodenprogramm von weissgelb bis orange“, Aachen, Germany, Meyer & Meyer, 2001, 216p, 21 cm, NEW, DNB, ISBN 3891246536.

Sander, Hedda : Deling, Björn, “Judo : das gesamte Standprogramm von weißgelb bis braun (8. – 1. Kyu). Rezepte aus der Hexenküche“, Aachen, Germany, Meyer & Meyer, 2006[3], 232p, REP, BSZ, ISBN 3898990516.

Sander, Hedda : Deling, Björn, “Judo standprogramm : Das gesamte standprogramm von weißgelb bis braun (8.-1. Kyu) : Rezepte aus der hexenküche : Mit neuer prüfungsordnung“, Aachen, Germany, Meyer & Meyer, 1995, 232p, 21 cm, TCH, DNB, ISBN 3898990516.

Sasaki, Kichisaburo (1872-1924), “Judo : das japanisches ringkampf“, Berlin, Germany, K. Sasaki, 1909, 88p, 24 cm, TCH, 3433.

Sato, Tetsuya (1925 – ) : Okano, Isao, “Vital Judo : Wurftechniken“, Wetzlar, Germany, HA-RU, 1973[1] 1979[2], TCH, SK, ISBN 3980028801.

Sawade, Wilhelm, “Ju-Jutsu – Judo – Jiu-Jitsu : Themen und Techniken zur Psychologie und Methodik der Selbstverteidigung“, UL, Germany, Offset-Buchdruck W.Lindenhain, 1979, 156p, SK.

Schierz, Matthias, “Judo-Praxis : Programme, Übungen, Lernhilfen“, Reinbek bei Hamburg, Germany, Rowohlt Taschenbuch, 1989, 170p, 19 cm, BSZ, ISBN 3499186322.

Schiller, D., “Jiu jitsu dei berühmte japanische selbstverteidigungs-methode“, Berlin, Germany, S. Dietch, 1922, 11p, SD, RS.

Schmitt, Gerhard, “Jiu Jitsu für Einsteiger : japanische Selbstverteidigung ; offizielles Lehrbuch des Deutschen Judo-Bundes“, Berlin, Germany, Sportverl., 1992[1], 144p, 23 cm, SD, DNB, ISBN 3328005390.

Scholz, Helmut, “Jiu-Jitsu : Die kunst der selbstverteidigung : Ein volksbuch zum selbstunterricht“, UL, Germany, Uhlenburgische Verlagsanstalt, 1950, SD, LIB.

Schreiner, Hannelore, “Judo verständlich gemacht“, München, Germany, Copress Sport, 1993, 120p, 20 cm, TCH, BSZ, ISBN 3767904152.

Schulte, Joachim, “Koshiki-no-kata : Die antike formen der verteidigung“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1986[1] 1995[2], 69p, 208 x 148 x 4, PB, KAT, OLL, ISBN 387892013X.

Schulze, Klaus-Jürgen (Dr.), “Judo : Bodenarbeit“, Fulda, Germany, Parzeller & Co., 1961 1966[2], 92p, 243 x 173 x 8, HB, NEW, DNB.

Schulze, Klaus-Jürgen (Dr.), “Judo : Bodenarbeit : Zusammengestellt nach d. Prüfungsrichtlinien die Deutcher Dan-Kollegiums“, Fulda, Germany, Parzeller & Co., 1961, 82p, NEW, DNB.

Schäfer, Andreas (1968 – ) : Seer, Ulli, “Richtig Judo“, München, Germany, Blv Verlagsgesellschaft, 2006[2], 127p, 21 cm, PB, REP, DNB, ISBN13 9783835400801.

Schäfer, Andreas (1968 – ), “Richtig Judo“, München, Germany, Blv Verlagsgesellschaft, 2002, 127p, 202 x 152 x 9, PB, TCH, SNL, ISBN 3405163021.

Shunsho, Daiji, “Dschiu-dschitsu“, Leipzig, Germany, Albert Otto Paul, 1906, 70p, OJJ, JIP.

Sport-Rhode,, “Das Budo ABC“, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Budo verlag Sport Rhode, 1976, 880p, 32 cm, REP, 3203.

Sport-Rhode,, “Das Budo ABC : Alles über Judo, Ju Jutsu, Karate, Aikido“, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Budo verlag Sport Rhode, 1968, 496p, 22 cm, 3202.

Sport-Rhode,, “Das Budo ABC : Alles über Judo, Ju Jutsu, Karate, Taekwon-Do, Aikido“, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Budo verlag Sport Rhode, 1969[4], 564p, 17 cm, REP, 3010.

Sport-Rhode,, “Das Budo-ABC : Alles über Judo, Ju Jutsu, Karate, Taekwon-Do, Aikido, Kendo“, Sprendlingen, Germany, Budo verlag Sport Rhode, 1973, 776p, REP, DNB.

Sport-Rhode,, “Das Budo-ABC : Alles über Judo, Ju Jutsu, Karate, Taekwon-Do, Aikido, Kendo“, Sprendlingen, Germany, Budo verlag Sport Rhode, 1971, 664p, REP, DNB.

Sport-Rhode,, “Das Judo ABC“, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Sport-Rhode, 1967, 344p, 23 cm, 3201.

Steen, Dieter, “Goshinjitsu-no-kata : neue offiziëlle Selbstverteidigungs-Kata des Kodokan (Tokio)“, Hamburg, Germany, Deutscher Judo-Bund, 1962, 33p, 21 cm, KAT, KBC.

Stephan, Erich, “Körperkultur und Selbstverteidigung : Übungen zur Durchbildung der Muskulatur und zur Stählung des Körpers, die wichtigsten Griffe der Jiu-jitsu-Kampfweise“, Oldenburg und Berlin, Germany, von Gerhard Stalling, 1922, 27p, SD, RS.

Stephan, Erich, “Selbstverteidigung : Die japanische Jiu-jitsu-Kampfweise“, Berlin, Germany, von Gerhard Stalling, 1925, 63p, SD, RS.

Stephan, Erich, “Selbstverteidigung im Bild : Die ernste Kunst, auch bei geringer eigener Kraftentfaltung den Gegner wehrlos zu machen“, Stuttgart, Germany, Franckhs Sportverlag, Dieck & Co, 1922 1925[11], 14p, SD, DNB.

Stevens, John (1947 – ), “Budo Sectrets : Teachings of the Martial Arts Masters“, Boston, United States, Shambhala, 2001, 115p, 220 x 148 x 17, HB, BF, DNB, ISBN 1570624461.

Streso, Wolfram, “Judo & Sportwissenschaft : im Blickpunkt ; Beiträge zum 2. Judo-Hochschulworkshop vom 19. bis 21.09.2003 in Osterburg“, Magdeburg, Germany, Inst. für Sportwiss., 2004, 68p, 21 cm, COA, DNB, ISBN 3929757605.

Strube, Fritz, “Jiu jitsu“, UL, UC, UP, 1927, OJJ, RS.

Takagaki, Shinzo (1893 – ) : Sharp, Harold E., “Die Technik des Judo“, Genf, Germany, Keller, 1969, 238p, 232 x 158 x 23, HB, TCH, DNB.

Takuji, Hojo, “Die Kunst der Selbstverteidigung nach dem Japanischen Dschiu-Dschitsu“, Leipzig, Germany, Modern-Medizinischer Verlag F.W. Gloeckner & Co, 1923, 92p, 23 cm, SD, RS.

Teipel, Dieter : Heinemann, Dirk : Kemper, Reinhild, “Kognitive Repräsentation von Techniken bei jugendlichen und erwachsenen Judoka“, Köln, Germany, Sport& Buch Strauß, 2004, 205p, 21 cm, COA, DNB, ISBN13 9783890012483.

Teipel, Dieter : Heinemann, Dirk : Kemper, Reinhild, “Ärgerkontrolle im Judo (Wissenschaftliche Berichte und Materialien / Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft, Bonn ; Bd. 2001,17)“, Köln, Germany, Sport und Buch Strauß, 2001, 236p, 21 cm, COA, DNB, ISBN 3890013678.

Thiel, Hans, “Dschiu-Dschitsu : Japanische Methode der Selbstverteidigung“, Leipzig, Germany, Siegbert Schnurpfeill, 1923, 35p, 184 x 125 x 4, PB, OJJ, RS.

Thiele, Frank, “Kime-no-kata“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1965, 45p, 21 cm, KAT, DNB.

Thiele, Frank, “Kime-no-kata : die klassische japanische selbstverteidigung“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1992[7] 2002, 60p, 208 x 148 x 4, PB, REP, OLL, ISBN 3878920075.

Thiele, Frank, “Kime-no-kata : die klassische japanische selbstverteidigung“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1976[4] 1982[5] 1987[6], 45p, 21 cm, REP, OLL, ISBN 3878920075.

Tsutsumi, Masao : Higashi, Katsukuma, “Jiu-jitsu die grosse kunst der selbstverteidigung und vollen körperausbildung“, Berlin, Germany, Johannes Belling, 1906, 122p, OJJ, RS.

UA,, “Judo, Jiu-Jitsu, Karate : moderne Selbstverteidigung“, Köln, Germany, Buch-und-Zeit-Verlagsgesellschaft, 1974 1976, 159p, 179 x 114 x 12, PB, SD, DNB.

UA,, “Lehr- und Lernhilfe für den Judo-Unterricht“, Dresden, Germany, Dresden Techn. Univ., 1979, 34p, 21 cm, DNB.

UA,, “Nage-no-kata : die Kunst des Werfens : Judo für den schwarzen Gürtel als Bildgeschic“, Düsseldorf, Germany, Prass, 1986, 48p, 15 cm x 23 cm, KAT, KBC.

Walter, Manfred, “Überlegungen zur Technik- und Konditionsschulung“, Schorndorf, Aichenbachstr. 53, Germany, Ch. Walter, 1997, 75p, 30 cm, DNB, ISBN 3929073005.

Walter, Patricia, “Judo Bodentechniken : 163 Haltegriffe, Hebel- und Würgetechniken“, UL, Germany, Books on Demand, 2008[2], 204p, 296 x 210 x 14, PB, NEW, LIB, ISBN13 9783837041859.

Vary, Edmond, “Die kunst der selbstwehr auf der strasse und im hause“, Berlin, Germany, Grethlein & Co, UD, 128p, SD, RS.

Vary, Edmond, “Jiu-jitsu : Die Kunst der japanischen Selbstverteidigung und Körperstählung“, Leipzig, Germany, Grethlein und Co, 1908, 68p, OJJ, ÖNB.

Vary, Edmond, “Jiu-jitsu : Die Kunst der japanischen Selbstverteidigung und körperstählung“, Leipzig, Germany, Grethlein und Co, 1929, 81p, REP, RS.

Vary, Edmond : Grunert, Walter, “Jiu-jitsu : Judo : Die Kunst der waffenlosen Selbstverteidigung und Körperstählung“, Hamburg, Leipzig, Germany, Altenburg, 1951, 93p, SD, DNB.

Weinmann, Wolfgang, “1 x 1 des Judo : die Grundlagen des Judosports“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1994[19] 1998[20] 2001[21] 2006[22], 114p, 210 x 148 x 6, PB, REP, OLL, ISBN 3878920008.

Weinmann, Wolfgang, “1 x 1 des Judo : die Grundlagen des Judotrainings“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1985[15] 1987[16] 1989[17] 1991[18], 114p, 21 cm, REP, DNB, ISBN 3878920008.

Weinmann, Wolfgang, “1 x 1 des Judo : die Grundlagen des Judotrainings“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1974[10] 1975 1978[13], 105p, 21 cm, TCH, DNB, ISBN 3878920008.

Weinmann, Wolfgang, “1 x 1 des Judo : die Grundlagen des Judotrainings“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1983[14], 114p, 21 cm, REP, DNB.

Weinmann, Wolfgang, “1 x 1 des Judo : Die Grundlagen des Kampftechnik“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1959 1961, 38p, TCH, DNB.

Weinmann, Wolfgang, “Das Judo-Brevier : der Leitfaden für die Gürtelprüfung“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1985[22] 1986[23], 87p, 17 cm, REP, DNB, ISBN 3878920202.

Weinmann, Wolfgang, “Das Judo-Brevier : der Leitfaden für die Gürtelprüfung“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1977[14] 1978 1983[20] 1984[21], 80p, 17 cm, REP, DNB, ISBN 3878920202.

Weinmann, Wolfgang, “Das Judo-Brevier : der Leitfaden für die Gürtelprüfung“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1987[24] 1988[25] 1989[26] 1990[27] 1991[28] 1992[29], 94p, 17 cm, REP, DNB, ISBN 3878920202.

Weinmann, Wolfgang, “Das Judo-Brevier : der Leitfaden für die Gürtelprüfung“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1969, 80p, DNB.

Weinmann, Wolfgang, “Das Judo-Brevier : Leitfaden für Technik und Prüfung“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1993[30] 1994[31] 1995[32] 1997[33] 1998[34] 2000[35] 2001[36], 94p, 163 x 107 x 7, PB, REP, OLL, ISBN 3878920202.

Weinmann, Wolfgang, “Die Judo-Bodentechnik Katame-waza“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1984[20] 1986[21] 1988[22] 1990[23] 1992[24] 1994[25] 1996, 2004, 122p, 210 x 148 x 6, PB, REP, OLL, ISBN 3828920024.

Weinmann, Wolfgang, “Die Judo-Wurftechnik : Gokyo“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1984[29] 1987[30] 1989[31] 1992[32] 1994[33] 1998[34], 97p, 21 cm, REP, OLL, ISBN 3878920016.

Weinmann, Wolfgang, “Die Judo-Wurftechnik : Gokyo“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1983[28], 97p, 21 cm, TCH, DNB.

Weinmann, Wolfgang, “Gokyo : 40 Kampfwürfe“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1960, TCH, DNB.

Weinmann, Wolfgang, “Gokyo : die Judo-Wurftechnik“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1970[23] 1975 1978[27] 2001[35], 97p, 210 x 148 x 5, PB, TCH, DNB, ISBN 3878920016.

Weinmann, Wolfgang : Brückner, Georg, “Judo : Selbstverteidigung“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1962 1965[2] 1966[3], 55p, SD, DNB.

Weinmann, Wolfgang, “Katame-Waza : 30 Bodengriffe und Huatsu“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1961, 46p, NEW, DNB.

Weinmann, Wolfgang, “Katame-Waza : die Judo-Bodentechnik“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1977[17] 1979[18] 1982[19], 122p, 21 cm, NEW, DNB, ISBN 3878920024.

Weinmann, Wolfgang, “Kombinationen und Kontertechnik“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1980[7] 1982[8] 1985[9], 65p, 21 cm, REP, DNB, ISBN 3878920032.

Weinmann, Wolfgang, “Kombinationen und Kontertechnik“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1965, 65p, TCH, DNB.

Weinmann, Wolfgang, “Kombinationen und Kontertechnik im Judo-Kampf“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1987[10] 1990[11] 1994[12], 79p, 210 x 148 x 4, PB, REP, OLL, ISBN 3878920032.

Weinmann, Wolfgang, “Kombinationen und Kontertechnik im Judo-Kampf“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1994[12], 79p, 21 cm, REP, BHH, ISBN 3878920032.

Weiss, Max, “Das Dschiu-dschitsu : die Selbstverteidigungskunst ohne waffen“, Darmstadt, Germany, Deutsche Polizeilitersatur, 1920[3], 68p, SD, DNB.

Weiss, Max : Littmeier, Andreas, “Das Dschiu-dschitsu : die Selbstverteidigungskunst ohne waffen“, Hilden/Rhld., Germany, Deutsche Polizeilitersatur, 1990, 68p, REP, DNB, ISBN 3801102076.

Velte, Herbert : Matschke, Klaus D., “100 Jahre Jiu-Jitsu /Ju-Jutsu und Judo in Deutschland : Eine Chronik von 1905-2005“, Vierkirchen, Germany, Schramm Sport, 2005, 164p, 21 cm x 15 cm, HIS, DNB, ISBN 3000161309.

Velte, Herbert, “Alfred Rhode : Ein Leben für den Judosport“, Bruckmühl, Germany, Sensei, 1997, 100p, PB, HIS, LIB, ISBN 3923473567.

Velte, Herbert, “Ich lerne Judo : Eine Anleitung zum Training in der japanischen Kunst der waffenlosen Selbstverteidigung“, Olten, Germany, Fackelverlag, 1967 1982, 143p, 18 cm, PB, DNB.

Velte, Herbert : Matschke, Klaus-Dieter, “Ich lerne und trainiere Judo : eine komplette Anleitung für den Judo-Anfänger“, Vierkirchen, Germany, Schramm Sport, 2006[4], 168p, 21 cm, REP, BSZ, ISBN13 9783000183065.

Velte, Herbert : Matschke, Klaus-Dieter, “Judo – Die 40 Gokyo-Kampftechniken: Nach der Lehrmethode von Mahito Ohgo (Japan)“, Vierkirchen, Germany, Schramm Sport, 2007, 184p, PB, TCH, LIB, ISBN13 9783000219474.

Velte, Herbert, “Judo : Kampfwürfe und Kampfaktionen ; ein Fotoband über Judo-Spezialtechniken ; Angriffe und Verteidigungen, Kombinationen und Gegenwürfe, allgemeine Kampfaktionen und Spezialtechniken, vorgeführt von japanischen, europäischen sowie deutschen Judo-Meistern und anderen; auf Einzel- und Reihenbildern“, Wehrheim, Germany, Sport-Buch-Verl. Velte, 1992[3], 74p, 21 cm, REP, DNB, ISBN 3923473419.

Velte, Herbert, “Judo : Lehrheft des DJB : 4 Tai-otoshi“, Bremerhaven, Germany, Deutscher Judo-Bund, 1961, 34p, 21 cm, TCH, KBC.

Velte, Herbert : Matschke, Klaus-Dieter, “Judo : Wettkampf-Erfolgstechniken Mit Rangfolgestatistik der effektivsten Wurf- und Grifftechniken deutscher und internationaler Meisterschaften der 11 Jahre von 1988 bis 1998, aus mehr als 4400 Kämpfen, und anderen, bis zum Jahre 2005“, Vierkirchen, Germany, Schramm Sport, 2005[1], 160p, 209 x 148 x 11, PB, COA, BSZ, ISBN 3000173390.

Velte, Herbert, “Judo für den Anfänger : ohne Vorkenntnisse : eine ausführliche Einführung und Grundschule über die japanische Kunst des “sanften Weges”, mit den ersten 16 Judo-Grundwürfen (Die kleine BUDO-Bibliothek ; Bd 5)“, Bad Homburg, Germany, Budo-Artikel-Vertrieb, 1974, 48p, 21 cm, LIB.

Velte, Herbert, “Judo-Fachwort-Lexikon : rund 1.400 fachausdrücke / Idee, Sammlung und Zsstellung“, Bruckmühl, Germany, Sensei, 2000, 151p, REP, DNB, ISBN 3932576004.

Velte, Herbert, “Judo-Fachwort-Lexikon : rund 1.400 fachausdrücke / Idee, Sammlung und Zsstellung“, Bad Homburg, Germany, Sport-Buch-Verl. Kruckenhauser, 1997, 151p, 22 cm, REP, DNB, ISBN 3930918323.

Velte, Herbert, “Judo-Fachwort-Lexikon : rund 1.400 fachausdrücke / Idee, Sammlung und Zsstellung“, Bad Homburg v.d.H., Germany, Sport-Buch-Verl. Velte, 1985[1], 153p, 21 cm, DNB, ISBN 3923473273.

Velte, Herbert, “Judo-Kampfsport für den Anfänger : eine ausführliche Einführung und Grundschule in die japanische Kunst des ‘ sanften Weges’, mit der ersten 16 Judo-Grundwürfen und den ersten 9 Bodengriffen“, Bad Homburg, Germany, Sport-Buch-Verl. Velte, 1983[2], 90p, 21 cm, TCH, DNB.

Velte, Herbert, “Judo-Kampfsport für den Anfänger : eine ausführliche Einführung und Grundschule in die japanische Kunst des ‘sanften Weges’, mit der ersten 16 Judo-Grundwürfen und den ersten 9 Bodengriffen“, Vierkirchen, Germany, Kwon Schramm Sport, 2000[4] 2002[5], 124p, 22 cm, REP, DNB, ISBN 3000057846.

Velte, Herbert, “Ju-jutsu modern : Geschichte, Hintergründe und viele Beispiele aus der Praxis“, UL, Germany, Sport-Buch-Verl. Velte, 1994, 123p, SJJ, LIB.

Velte, Herbert : Esser, Fritz-Albert, “Kampfwürfe und Kampfaktionen : ein Judo-Fotoband : Angriff und Verteidigung, Kombinationen und Gegenwürfe, Spezialtechniken und allgemeine Kampfaktionen, vorgeführt von japanischen, europäischen sowie deutschen Judo-Meistern und anderen; auf Einzel- und Reihenbildern“, Bad Homburg, Germany, Budo-Artikel-Vertrieb, 1974, 48p, 21 cm, HIS, LLB.

Velte, Herbert, “Uchi-Mata : erfolgreichster Judo-Wurf aller Zeiten : die “Biographie” eines Spezial-Wurfes: erfolgreiches Training, erfolgreiche Ausführung, erfolgreiche Abwehr sowie Trainingsarten für Kampfwürfe (Die kleine BUDO-Bibliothek ; Bd 3)“, Bad Homburg, Germany, Budo-Artikel-Vertrieb, 1974, 48p, 21 cm, TCH, LLB.

Velte, Herbert, “Von Blau bis Schwarz Judo-Gürtelprüfung“, Bad Homburg, Germany, Herbert Velte, 1983[1}, 95p, TCH, SK, ISBN 3923473141.

Velte, Herbert : Seyfried, Hans-Georg : Raab, Peter, “Von Blau bis Schwarz Judo-Gürtelprüfung“, Bruckmühl, Germany, Sensei, 1991, 91p, PB, REP, SK, ISBN 3923473141.

Velte, Herbert : Seyfried, Hans-Georg : Raab, Peter, “Von Weiß-Gelb bis Grün : Judo-Gürtelprüfung“, Vierkirchen, Germany, Kwon Schramm Sport, 1983[1] 2000[7], 117p, 209 x 145 x 7, PB, TCH, DNB, ISBN 3932576012.

Velte, Herbert, “Judo von A – Z (Kampfsportwissen)“, Stuttgart, Germany, Pietsch Verlag, 2009[1], 179p, PB, TCH, LIB, ISBN13 9783613505971.

Werner, Wolfram, “Die Waffe Jiu-jitsu und Judo-Kampf-Sport“, Dresden, Germany, Rudolph’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1939, 104p, 21 cm, SD, RS.

Werner, Wolfram, “Die Waffe Jiu-jitsu und Judo-Kampf-Sport“, Dresden, Germany, Rudolph’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1941[3], 101p, REP, ÖNB.

Werner, Wolfram, “Jiu-Jitsu, Judo : Die hohe Schule zur Reifung des Fortgeschrittenen“, Dresden, Germany, Rudolph’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1939, 61p, 213 x 148 x 4, PB, OJJ, RS.

Werner, Wolfram, “Jiu-Jitsu, Judo : Die Hohe Schule zur Reifung des Fortgeschrittenen“, Dresden, Germany, Rudolph’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1941[2], 63p, REP, DNB.

Wheeldon, G. H. : Köck, Hans, “Yu-Yitsu : Eine übersichtliche Abhandlung über die Kunst der Selbstverteidigung“, Wien, Austria, Salzer, 1905, 23p, OJJ, RS.

Vogt, Martin, “Dschiu-Dschitsu du Japaner : das alte deutsche Freiringen“, München, Germany, Schmidtmann o.J., 1909, 66p, OJJ, RS.

Wolf, Horst (1917 – ), “Judo für Fortgeschrittene“, Berlin, Germany, Sportverlag, 1994[15], 183p, 184 x 123 x 12, PB, REP, DNB, ISBN 3548276180.

Wolf, Horst (1917 – ), “Judo für Fortgeschrittene“, Berlin, Germany, Sportverlag, 1986[14], 146p, 200 x 127 x 8, PB, REP, 3023, ISBN 3328001433.

Wolf, Horst (1917 – ), “Judo für Fortgeschrittene“, Berlin, Germany, Sportverlag, 1957 1968[7] 1970[8] 1972[9] 1974[10] 1978[11] 1981[12], 153p, 198 x 123 x 9, PB, REP, DNB.

Wolf, Horst (1917 – ), “Judo für Fortgeschrittene“, Berlin, Germany, Sportverlag, 1983[13], 146p, 19 cm, REP, DNB.

Wolf, Horst (1917 – ), “Judo für Fortgeschrittene“, Berlin, Germany, Sportverlag, 1957 1959[2] 1961[3] 1962[4] 1967[6] 1968[7], 141p, 192 x 123 x 12, HB, TCH, DNB.

Wolf, Horst (1917 – ), “Judo Kampfsport“, Berlin, Germany, Sportverlag, 1957[3], 139p, REP, NKC.

Wolf, Horst (1917 – ), “Judokampfsport“, Berlin, Germany, Sportverlag, 1986[19], 156p, 20 cm, REP, DNB, ISBN 3328001425.

Wolf, Horst (1917 – ), “Judo-Kampfsport“, Berlin, Germany, Sportverlag, 1962[8] 1963[9] 1966[10], 158p, 194 x 123 x 10, HB, REP, 3283.

Wolf, Horst (1917 – ), “Judokampfsport : die Technik und Methodik der Judogrundschule“, Berlin, Germany, Sportverlag, 1970[13] 1972[14] 1974[15] 1983[18], 156p, 194 x 123 x 10, HB, REP, DNB.

Wolf, Horst (1917 – ), “Judokampfsport : die Technik und Methodik der Judogrundschule“, Berlin, Germany, Sportverlag, 1978[16] 1981[17], 137p, 200 x 125 x 11, PB, TCH, DNB.

Wolf, Horst (1917 – ), “Judo-Kampfsport : die Technik und Methodik der Judo-Grundschule“, Berlin, Germany, Sportverlag, 1957[3] 1958[4] 1959[5] 1961[6] 1961[7], 144p, REP, DNB.

Wolf, Horst (1917 – ), “Judo-Kampfsport : die Technik und Methodik der Judo-Grundschule“, Berlin, Germany, Sportverlag, 1955 1956[2], 139p, TCH, DNB.

Wolf, Horst (1917 – ), “Judokampfsport : Technik und Methodik für Einsteiger“, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Ullstein, 1994, 176p, 184 x 123 x 12, PB, REP, DNB, ISBN 3548276164.

Wolf, Horst (1917 – ), “Judoselbstverteidigung“, Berlin, Germany, Sportverlag, 1970[12] 1974[14] 1975[15] 1976[16] 1978[17] 1981[18] 1983[19], 203p, 200 x 126 x 11, PB, REP, DNB.

Wolf, Horst (1917 – ) : Grimm, Frank, “Judo-Selbstverteidigung : Mit einem Beitrag über den juristischen Status der Notwehr von Frank Grimm“, Berlin, Germany, Sportverlag, 1958 1959[2] 1960[3] 1960[4] 1962[5] 1962[6] 1963[7] 1965[8] 1967[9] 1968[10], 197p, 193 x 123 x 13, HB, SD, DNB.

Wolf, Horst (1917 – ) : Friebel, Wilfried, “Judo-Selbstverteidigung : Mit einem Beitrag über den juristischen Status der Notwehr von W. Friebel“, Berlin, Germany, Sportverlag, 1969[11] 1971[13], 202p, REP, DNB.

Volkmann, Peter, “Gonosen no kata : die dynamischen gegenwürfe“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1995[6], 36p, 21 cm, REP, OLL, ISBN 3878920083.

Volkmann, Peter : Volkmann, Beatrice, “Gonosen-no-kata“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1982[4], 36p, 21 cm, REP, DNB, ISBN 3878920083.

Volkmann, Peter, “Gonosen-no-kata“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1970, 36p, 208 x 145 x 3, PB, KAT, DNB.

Volkmann, Peter : Volkmann, Beatrice, “Gonosen-no-kata : die klassischen Kontertechniken“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1988[5], 36p, 21 cm, REP, DNB, ISBN 3878920083.

Volkmann, Peter, “Itsutsu no kata“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 2003, 30p, 208 x 148 x 4, PB, REP, OLL, ISBN 3878920091.

Volkmann, Peter, “Itsutsu-no-kata“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1971 1982[3], 30p, 21 cm, KAT, DNB, ISBN 3878920091.

Volkmann, Peter, “Itsutsu-no-kata : die 5 traditionellen Judosymbole“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1991[4], 30p, 21 cm, REP, DNB, ISBN 3878920091.

Volkmann, Peter : Thiele, Frank, “Katame-no-kata“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1964[1] 1966[2], 38p, KAT, DNB.

Volkmann, Peter, “Katame-no-kata : die 15 fundamentalen Bodentechniken“, Berlin, Germany, Weinmann, 1982[9] 1986[10] 1990[11] 1995[12], 46p, 208 x 148 x 5, PB, KAT, OLL, ISBN 3878920067.

Woog, Günter (1926 – ), “Judo : Schule der Selbstverteidigung : Die Kunst der waffenlosen Abwehr“, München, Germany, Goldmann Wilhelm, 1973 1976[3] 1985, 275p, 18 cm, REP, DNB, ISBN 3442105145.

Woog, Günter (1926 – ), “Judo : Schule der Selbstverteidigung : Die waffenlosen Abwehr aller Arten von Angriffen“, München, Germany, Goldmann Wilhelm, 1969, 275p, 180 x 115 x 19, PB, TCH, DNB.

Woog, Günter (1926 – ), “Lehrbuch Jiu Jitsu : Judo-Selbstverteidigung“, Stuttgart, Meiringen, Germany, Loepthien, 1965, 222p, 22 cm, SD, DNB.

Württembergisches Dan-Kollegium,, “Ne-waza : Sammlung der Standard-Bodentechniken im Judo“, Ruppertshofen, Germany, MPM, Motion-Pictures-Media, 2003, 76p, 30 cm, NEW, DNB, ISBN 3980519627.

Zakl, Leo, “Jiu Jitsu und Judo im täglichen Leben“, Wien, Austria, Pechan, 1953, 56p, SD, ÖNB.

Zakl, Leo, “Jiu-Jitsu im täglichen Leben : Wie schütze ich mich gegen Überfälle“, Wien, Austria, Pechan, 1954[2] 1955[3] 1957[4] 1959[5] 1961[6] 1962[7] 1964[8] 1966[9], 64p, REP, ÖNB.

Zakl, Leo, “Jiu-Jitsu und Judo : Hilf dir selbst! Ein Lehrgang“, Wien, Austria, Pechan, 1951 1952[2] 1953[3], 48p, 146 x 102 x 3, PB, TCH, ÖNB.

Zakl, Leo, “Jiu-Jitsu und Judo : Hilf dir selbst! Ein Lehrgang“, Wien, Austria, Pechan, 1954[4] 1961[9] 1962[10] 1964[11] 1965[12] 1968[13], 51p, REP, ÖNB.

Galla, Ferenc (1929 – ) : Nadai, Pal, “A cselgancs kezikonyve“, Budapest, Hungary, Sport, 1961, 252p, 3281.

Galla, Ferenc (1929 – ) : Kovacs, Akos : Purman, Janos, “Cselgáncs“, Budapest?, Hungary, Sport Lap- es Konyvkiado, 1958, 303p, 17 cm, 3299.

Galla, Ferenc (1929 – ), “Cselgáncs (judo) és önvédelem (aikido)“, Budapest, Hungary, Sport, 1969, 276p, 24 cm, NSL.

Galla, Ferenc (1929 – ), “Judo : onvedelem“, Budapest, Hungary, Sport, 1962, 259p, 23 cm, 3246.

Galla, Ferenc (1929 – ), “Judo : önvédelem“, Budapest, Hungary, Sport, 1960[1] 1962[2] 1966[3] 1970[4], 259p, 20 cm, REP, NSL.

Galla, Ferenc (1929 – ), “Judo övvizsgák“, Budapest, Hungary, Sport, 1973, 291p, 20 cm, TPL.

Galla, Ferenc (1929 – ) : Horváth, István, “Judo övvizsgák“, Budapest, Hungary, Sport Kiadó, 1982[2], 431p, 21 cm, REP, NSL.

Geczkó, Sándor, “Cselgáncs judo“, Budapest, Hungary, Sport, 1968[7], 134p, 17 cm, REP, NSL.

Hudra, Árpád, “Cselgáncs judo“, Budapest, Hungary, Sport, 1964 1966[6], 80p, 17 cm, REP, NSL.

Komlóssy, Viktor (1956 – ), “Cselgáncs – judo Japánban“, Budapest, Hungary, BIP, 2002, 104p, 20 cm, NSL.

Nagy, György : Ősze, Attila, “Judo kyu vizsgák“, UL, Hungary, Mosonmagyaróvár : Delta SE, 2002, 94p, 31 cm, NSL.

Plavecz, Tamás, “Judo kisenciklopédia“, Budapest, Hungary, Hungaria Sport, 1988, 197p, 20 cm, NSL.

Sasaki, Kichisaburo (1872-1924) : Zoltán, Speidl (Dr.), “Djudo a japán dzsiu-dzsicu tökéletesített módszere“, Budapest, Hungary, Hornyánszky Viktor, 1907, 141p, 17 cm, TCH, 3505.

Schäfer, Andreas (1968 – ), “Judo“, Budapest, Hungary, Cser. K, 2006, 132p, 20 cm, TCH, NSL.

Stevens, John (1947 – ), “Három budo mester Kano (judo), Funakoshi (karate), Ueshiba (aikido)“, Budapest, Hungary, Hunor K., 1999, 147p, 21 cm, MEM, NSL.

Tibor, Vincze, “Cselgáncs judo“, Budapest, Hungary, Sport Kiadó, 1954[1], 89p, 20 cm, NSL.

Tibor, Vincze, “Cselgáncs judo“, Budapest, Hungary, Sport Kiadó, 1957[2], 159p, 20 cm, REP, NSL.

Tóth, Lajos, “Judo gyerekeknek írta és rajz“, Szombathely, Hungary, Bushido-Sensei BT, 1994, 117p, 21 cm, NSL.

Vági, Miklós, “Judo 50 földharcelem-átmeneti helyzetek“, Paks, Hungary, PAV, 1991, 35p, 21 cm, NSL.

Végh, József, “A judo elmélete“, Pápa, Hungary, Bakony Judo Klub, 1996, 95p, 21 cm, NSL.

Djojokoesoemo, Agoes S., “Jiu-jitsu/judo pembelaan diri ta’ bersendjata bagi petugas alat negara : polisi negara, angkatan perang dan pegawai pendjara“, Magelang, Indonesia, Pertjetakan Kedaulan Rakjat, 1958, 88p, 24 cm, KBC.

Elias, Dachjan, “Judo : sistim Kodokan / disusun oleh Dachjan“, Jakarta, Indonesia, P.J.S.I., 1963, 110p, 19 cm, TCH, NLA.

Elias, Dachjan, “Judo beladiri : untul anggauta Angkatan Kepolisian Republik“, Jakarta, Indonesia, Direktorat Pusat Pembinaan Djasmani Departemen Angkatan Kepolisian, 1966, 167p, 19 cm, LoC.

Elias, Dachjan, “Judo sistim kodokan disusun“, Jakarta, Indonesia, kata pengantar, 1963, 110p, 18 cm, LoC.

Noors, Atang M., “Dasar-dasar judo“, Jakarta, Indonesia, Dian Rakyat, 2000, 134p, TCH, NLB.

Bowen, Richard (1926 – ) : Hodkinson, Henry Malcolm (1931 – ) : Ólafsson, Torfi, “Judobókin“, Reykjavík, Iceland, Suðri, 1965, 181p, 20 cm, LaI.

Thorvaldsson, Eysteinn, “Leikreglur í judo : þýðing á keppnisreglum Alþjóða judosambandsins (IJF)“, Reykjavík, Iceland, Fræðslunefnd Íþróttasambands Íslands, 1982, 22p, 21 cm, LaI.

Ungmennafélag Keflavíkur,, “Auglýsingablað judo-deildar ungmennafélags Keflavíkur“, Keflavík, Iceland, Judo-deild UMFK, 1974, LaI.

Adams, Neil (1958 – ), “Le prese (Judo dei campioni)“, Roma, Italy, Edizioni Mediterranee, UD, 96p, LIB.

Addamiani, Silvano : Graddi, Pio, “Judo : attacco e difesa“, Roma, Italy, Editrice I.D.A.P., 1963, 203p, 28 cm, BnR.

Addamiani, Silvano, “Judo Kata : 1. Nage no kata 2. Katame no Kata“, Roma, Italy, Edizioni Mediterranee, 1975, 73p, 21 cm, KAT, BnR.

Addamiani, Silvano, “Judo Kata : 3. Kime no kata, 4. Ju no Kata“, Roma, Italy, Edizioni Mediterranee, 1976, 81p, 21 cm, KAT, BnR.

Addamiani, Silvano, “Judo Kata : 5. Kodokan goshin jitsu“, Roma, Italy, Edizioni Mediterranee, 1976, 73p, 21 cm, KAT, BnR.

Autori vari,, “Judo“, Roma, Italy, Centro Judoista Sakura, 1950, 99p, RS.

Autori vari,, “L’arte di difendersi per strada“, Milano, Italy, Istituto Hermes, 1930, 47p, 20 cm, LIB.

Barioli, César, “Enciclopedia del judo, vol. 1“, Milano, Italy, G. De Vecchi, 1959, 221p, 21 cm, BnR.

Barioli, César, “Enciclopedia del judo, vol. 2“, Milano, Italy, G. De Vecchi, 1959, 221p, 21 cm, BnR.

Barioli, César, “Enciclopedia del judo, vol. 3“, Milano, Italy, G. De Vecchi, 1959, 197p, 21 cm, BnR.

Barioli, César, “Enciclopedia del judo, vol. 4“, Milano, Italy, G. De Vecchi, 1959, 173p, 21 cm, BnR.

Barioli, César, “Il judo : da cintura bianca a cintura nera“, Milano, Italy, G. De Vecchi, 1986, 285p, 21 cm, REP, BBr.

Barioli, César, “Il judo : le tecniche, gli esercizi e il combattimento spiegati e illustrati da un grande campione e maestro“, Milano, Italy, De Vecchi, 1989, 63p, 20 cm, SEB, ISBN 8841280255.

Barioli, César, “Il judo in 12 lezioni“, Milano, Italy, G. De Vecchi, 1967, 207p, 24 cm, TCH, BnR.

Barioli, César, “Il judo in 12 lezioni : da cintura bianca a cintura nera“, Milano, Italy, G. De Vecchi, 1971 1977, 285p, 21 cm, REP, BnR.

Barioli, César, “Il libro del Judo : le tecniche originali giapponesi spiegate da un famoso campione e maestro“, Milano, Italy, G. De Vecchi, 1988, 207p, 24 cm, TCH, NEM, ISBN 8841220163.

Barioli, César, “Il libro del Judo : le tecniche originali giapponesi spiegate da un famoso campione e maestro“, Milano, Italy, G. De Vecchi, 1992 1996, 207p, 24 cm, REP, RBB, ISBN 8841213116.

Barioli, César, “L’avventura del Judo“, Milano, Italy, Vallardi, 2004, 224p, 209 x 139 x 14, PB, HIS, RBB, ISBN 8876963685.

Barraco, Giovanni, “Manuale di judo : lo sport di tutti“, Citta di Castello, Italy, Unione arti grafiche, 1958, 71p, 17 cm, BnR.

Benaglia, Davide : Gelpi, Giorgio, “Divertiamoci con il judo“, Milano, Italy, Rizzoli, 1986, 91p, 29 cm, SBN, ISBN 8817240257.

Bernardi, Marcello : Barioli, Cesare, “Marcello Bernardi e il judo : il giorno dell’utopia“, Milano, Italy, Vallardi, 2003, 127p, 21 cm, PRL, ISBN 8876963626.

Betti-Berutto, Tommaso, “Da cintura bianca a cintura nera : nozioni di judo“, Roma, Italy, Spada, 1996, 845p, 17 cm, REP, BnR, ISBN 888122125X.

Betti-Berutto, Tommaso, “Da cintura bianca a cintura nera : nozioni di judo“, Roma, Italy, Centro Judoista Sakura, 1956[1], 346p, 17 cm, 3241.

Betti-Berutto, Tommaso, “Da cintura bianca a cintura nera : nozioni di judo“, Roma, Italy, Spada, 1964[3] 1966[4] 1972[6] 1976 1985[10] 1987[11], 810p[3], 17 cm, REP, PRL.

Betti-Berutto, Tommaso, “Da cintura bianca a cintura nera : nozioni di judo“, Roma, Italy, Centro Judoista Sakura, 1958[2], 718p, 17 cm, BnR.

Betti-Berutto, Tommaso : Ferrante, Antonio, “Da cintura bianca a cintura nera : nozioni di judo e di arti marziali“, Roma, Italy, Spada, 2004[20], 742p, 168 x 120 x 38, PB, REP, PRL, ISBN 8881221454.

Betti-Berutto, Tommaso : Ferrante, Antonio, “Da cintura bianca a cintura nera : nozioni di judo e di arti marziali“, Roma, Italy, Nuova editrice spada, 2000, 759p, 17 cm, REP, PRL, ISBN 8881221454.

Betti-Berutto, Tommaso, “Da cintura bianca a cintura nera : nozioni di judo e di arti marziali“, Roma, Italy, SAET, 1964[3], 662p, 17 cm, REP, BnR.

Bianchi, Gino, “La dolce arte del Samuray“, Genova, Italy, G. Bianchi, 1956, 24 cm, 3294.

Bisi, Otello, “Capire il judo“, Reggio Emilia, Italy, Bizzocchi, 1989, 199p, 24 cm, BnR.

Bisi, Otello, “I Kata del Judo“, Reggio Emilia, Italy, Grafitalia edizioni, 2003, 215p, 31cm, KAT, BnR.

Blanchard, Luigi, “Judo : Manuale pratico“, Milano, Italy, G. Zibetti, 1957, 240p, TCH, BBr.

Capelletti, Franco : Ghetti, Roberto, “Il primo judo“, Milano, Italy, Sperling & Kupfer, 2002, 161p, 230 x 160 x 10, PB, KID, SEB, ISBN 8820033763.

Capelletti, Franco, “Il primo Judo“, Milano, Italy, Sperling & Kupfer, 2000 2002, 164p, 23 cm, TCH, NEM, ISBN 8820033763.

Capelletti, Franco : Zucchelli, F., “Judo terzo livello : tecnica e preparazione fisica“, Roma, Italy, Federazione italiana lotta pesi judo, 1988, 86p, 30 cm, TCH, BnR.

Cappelli, Pier Carlo, “Judo : guida tecnica per bambini e ragazzi“, Roma, Italy, FILPJ, 1987, 88p, 24 cm, KID, BnR.

Carmeni, Bruno, “Judo : tecniche a terra“, Padova, Italy, G. B., 1985, 135p, 24 cm, NEW, BnR, ISBN 8872060230.

Carmeni, Bruno, “Judo per noi“, Cortina d’Ampezzo, Italy, Print House, 1997, 103p, 24 cm, TCH, BnR.

Carmeni, Bruno, “Judo per tutti : metodo per allievi e insegnanti : la coscienza del corpo sano“, Padova, Italy, G. B., 1988 1989[2], 294p, 21 cm, BnR.

Centonza, Domenico, “Nozioni mediche per maestri di judo“, Roma, Italy, FIAP, 1967, 41p, 22 cm, BnR.

Ceracchini, Augusto, “ABC del judo“, Roma, Italy, Edizioni Mediterranee, 1966[2] 1973[5] 1976[7], 126p, 19 cm, PAR.

Ceracchini, Augusto, “Judo“, Roma, Italy, Edizioni Mediterranee, 1967, 19 cm, BnR.

Ceracchini, Augusto, “Judo 1r kyo : colpi e controcolpi“, Roma, Italy, Edizioni Mediterranee, 1967 1973[4], 97p, 19 cm, TCH, MBR.

Ceracchini, Augusto, “Judo 2° kyo : colpi e controcolpi“, Roma, Italy, Edizioni Mediterranee, 1969, 105p, 19 cm, TCH, BnR.

Ceracchini, Augusto, “Judo 3° kyo : colpi e controcolpi“, Roma, Italy, Edizioni Mediterranee, 1972 1975, 112p, 186 x 125 x 10, PB, TCH, PRL, ISBN 8827203443.

Ceracchini, Augusto, “Judo 4° kyo : colpi e controcolpi“, Roma, Italy, Edizioni Mediterranee, 1976, 96p, 209 x 151 x 8, PB, TCH, PRL, ISBN 8827203451.

Charlot, Emmanuel (1964 – ) : Bridge, Janet ; Franchini, marco, “Corso di Judo : la storia e la filosofia i principi fondamentali le techniche gli attacchi il combattimento“, Milano, Italy, De Vecchi, 2008, 205p, 240 x 170 x 11, PB, TCH, SEB, ISBN13 9788841220535.

Cherpillod, Armand, “Manuale del Jiu-Jitsu : Colpi in uso per le società di ginnastica, l’armata, il pubblico in genere“, Neuchâtel, France, Attinger Frères Éditeurs, 1906, 126p, OJJ, LIB.

Colombi, Franco, “Judo : di tutti e per tutti : educazione fisica, mentale, sport, difesa personale“, Bergamo, Italy, Velar, 1986, 131p, 29 cm, BnR.

Dando, Justin, “Judo“, Bologna, Italy, Ulisseia, 1991, 80p, 24 cm, TCH, BnR, ISBN 8841480203.

Falsoni, Ennio : Panada, Giuseppe, “Manuale pratico di judo“, Milano, Italy, G. De Vecchi, 1974, 190p, 21 cm, BnR.

Fati, Sergio : Tesini, Pino, “Judo : guida tecnica C.A.S“, Roma, Italy, Centro Studi Kata, 1987, 59p, 27 cm, BnR.

Federazione ILPJ,, “Scuola dello sport : il manuale dell’insegnante du judo“, Roma, Italy, F.I.L.P.J., 1985, 73p, 3516.

Feldenkrais, Moshe (1904 – 1984), “A. B. C. del judo : Jiu-Jitsu“, Roma, Italy, Edizioni Mediterranee, 1957, 123p, 19 cm, BnR.

Feldenkrais, Moshe (1904 – 1984), “Judo per Cinture Nere“, Roma, Italy, Edizioni Mediterranee, 1951 1955 1962[2] 1967[3], 232p, 19 cm, SEB.

Ferrante, Antonio, “Glossario del Judo“, Roma, Italy, Comitato Regionale Laziale settore Judo FILPJK, 1998, 64p, 19 cm, BnR.

Gaddi, Pio Giuseppe, “Il manuale dell’arbitro di Judo“, Roma, Italy, FILPJ, 1984, 123p, 24 cm, REF, BnR.

Gaddi, Pio Giuseppe, “Il manuale dell’insegnante di judo“, Roma, Italy, FILPJ, 1985, 73p, 24 cm, BnR.

Geesink, (Anton) Anthonius Johannes (1934 – ) : Pennington De Jongh, Nadine, “Lo Judo : un nuovo metode per imparare le tecniche di uno sport affascinante“, Milano, Italy, A. Mondadori, 1974, 219p, 185 x 130 x 17, PB, TCH, BnR.

Ghetti, Roberto, “Lezioni di judo“, Milano, Italy, De Vecchi, 1999 2004, 112p, 239 x 170 x 7, PB, TCH, BnR, ISBN 8841220449.

Giménez Sales, Miguel (1922 – ), “Judo : Lin Chutang“, Monte Cremasco, Italy, Cartedit, 1990, 156p, 19 cm, TCH, RBB, ISBN 8886170807.

Giraldi, Franco, “Judo-kata : shintai koki no kata“, Roma, Italy, Edizioni Mediterranee, 1975, 93p, 21 cm, KAT, BnR.

Giulietti, Emanuele (1975 – ), “Dimensione judo“, Roma, Italy, UP, 2006, 284p, 30 cm, TCH, PAR.

Glucker, August, “Jiu-jitsu : L’ inerme vince!“, Milano, Italy, Sperling & Kupfer, 1941 1945 1947, 104p, 238 x 158 x 7, PB, OJJ, RS.

Glucker, August, “L’inerme vince! Jiu-jitsu (Ju-do) : Autodifesa e sport“, Milano, Italy, Sperling & Kupfer, 1954, 106p, 24 cm, REP, JIP.

Hancock, Harrie Irving (1868 – 1922) : Higashi, Katsukuma, “Jigoro Kano : o l’origine del judo“, Milano, Italy, Luni, 2005, 278p, 24 cm, OJJ, PRL, ISBN 8874350740.

Harrington, Anthony Patrick, “Difenditi col judo : piccolo trattato di difesa personale“, Milano, Italy, Bietti, 1965, 239p, 18 cm, SD, SBN.

Harvey, (Mike) Maurice George (1923 – 2007), “Il vero Judo“, Milano, Italy, Longanesi, 1960 1972 1975[2], 156p, 19 cm, BBr.

Kanō, Jigorō (1860 – 1938), “Fondamenti del Judo“, Milano, Italy, Luni, 1997 2000 2005, 304p, 24 cm, TCH, PRL, ISBN 887984072X.

Kanō, Jigorō (1860 – 1938) : Marchiani, Guido, “Judo (Jujutsu)“, Roma, Italy, Eddizioni Mediterranee, 1995, 109p, 210 x 149 x 9, PB, NEM, ISBN 882721125X.

Kanō, Jigorō (1860 – 1938) : Rosoldi, A., “Kodokan judo“, Roma, Italy, Edizioni Mediterranee, 2005, 256p, 280 x 209 x 16, PB, REP, BnR, ISBN 8827217665.

Kanō, Jigorō (1860 – 1938) : Barioli, Cesare, “Kodokan judo“, Milano, Italy, A. Mondadori, 1993, 295p, 24 cm, TCH, BnR, ISBN 8804366834.

Kashiwazaki, Katsuhiko (1951 – ), “Tomoe-nage (Judo dei campioni)“, Roma, Italy, Edizioni Mediterranee, UD, 96p, TCH, LIB.

Klein, Yves (1928 – 1962) : Valenti, Stefano, “I fondamenti del judo : il corpo e lo spazio per il grande artista del Novecento“, Milano, Italy, Isbn Edizioni, 2007, 250p, 22 cm, KAT, RBB, ISBN 8876380620.

Klinger-Klingerstorff, Hubert (1920 – ), “Judo per autodifesa : manuale pratico illustrato“, Milano, Italy, Il castelo, 1965 1975[2], 160p, 22 cm, SD, PRL.

Koblev, J. K. : Rubanov, M. N. : Nevzorov, Vladimir M., “Judo moderno“, Milano, Italy, Ermes, 1988, 288p, 239 x 170 x 22, PB, TCH, BnR, ISBN 8870510549.

Kodokan, : Barioli, Cesare, “Judo Kodokan“, Milano, Italy, A. Mondadori, 1993, 295p, 24 cm, TCH, BnR.

Kodokan, : Barioli, Cesare, “Kodokan judo“, Milano, Italy, A. Mondadori, 1977, 295p, 24 cm, TCH, BnR.

Koike, Tadashi (1927 – ) : Boulet, Michele, “Judo : da cintura bianca a cintura gialla“, Milano, Italy, De Vecchi, 1974, 87p, 26 cm, TCH, 3243.

Koike, Tadashi (1927 – ) : Boulet, Michele, “Le Judo aujourd’hui : Manuel practique“, Paris, France, De Vecchi, 1985, 94p, 19 cm, REP, BnR, ISBN 2732820237.

Kudō, Kazuzō (1898 – 1970) : De Zio, Enzo, “Judo in azione : Tecniche di corpo a corpo“, Roma, Italy, Eddizioni Mediterranee, 1989, 128p, 22 cm, REP, RBB, ISBN 8827203524.

Kudō, Kazuzō (1898 – 1970) : De Zio, Enzo, “Judo in azione : Tecniche di corpo a corpo“, Roma, Italy, Eddizioni Mediterranee, 1970, 127p, 21 cm, NEW, PRL.

Kudō, Kazuzō (1898 – 1970) : De Zio, Enzo, “Judo in azione : Tecniche di lancio“, Roma, Italy, Eddizioni Mediterranee, 1970 1975, 128p, 21 cm, TCH, PRL.

Maino, Pierattilio, “Caro judo : judo per bambini e ragazzi“, Gorle, Italy, Velar, 1988, 40p, 30 cm, BnR.

Margazagalli, Marco, “Approfondimenti del primo gruppo del Go-kyo“, Milano, Italy, La Comune, 1994, 148p, 29 cm x 21 cm, PB, TCH, LIB.

Margazagalli, Marco, “Origine e significati dei Kata del judo“, Milano, Italy, La Comune, 1994, 43p, 26 cm x 17,5 cm, PB, KAT, LIB.

Miki, Noburo, “Judo per ragazzi : da cintura bianca a cintura gialla“, UL, Italy, UP, 1990, 31p, 21 cm x 15 cm, BnR.

Nakabayashi, Sadaki, “Judo“, Milano, Italy, Sperling & Kupfer, 1976 1980, 143p, 23 cm, TCH, BBr, ISBN 8820005352.

Okano, Isao (1944 – ) : Sato, Tetsuya, “judo vitale : Tecniche di lotta a terra“, Roma, Italy, Edizioni Mediterranee, 1977 1994, 192p, 255 x 172 x 11, PB, TCH, PRL, ISBN 8827203508.

Okano, Isao (1944 – ) : Sato, Tetsuya, “judo vitale : Tecniche di Proiezione“, Roma, Italy, Edizioni Mediterranee, 1977 1994, 192p, 255 x 172 x 11, PB, TCH, PRL, ISBN 8827203494.

Oletti, Carlo (1886 – 1964), “Applicazioni di Judo“, Roma, Italy, Nettuno, 1925, 85p, RS.

Oletti, Carlo (1886 – 1964), “Applicazioni di Judo“, Nettuno, Italy, Scuola Allievi Guardie di P. S, 1949, 88p, REP, BnR.

Oletti, Carlo (1886 – 1964), “La difesa personale“, Roma, Italy, Marte, 1922, 133p, TCH, LIB.

Oletti, Carlo (1886 – 1964), “Manuale di judo“, Nettuno, Italy, Scuola Allievi Guardie di P.S., 1956, 134p, 18 cm, SEB.

Oletti, Carlo (1886 – 1964), “Manuale di lotta giapponese moderna (Judo)“, Roma, Italy, Federazione Italiana Atletica Pesante, 1949, 90p, 19 cm, TCH, RS.

Oletti, Carlo (1886 – 1964), “Trattato completo di jiu-jitsu : Metodo teorico- pratico di educazione fisica, lotta, difesa personale e kautsu“, Firenze, Italy, Ferruccio Bacher, 1926, 336p, TCH, 3298.

Pierro, Donato Di, “Judo Technico“, UL, United Kingdom, Lulu.com, 2009, 256p, 229 x 152, PB, TCH, LIB, ISBN13 9781409272014.

Putin, Vladimir Vladimirovich (1952 – ) : Shestakov, Vasily (1953 – ) : Levittsky, Alexey (1953 – ), “impara il Judo con Putin“, Milano, Italy, A. Mondadori, 2001, 194p, 244 x 196 x 16, HB, TCH, RBB, ISBN 8804497270.

Rahn, Erich (1885 – 1973), “La tremenda forza del Ju-Jitsu : 200 colpi di attacco e di difesa“, Milano, Italy, De Vecchi, 1964, 270p, PB, RS.

Reay, Tony : Crocetti, Enzo, “A scuola di… Judo“, Milano, Italy, Edizioni Paoline, 1990, 92p, 24 cm, PAR, ISBN 8821519899.

Renaud, Joseph, “La difesa personale“, Milano, Italy, Sonzogno, 1926, 230p, SD, RS.

Renault, Jean-François : Ghirardelli, Antonio, “Imparo lo judo“, Milano, Italy, A. Mondadori, 1978, 139p, 19 cm, PRL.

Reuter, Giovanni, “Jiu jitsu – trattato di autodifesa“, Milano, Italy, Sperling & Kupfer, 1923, 63p, SD, LIB.

Robert, Luis, “Judo“, Milano, Italy, Pan, 1991, 445p, 20 cm, REP, PRL, ISBN 8872170281.

Robert, Luis, “Judo“, Milano, Italy, SIAD, 1983, 445p, 19 cm, TCH, NEM.

Sacripanti, Attilio, “Biomeccanica del Judo“, Roma, Italy, Eddizioni Mediterranee, 1989, 205p, 24 cm, COA, PAR, ISBN 8827203486.

Sato, Nobuyuki (1944 – ), “Ashi-waza (Judo dei campioni)“, Roma, Italy, Edizioni Mediterranee, 1992, 111p, 24 cm, TCH, BnR, ISBN 8827201688.

Schioppa, Antonio : Nicoli, Umberto, “Come apprendere il judo : nozioni utili per i principianti : guida indicativa e pratica al conseguimento delle promozioni sino alla cintura marrone“, Parma, Italy, Nicoli, 1977, 148p, 21 cm, BnR.

Serani, Bindo A., “Judo“, Milano, Italy, Sperling & Kupfer, 1960[6], 227p, 23 cm, REP, BBr.

Serani, Bindo A., “Judo“, Milano, Italy, Sperling & Kupfer, 1957[4] 1958[5], 207p, 23 cm, REP, BBr.

Serani, Bindo A., “Judo“, Milano, Italy, Sperling & Kupfer, 1965[9], 287p, 23 cm, REP, PRL.

Serani, Bindo A., “Judo“, Milano, Italy, Sperling & Kupfer, 1972[10], 285p, 21 cm, REP, BBr.

Serani, Bindo A., “Judo“, Milano, Italy, Sperling & Kupfer, 1961[7], 261p, 23 cm, REP, BnR.

Serani, Bindo A., “Judo“, Milano, Italy, Sperling & Kupfer, 1963[8], 294p, 24 cm, REP, BnR.

Serani, Bindo A., “Judo : l’intelligenza al servizio dell’arte di difesa e di attacco“, Milano, Italy, Sperling & Kupfer, 1955[2], 176p, 23 cm, REP, BBr.

Serani, Bindo A., “Judo : l’intelligenza al servizio dell’arte di difesa e di attacco“, Milano, Italy, Sperling & Kupfer, 1953[1], 132p, 24 cm, TCH, BnR.

Serani, Bindo A., “Judo : Sport e Difesa Personale“, Milano, Italy, Sperling & Kupfer, 1953, 132p, 24 cm x 16 cm, TCH, RS.

Sozzi, Giuseppe, “Impariamo il Judo!“, Roma, Italy, FILPJ, 1983 1988, 35p, 27 cm, KID, SEB.

Sozzi, Giuseppe, “Insegnamo il Judo“, Roma, Italy, FILPJ, 1988, 63p, COA, LIB.

Stevens, John (1947 – ) : Fonseca, Vittorio Zucconi Galli, “I maestri del Budo : Jigoro Kano (Judo), Gichin Funakoshi (Karate), Morihei Ueshiba (Aikido)“, Roma, Italy, Edizioni Mediterranee, 1997, 106p, 22 cm, MEM, NEM.

Sugiyama, Shoji (1933 – ), “Ju-No-Kata“, Torino, Italy, Centro Studi Kata, 1980, KAT, LIB.

Sugiyama, Shoji (1933 – ), “Katame-No-Kata“, Torino, Italy, Centro Studi Kata, 1983, KAT, LIB.

Sugiyama, Shoji (1933 – ), “Kime-No-Kata“, Torino, Italy, Centro Studi Kata, 1985, 28p, 21 cm, KAT, BnR.

Sugiyama, Shoji (1933 – ), “Kodokan goshinjitsu“, Torino, Italy, Centro Studi Kata, 1987, 32p, 21 cm, KAT, BnR.

Sugiyama, Shoji (1933 – ), “Nage-No-Kata“, Torino, Italy, Centro Studi Kata, 1982, KAT, LIB.

Watson, Brian N. (1942 – ), “Il padre del judo : Una biografia di Jigoro Kano“, Roma, Italy, Edizioni Mediterranee, 2005, 208p, 16 cm, HIS, PRL, ISBN 8827217657.

Vial, Patrick : Roche, Daniel : Fradet, Claude : Vettor, Paolo, “Il Judo : l’evoluzione della competizione“, Roma, Italy, Edizioni Mediterranee, 1984, 243p, 25 cm, SEB.

Vismara, Alfredo (1948 – ) : Vismara, Giuseppe, “Judo : Tecniche di controllo : katame waza“, Milano, Italy, Longanesi, 1996, 224p, 24 cm, REP, BBr, ISBN 8830413410.

Vismara, Alfredo (1948 – ) : Vismara, Giuseppe, “Judo : Tecniche di controllo : katame waza“, Milano, Italy, Longanesi, 1986, 221p, 25 cm, TCH, BBr, ISBN 8830406651.

Vismara, Alfredo (1948 – ), “Judo competizione“, Milano, Italy, Longanesi, 1979, 187p, 25 cm, TCH, BBr, ISBN 8830405035.

Vismara, Alfredo (1948 – ) : Vismara, Giuseppe, “Ju-no-kata, Itsutsu-no-kata, koshiki-no-kata“, Milano, Italy, R.R. Stampatori Poliglotta, 1992, LIB.

Vismara, Alfredo (1948 – ) : Vismara, Giuseppe, “Kime-no-kata, Kodokan-Goshin-Jutsu“, UL, Italy, Meroni Editrice, 1985, KAT, LIB.

Vismara, Alfredo (1948 – ), “Ne waza (Judo dei campioni)“, Roma, Italy, Edizioni Mediterranee, 1994, 96p, 238 x 169 x 8, PB, TCH, BnR, ISBN 8827210008.

Vismara, Alfredo (1948 – ) : Vismara, Giuseppe, “Randori-no-kata : Nage-no-kata, Katame-no-kata“, UL, Italy, Meroni Editrice, 1984, KAT, LIB.

Vismara, Giuseppe, “Impariamo a difenderci con il judo : shinken shobu waza“, Bergamo, Italy, Walk over, 1982, 109p, 21 cm, RBB.

Vismara, Giuseppe, “Impariamo a difenderci con il judo : shinken shobu waza“, Milano, Italy, Forte, 1983, 111p, 21 cm, REP, RBB.

Yokoyama, Sakujirō (1864 – 1914) : Oshima, Eisuke, “Jūdō di Sakujirō Yokoyama e Eisuke Oshima“, Milano, Italy, La Comune, 2008, 208p, 19 cm x 13 cm, PB, TCH, LIB, ISBN13 9788890332432.

Bartulis, Vytautas (1954 – ), “Dziudo technikos mokymas ir tobulinimas : mokomasis leidinys“, Kaunas, Lithuania, Lietuvos kūno kultūros institutas, 1998, 53p, LNL.

Bartulis, Vytautas (1954 – ), “Dziudo technikos pagrindai : mokymo priemonė LKKI studentams ir treneriams“, Vilnus, Lithuania, UP, 1991, 39p, LNL.

Bubnelis, Antanas, “LŽŪU savigynos-dziudo imtynių mokyklos 30-metis“, Kaunas, Lithuania, LŽŪU leidyb. Centras, 1998, 44p, LNL.

Majus, A., “Dziudžitsu : japonų mokslas apie žmogaus sveikatą : metodinis kūno lavinimas ir japonų atletų veiksmai“, Kaunas, Lithuania, Antikvaras, 1940, 112p, OJJ, LNL.

Mečkovskis, Algis (1960 – ) : Raglys, Vitalijus : Gušauskas, Vytautas, “Dziudo savigynai ; Gynimasis nuo užpuolimų : mokomasis metodinis leidinys“, Vilnus, Lithuania, Lietuvos teisės universitetas Leidybos centras, 2001, 23p, 21 cm, LNL.

Naužemys, Remigijus (1940 – ) : Sinkevičius, Vigmantas, “Dziudo : veiksmų technika, treniruočių metodika“, Kaunas, Lithuania, Lietuvos dziudo federacija, 2005, 160p, 30 cm, LNL.

Plzák, Miroslav (1925 – ), “Sutuoktinių dziudo : Skęstanti santuoka“, Vilinus, Lithuania, Alma littera, 2005, 413p, 20 cm, LNL, ISBN 9955086734.

Ilik, Guro, “Džudo“, Bitola, Macedonia, Džudo klub “Palister”, 1984, 115p, 20 cm, SNU.

UA,, “Judo“, Kuala Lumpur, Malesia, Fargoes, 1984, 64p, 17 cm, TCH, LIB.

Andreassen, Hans Petter, “Judo grunnkurs i kampregler studiehefte“, Oslo, Norway, Rud Norges judoforbund, 1983, 24p, TCH, LIB.

Cronholm, Viking (1874 – 1961), “Jiu-jitsu grep : japansk system for selvforsvar“, Stockholm, Sweden, Asplund, 1935[4] 1958[11], 83p, REP, NLS.

Cronholm, Viking (1874 – 1961), “Jiu-jitsu grep : japansk system for selvforsvar“, Stockholm, Sweden, G. Asplunds förl., 1930[1], 69p, SD, NLS.

Giertsen, Johan Christopher, “Judo : aktivitetslederkurs“, Oslo, Norway, Rud Norges judoforbund, 1981, 58p, LIB.

Gyllerström, Kenneth (1934 – ) : Møst, Annemor, “Jiu-jitsu og judo : en veiledning i selvforsvar“, Oslo, Norway, Cappelen, 1967[1] 1973[3] 1997[4], 99p, TCH, NNB, ISBN 8202028167.

Melberg, Sam, “Jiu-jitsu (Zyu-zyutu) knep og parader til selvforsvar“, Oslo, Norway, Förlagshuset, 1942 1947, 142p, HB, OJJ, MBR.

Schönning, Hakon, “Selvforsvar, Jiu jitsu og politigrep“, Oslo, Norway, Aschehoug, 1931, 104p, SJJ, RS.

Błach, Wiesław (1962- ), “Judo : wybrane zagadnienia treningu i walki sportowej“, Warszawa, Poland, Centralny Ośrodek Sportu, 2005, 110p, 24 cm, WPL, ISBN 8360052042.

Dmowski, Zygmunt : Skubis, Jacek, “Zapasy judo“, Warszawa, Poland, Sport i Turystyka, 1976, 134p, 21 cm, HB, WPL.

Hapek, Franciszek, “Judo : (wg Go-kyo)“, Kraków, Poland, Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego w Krakowie, 1976 1984[2], 189p, 25 cm, WPL.

Hapek, Franciszek, “Judo : nowa technika i metodyka nauczania oraz profilaktyka uszkodzeń w okresie wstępnym“, Kraków, Poland, Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego w Krakowie, 1974, 81p, 24 cm, TCH, WPL.

Hapek, Franciszek, “Judo : technika, metodyka nauczania i profilaktyka uszkodzeń“, Kraków, Poland, Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego w Krakowie, 1977, 81p, 24 cm, TCH, WPL.

Jaskólskiego, Ewarysta, “Przewodnik do ćwiczeń z judo“, Wrocław, Poland, Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu, 1986, 104p, 24 cm, WPL.

Kalina, Roman Maciej, “Propedeutyka sportów walki – podstawy judo : Combat sports propaedeutics – basics of judo“, Warszawa, Poland, Wydawnictwa Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego, 2003, 78p, 24 cm, WPL, ISBN 8387210897.

Laskowski, Radosław, “Skuteczność techniczna i taktyczna zawodniczek reprezentacji Polski w judo w wieloletnim procesie treningowym“, Gdańsk, Poland, Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego i Sportu im. Jędrzeja Śniadeckiego, 2006, 97p, 24 cm, WPL.

Matveev, Sergej Fedorovič : Jagiełło, Władysław, “Judo : trening sportowy“, Warszawa, Poland, Centralny Ośrodek Sportu : Resortowe Centrum Metodyczno-Szkoleniowe Kultury Fizycznej i Sportu, 1997, 85p, 24 cm, COA, WPL, ISBN 8386504277.

Nastula, Paweł (1970 – ), “Moje judo“, Warszawa, Poland, Prószyński i S-ka, 2000, 127p, 28 cm, MEM, WPL, ISBN 8372555745.

Pawluk, Janusz, “Judo mistrzów“, Warszawa, Poland, Sport i Turystyka, 1975 1981[2], 124p, 24 cm, Tis.

Pawluk, Janusz, “Judo sportowe“, Warszawa, Poland, Sport i Turystyka, 1973 1988[3], 145p, 24 cm, Tis.

Pawluk, Janusz, “Teoria Treningu Judo“, Warszawa, Poland, Sport i Turystyka, 1973, Tis.

Pustelnik, Józef, “Usprawnienie ruchowe dzieci poprzez wybrane elementy judo“, Warszawa, Poland, Promo-Lider, 1995, 75p, 24 cm, WPL, ISBN 8386630205.

Ruszniak, Ryszard : Zieniawa, Ryszard, “Judo : pomost pomiędzy tradycją i współczesnością“, Gdańsk, Poland, Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego i Sportu im. Jędrzeja Śniadeckiego. Wydaw. Uczelniane, 2003, 254p, 24 cm, TCH, WPL, ISBN 8389227606.

Ruszniak, Ryszard : Zieniawa, Ryszard, “Judo : pomost pomiędzy tradycją i współczesnością“, Gdańsk, Poland, Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego i Sportu im. Jędrzeja Śniadeckiego, 2006, 306p, 24 cm, REP, WPL, ISBN 8389227606.

Sikorski, Waldemar, “Aktualne problemy treningu i walki sportowej w judo“, Warszawa, Poland, Wydawnictwa IS, 1985, 146p, 20 cm, WPL.

Skut, Bogusław, “Judo w samoobronie“, Warszawa, Poland, Sport i Turystyka, 1972[2], 87p, 18 cm, WPL.

Ślawski, Jan, “Judo – pierwszy krok“, Warszawa, Poland, Sprint, 1997, 38p, 29 cm x 20 cm, WPL, ISBN 8386777184.

Stephan, Erich : Jungraw, J., “Samoobrona w obrazach“, Warszawa, Poland, Arcta, 1925, 12p, SD, DNB.

Stevens, John (1947 – ), “Trzej mistrzowie budo : Jigoro Kano (judo), Gichin Funakoshi (karate), Morihei Ueshiba (aikido)“, Bydgoszcz, Poland, Diamond Books, 2001, 143p, 20 cm, WPL.

UA,, “Judo : kombinacje i kontrrzuty“, Wrocław, Poland, Polifot : na zlec. Agencji Budo, 1995, 56p, 21 cm, TCH, WPL, ISBN 8390723514.

Wojno, Adam (1943 – ), “Wrocławskie judo“, Wrocław, Poland, Agencja Ochronna Budo, 1999, 151p, 21 cm, WPL, ISBN 8391187403.

Adami, Jean-Pierre : Couturier, Gérard, “A criança e a actividade física e desportiva : judo“, Lisboa, Portugal, �tica, 1970, 64p, 21 cm, BLX.

Adami, Jean-Pierre : Couturier, Gérard, “Judo“, Lisboa, Portugal, Direcção Geral dos Desportos, 1970 1984, 64p, 21 cm, BLX.

Adnet, Julio Cezar Simoes, “Judô : luta dos fortes“, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Printer Gráfica Formulários Contínuos, UD, TCH, LIB.

Almada, Fernando, “Judo : análise mecânica das técnicas de Projecção do Gókio“, Lisboa, Portugal, Instituto Superior de Educaçao Física, 1980, 118p, 23 cm, RBU.

André, Émile, “100 maneiras de nos defendermos na rua com armas“, Lisboa, Portugal, Empresa Lusitana Editora, 1911, 123p, SD, MBR.

Arpin, Louis (1932 – ), “Livro de Judô : de pé : tachi-waza (go-kyo)“, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Record, 1970, 174p, 208 x 138 x 10, PB, TCH, BNB, ISBN 8510189943.

Arpin, Louis (1932 – ), “Livro de Judô : no solo“, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Record, 1971, 198p, NEW, BNB, ISBN 8501018996.

Baptista, Carlos Fernando dos Santos, “Judô : da escola à competicão“, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sprint, 1999 2000 2003[3], 97p, 208 x 138 x 5, PB, KID, BNP, ISBN 8573320818.

Birod, Manfred : Terenas, Maria João, “Judo : técnica, treino, táctica“, Lisboa, Portugal, Casa do Livro, 1982, 173p, 18 cm, TCH, BLX.

Bonét-Maury, Paul Albert Antoine (1900 – ) : Courtine, Henri : Ithurriague, Madeleine, “O Judo“, Porto, Portugal, Res, 1975 1995, 155p, TCH, BLX.

Bonfranchi, Riccardo (1950 – ) : Klocke, Ulrich, “Vamos aprender judo“, Lisboa, Portugal, Ulisseia, 1970, 92p, TCH, BLX.

Bonfranchi, Riccardo (1950 – ) : Raab, Peter : Moreira Maria : Ferreira Orlando, “Vamos aprender judo“, Lisboa, Portugal, Ulisseia, 1978, 92p, REP, BLX.

Brandaõ, André Fernando : Jucá, Ricardo, “Brazilian Jiu-jitsu & Defesa pessoal : Volume I“, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Freitas Bastost Editora, 2000, 108p, 230 x 178 x 7, PB, BJJ, LIB, ISBN 8535302069.

Butcher, Alex, “Judo : Guia essencial para dominar a arte“, Lisboa, Portugal, Estampa, 2003, 96p, 270 x 201 x 12, HB, TCH, BLX, ISBN 9723318687.

Caldas, José Luís de, “Judo : contos“, Braga, Portugal, Pöhler, 1910, 22 cm, BNP.

Carlos, Santos : Dos, Fernando, “Judô : Da escola a competiçao“, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sprint, 2000, 98p, LIB, ISBN 8573320818.

Catalano Calleja, Carlos : Yamasaki, S., “Iniciação ao judô“, Sao Paulo, Brazil, s.c.p, 1968 1985[2], LIB.

Catalano Calleja, Carlos, “Judô (Caderno Técnico-Didático)“, Brazilia, Brazil, MEC – National Department of Physical Education and Sports, 1982, 99p, BNB.

Catalano Calleja, Carlos, “Pequeno guia de Judô“, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Star Gráfica, UD, LIB.

Costa, Antonio Oliveira, “Judo“, UL, Brazil, Confederacao Brasileira de Judo, 1981, 62p, UFJ.

Costa, Emílio M. : Costa, Camilo Silveira da (1920 – ), “Judo : técnicas mais competitivas“, Lisboa, Portugal, Francisco Franco, 1982, 126p, 18 cm, TCH, BNP.

Costa Branco, José : Monge da Silva, David : Costa Matos, Fernando : Martins de Carvalho, Fausto, “Judo : da iniciacáo à competicáo“, Coimbra, Brazil, Centelha, 1983, 177p, MBR.

Custódio, Nelson Barreiros : Mafra, José Carlos, “Judô : nosso universo“, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, UP, 2001, 109p, 22 cm, BRJ.

de Lima e Silva, Waldemar, “Defesa pessoal : método eclético – Box – Jiu-jitsu – Capoeiragem – Luta livre“, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Borsoi, 1951, 237p, SD, MBR.

Deliberador, Ângelo Peruca, “Judô : metodologia da participação“, Londrina, PR, Brazil, Lido, 1996, 167p, 22 cm, CBB, ISBN 858594806X.

Disney, Walt (1901 – 1966) : Morand Claude, “Goofy campeão de judo“, Lisboa, Portugal, CEIG, 1980, 16p, KID, BLX.

Duncan, Oswaldo, “Judo : luta no chao (Katame-Waza)“, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Tecnoprint, 1980 1998[3], 178p, 21 cm, NEW, BRJ, ISBN 8500181672.

Duncan, Oswaldo, “Judô para principiantes : o espírito e as técnicas fundamentais do judô“, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Edicoes de Ouro, 1979, 126p, 21 cm, BLX.

Duncan, Oswaldo, “Judo-Katas“, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Tecnoprint, 1979, 185p, 21 cm, KAT, CBB.

Fradet, Claude, “Judo para nós : a progressão francesa destinada aos jovens : Vol 1 Cinto branco, cinto amarelo“, Lisboa, Portugal, Direcção Geral dos Desportos, 1976, 48p, 15 cm x 23 cm, TCH, BNP.

Fradet, Claude, “Judo para nós : a progressão francesa destinada aos jovens : Vol 2 Cinto laranja, cinto verde“, Lisboa, Portugal, Direcção Geral dos Desportos, 1976, 48p, 15 cm x 23 cm, TCH, BNP.

Fradet, Claude, “Judo para nós : a progressão francesa destinada aos jovens : Vol. 3 Cinto azul, cinto castanho“, Lisboa, Portugal, Direcção Geral dos Desportos, 1976, 15 cm x 23 cm, TCH, BNP.

Franchini, Emerson, “Judô : Desempenho competitivo“, Barueri, SP, Brazil, Manole, 2001, 254p, 228 x 158 x 18, PB, COA, CBB, ISBN 8520411878.

Franchini, Emerson : Boscolo, Fabrício del vacchio, “Preparação Física para Atletas de Judô“, UL, Brazil, Phorte Editora, 2007, 184p, 238 x 178 x 12, PB, COA, LIB, ISBN13 9788576551508.

Fuji, Tomy, “Judô“, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Gepe Editorial, 1957, TCH, MBR.

Galan, Isaac Rubio, “Principios basicos para iniciar-se en judo : Programa para cinto negro“, UL, Brazil, UP, 1969, LIB.

Gama, Raimundo Joao, “Manual de iniciação do Judô“, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Palestra, 1986, 108p, 28 cm x 19 cm, BNB.

Giménez Sales, Miguel (1922 – ) : Junqueira, Fernando, “O Judô : Lin Chutang“, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, Mandala, 2002, 121p, 21 cm, TCH, CBB, ISBN 8531904277.

Gleeson, Geoffrey Robert (1927 – 1994), “Judo : tudo sobre o judo“, Lisboa, Portugal, Publicações Europa-América, 1975 1982, 142p, 20 cm x 20 cm, TCH, BNP, ISBN 0380062962.

Goncalves, Armando, “A defesa na rua“, Porto, Portugal, Livraria Simoes Lopez, 1936, 106p, SD, RS.

Goncalves, Armando, “O fraco vence o forte, golpes de Jiu-jitsu, ou Judo, sistema nipónico de educacáo física e de defesa individual“, Porto, Portugal, Livraria Fernando Machado, 1947, 68p, MBR.

Gracie, Helio (1913 – 2009), “Gracie Jiu-jitsu“, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Editora Saraiva, 2007, 277p, 284 x 213 x 20, HB, BJJ, LIB, ISBN13 9788502061842.

Guedes, Onacir Carneiro, “Judô : evolução técnica e competição“, Idéia, Brazil, João Pessoa, 2001, 191p, 21 cm, BNB, ISBN 8575390120.

Gurgel, Fabio Duca do Amaral, “Manual do Jiu-jitsu : Volume I : Básico“, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Axcel books do Brazil Editora, 2000, 110p, 234 x 188 x 13, HB, BJJ, LIB, ISBN 8573231181.

Gurgel, Fabio Duca do Amaral, “Manual do Jiu-jitsu : Volume II : Intermediário“, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Axcel books do Brazil Editora, 2000, 97p, 234 x 188 x 13, HB, BJJ, LIB, ISBN 8573231785.

Gurgel, Fabio Duca do Amaral, “Manual do Jiu-jitsu : Volume III : Avancado“, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Axcel books do Brazil Editora, 2000, 101p, 234 x 188 x 13, HB, BJJ, LIB, ISBN 8573231874.

Hancock, Harrie Irving (1868 – 1922) : Higashi, Katsukuma, “Jiu-jitsu : Tratado pratico de preparacáo e de combate“, Lisboa, Portugal, Lusitana editora, 1908, OJJ, MBR.

Harrison, Ernest John (1873 – 1961) : Cary, Maria do Carmo, “ABC do Judo“, Lisboa, Portugal, Editorial Presença, 1979[2] 1982 1984, 158p, 21 cm, BNP, ISBN 9722304984.

Honda, Marco K., “Judo“, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Letras & Letras, 1991, 168p, 21 cm, TCH, BNB, ISBN 8585387025.

Janicot, Didier : Pouillart, Gilbert, “O Judo : A técnica, a táctica, a prática“, Lisboa, Portugal, Editorial Estampa, 1997[1] 1999[2], 126p, 26 cm, TCH, BLX, ISBN 9723314614.

Kanō, Jigorō (1860 – 1938), “Energia Mental e Física : Escritos do Fundador do Judô“, UL, Brazil, Pensamento, 2008, BF, LIB.

Kawaishi, Awasu, “Judô : agenda memória do judoca“, Porto Alegre, Brazil, Rígel, 1995, 125p, 21 cm, CBB, ISBN 8585186674.

Keizei, Minami, “Manual prático de judô : o caminho suave“, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Nova Stampa, 1995, 96p, BNB.

Klinger-Klingerstorff, Hubert (1920 – ) : Menezes, Renaud, “Judô sem mestre : em 500 ilustracoes e Aplicacao a Defesa Pessoal“, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Edicóes de Ouro, 196619671969 1970, 163p, 159 x 108 x 12, PB, TCH, BRJ, ISBN 8500403519.

Klinger-Klingerstorff, Hubert (1920 – ) : Menezes, Renaud, “Judô sem mestre : em 500 ilustracoes e Aplicacao a Defesa Pessoal“, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Edicóes de Ouro, 1977, 174p, 16 cm x 11 cm, REP, CBB, ISBN 8500403519.

Kobayashi, Kiyoshi (1925 – ), “Tele Judo e Kareté-do“, Lisboa, Portugal, Liber, 1977, 27 cm, TCH, BNP.

Koyama, K. : Minami, A., “Jiu-Jitsu“, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Componhia Brazil Editoria, UD, OJJ, JIP.

Kudo, Kazuzo (1898 – 1970), “Judo em acao“, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Sol, 1977, 127p, TCH, UFJ.

Kudo, Kazuzo (1898 – 1970), “Judo em acao: Nage-Waza“, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Sol, 1972, 128p, TCH, UFJ.

Lasserre, Robert, “Atemis e Jiu-Jitsu“, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Mestre Jou, 1969, SD, LIB.

Lasserre, Robert, “Judo : manual pratico segundo a tecnica do Kodokan“, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Mestre Jou, 1975[2], 287p, TCH, UFJ.

Loyola, Hollanda, “Jui-jitsu“, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Companhia Brasil, 1940, 101p, BNB.

Machado, David : Calleja, Camargo : Catalano, Carlos, “Manual de educação física: Natação, judô“, Sao Paulo, Brazil, EPU, 1975, 84p, BVR.

Martel, Pierre (1920 – ) : Nascimento, Marieta, “O judo : para defesa, para distensão“, Porto, Portugal, Edinter, 1978, 91p, 21 cm, REP, BNP.

Martel, Pierre (1920 – ) : Nascimento, Marieta, “O judo : para defesa, para distensão“, Porto, Portugal, Edinter, 1976, 84p, 21 cm, TCH, BNP.

Matos, F. Costa : Pedreira, M. : Branco, J. Costa, “Judo : plano de desenvolvimento de judo“, Lisboa, Portugal, Direcção Geral dos Desportos, 1975, 82p, 21 cm, RBU.

Menaut, Eduardo Niezen, “Judo : para ninos y metodologia de su ensenanza“, Lima, Portugal, E.N.M.?, 1970, 296p, 22 cm, 3242.

Mendonça, Rui de, “Judo sem mestre“, Lisboa, Portugal, Francisco Franco, 1976, 108p, 24 cm, BNP.

Monteiro, Luciana Botelho, “O treinador de Judo no Brasil“, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sprint, 1998, 114p, BNB, ISBN 8573320567.

Olivares, José : Almor, António, “ABC do judo“, Lisboa, Portugal, Editorial Presença, 1973, 130p, 19 cm, BLX.

Otoshi, Christopher, “Dicionário de artes marciais : Judô para crianças de 5 a 13 anos“, Porto Alegre, Brazil, Rígel, 1995, 108p, 210 x 137 x 7, PB, KID, BNB, ISBN 8585186682.

Paula, Jose Carlos de, “Judo“, Vicosa, MG, Brazil, UFV, Dep. de Educacao Fisica, 1980, 348p, 23 cm, TCH, BNB.

Pereira, “Minuro” António Correia, “Essência do judo : (Jiu – Jitsu) : Arte de agier com eficácia máxima“, Lisboa, Portugal, Minuro?, 1950, 130p, 20 cm, TCH, 3290.

Pereira, Sebastian, “Manual do Judo“, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Axcel books do Brazil Editora, 2004, 98p, 24 cm, LIB, ISBN 8573232099.

Reay, Tony, “Guia práctico do Judo“, Barcarena, Brazil, Editorial Presença, 1990, 135p, TPL, ISBN 9722312162.

Resende, Regina, “Instalações de Judo“, Lisboa, Portugal, Direcção Geral dos Desportos, 1985 1987[2], 15p, 21 cm, COA, BLX.

Robert, Luís : Silva Júnior, Carlos Rebelo da, “O Judo“, Lisboa, Portugal, Editorial Notícias, 1960[1] 1968[1] 1976[6] 1980[7} 1994, 507p, 22 cm, TCH, BLX.

Schroeder, Plinio, “Judô e defensa pessoal em 416 Figuras“, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Edicoes de Ouro, 1961 1967 1977, 137p, 209 x 158 x 7, PB, SD, BNP, ISBN 8500803630.

Shinohara, Massao (1925 – ), “Manual de judô Shinohara“, UL, UC, Imprenta, 2000, 164p, 30 cm, CBB.

Shinohara, Massao (1925 – ), “Manual de judo vila sonia“, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Confederacao Brasileira de Judo, 1982, 55p, BNB.

Silva, Jose Pereira, “Movimentos gerais do nage-no-kata : Fundamentos basicos do judo“, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Palestra, 1985, 36p, KAT, UFJ.

Suzuki, Eico, “O pai da educação integral e o universo do judô“, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Editora do Escritor : Luz e Silva Editor, 1986, 72p, 21 cm, BNP.

Takeshita, Kwanichi, “Judo : Antigo Jiu-jitsu“, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Brasil Editora, 1954, 95p, REP, RS.

Takeshita, Kwanichi, “Judo : antigo Jiu-Jitsu“, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Companhia Brasil, 1940, 91p, UFJ.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985), “Guia completo de Jiu-jitsu“, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Distribuidora Record, 1977 2003[7] 2005[8], 170p, 210 x 140 x 6, PB, MJJ, LIB, ISBN 8501014680.

Tegnér, Bruce (1929 – 1985) : Cavalcanti, Carlos A., “Guia completo de Judô“, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Distribuidora Record, 1969[5] 1980[11] 1995[12] 1999[13] 2002[15], 303p, 210 x 141 x 24, HB, TCH, BRJ, ISBN 8501002216.

Toepoel, Pieter M.C., “Weerbaar, handleiding voor zelfverdediging“, Amsterdam, Netherlands, N.V. Uitgevers, 1941[2], 107p, 23 cm x 15 cm, HB, OJJ, JIP.

Too, Henji Tsu, “Judo : o caminho suave“, Lisboa, Portugal, Behar Editora, 2005, 127p, REP, LIB, ISBN 8528901467.

Too, Henji Tsu, “Judo : o caminho suave“, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Hemus, 1980[1] 1991, 127p, 21 cm, TCH, BLX, ISBN 8528901467.

Too, Henji Tsu, “Judô : o caminho suave“, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Brasil Editora, 1965, 128p, REP, MBR.

UA,, “Jiudo“, Para-Belem, Brazil, Livraria Escolar, 1935, 17p, 3289.

UA,, “Judô (Manual de esportes, 5)“, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Areté, 1999, 98p, 21 cm, CBB.

UA,, “Os Fundamentos do judo, parte 1 : nague-waza (golpes de arremesso)“, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Tres, 1985, 66p, 28 cm, TCH, CBB.

UA,, “Os Fundamentos do judo, parte 2 : katame-waza (golpes de solo)“, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Tres, 1985 1987 1989, 82p, 28 cm, NEW, CBB.

Ueda, Takeshi : Vaccari, Enir, “Ren-sei-kan : Meio século de Judo“, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Zit Editions, 2004, 91p, 206 x 138 x 5, PB, HIS, LIB, ISBN 8589907015.

Valadares, António, “O padrão de comportamento do treinador de judo“, Lisboa, Portugal, U.T.L./F.M.H., 1990, COA, BNP.

Velte, Herbert, “Dicionario de termos technicos de Judo“, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Ediouro, 1989, 126p, 21 cm, CBB, ISBN 8500119101.

White, David : Natali, Marco, “Judô : A maneira facil“, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Ediouru, 1980, 95p, 238 x 208 x 4, PB, TCH, CBB, ISBN 850060087X.

Viana, Mário Gonçalves (1900 – 1977), “Uma interpretação histórico-filosófica do judo“, Lisboa, Portugal, Sep. do Bol. do Inst. Nac. de Educação Física, 1954, 29p, 23 cm, BNP.

Vieira, Silvia (1967 – ) : Freitas, Armando, “O que É Judô : História, Regras, Curiosidades“, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Casa da Palvra, 2007, 93p, 178 x 128 x 7, PB, HIS, LIB, ISBN13 9788577340194.

Virgilio, Stanlei, “A arte do Judô“, Porto Alegre, Brazil, Rígel, 1994[3], 155p, 23 cm, REP, CBB, ISBN 8585186623.

Virgilio, Stanlei, “A arte do Judô“, Campinas, SP, Brazil, Papirus, 1986[2], 162p, BNB.

Virgilio, Stanlei, “A arte e o ensino do judô : da faixa branca à faixa marrom“, Porto Alegre, Brazil, Rígel, 2000, 196p, 23 cm, CBB, ISBN 8573490497.

Virgilio, Stanlei, “Arte do Judô : defesa pessoal“, Porto Alegre, Brazil, Rígel, 2002, 75p, SD, LIB, ISBN 8585186550.

Virgilio, Stanlei, “Arte do Judô : golpes extras Gokio“, Porto Alegre, Brazil, Rígel, 1998, 253p, TCH, LIB, ISBN 8585186275.

Virgílio, Stanlei, “Conde Koma : O invencível yondan da história“, Campinas, SP, Brazil, Editora Átomo, 2002, 105p, 208 x 140 x 5, PB, HIS, LIB, ISBN 858758524X.

Virgílio, Stanlei, “Personagens e histórias do judô brasileiro“, Campinas, SP, Brazil, Átomo, 2002, 299p, 21cm, HIS, LoC, ISBN 8587585274.

Zaqui, João, “Jiu-jitsu (attaque e defensa) contendo os requlamaentos japonés e brasileiro“, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Companhia Brasil, 1936, 110p, OJJ, MBR.

Avram, Ioan L., “Judo“, Bucureşti, Romania, Consiliul Naţional pentru Educaţie Fizică şi Sport, 1968, 127p, 20 cm, CPR.

Avram, Ioan L. : Muraru, Anton, “Judo“, Bucureşti, Romania, Stadion, 1971, 280p, 20 cm, LoC.

Avram, Ioan L. : Muraru, Anton, “Judo“, Bucureşti, Romania, Sport-Turism, 1977, 260p, 20 cm, CPR.

Avram, Ioan L. : Muraru, Anton, “Judo : Pentru pionieri : (Tehnică şi metodică)“, Bucureşti, Romania, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, 1977, 196p, 20 cm, CPR.

Frazzei, Florian F., “Judo : Centura albä la neagrä“, Bucureşti, Romania, Editura militara, 1972, 344p, 20 cm, TCH, LoC.

Gotelet, Vasile : Hantău, Ioan : Popovici, Vascul, “Judo : Centurile colorate“, Bucureşti, Romania, Stadion, 1972, 144p, 20 cm, TCH, CPR.

Hantău, I. : Bocioacă, L., “Antrenamentul în judo : Pregătirea fizică şi tehnică“, UL, Romania, Editura Universităţii din Piteşti, 1998, LIB.

Hantău, I., “Judo – instruirea copiilor şi juniorilor“, Bucureşti, Romania, Editura ANEFS, 1989, COA, LIB.

Lascu, Vlad Grigore N., “Judo : Judo competiţional : (Combinaţii şi contraatacuri)“, Bucureşti, Romania, Sport-Turism, 1986, TCH, ACL.

Lascu, Vlad Grigore N., “Judo şi kata“, Bucureşti, Romania, Sport-Turism, 1992, 113p, BRM, ISBN 9734102893.

Lascu, Vlad-Grigore N. : Gotelet, Vasile, “Judo : Tehnici de luptă la sol“, Bucureşti, Romania, Sport-Turism, 1981, ACL.

Muraru, Anton, “Judo : Bazele performantei“, UL, Romania, Garell Publishing House, 1994, LIB.

Muraru, Anton, “Judo : pregătirea juniorilor“, Bucureşti, Romania, Sport-Turism, 1985 1988, 200p, 21 cm, TCH, ACL.

Muraru, Anton, “Lectii de judo“, Bucureşti, Romania, Sport-Turism, 1975, TCH, LIB.

Popovici, Vascul : Hantau, Ior : Gotelet, Vasile, “Judo : Centurile colorate“, Bucureşti, Romania, Stadion, 1972, TCH, LoC.

Stefanut, Stelian, “Antrenamentul sportiv în Judo“, Bucureşti, Romania, UP, 1983, LIB.

Hustetojc, Ingrid (1956 – ), “Judo ze źiwjakom : wulicowańka za was“, Budyšyn, Serbia, Domowina, 1997, 127p, BLC, ISBN 3742017063.

Vachún, Michal, “Džudo : základy tréninku“, Bratislava, Slovakia, Šport, 1983[2], 207p, 20 cm, NKC.

Zátroch, Dušan, “Judo : od bieleho po čierny opasok“, Bratislava, Slovakia, Ippon s.r.o., 1999, 335p, 210 x 150, Tis, ISBN 8090051103.

Babič, Iztok : Fink Babič, Sonja : Dellore, Nada : Kleva, Liuciano : Tušak, Matej : Puljič, Slavko : Škraba, Jože : Čuš, Vlado, “Judo za mlade“, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Slovenska Bistrica Judo zveza Slovenije, 2001, 283p, 23 cm, SNU, ISBN 9619072324.

Božič, Slavko, “Nage no kata“, UL, Slovenia, samozal, 1999, 59p, 20 cm, KAT, SNU.

Brousse, Michel (1952 – ) : Matsumoto, David : Meško, Gorazd, “Judo : šport in način življenja“, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Slovenska Bistrica JAJKZS, 2002, 166p, 21 cm, TCH, SNU, ISBN 9619072332.

Čuš, Vlado : Starček, Simon, “Judo popusti, da zmagaš“, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Slovenska Bistrica Judo zveza Slovenije, 2004, 223p, 23 cm, SNU, ISBN 9619072359.

Kudo, Kazuzo (1898 – 1970) : Misaki, Ihei : Šibata, Yasuhiko : Perovšek, Dragica, “Judo : Parterna tehnika“, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Državna založba Slovenije, 1969, 128p, 21 cm, TCH, SNU.

Kudō, Kazuzō (1898 – 1970) : Misaki, Ihei : Šibata, Yasuhiko : Perovšek, Dragica, “Judo : Tehnika metov“, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Državna založba Slovenije, 1969, 128p, 21 cm, SNU.

Meško, Gorazd, “Priročnik za sodnike Mednarodne judo federacije : International Judo Federation Referee manual“, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Slovenska Bistrica Judo, aikido, ju-jitsu in kendo zveza Slovenije, 1999, 60p, 20 cm, SNU, ISBN 9619072316.

Škraba, Jože : Rojc, Anton (1942 – ) : Mušič, Niko, “Prvi koraki“, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Težkoatletski klub Olimpija, 1980, 99p, 23 cm, SNU.

Šubic, Peter (1938 – ) : Beus, Petar, “Judo“, Ljubljana, Slovenia, šolski center za telesno vzgojo, 1969, 132p, 21 cm, TCH, SNU.

Šubic, Peter (1938 – ) : Beus, Petar, “Judo taktika“, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Šolski center za telesno vzgojo, 1978, 63p, 21 cm, TCH, SNU.

Vrabl, Nick, “Judo : moje življenje“, Maribor, Slovenia, Judo klub Branik, 2004, 160p, 24 cm, SNU.

Adams, Neil (1958 – ) : Ferrie, Eddie, “Agarres (técnicas maestras de judo)“, Barcelona, Spain, Editorial Paidotribo, 1992, 160p, 22 cm, TCH, BNE, ISBN 8486475988.

Adams, Neil (1958 – ), “Luxaciones (técnicas maestras de judo)“, Barcelona, Spain, Editorial Paidotribo, 1992, 145p, 22 cm, BLX, ISBN 8480190132.

Alavedra, José, “Aprenda y practique el Judo“, Barcelona, Spain, Alas, 1958, 16p, 21 cm, TCH, BNE.

Alavedra, José : Bastenier, M. A., “Practique judo“, Barcelona, Spain, Alas, 1966, 91p, 15 cm, BNE.

Altstadt, Ernesto (Ernst), “Jiu-jitsu judo“, Buenos Aires, Argentina, UP, 1944, 585p, IJP.

Altstadt, Ernesto (Ernst), “Jiu-jitsu judo“, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Albatros, 1955[2], REP, BNB.

Altstadt, Ernesto (Ernst), “Jiu-jitsu judo Ii parte“, UL, Argentina, buen estado, 1952, LIB.

Altstadt, Ernesto (Ernst), “Yudo (Tomo I)“, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Editorial Albatros, 1970, 64p, LIB.

Altstadt, Ernesto (Ernst), “Yudo (Tomo II)“, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Editorial Albatros, 1970, 80p, LIB.

Amador, Fernando, Ramírez, “El judo y las ciencias de la educación física y el deporte“, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain, Soin Hezkuntzako Euskal Erakundea = Instituto Vasco de Educación Física, 1997, 178p, 30 cm, BNE.

André, Émile, “100 lances de jiu-jitsu : (ataques y quites)“, Paris, Mexico, Librería de la Vda. de Ch. Bouret, 1909[1] 1911[2] 1923[2], 137p, 17 cm, SD, BNE.

André, Émile, “Cien lances de Jiu Jitsu : Metodo practico ataques y quites“, México, Mexico, Editorial Fuerza, 1956, 94p, REP, BNE.

Antón, Julio, de Lopez, “Educación física y judo“, Ceuta, Spain, Imp. Imperio, 1964, 68p, 22 cm, BNE.

Arpin, Louis (1932 – ), “Guía del judo : Técnica en pié : Tachi-Waza (Go-kyo)“, Bilbao, Spain, Mensajero, 1974, 219p, 20 cm x 13 cm, TCH, BNE.

Arpin, Louis (1932 – ), “Guía del judo : Técnica en suelo : Ne-waza“, Bilbao, Spain, Mensajero, 1974, 157p, 20 cm x 13 cm, NEW, BNE.

Artimez, José Antonio, “Judo“, Barcelona, Spain, La Vanguardia, 1991, 62p, 21 cm, BCM, ISBN 8487584454.

Azcarate Sumalde, Enrique, “Agenda-memoria del judoka“, Madrid, Spain, Librería Deportiva Esteban Sanz M., 1974, 117p, RBU, ISBN 8440077734.

Badenas, (Cap.), “Deportes de combate“, Toledo, Spain, R. G. Menor, 1934, 336p, SD, RS.

Badenas, (Cap.), “Deportes de combate (Vol. 1)“, Toledo, Spain, R. G. Menor, 1934, 152p, SD, JIP.

Badenas, (Cap.), “Deportes de combate (Vol. 2)“, Toledo, Spain, R. G. Menor, 1934, 184p, SD, JIP.

Bardina, J. : (Sainbraum Dr.), “Modos de defederse en la calle sin armas : Lecciones prácticas de boxeo, jiu-jitsu, lucha greco-romana etc.“, Barcelona, Spain, Talleres gráficos de la Sociedad General de Publicaciones, 1914, TCH, GGC.

Bardina, J. : (Sainbraum Dr.), “Modos de defenderse en la calle sin Armas : lecciones practicas de boxeo, jiu – jitsu, lucha grecgorromania, etc.“, Barcelona, Spain, Ediciones Himsa, 1934[3], 129p, REP, JIP.

Barioli, César, “El Judo en 12 lecciones“, Barcelona, Spain, De Vecchi, 1967 1972 1975 1978[3] 1979, 232p, 24 cm x 17 cm, TCH, BNE.

Barioli, César : Barioli, Giovanna, “El libro del judo“, Barcelona, Spain, De Vecchi, 1997, 173p, 24 cm, TCH, BNE, ISBN 8431518561.

Barioli, César, “Judo – manual Completo Ilustrado (Las tecnicas originales japonesas explicadas por un gran campeon y maestro)“, Barcelona, Spain, De Vecchi, 1988 1994, 173p, 24 cm, PB, TCH, BNE, ISBN 8431506784.

Barra Nogués, Armando : Barra Nogués, Carlos, “Ataques : judo – jiu jitsu“, Valencia, Spain, Sociedad Cooperativa Germinal, 1987, 137p, 22 cm, BNE.

Barra Nogués, Armando : Barra Nogués, Carlos, “Judo : arte y técnica de la defensa personal“, Valencia, Spain, A. Barra, 1986, 172p, 22 cm, BNE.

Barra Nogués, Armando : Barra Nogués, Carlos, “Katas : judo – jiu jitsu“, Valencia, Spain, Sociedad Cooperativa Germinal, 1987, 182p, 22 cm, KAT, BNE.

Bartlett, Eric George (1920 – ), “Curso basico de judo y autodefensa, cien lecciones, organizadas en un curso de duracion, individual o collectivo“, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Editorial Glem S. A., 1968 1971[3], 199p, 24 cm, BNC.

Benítez, Salvador, de Aragón, “El judo : Historia, evolución en España“, Madrid, Spain, Imperia Fernando Franco, 1959, 80p, 208 x 155 x 4, PB, HIS, BNE.

Benítez, Salvador, de Aragón : Franco, Fernando, “Introduccion al judo“, Madrid, Spain, Comité Olimpico Español, 1962 1966[2], 138p, 26 cm, 3240.

Burger, Roland, “Judo (Primer ciclo)“, Madrid, Spain, INEF, 1989, 122p, 21 cm, BNE, ISBN 844043944X.

Butcher, Alex, “Judo : Guia Basica para Conocer Este Arte Marcial“, Madrid, Spain, Edimat Libros, 2002 2004, 96p, 27 cm, TCH, CPL, ISBN13 9788497641340.

Butler, Patrick Trevor (1929 – ) : Lehm Kuhl, Carlos, “El judo completo“, Barcelona, Spain, Sintes, 1965, 241p, 22 cm x 16 cm, TCH, BNE.

Butler, Patrick Trevor (1929 – ), “Judo para Juniors“, Barcelona, Spain, Sintes, 1969, 70p, 22 cm x 15 cm, KID, BNE.

C.D.T (Trad.),, “Tratado de Ju-Jutsu y su secreto“, Barcelona, Spain, La Ibérica, 1907, TCH, GGC.

Caffary, Brian : Marwood, Desmond : Torres, Guillermo, “Judo para expertos“, Barcelona, Spain, Editorial Paidotribo, 1994, 165p, 214 x 150 x 10, PB, TCH, BLX, ISBN 8480191155.

Calmet, Michel, “Clip Judo : Logiciel d’aide à l’observation et à l’évaluation au judo“, Saint-Maur, Spain, Association CLIP, 1995, 80p, 21 cm, RBU.

Carmeni, Bruno, “Judo para deportistas ciegos“, Madrid, Spain, ONCE, 1998, 258p, 23 cm, BCM, ISBN 8448402111.

Carratalá Deval, Vicent : Carratalá Sánchez, Enrique, “Judo : la actividad física y deportiva extraescolar en los centros educativos“, Madrid, Spain, Consejo Superior de Deportes, 2000, 199p, 21 cm, BNE.

Castarlenas, Josep Ll : Pere Molina, J. : Villamón, Miguel, “El Judo : en la educación fisica escolar“, Barcelona, Spain, Hispano Europea, 2002, 192p, 229 x 10 x 12, PB, MED, BNE, ISBN 8425514452.

Cecchini, José Antonio, Estrada, “El judo y su razón kinantropológica“, Gijón, Spain, G.H. editores, 1989, 186p, 21 cm, BNE.

Ceracchini, Augusto, “A.B.C. del Judo“, Barcelona, Spain, Molino, 1971[2], 151p, 20 cm x 14 cm, BNE.

Chirino, Pedro, Rentería : Martinez de Murguia, H. F., “El Judo : al alcance de todos“, Cali, Colombia, Imprenta departamental del Valle del Cauca, 1993, 155p, PB, TCH, RBU, ISBN13 9789980200006.

Club de Judo “J. Kano”,, “Judo : defensa personal“, Concepción, Chile, Escuela Tipo. Salesiana, 1956, 22p, 21 cm, SD, BNC.

Confederacion Argentina de Judo,, “Curso de Capacitacion Basica: Programa de Formacion de Tecnicos Deportivos Nacionales De Judo“, Cordoba, Argentina, Confederacion Argentina de Judo/Centro Editor de Cordoba, 1998, 554, HB, LIB.

Cosentino, Antonio, “El judo en la Argentina : método teórico práctico editado en la República Argentina para toda la América Latina“, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Talleres Graficos de la Prision Nacional, 1943, 82p, BNB.

Dabauza, Pedro Rodriguez, “Judo aplicado a la defensa personal“, Madrid, Spain, Esteban Sanz Martínez, 1986, 133p, 21 cm, SD, BNE, ISBN 8485977300.

Dabauza, Pedro Rodriguez, “Ju-Jitsu : El método progressivo de defensa personal actualizado : Vol. I“, Barcelona, Spain, Editorial Paidotribo, 1998, 249p, 275 x 208 x 20, PB, OJJ, RBU, ISBN13 9788480192118.

Dabauza, Pedro Rodriguez, “Ju-Jitsu : El método progressivo de defensa personal actualizado : Vol. II“, Barcelona, Spain, del Monte, 1998, 349p, 275 x 208 x 20, PB, OJJ, RBU, ISBN13 9788480192132.

Dabauza, Pedro Rodriguez, “Kata Judo-jujutsu : Formas antiquas y modernas de defensa personal“, Barcelona, Spain, Alas, 1998, 155p, 240 x 170 x 8, PB, KAT, BNE, ISBN 8420303909.

Dabauza, Pedro Rodriguez, “Kata-waza : Técnicas de judo-suelo“, Barcelona, Spain, Alas, 1986, 165p, 21 cm, KAT, RBU, ISBN 8420301906.

Dabauza, Pedro Rodriguez, “Jiu Jitsu de hoy“, Barcelona, Spain, Alas, 2000, 169p, 240 x 170 x 10, PB, MJJ, LIB, ISBN13 9788420304038.

De León Silva, Jorge (1962 – ), “Manual técnico de introducción al judo paraolímpico“, Montevideo, Uruguay, UP, 2006, 75p, 28 cm, COA, UBN.

Decosterd, Serge (1957 – ) : Calvez, Emmanuel (1975 – ) : Robert, Franck, “Passion Judo : desde el cinturón blanco al marron“, Rennes, France, OPC, 2005, 162p, 210 x 144 x 6, PB, TCH, BnF, ISBN 295204385X.

Diaz Martinez, Juan José, “Judo para niños : su metodologia“, Alcobendas, Spain, Librería Deportiva Esteban Sanz, 1974, 219p, 22 cm, KID, BNE, ISBN 8440075758.

Dominy, Eric Norman (1918 – ), “Judo : Principios básicos“, Madrid, Spain, Aguilar, 1959 1961[2], 174p, 18 cm, TCH, BNE.

Dopico Calvo, Jorge : Iglesias Soler, Eliseo : Romay, Bernardo, “Judo : habilidades específicas“, Santiago, Chile, Lea, 1998, 119p, 24 cm, BNE, ISBN 8489947252.

Dorcino, Jean, “El judo et lui“, Le Plessis-Robinson (Seine), France, Publi Judo, 1959, 153p, 18 cm, RBU.

Endo, Hiroyuky, “Como ser campeón de judo“, México, Mexico, Gómez Gómez, 1987, 79p, 16 cm, BNM.

Ewen, Harry, “Tu libro de Judo“, Barcelona, Spain, Sintes, 1970, 39p, 20 cm x 15 cm, BNE.

Farkas, Emil, “Mujeres, defiéndanse : no más víctimas indefensas : expertos les enseñan como dominar al agresor“, México, Mexico, Edits. Asociados Mexicanos, 1993, 39p, 22 cm, SD, BNM.

Fernandez, Antonio, Garcia : Uzawa, Toshiyasu, “El espíritu del judo“, Madrid, Spain, by Author, 1980, 138p, 30 cm, BF, RBU.

Fernández Almodóvar, Amadeo, “Judo“, México, Mexico, SEP, Subsecretaría del Deporte : Alhambra Mexicana, 1984, 130p, 22 cm, BNM, ISBN 9684440391.

Fernández Almodóvar, Amadeo, “Judo Básico / Basic Judo“, Madrid, Spain, Alhambra, 1985, 81p, 21 cm, TCH, BNE, ISBN 842051103X.

Ferret, José, “Judo“, Barcelona, Spain, Plaza & Janés Editores, 1974, 32p, 25 cm x 22 cm, BNE.

Ferrière, Serge Raynaud de La (1916 – ), “Cultura fisica y Judo“, México, Mexico, Diana, 1965 1978 1981[3] 1983[4], 295p, 23 cm, BNM, ISBN 9681300300.

Figueroa, Nestor, “Manual de judo Kodokan, Teoría y sistema“, St Louis, Missouri, United States, Boxer Computer Services, 2002, 242p, 27 cm x 21 cm, TCH, JIS, ISBN 1591960924.

Figueroa, Nestor, “Pedagogía del Judo“, Lima, Peru, Boxer Computer Services, 2007, 185p, 28 cm x 20 cm, JIS, ISBN 1424322782.

Franco De Sarabia, Fernando, “Ataque y Defensa con Judo y Jiu-Jitsu“, Madrid, Spain, Gimnasio Escuela de Judo Budoshidokwai, 1954, TCH, GGC.

Franco De Sarabia, Fernando, “Cinturón negro de judo“, Madrid, Spain, Sanz, 1985[3], 262p, 24 cm, REP, BNE, ISBN13 9788485977178.

Franco De Sarabia, Fernando, “Cinturon negro de Judo : Programa oficial“, Madrid, Spain, Fejda, 1970, 238p, 24 cm, TCH, BNE.

Franco De Sarabia, Fernando, “Cinturón negro de judo : programa para cinturón negro y entrenador regional de judo: texto oficial de la Federación Española de Judo“, Madrid, Spain, Estebán Sánz Martinez, 1977, 238p, 24 cm, REP, BNE.

Franco De Sarabia, Fernando, “Judo y jiu-jitsu nos : 1 a 5“, Madrid, Spain, Imperia Fernando Franco, 1954, TCH, GGC.

Frutos, José Luis de (1949 – ), “Fundamentos de Ne waza y mi Tate shio gatame“, Madrid, Spain, Iragra S.A., 1981, NEW, RBU, ISBN 8430040943.

Fuentes, Federico, G. de Salazar : Ruiz García, Carlos, “Judo y defensa personal en las Fuerzas Armadas“, Toledo, Spain, Academia de Infantería, 1959[1] 1962[2], 244p, 18 cm, SD, BNE.

Fukuzawa, Arai, “Defensa personal americana : por karate y judo“, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Editorial Caymi, 1968, 63p, SD, BNA.

Garcia Arzua, Alfredo M., “El arte de la defensa propria“, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Alberto Alonzo Garcia, 1945, 143p, 180 x 126 x 9, PB, SD, RS.

Garcia Arzua, Alfredo M., “Judo en la Defensa Personal aplicada al combate Cuerpo a Cuerpo“, Buenos Aires, Argentina, by Author, 1944, 303p, 182 x 135 x 7, HB, SD, RS.

García García, José Manuel : Del Valle Díaz, Sagrario : Díaz González, Paz : Velázquez Velázquez, Remedios, “Judo : Jugeos para la mejora del aprendizaje de las technicas“, Badalona, Spain, Editorial Paidotribo, 2006, 326p, 214 x 150 x 18, PB, KID, BCM, ISBN 8480198656.

Garrido Troncoso, Víctor, “Prontuario-guía de la Federación Española de Judo y Deportes Asociados“, Madrid, Spain, Federación Española de Judo y Deportes Asociados, 1992, 312p, 21 cm, BNE.

Garrido Troncoso, Víctor, “Prontuario-guía de la Federación española de judo, taekwondo, kendo, aikido, jiu-jitsu“, Madrid, Spain, Barlovento, 1983, 313p, 21 cm, BNE.

Gaspar, Víctor Manuel, “El libro del Judoka“, Bilbao, Spain, V. Gaspar, 1996, 221p, 30 cm, TCH, BNE.

Gaspar, Víctor Manuel, “Judo junior : 1, Cinturón blanco y cinturón amarillo“, Bilbao, Spain, Fher, 1977 1980, 50p, 24 cm, KID, BNE, ISBN 8424314123.

Gaspar, Víctor Manuel, “Judo junior : 2, Cinturón naranja y cinturón amarillo“, Bilbao, Spain, Fher, 1978 1980, 50p, 24 cm, KID, BNE, ISBN 8424314131.

Gaspar, Víctor Manuel, “Judo junior : 3, Cinturón azul y cinturón marrón“, Bilbao, Spain, Fher, 1977, 50p, 240 x 170 x 5, PB, KID, BNE, ISBN 8424314808.

Gaspar, Víctor Manuel, “Judo junior : Metodo progresivo hasta cinturon negro“, Bilbao, Spain, Fher, 1977 1978 1980, 50p, 24 cm, KID, BNE, ISBN 8424314123.

Gaspar, Víctor Manuel, “Nuevo judo : junior“, Bilbao, Spain, V.M.G, 1997, 134p, 24 cm, BNE, ISBN 8492318600.

Gaviria, Horacio Luis Franco, “Judo basico : de la iniciacion al combate / Basic Judo : from beginner to combat“, Armenia, Colombia, Editorial Kinesis, 2002, 173p, 22 cm, TCH, UoB, ISBN 9589401643.

Geesink, (Anton) Anthonius Johannes (1934 – ) : Alba, Adolfo A. de, “Mijn Judo“, México, Mexico, Diana, 1967, 122p, 24 cm, TCH, BNM.

Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament de Cultura,, “Diccionari de judo“, Barcelona, Spain, Enciclopedia Catalana, 1991, 117p, 20 cm, BNE, ISBN 8477392277.

Ghetti, Roberto, “Lecciones de Judo“, Barcelona, Spain, Vecchi, 2000 2001, 111p, 239 x 168 x 8, PB, TCH, BNE, ISBN 8431523409.

Giménez Sales, Miguel (1922 – ), “Judo : Lin Chutang“, Barcelona, Spain, Editors S.A., 1986 1990[3], 156p, 208 x 135 x 17, PB, TCH, BNE, ISBN 8475618189.

Gimnasio Club Abascal,, “40 lecciones de judo y jin-jitsu“, Madrid, Spain, Gráf. Express, 1952, 22p, 17 cm, BNE.

Gladman, George, “Cómo defenderde sin armas“, Barcelona, Spain, Sintes, 1955[1] 1958[2] 1960[3] 1961[4] 1962[5] 1963[6] 1965[7], SD, GGC.

Gladman, George, “Jiu-jitsu y judo : Preparación, entrenamiento, técnica“, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, Sintes, 1954 1957[2] 1959[3] 1960[4] 1961[5] 1962[6] 1965[7], 242p, 175 x 124 x 17, PB, BNE.

Gladman, George, “Jiu-jitsu y judo : Preparación, entrenamiento, técnica“, Barcelona, Spain, Sintes, 1966[8] 1970[9], 228p, 18 cm, REP, BNE.

Gleeson, Geoffrey Robert (1927 – 1994), “Judo para occidentales“, Barcelona, Spain, Hispano Europea, 1977, 246p, 20 cm, BNE, ISBN 8425504449.

González Álvarez, Amador, “Teoría y práctica del judo : (con especial referencia a la ESO)“, Villaviciosa de Odón, Spain, CEES Ediciones, 1998, 216p, 30 cm, BNE, ISBN 8488881711.

Gonzalez Muñoz, Manuel : Sanchez Bañuelos, Fernando, “Una iniciación al judo“, Madrid, Spain, by Author, 1973, 129p, 32 cm, RBU.

Goodbody, John : Cárdenas Barrios, René, “Judo : Cómo llegar a ser campeón“, México, Mexico, Editorial Diana, 1978, 175p, 206 x 136 x 13, PB, TCH, BNM, ISBN 9681300009.

Guedea Adiego, José Ángel, “¡Vivir el judo II! : artículos y reflexiones de un profesor de judo, fundamentos de judo“, Vallbona de les Monges (Lleida), Spain, March, 2005, 200p, 24 cm, BNE, ISBN 8495068715.

Guedea Adiego, José Ángel, “¡Vivir el judo! : iniciación al rendimiento deportivo“, Zaragoza, Spain, Combra, 2003, 153p, 24 cm, RBU, ISBN 8495508621.

Gutiérrez, Carlos, García, “Introducción Y Desarrollo Del Yudo En España : (De Principios Del Siglo XX a 1965) : El Proceso De Implantación De Un Método Educativo Y De Combate Importado De Japón“, Léon, Spain, Universidad de Léon, Secretariado de Publicaciones y Medios Audiovisuales, 2004, 493p, 238 x 168 x 30, PB, HIS, LIB, ISBN13 9788497730648.

Hansenne, Marcel (1917 – ) : Audouard, Ivan, “El judo“, Madrid, Spain, Publicaciones del Comité Olímpico Español, 1962, 241p, 27 cm, TCH, 3015.

Harrington, (Pat) Patricia, “El libro total del Judo“, Madrid, Spain, Editiones Tutor, 2005, 170p, 280 x 222 x 13, PB, TCH, BNE, ISBN 8479025077.

Harrington, Anthony Patrick, “Como defenderse con el judo“, Barcelona, Spain, Corona, 1965, 191p, 22 cm, SD, BNE.

Harrison, Ernest John (1873 – 1961) : Centenera, Ángel, “Judo para los jóvenes“, Madrid, Spain, Aguilar, 1959 1962[2], 77p, 18 cm, TCH, BNE.

Harrison, Ernest John (1873 – 1961) : Centenera, Ángel, “Judo para mujeres“, Madrid, Spain, Aguilar, 1959, 102p, 18 cm x 12 cm, TCH, BNE.

Heim, Jean : Jimeno Leon, Felix, “El judo : apréndalo por sí mismo“, Madrid, Spain, Espasa Calpe, 1967, 64p, 18 cm x 14 cm, BNE.

Hernandez, Daniel F., “Judo y defensa personal“, México, Mexico, Administracion de Clubes de Judo, 1965, 101p, 21 cm, SD, 3248.

Herrera, Hector : Linarez, Ali, “El Judo En Venezuela“, Barquismieto, Venezuela, Instituto Universitario Expermental de Tecnologia/Andres Eloy Blanco, 2001, 154p, PB, LIB, ISBN 9803490044.

Heydt, Cristina Dietzold, “Manual de Judo“, Madrid, Spain, S.M., 1981, 80p, 18 cm x 13 cm, BNE, ISBN13 978843480990.

Hoffman, Carlos, “Judo“, México, Mexico, Editorial Azor, 1966 1968[3] 1970[4] 1974, 156p, 19 x 15 cm, TCH, BNM.

Inman, Roy (1947 – ) : Soames, Nicolas (1950 – ), “Judo : las técnicas de los campeones en combate“, Madrid, Spain, Eyras, 1987, 252p, 240 x 150 x 17, PB, TCH, BNE, ISBN 8485269543.

Izquierdo García, Ángel Luis, “Judoka“, Madrid, Spain, A.L. Izquierdo, 1979, 74p, 24 cm, RBU.

Jazarin, Jean-Lucien (1900 – 1982), “El espíritu del judo : charlas con mi maestro“, Madrid, Spain, Eyras, 1996, 256p, 17 cm, BF, BNE, ISBN 8485269837.

Kanō, Jigorō (1860 – 1938) : Martínez-Villasante, Luis G., “Judo Kodokan“, Madrid, Spain, Eyras, 1989, 262p, 26 cm, TCH, BNE.

Kanō, Risei (1900 – ), “Judo : Técnicas especiales de los grandes maestros japoneses“, Habana, Cuba, UP, 1963, 30p, 22 cm, TCH, BNE.

Kashiwazaki, Katsuhiko (1951 – ) : Nakanishi, Hidetoshi (1958 – ), “Atacar en judo : guía de combinaciones y contraataques“, Barcelona, Spain, Editorial Paidotribo, 1992 1995, 162p, 213 x 1348 x 13, PB, TCH, BNE, ISBN 8480191813.

Kashiwazaki, Katsuhiko (1951 – ), “Shimewaza (técnicas maestras de Judo)“, Barcelona, Spain, Editorial Paidotribo, 1993, 191p, NEW, BLX, ISBN 8480190809.

Kashiwazaki, Katsuhiko (1951 – ), “Tomoe-Nage (técnicas maestras de Judo)“, Barcelona, Spain, Editorial Paidotribo, 1992, 134p, 22 cm, TCH, BLX, ISBN 8480190043.

Kawaishi, Mikonosuke (1899 – 1970), “Judo : las 7 katas (Colección Libro Práctico No. 8)“, Barcelona, Spain, Bruguera, 1970[2] 1972 1974[5] 1975[6], 285p, 18 cm x 11 cm, PB, KAT, BNE, ISBN 8402007929.

Kawaishi, Mikonosuke (1899 – 1970), “Judo : las siete katas“, Barcelona, Spain, Bruguera, 1966[2] 1972[3], 301p, 22 cm, KAT, RBU.

Kawaishi, Mikonosuke (1899 – 1970), “Les katas complets du judo“, Paris, France, Judo International, 1967, 229p, 19 cm x 12 cm, PB, REP, RBU.

Kawaishi, Mikonosuke (1899 – 1970), “Mi método de defensa personal“, Barcelona, Spain, Bruguera, 1965, TCH, GGC.

Kawaishi, Mikonosuke (1899 – 1970), “Mi método de judo“, Barcelona, Spain, Bruguera, 1964, 275p, 21 cm, TCH, BNE.

Kawaishi, Mikonosuke (1899 – 1970), “Mi método de judo“, Barcelona, Spain, Bruguera, 1967[2], 331p, 18 cm, PB, REP, BNE.

Kawaishi, Mikonosuke (1899 – 1970), “Mi método de judo : la escuela en que se han formado los mejores judokas europeos“, Barcelona, Spain, Bruguera, 1973[3] 1974[4] 1975[5] 1976[6] 1977[7], 333p, 170 x 100 x 25, PB, REP, BNE, ISBN 8402008062.

Kim, Daeshik (1934 – ) : Espinosa de los Monteros, Orlando, “Judo“, México, Mexico, Editorial Pax-México, 1976, 87p, 21 cm, TCH, BNM.

Kimura, Masahiko (1917 – 1993), “El Judo : Conocimiento practico y normas“, Barcelona, Spain, Aedos, 1976, 180p, 21 cm x 21 cm, TCH, BNE, ISBN 847003216X.

Kobayashi, Kiyoshi (1925 – ), “Judo ilustrado : Kyu & Dan“, Tokyo, Japan, Obun-Intereurope, 1975, 138p, 30 cm, TCH, RBU.

Kodokan,, “¿Que es el Judo?“, Santiago, Chile, Ed. Zig-Zag, 1955, 94p, 208 x 143, PB, TCH, 3257.

Koike, Tadashi (1927 – ), “Judo : de cinturón blanco a cinturón amarillo“, Barcelona, Spain, De Vecchi, 1975 1980, 80p, 20 cm x 14 cm, REP, BNE, ISBN 8431512660.

Koike, Tadashi (1927 – ), “Judo : de cinturón blanco a cinturón amarillo“, Madrid, Spain, Samurai, 1967, 22 cm, TCH, BNE.

Koizumi, Gunji (1885 – 1963) : Moore Tamborell, Jaime, “Mi estudio del judo : principios y fundamentos técnico“, México, Mexico, Continental, 1965, 293p, 23 cm, PB, TCH, BNM.

Kolychkine Thomson, Andrés, “Judo : Arte y ciencia“, Habana, Cuba, Edit. Científico-Técnicna, 1988, 159p, 23 cm, TCH, RBU.

Kolychkine Thomson, Andrés, “Judo : nueva didactica“, Barcelona, Spain, Editorial Paidotribo, 1989, 236p, 212 x 149 x 15, PB, TCH, BNE, ISBN 8486475260.

Kolychkine Thomson, Andrés, “¿Qué es judo?“, Habana, Cuba, Federación Cubana de Judo y Jiu Jitsu, S.A., UD, 31p, 20 cm, RBU.

Koyama, K. : Minami, A., “La lucha corporal japonesa“, Barcelona, Spain, UP, 1916, OJJ, GGC.

Kudo, Kazuzo (1898 – 1970) : Misaki, Ihei : Shibata, Yasuhiko : Gaspar, Víctor Manuel, “Judo en accion : Técnicas de combate cuerpo a cuerpo en el suelo“, Bilbao, Spain, Fher, 1979 1983, 127p, 21cm x 15cm, TCH, BNE, ISBN 8424317017.

Kudo, Kazuzo (1898 – 1970), “Judo en acción : técnicas de control“, Habana, Cuba, Pueblo y Educacion, 1988, 216p, NEW, BNB.

Kudo, Kazuzo (1898 – 1970) : Misaki, Ihei : Shibata, Yasuhiko : Gaspar, Víctor Manuel, “Judo en accion : Técnicas de proyección“, Bilbao, Spain, Fher, 1979 1983, 127p, 21cm x 15cm, TCH, BNE, ISBN 8424316118.

Kuwashima, T. Shozo (1892 – ) : Welch, Ashbel Russell (1897 – ) : Walls, Alphonse Vasseur, “Judo : 41 lecciones en la ciencia moderna del Jiu-Jitsu“, México, Mexico, Cía. Editorial Continental, S.A., 1960 1963, 169p, 22 cm, BNM.

Lanz Garcia, José Armando : Salsas Moreno, José, “Judo ne waza“, Madrid, Spain, E.G.S., 1977, 88p, 24 cm, REP, BNE, ISBN 844003444X.

Lanz Garcia, José Armando : Salsas Moreno, José, “Judo ne waza“, Madrid, Spain, by Author, 1976, 115p, 31 cm, NEW, RBU.

Lasserre, Robert : Chausson, René : Fernández-Yáñez, Julio, “Atemis y Jiu jitsu : manual práctico“, Barcelona, Spain, Hispano Europea, 1961 1965[3] 1967[5], 247p, 21 cm x 17 cm, SD, BNE.

Lasserre, Robert, “Judo : Manual practico“, Barcelona, Spain, Hispano Europea, 1961, 286p, 20 cm x 14 cm, TCH, BNE.

Lasserre, Robert, “Judo : Manual práctico según las enseñanzas del Kodokan, de Tokio“, Barcelona, Spain, Hispano Europea, 1964[3] 1965[4] 1968 1971 1973[8] 1975[9], 286p, 20 cm, REP, BNE, ISBN 8425503116.

Lasserre, Robert : Armengol, José Rovira, “Kiaï y Kuatsu : Técnicas Secretas de Reanimación“, Barcelona, Spain, Hispano Europea, 1964, 176p, 21 cm x 15 cm, GGC.

Lillo Ibarra, Aliro, “Jiu-jitsu, judo : defensa personal“, Santiago, Chile, Ed. Mamina, 1965, 109p, 18 cm, SD, BNC.

López Dominguez, Mario, “Applicacion práctica del Judo“, Barcelona, Spain, Ramos-Majos, 1981, 217p, 22 cm, RBU, ISBN 8474940354.

López Mayoral, Gerardo : Ceballos Ledesma, Jesús : Aguado González, Ildefonso, “Judo y defensa personal“, Zaragoza, Spain, Librería General, 1959, 135p, 27 cm, SD, BNE.

Madrigal, S. : Sanchis, R., “Judo“, Madrid, Spain, Grupos Universitarios de Lucha, S.E.U., 1956, TCH, GGC.

Martel, Pierre (1920 – ), “Judo“, Barcelona, Spain, Molino, 1987, 34p, 29 cm, TCH, BNE, ISBN 842722205X.

Martinez-Villasante, Luis Gonzalo, “Programación sobre la enseñanza de Judo-suelo“, Madrid, Spain, Federación Española de Judo y D.A., 1984, 167p, 24 cm, BNE, ISBN 8450099498.

Marwood, Desmond, “Judo : iniciación y perfeccionamiento“, Barcelona, Spain, Editorial Paidotribo, 1992 1995 2000 2002, 271p, 213 x 148 x 24, PB, TCH, RBA, ISBN 8480191805.

Mayo, José, “El judo en Cuba“, Habana, Cuba, Edit. Científico-Técnicna, 1985, 139p, 19 cm, NKC.

Mendoza, José Miguel Álamo, “La iniciación al Judo en la Educación Física escolar“, Sevilla, Spain, Wanceulen, 2008, 78p, 235 x 170, PB, COA, LIB, ISBN 9788498232202.

Mera Carrasco, Julio, “Judo : gimnasia para todos“, México, Mexico, Libro Mex, 1980, 71p, 17 cm, BNM, ISBN 9687064048.

Mirallas Sariola, Jaume A. (1957 – ), “Bases didacticas del Judo : Biomecánica para el estudio y el aprendizaje de la técnica y la táctica del judo“, Piera, Spain, Ed. Jaume Mirallas, 1995, 152p, 20 cm, BNE.

Mirallas Sariola, Jaume A. (1957 – ), “Introducción a la pedagogía del judo infantil“, A Coruña, Spain, Diputación de A Coruña, 1995, 49p, 21 cm, COA, RBU, ISBN 8492093706.

Morillo del Río, Enrique : García Barbero, Juan : García Barbero, Víctor, “Judo : fundamentos, caídas, proyecciones, inmovilizaciones : Programa hasta cinturón negro“, San Sebastián de los Reyes (Madrid), Spain, Interediciones J.M., 1983, 45p, 27 cm, BNE, ISBN 8475001602.

Moronta, David : Campos, Natalia, “Los fundamentos a través de las kata“, Madrid, Spain, Vision Net, 2006, 101p, 21 cm, BCM, ISBN 849821324X.

Muños, O., “Aprenda a defenderse“, Barcelona, Spain, Bruguera, 1958[2], SD, GGC.

Nacenta, Antonio, “Judo“, Barcelona, Spain, De Gassó Hnos, 1965[1] 1967[2] 1973[3] 1976, 378p, 194 x 136 x 30, HB, TCH, BNE.

Nakanishi, Hidetoshi (1958 – ) : Torres, Guillermo, “Seoi-nage (técnicas maestras de judo)“, Barcelona, Spain, Editorial Paidotribo, 1994, 257p, TCH, BLX, ISBN 8480191147.

Nalda Albiac, José Santos, “Judo : formación superior“, Barcelona, Spain, Alas, 1984, 159p, 22 cm, BNE.

Nalda Albiac, José Santos, “Judo infantil : educación integral“, Barcelona, Spain, Alas, 2003, 206p, 17 cm x 24 cm, PB, KID, RBA, ISBN 8420304239.

Nidan,, “El judo y el jiu-jitsu“, Madrid, Spain, Nidan, 1960, 52p, 28 cm, TCH, BNE.

Nowoisky, Heinz, “Les bases biomecàniques del kuzushi : L’entrenament tècnic del judo sobre un lloc de medició“, Esplugues de Llobregat, Spain, Direcció General de l’Esport, Servei de Docència i Investigació, 1992, 28p, 30 cm, COA, BNE.

Ohsawa, Georges (1893 – 1966), “El Libro del Judó“, Montevideo, Uruguay, Cento Macrobiotico Maldonado, 1972, 148p, 177 x 119 x 13, PB, BF, LIB.

Olivares, José, “Judo“, Madrid, Spain, Doncel, 1965, 86p, 18 cm, TCH, BNE.

Ortega Fernández, Rafael, “Judo moderno y eficaz“, Madrid, Spain, Nueva Lente, 1984, 151p, 28 cm, BNE, ISBN 8475340814.

Páez, César : Vilalta, Esther, “Judo infantil : pedagogia i tècnica“, Barcelona, Spain, Generalitat de Catalunya, Institut Nacional d’Educació Física, 1983, 164p, 21 cm, BNE.

Pastor, Tomás (Pastor Albella), “Manual de Judo“, Alzamora, Spain, Castellón : Jomar : Escuela Judokan, 1963, 69p, 24 cm, BNE.

Pavia, J. J. : Fontan, J., “La esgrima moderna ó Eli Judo y la defensa Personal“, Madrid, Spain, Imp. Del Ministerio del la marina, 1961, SD, GGC.

Peidro, Luís, Payá, “El judo alcoyano : treinta años con el deporte“, Alcoi, Spain, Judo Club Alcoi, 1995, 91p, 21 cm, BNE.

Pellegrini, A., “Manual pratiquo de Jiu jitsu“, Santiago, Chile, Education, 1950, RS.

Pérez-Carrillo, Miguel J., “Judo infantil“, Barcelona, Spain, Hispano Europea, 1968 1974[2], 76p, 20 cm, KID, RBA, ISBN 8425501210.

Pérez-Carrillo, Miguel J., “Yawara jitsu : defensa personal científica : técnicas básicas y kata nº 1 : Agresiones de frente con una mano“, Barcelona, Spain, Hispano Europea, 1982, 351p, 24 cm, SD, RBU, ISBN 8425506336.

Pöhler, Ralf, “Iniciación al judo : del cinturón blanco al verde“, Barcelona, Spain, Hispano Europea, 1998, 128p, 21 cm, PB, TCH, BNE, ISBN 8425512115.

Quintero, Alvaro, “Manual de jiu-jitsu“, Bogota, Spain, Libereria, 1950, 139p, RS.

Reay, Tony : Taboada, Matilde, “Judo : Guía para jóvenes principiantes“, Barcelona, Spain, Martínez Roca, 1989, 61p, 277 x 200 x 13, HB, KID, BNE, ISBN 8427012934.

Reay, Tony : Hobbs, Geoffry, “Manual de judo“, UL, Mexico, Editorial Diana, 1989, 191p, 23 cm, CPL.

Renaula, Jifi : (Renault, Jean Francois?), “El Judo En 10 Lecciones“, Bilbao, Spain, Cantabrica, 1991, 148p, 20 cm x 14 cm, HB, TCH, LIB, ISBN13 9788422103110.

Renault, Jean-François, “El judo en diez lecciones“, Bilbao, Spain, Editorial Cantábrica, 1976 1985, 146p, 20 cm x 14 cm, HB, TCH, BNE, ISBN 8422103117.

Robert, Luís, “El judo y las tecnicas de autodefensa“, Barcelona, Spain, Bruguera, 1962[1], 153p, 12 cm, SD, BNE.

Rougé, Jean Luc (1949 – ), “Harai-Goshi (técnicas maestras de judo)“, Barcelona, Spain, Editorial Paidotribo, 1992, 143p, 215 x 150 x 8, PB, TCH, BLX, ISBN 8480190213.

Rudaev, Moises : Bosco, Emilio Ayerra, “Manual de defensa personal : Curso elemental“, Montevideo, Uruguay, Imprenta Militar, 1956, 207p, 241 x 167 x 12, PB, SD, LIB.

Rudek, Sandro, “Iniciación al judo : historia, principios y objeto del judo : posiciones fundamentales : vocabulario“, Barcelona, Spain, Sintes, 1964 1986, 212p, 18 cm, BNE.

San Bartolomé, Alfredo, “Metodo de Judo del Gimnasio Budoshidokwai“, Madrid, Spain, Imperia Fernando Franco, 1953, 123p, 214 x 135 x 8, TCH, BNE.

Sato, Murasaki, “Método de Judo“, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Editorial Caymi, 1966, 128p, 192 x 132 x 9, PB, TCH, RBA.

Sato, Nobuyuki (1944 – ), “Ashiwaza : de-ashi-barai okuri-ashi-barai harai-tsuri-komi-ashi sasae-tsuri-komi-asahi (técnicas maestras de Judo)“, Barcelona, Spain, Editorial Paidotribo, 1992, 156p, 22 cm, TCH, BNE, ISBN 8480190043.

Sato, Ohiro, “Jiu jitsu y judo : Lecciones prácticas para el ataque y la defensa“, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Editorial Caymi, 1969 1974, 145p, 224 x 154 x 9, PB, TCH, RBU.

Saudi, Aine : Aguado, Víctor, “El Judo : al alcance de todos“, Barcelona, Spain, Sintes, 1960 1961[2] 1964[3] 1968 1986, 223p, 187 x 129 x 22, HB, TCH, BNE.

Shu, Taira : Herguedas, Justo : Román, Francisco I., “Judo : Vol I“, Madrid, Spain, Comité Olimpico Español, 1992, 410p, 24 cm, TCH, BCM, ISBN 8487094163.

Shu, Taira : Herguedas, Justo : Dabauza, Pedro Rodriques, “Judo : Vol II“, Madrid, Spain, Comité Olimpico Español, 1992, 446p, 24 cm, TCH, BCM, ISBN 8487094155.

Shu, Taira, “Nague-waza : técnica de proyección : programa y texto para entrenadores regionales“, Madrid, Spain, Federación Española de Judo, 1987, 96p, 21 cm, TCH, RBU, ISBN 8450078288.

Sugai, Hitoshi (1962 – ), “Uchi-mata (técnicas maestras de Judo)“, Barcelona, Spain, Editorial Paidotribo, 1993, 182p, TCH, BLX, ISBN 8480190817.

Takata, Katsuyoshi, “Estudio Del HaneGoshi“, UL, Argentina, La Imprenta López, 1961, TCH, LIB.

Talens, Francisco Coral : Sánchez Buendía, F. : Irastorza, Antonio, “Judo : Técnicas para la competición“, Barcelona, Spain, Alas, 1975, 47p, 21 cm, TCH, BNE.

Tamayo, Aurelio, “Lo práctico en el arte del judo“, Panama, Panama, Escuela Vocacional Fé y Alegría, 1972, 86p, NEP.

Tamayo, Javier Antonio, Fajardo, “Iniciación al Judo“, UL, Spain, Wanceulen, 2005, 70p, 24 cm, RBA, ISBN 8495883392.

Tanaka, K., “Jiu-jitsu judo : compendio de los métodos más eficaces de entrenamiento y lucha“, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Cosmopolita, 1974, 76p, BNA.

Tegner, Bruce (1929 – 1985), “Libro completo de Judo“, México, Mexico, Diana, 1967 1972 1975[6], 244p, 18cm, TCH, RBU.

Teixidó, Francisco Orga, “Jiu-Jitsu (Método completo para la defensa y el ataque)“, Barcelona, Spain, Editorial Molino, 1954, 107p, 190 x 139 x 6, PB, TCH, GGC.

Thabot, Dominique : Rodríguez, Víctor Manuel, “Judo óptimo : análisis y metodología“, Barcelona, Spain, Inde, 1999[1] 2001, 128p, 240 x 170 x 9, PB, COA, BNE, ISBN 8495114895.

Thomas, Raymond : Comas, J. S., “Judo moderno : Nage-no-kata“, Barcelona, Spain, Alas, 1972 1975 1977 1980, 76p, 180 x 115 x 7, PB, KAT, BNE, ISBN 8420300055.

Thomas, Raymond, “Judo moderno : programa para cinturón azul y marrón“, Barcelona, Spain, Alas, 1971 1981, 71p, 18 cm, TCH, NEP.

Thomas, Raymond, “Judo moderno : programa para cinturón blanco y amarillo“, Barcelona, Spain, Alas, 1971 1981, 76p, 18 cm, TCH, BNE.

Thomas, Raymond, “Judo moderno : programa para cinturón naranja y verde“, Barcelona, Spain, Alas, 1971 1981, 76p, 19 cm x 12 cm, TCH, BNE.

UA,, “Breve tratado de jiu-jitsu : Principales llaves de defensa que usan los más renomrados campeones de la lucha japonesa“, Barcelona, Spain, Imprenta viuda de J. Cunill, 1908, TCH, GGC.

UA,, “Cinturón amarillo : principios básicos para iniciarse en el Judo“, Murcia, Spain, [Tip. San Francisco], 1969, 86p, 24 cm, TCH, BNE.

UA,, “El Judo (Jujutsu)“, Santiago, Chile, UP, 1939, 32p, 18 cm, BNC.

UA,, “Judo“, Madrid, Spain, Federación Española de Judo, 1979, 30 cm, TCH, BNE.

UA,, “Judo“, Barcelona, Spain, Aura Editiones, 2009, TCH, LIB, ISBN 8421401564.

UA,, “Judo : historia, técnica, consejos“, Barcelona, Spain, AZ, 1988, 63p, 19 cm, BNE.

UA,, “Judo y jiu-jitsu : Curso D-B : Curso por correspondencia, respaldado por la Federación española de Judo“, San Sebastián, Spain, Centro de Cultura por Correspondencia CCC, 1957[1] 1964[2], 286p, 37 cm, BNE.

Uequin, Juan Carlos, “Historia del Judo Argentino : Tomo 1“, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Editorial kier, 2005, 223p, 228 x 158 x 13, PB, HIS, RBU, ISBN 9501755177.

Ungria, Bernando, “Judo y jiu-jitsu : 40 Lecciones prácticas de fácil interpretacion“, Madrid, Spain, Graáficas express, 1952, TCH, GGC.

Uzawa, Toshiyasu (1936 – ), “Defensa personal“, Valladolid, Spain, Miñón Colección “Kine”, 1981, 78p, 24 cm, SD, RBU, ISBN 8435505480.

Uzawa, Toshiyasu (1936 – ), “Pedagogia del judo“, Valladolid, Spain, Miñón Colección “Kiné”, 1981, 160p, 238 x 168 x 13, PB, TCH, BNC, ISBN 8435505537.

Uzawa, Toshiyasu (1936 – ), “Tratado de judo“, Madrid, Spain, Instituto Nacional de Educación Física y Deportes, 1970, 195p, 24 cm, BNE.

Valle, Fabián V. del, “Defensa personal : judo, jiu-jitsu, lucha, boxeo“, Madrid, Spain, Imperia Fernando Franco, 1950, 112p, 17 cm x 12 cm, PB, SD, GGC.

Valmont, Frédéric : Cañas, J. M., “Profesor de judo“, Barcelona, Spain, Toray, 1962, 154p, 17 cm, BNE.

Velasco, Blanca, “Judo : Defensa personal : Jiu-Jitsu“, Madrid, Spain, by Author, 1969, 42p, 27 cm, SD, RBU.

Vignati, Alejandro, “Judo Kodokan : el mejor y más completo sistema de autodefensa“, Barcelona, Spain, Bruguera, 1973, 221p, 18 cm x 11 cm, TCH, BNE.

Vilamón, Miguel : Brousse, Michel (1952 – ) : Molina, J. Pere, “Introducción al Judo“, Barcelona, Spain, Hispano Europea, 1999, 351p, 230 x 172 x 23, PB, HIS, BNE, ISBN 8425512964.

Villani, Oscar A. Professor, “Prácticas de la técnicas Kata del Yudo : El deporte ideal“, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Editorial Caymi, 1968, 117p, 222 x 150 x 8, PB, KAT, LIB.

Yamashita, Yasuhiro (1957 – ) : Casals Girons, Núria, “Osoto-gari (técnicas maestras de Judo)“, Barcelona, Spain, Editorial Paidotribo, 1993, 134p, 214 x 149 x 11, PB, TCH, BLX, ISBN 8480190191.

Yerkow, Charles (1912 – 1994), “Judo katas“, Barcelona, Spain, Hispano Europea, 1956[1], 161p, 20 cm, KAT, RS.

Yerkow, Charles (1912 – 1994), “Judo katas“, Barcelona, Spain, Hispano Europea, 1959[2] 1963[3] 1965[4] 1969[6] 1974[7], 174p, 21 cm, REP, BNE.

Biedron, Wolfgang : Rost, Marianne von : Larsson, Leif, “Judo : nybörjarkompendium“, Uppsala, Sweden, Eriksson offset, 1981, 23p, TCH, NLS.

Biedron, Wolfgang : Larsson, Leif, “Wolfgangs judo : nybörjarkompendium“, Uppsala, Sweden, Citotryck, 1984, 23p, REP, NLS.

Bonfranchi, Riccardo (1950 – ) : Klocke, Ulrich, “Vi tränar judo“, Helsingborg, Sweden, Plus Ultra, 1981, 92p, 19 cm x 22 cm, TCH, NLS, ISBN 9197035505.

Christenson, Lena, “En jämförelse mellan elit- och motionsidrottare som utövar judo : en perceptgenetisk studie med SAT och DMTm“, Lund, Sweden, Lunds universitet, institutionen för tillämpad psykologi, 1994, 13p, COA, NLS, ISSN 9907796662.

Cronholm, Viking (1874 – 1961), “Jiu-jitsu tricks : Japanskt system för själfförsvar“, Stockholm, Sweden, Fröléen, 1908[1,2,3], 70p, SD, NLS.

Cronholm, Viking (1874 – 1961), “Jiu-jitsu tricks : Japanskt system för själfförsvar“, Stockholm, Sweden, Björk & Börjesson, 1914[4] 1915[5] 1917[6] 1919[7] 1920[8], 69p, REP, NLS.

Cronholm, Viking (1874 – 1961), “Jiu-jitsu tricks : Japanskt system för självförsvar“, Stockholm, Sweden, Björk & Börjesson, 1936[16] 1937[17] 1937[18] 1940[19] 1941[21] 1942[21,22] 1943[23] 1945[24,25] 1946[26] 1949 1952[27] 1958[29] 1959[30] 1961 1963[32] 1965 1975[33] 1978[34] 1981, 84p, 186x 124 x 4, PB, REP, NLS.

Essink, Hein : Gosen, Gerhard (1933 – 1969) : Stokvis, Laila, “Judo : En handbok i judosport försedd med 227 illustrationer och bearbetad för svenska förhollanden av Gerhard Gosen“, Stockholm, Sweden, Rabén & Sjögren, 1967, 244p, 184 x 112 x 12, PB, TCH, NLS, ISSN 9901109116.

Fradet, Claude : Geels, Antoon (1946 – ), “Judo för oss : judoteknik för ungdom – från vitt till svart bälte : Nr 1, Vitt bälte, gult bälte“, Helsingborg, Sweden, Plus Ultra, 1982, 48p, TCH, NLS, ISBN 9197035580.

Fradet, Claude : Geels, Antoon (1946 – ), “Judo för oss : judoteknik för ungdom – från vitt till svart bälte : Nr 1, Vitt bälte, gult bälte“, Lund, Sweden, Plus Ultra, 1994, 48p, 15 cm x 22 cm, REP, NLS, ISBN 918666803X.

Fradet, Claude : Geels, Antoon (1946 – ), “Judo för oss : judoteknik för ungdom – från vitt till svart bälte : Nr 2, Orange bälte, grönt bälte“, Helsingborg, Sweden, Plus Ultra, 1982, 48p, TCH, NLS, ISBN 9197035513.

Fradet, Claude : Geels, Antoon (1946 – ), “Judo för oss : judoteknik för ungdom – från vitt till svart bälte : Nr 2, Orange bälte, grönt bälte“, Lund, Sweden, Plus Ultra, 1994, 48p, 15 cm x 22 cm, REP, NLS, ISBN 9186668056.

Fradet, Claude : Geels, Antoon (1946 – ), “Judo för oss : judoteknik för ungdom – från vitt till svart bälte : Nr 3, Blått bälte, brunt bälte“, Helsingborg, Sweden, Plus Ultra, 1982, 48p, TCH, NLS, ISBN 919703553X.

Fradet, Claude : Geels, Antoon (1946 – ), “Judo för oss : judoteknik för ungdom – från vitt till svart bälte : Nr 3, Blått bälte, brunt bälte“, Lund, Sweden, Plus Ultra, 1994, 48p, 15 cm x 22 cm, REP, NLS, ISBN 9186668072.

Fradet, Claude, “Nage-no-kata : kastteknikens former : judo till svartbälten : 1:an Dan och 2:an Dan“, Helsingborg, Sweden, Plus Ultra, 1982, KAT, NLS.

Fradet, Claude : Geels, Antoon, “Nage-no-kata i tecknade serier : kastteknikens former : judo till svartbälten, 1:a dan och 2:a dan“, Helsingborg, Sweden, Plus Ultra, 1982, 48p, 15 cm x 22 cm, KAT, NLS, ISBN 9197035556.

Geels, Antoon (1946 – ), “Judo : golvteknik av “Opa” Schutte“, Helsingborg, Sweden, Ultra, 1979, 157p, 230 x 165 x 17, HB, TCH, NLS.

Geels, Antoon (1946 – ), “Judo : metodik – grundprinciper“, Helsingborg, Sweden, Ultra, 1975, 176p, TCH, NLS.

Geels, Antoon (1946 – ), “Judo : nybörjarkompendium“, Lund, Sweden, Plus Ultra, 1977 1983[2] 1986[3] 1988[4] 1993[5], 43p, 30 cm, TCH, NLS.

Geels, Antoon (1946 – ) : Gullström, Per (1951 – ), “Judo för ungdom“, Malmö, Sweden, Utbildningsproduktion, 1979[1] 1988[2], 7p, 30 cm, NLS, ISBN 9156801823.

Greger, Hans (1945 – ), “Lär dig jujutsu : självförsvarstekniker i text och bild“, Uddevalla, Sweden, Wahlström & Widstrand, 1976, 148p, 19 cm, NLS, ISBN 9146126325.

Gullström, Per (1951 – ), “Judo : studieplan“, Malmö, Sweden, Team offset, Svenska judoförbund, 1988, 19p, 30 cm, COA, NLS.

Gustafsson, Jan-Olof : Olsson, Rolf, “Energikravsanalys av judo“, Stockholm, Sweden, Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan, 1978, 38p, COA, LIB.

Gyllerström, Kenneth (1934 – ), “Jiu-jitsu och judo“, Stockholm, Sweden, Wahlström & Widstrand, 1960 1966, 99p, 223 x 145 x 8, PB, TCH, NLS, ISBN 9901084393.

Hancock, Harrie Irving (1868 – 1922), “Kvinnans fysiska träning, enligt japansk metod“, Stockholm, Sweden, Puritasförlag, 1905, 160p, 186 x 125 x 18, HB, OJJ, NLS.

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BF Budo philosophy

BJJ Brazilian jujitsu

COA Coaching

HIS History

KAT Kata

KID Kids Judo

MED Medical or physiological

MEM Memoirs

MJJ Modern ju-jutsu

NEW Nne-waza

OJJ Old Ju-jutsu

REF Refereeing & rules

REP Reprint

SAM Sambo

SD Self defence

TCH Techniques

HB hardbound

PB paperback

3xxx From Kodokan library

ACL From Astra County Library (Romania)

BBr From Biblioteca nazionale Braidense

BCM From Bibliotecas de la Comunidad de Madrid

BHH From Bücherhallen Hamburg

BJ From Best Judo Site

BKS From Biblioteka Kombëtare e Shqipërisë (national Library of Albania)

BLC From British Library online catalog

BLX From Bibliotecas Municipais de Lisboa

BML From Bibliothèque Municipale de Lyon

BNA From Biblioteca Nacional de la República Argentina

BNB From Biblioteca Nacional de Brasil SABi

BNC From Biblioteca Nacional de Chile

BNE From Biblioteca Nacional de España

BnF From Bibliothèque nationale de France

BNM From Biblioteca Nacional Mexico

BNP From Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal

BNQ From Bibliothèque Nationale du Québec

BnR From Biblioteca natzionale cenrale di Roma

BoL From Bodlean Library Oxford

BRJ From Biblioteca Publica del Estado de Rio de Janeiro

BRM From Biblioteca Nationala a Republicii Moldova

BSZ From Bibliotheksservice Zentrum Baden-Württemberg

BtM From Bibljoteka Nazzjonali ta’ Malta

BVR From Biblioteca Virtual do Rio Grande do Sul

CBB From Catálogos da Fundação Biblioteca Nacional, Brazil

CCF From Cataloque collectif de France

COP From COPAC academic and national library catalogue Ireland and UK

CPL From Chicago Public Library

CPR From Constanta Public Library (Romania)

DNB From Deutsche Nationalbibliothek

DNC From Danish National Collections

ECL From Edinburgh City Library

ERB From Eesti Rahvus Bibliograafia

GGC From Gutiérrez García Carlos

JBN From Judobond Nederland Boekenlijst.xls

JIP From Judo International by Henry Plée

JIS From JudoInfo.com site

KBC From de nationale bibliotheek van Nederland

Kbr From Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België

KCZ From www.kodokan-judo.cz

KGZ From Knjižnice Grada Zagreba

KS From Kim Sol’s Judo Bibliography

LAC From Library and Archives Canada, Canadian National Cataloque

LaI From Landsbókasafn Íslands

LIB From library and bookseller databases (internet)

LLB From Liechtensteinische Landesbibliothek

LNL From Lietuvos nacionalinė Martyno Mažvydo biblioteka

LoC From Library of Congress

MBR From Michel Brousse “les racines du judo francais”

MoM From Bradly Steiner “Manuals on maymem”

NBF From National Bibliograpy of Finland

NBQ From Bibliothèque Nationale du Québec

NEM From Sistema bibliotecario Nord Est Milano

NEP From Biblioteca Nacional Ernesto J. Castillero de Panama

NKC From Databáze Národní knihovna Ceské republiky

NLA From National Libraby of Australia

NLB From National Library Board of Singapore

NLM From National Library of Medicine (USA)

NLS From National Libraby of Sweden

NLT From National Library of Turkey

NLZ From National Libraby of New Zealand

NNB “From Nasjonalbiblioteket (The National Library of Norway ) “

NSA From National Libraby of South America

NSc From National Libraby of Scotland

NSK From Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica Hrvatska

NSL From National Széchényi Library Hungary

OBA From Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam

OLL From Olympic Library Lausanne

PAR From Sistema Bibliotecario Parmense

PRL From Polo regionale lombardo

RBA From Catálogo de la Red de Bibliotecas Públicas de Andalucía

RBB From Rete Bibliotecaria Bresciana

RBU From Red de Bibliotecas Universitarias (Spain)

RS From Robert Smith Bibliography

tis From JudoInfo forum member Tis

SBN From Opac SBN Biblioteche Italiane

SEB From Biblioteca estense universitaria, Modena

SK From Sven Keidel, literaturliste Judo

SNL From Schweizerischen Nationalbibliothek Helveticat

SNU From Slovene National and University Library

TPL From Toronto Public Library

UFJ From Biblioteca central da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora

UBN From Uruguay Biblioteca Nacional

UoB From Library of University of Bath

WPL From National Library of Poland WebOPAC

WOC From WorldCatalog

Zbb From Zoeken.bibliotek.be

ÖNB From Österreichische Nationalbibliothek