The History of Updates on the Judo Information Site
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What’s new for December 2008?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A collection of Judo Comics and a Dear Abby Column were added to the Humor Page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Several new cartoons werear Ae added to the redesigned Martial Arts Cartoon Collection.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A collection of Judo Throws.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A collection of Historical Judo Newspaper Advertisements was added.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Three new articles: Some Ideas to Preserve the Judo Soul, Contest at the Dojo, and Resuscitation Techniques.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Updated information on the 2009 IJF Rule Changes was added to the Competition Menu.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Several articles were updated to incorporate the IJF rule changes for 2009: Evolution of Judo Contest Rules, What to Expect at a Tournament, and Tournament Guide.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Links to new videos from the 2008 IJF Kata World Cup were added on the Nage no Kata Page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The database of Judo Classes was updated with more links for clubs.

What’s new for November 2008?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Modern Judo by Charles Yerkow (1942) was added to the new Judo Books Page for downloading.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? American Combat Judo (1944) was added to the Martial Arts page along with the Shanghai Municipal Police Manual of Self-Defence by W.E. Fairbairn (1915) (now in PDF format).
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The USJA Magazine, Growing Judo, has been added for October 2008. American Judo Fall 2008 edition has also been added.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The links to The Best Articles on Other Web Pages has been updated.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The database of Judo Classes was updated with more links for clubs in 109 countries.

What’s new for October 2008?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Higher Judo Ground Work was added to the Techniques of Judo Page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Judo: An Article Led Astray and What is Kata were added to the Judo Kata Page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Links to Judo Kids was updated.

What’s new for August 2008?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The 2008 Olympic Judo Draw Sheets and Results have been added to the Olympic Judo Page, and Beijing News from NBC was added to the Competition Page. US Olympic Team updates were added. Don’t forget to check the latest Olympic news and discussion on the Judo Forum.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Lots of new videos were added on the Judo Video and DVD Reviews.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new menu of articles on Principles of Judo Technique (waza).
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Many other pages have been updated, including a new joke on Judo Jokes and more information about the Go no Kata.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The database of Judo Classes was updated with more links for clubs in 109 countries.

What’s new for July 2008?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The USJA Magazine, Growing Judo, has been added for 2008. The American Judo Magazine has been added for all issues since 2005.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The list of Judogi Suppliers was updated in the Gear section. Lots of other pages have been updated with additional photos and text.

What’s new for June 2008?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Memories of My Sensei, Takahiko Ishikawa, 9th Dan by Hal Sharp.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The following Kata Pages have been updated with videos, links and more information: Go no Kata, Nage no Kata, Gonosen no Kata, Itsututsu no Kata, Ju no Kata, Katame no Kata, Goshin Jutsu, Kime no Kata, and Koshiki no Kata.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The database of Judo Classes was updated with more links for clubs in 109 countries.

What’s new for April 2008?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Subtle Similarities in Various Nage Waza by Elie A. Morrell.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? An article on Cardio Training for Judo was added to the Fitness section.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The list of Judogi Suppliers was updated in the Gear section.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The database of Judo Classes was updated with more links for clubs in 109 countries.

What’s new for March 2008?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Top Ten Reasons Why Sport Judo is Effective was added to the Self-Defense Page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? An article on Recovery After a Judo Training Session was added to the Fitness section.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The database of Judo Classes was updated with more links for clubs in 109 countries.

What’s new for February 2008?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? An announcement of the 10th dan promotion of Henri Courtine.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Classic cartoons were added to the Cartoon Page: Judo Demo and Guard Dog.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Research on The Course of Fight and the Level of Sports Achievement in Judo was added.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Articles on Strength Training for Judo and How to Get Strong Without Compromising Bodyweight were added to the Fitness section.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? New magazine sections for Growing Judo and USJA Coach.

What’s new for January 2008?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Pronunciation of Judo Techniques
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Hierarchy of Judo
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Combato — The Art of Self Defense, Secret Jujitsu, and the unarmed combat sections of Cold Steel were added to the Martial Arts page along with other historical and military self-defense manuals.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Fragmentation of IJF Referee Rule 20(a) was added to the Technical Papers section.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The database of Judo Classes was updated with more links for clubs in 109 countries.

What was new in 2007?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? 2007 World Championships Media Coverage
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Self Defense by Wesley Brown (1951) was added to the Martial Arts page along with the Shanghai Municipal Police Manual of Self-Defence by W.E. Fairbairn (1915).
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? New research on An Uchi-komi with load, a physiological approach of new special judo test proposal by Ramdane ALMANSBA.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A Judo Lesson on the Kosoto Gari Counter to Hiza Guruma.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Tao of Judo: Eastern Wisdom for Western Practice by Keo Cavalcanti
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? New research on A Comparative Study of Throwing Speed Between Heavier and Lighter Categories in Judo by Ramdane Almansba.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The 2007 World Championships: Discussion and News Coverage
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Master Tsunetane Oda by Toshikazu Okada.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The First Issue of Black Belt Magazine “Special Judo Issue”.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? More throwing technique demonstration videos added from Yonah Melnik.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Visit the new Forum for Judo News From Around the World — articles recently published in newspapers.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Dissecting Hikite and Tsurite Grips by Elie Morrell.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Resolve, Feel Replace Sight — an article about Grace Ohashi.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Lesson of the Month by Jimmy Pedro was added to the Judo Lessons.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Judo for Visually Impaired Athletes by Bruno Carmeni.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Blind Student Finds Victory, Peace Through Judo by Ryan Klocke.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Techniques of Judo were updated with Standing Judo, Combinations, and Counters by Mikinosuke Kawaishi.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Reflections on Gake and Gari Leg Actions in Ashi Waza and Origins of Judo in the US were added.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? An article on Go no Kata was added.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? An Updated Judo Bibliography was added to the Judo Book page. Many other pages are also updated with new information including Jokes, Polls, Go no Kata, the Tai Otoshi and Osoto Gari lessons, and the Index.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The database of Judo Classes was updated with hundreds more links for clubs in 109 countries 2007.

What was new for December 2006?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? An excerpt from Black Belt Magazine (1970) showing the The Growth of Judo and Karate Declining in the US.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A paper presented in Athens, Greece at the 5th International Symposium of Biomechanics in Sports (1987) — Biomechanical Classification of Judo.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A Guide for Teachers About Symbolism in Judo.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Judo by Emilio Bruno (1955). Also an article by Emilio Bruno on The Development of Judo Weight Classes and other historical comments.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The database of Judo Classes was updated with 28 more links for clubs in 109 countries around the world.

What was new for November 2006?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? An interview with US athlete Ronda Rousey after her silver medal performance in the Junior World Championships.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Additions to the page on Judo as a Combat Art include:
My Method of Self Defense by Mikonosuke Kawaishi,
Scientific Unarmed Combat by R.A. Vairamuttu,
Unarmed Combat by James Hipkiss,
Dirty Fighting by Lt. David Morrah Jr.,
American Jiu Jitsu,
Kill or Get Killed, and
Deal the First Deadly Blow (unarmed fighting sections).

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Videos demonstrating Kibisu Gaeshi were added to the Clinic Page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? An Image of Katame-no-kata was added as an illustration for the Katame-no-kata Page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The database of Judo Classes was updated with 32 more links for clubs in 109 countries around the world.

October 2006?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A research paper by Lance Wicks with a Statistical Summary of the 2006 Commonwealth Judo Tournament was added to the Research Page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new Judo Podcast was released called The Squeaky Hip — An Interview with Neil Ohlenkamp (founder of the Judo Information Site) by
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A collection of news reports on the 2006 World Team of Nations tournament in France was added to the International Tournament Results. A brief report on a recent USJA Grassroots Clinic was also added.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? An article on the Popularity of Judo and Karate in 1967 was added to the History Page
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Two more cartoons were added to the top of the Judo Cartoon Page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The database of Judo Classes now has over 2300 links for clubs in 113 countries around the world.

September 2006?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? An article by M. Kawaishi on Judo Leglocks was added. The page on Judo Necklocks was also expanded with explanations of each technique.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Four new cartoons were added to the top of the Judo Cartoon Page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The database of Judo Classes was updated with 45 more links for clubs in 109 countries around the world.

August 2006?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judogi Page has been updated to include the latest suppliers.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? An interview with US athlete Ronda Rousey.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Another video was added to the top of the page on Judo Demonstration Videos, and a few more Olympic videos were added to the Competition Technique page. For the latest Judo videos, check out the Judo Video Forum. You must be a Judo Forum member to see these videos, but membership is easy and only requires an email address.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? This What’s New page can now be picked up in your RSS reader each time it is updated.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The database of Judo Classes was updated with 30 more links for clubs in 109 countries around the world.

July 2006?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Fundamentals of US Marine Corps Martial Arts was added.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Videos of the Kime no Kata, Gonosen no Kata, Katame no Kata, and several demonstrations of the Nage no Kata were added to the Kata Pages. In addition, 3 more videos were added to the top of the page on Judo Demonstration Videos.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The books Judo Unleashed and Black Belt: Judo Skills and Techniques by Neil Ohlenkamp are now available. It has recently been the number one selling Judo book on both and More details are at
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The database of Judo Classes was updated with 17 more links for clubs in 108 countries around the world.

June 2006?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Cartoon Page was updated with 5 new Judo cartoons.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new set of videos of throwing techniques and ground techniques demonstrated by Jimmy Pedro.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? ZebraMats was added as a new site sponsor.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo DVD Reviews were updated, most notably with a review of Fury on the Mat.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The database of Judo Classes was updated with 24 more links for clubs in 108 countries around the world.

May 2006?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? An article on the new IJF Dynamic Edge Rule which is being tested in tournaments now.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The News Page was updated, including Results of the 2006 All-Japan Judo Championships.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Video Demonstration Page was updated, and the Tournament Videos now include a link to videos of the US Senior Nationals.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new teaching aid — Judo Flash Cards — was added.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? HSU was added as a new site sponsor.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The database of Judo Classes was updated with 37 more links for clubs in 108 countries around the world.

April 2006?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new poem was added to the top of the Poetry Page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The News Page was updated with info about Judo Unleashed and The Judo Podcast.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Seka Sports was added as a new site sponsor.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Links to Judo Stars were updated and expanded, and the database of Judo Classes was updated with 30 more links for clubs in 108 countries around the world.

March 2006?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A classic Judo For Life movie trailer was added to the Judo Movie Page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new blog on the Traditions of Judo was added to the Judo Forum.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new poem was added to the top of the Poetry Page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Three more competition videos were added to the bottom of the Tournament Video Page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? An article on The Value of Uchikomi in the Development of Judo Skills was added to the Technical Papers.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Links to Judo Stars were updated and expanded, and the database of Judo Classes was updated with 31 more links for clubs in 108 countries around the world.

February 2006?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? An article on the new Kodokan Tenth Degree Black Belts.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The articles on Kodokan Judan and Itsutsu no Kata were updated.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new interview with Judoka and MMA champion Shonie Carter.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Fitness Page was updated with an article on Lactic Acid Build Up and Soreness.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The database of Judo Classes was updated with 22 more links for clubs in 108 countries around the world.

What was new in January 2006?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The list of Judo Tenth Degree Black Belts was updated with the news of three promotions to Kodokan 10th dan.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Forum was completely updated with new software offering more features for users.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Nine videos from the 2005 World Championships were added to the bottom of the Tournament Video Page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new poem was added to the top of the Poetry Page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The database of Judo Classes was updated with 24 more links for clubs.

December 2005

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? An article on Common Causes of Judo Student Attrition was added to the Research Papers.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Several videos of Kyuzo Mifune, 10th dan, were added to the Video Demonstration Page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Kata Pages were updated with more technical information on Nage no Kata, Katame no Kata, and Kime no Kata. In addition, an article on Competition, Kata, and the Art of Judo was added.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The database of Judo Classes was updated with 23 more links for clubs in 108 countries around the world.

November 2005

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new article on the Competition Page called A Flawed Premise.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? An article on Improving Complex Motoric Movements in Judo was added to the Research Papers.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The database of Judo Classes was updated with 81 more links for clubs in 108 countries around the world. There are now more than 2000 contacts listed.

October 2005

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new article on The Origins of the Judo Information Site.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Articles on Nage Ura no Kata, Kaeshi no Kata, and an expanded article on Gonosen no Kata, were added to the Kata Page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Animated Referee Signals were added.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The 1992 US Army Combatives Manual was added to the page on Judo as a Martial Art.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? See this collection of News Reports on Judo at the 2005 World Championships, or see the Results.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new article on Developing Core Strength was added to the Fitness Section.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The database of Judo Classes was updated with 20 more links for clubs in 108 countries around the world.

September 2005

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? 25 more Videos of Techniques by Takahiko Ishikawa, Nobuyoshi Higashi, Jimmy Pedro and Jason Morris.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new article on Throwing Technique Structural Analysis: The Basis of Teaching Methodology was added to the Technical Papers.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new Judo Joke.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A Lesson by Olympian Rhadi Ferguson was added on Morote Gari.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Gokyo Videos were updated to add slow motion viewing and faster downloads.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? If you like the Judo Information Site and want to see it expand please read about What You Can Do to Help.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The database of Judo Classes was updated with 37 more links.

August 2005

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? An article on Stretching and Flexibility was added to the Fitness Section.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Two articles on Good Drills, Bad Drills and Coach, I Want to Be a Champion were added to Technical Papers.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Scholarly and Athletic Accomplishments of Dr. Jigoro Kano was added to the History Page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? An Analysis of Yasuhiro Yamashita was added to explain his winning techniques.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? An article on Judo Dislocation Necklocks was added to Judo Grappling Techniques.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The The Best of the Web Online Judo Articles was updated.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The database of Judo Classes was updated with 32 more links for clubs in 108 countries around the world.

July 2005

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? An article on Shiro Saigo was added to Judo Stars.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? More information was added on the techniques Daki Age, Ouchi Gari, Hiza Guruma, Tai Otoshi, Tsurikomi Goshi, and Ouchi Gaeshi. See all the Judo Lessons.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The database of Judo Classes was updated with 23 more links for clubs in 108 countries around the world.

June 2005

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? An article on The Importance of Kata Training was added to the Kata Menu.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new section on Famous People in Judo was added, with articles about Olympic Gold Medalist Yasuhiro Yamashita and US Olympian Ben Campbell.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Quest for the Perfect Judo Floor was added.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The new section on Fitness for Judo was expanded with an article called Getting Results from Strength Training.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Judo Lessons on Sasae Tsurikomi Ashi, Osotogari, and Osoto Gaeshi were added.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? “The Song of Judo” by Kyuzo Mifune was added to the Poetry Page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Some new videos were added to the News Page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Judo as a Martial Art now includes Get Tough by W.E. Fairbairn and US Marine Corps Close Combat.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The database of Judo Classes was updated with 30 more links for clubs in 108 countries around the world.

May 2005

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Pronunciation of Japanese Judo Terms was added to the FAQ.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new section on Fitness for Judo was added with articles on Developing Grip Strength and The Squat.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Some new videos were added from the 2005 US Senior Nationals, and the News Page was updated.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page was updated with 37 more links for clubs in 108 countries around the world. All contacts have been verified and updated.

April 2005

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Mutual Relationship of Throwing and Movement Directions in Judo and Judo: A Dynamic Motor Skill by Elie Morrell are new Technical Papers.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Trends in Olympic Judo Competition by Neil Ohlenkamp was added to the Tournament Page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? More Competition Videos were added to the Video Page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page was updated with 24 more links for clubs in 108 countries around the world. It has also been converted into a searchable database for ease of use.

March 2005

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Significance of Movement in Judo by Elie Morrell was added to the Technical Papers.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Origins of Judo and Jujitsu by Sumitomo Arima was added to the History page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? New animation pages were added to show Daki Wakare, Hikikomi Gaeshi, Sukui Nage, Sumi Gaeshi, Tawara Gaeshi, Uchi Makikomi, Yoko Wakare, Obi Otoshi, and Harai Makikomi. See all the animations.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page was updated with 26 more links for clubs in 108 countries around the world.

February 2005

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A collection of News Articles on the 2004 Olympic Judo Events and updated Olympic Results by Weight Class, By Name, By Year, By Country, and By Number of Gold Medals were added to the Judo Championship page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? An article called Do You Know? was added to the History page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Gokyo page was revised with links to more images to show each throw.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page was updated with lots more links from 108 countries around the world.

January 2005

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A selection of Modern Judo Research Abstracts were added to the Research page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page was updated with lots of new links from 108 countries around the world. Welcome to our latest country Vanuatu.

December 2004

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Links to video demonstrations were added to the Nage no Kata and Goshin Jutsu pages.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new article on Moshe Feldenkrais and Judo.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Close Combat: US Marine Corps Manual.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page was updated with new links from 113 countries around the world.

November 2004

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A Moment with Mike Swain by Jerrod Wilson.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Disparities in Interpretation of Throwing Scores by Elie Morrell.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Self Defense: A Point of View by Bruce Tegner.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Complete Olympic Results updated through 2004 Athens Games.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page was updated with new links.

October 2004

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new Top 10 List on the Humor Page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? An article on 11 Reasons Why Martial Arts are Better for your Kids than Team Sports by Yonah Wolf.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new Judo Haiku on the Poetry Page.

September 2004

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? New Cartoons by Benny Loh (see the last 11 on the list).
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A Little More Training was added to the page of Humorous Movies.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Complete Olympic Results.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page was updated with lots of new links from 113 countries around the world.

August 2004

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Complete Olympic Coverage.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Championship Page has been updated with a new chart showing Historical Olympic Results.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Jigoro Kano Historical Photos have been updated.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new Technical Paper on Understanding Leg Throws.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new list of US Olympic Team Members, and US Olympic and World Championship Medallists was added.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page was updated with 30 new links from 113 countries around the world.

July 2004

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Top 10 Signs You’ve Got a Bad Referee has been added to the Humor Page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? New Books for Sale: Ju No Kata: A Kodokan Judo Textbook by Keiko Fukuda, Judo (Jujutsu) by Jigoro Kano, and Canon of Judo by Kyuzo Mifune.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new page on Juji Gatame: The Most Powerful Armlock in Judo.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new article on Some Technical Aspects of Newaza by Elie Morrell.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Available on the Kata Page, the Goshinho-no-kata (Women’s Self Defense) was expanded with information and photos for each technique.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Alphabetical Index to all Judo Articles has been expanded, and the Best of the Web now includes a link to “Judo Strategy: 10 Techniques for Beating a Stronger Opponent” by David Yoffie and Mary Kwak.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page was updated with 30 new links from 113 countries around the world.

June 2004?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new article Judo Greats — Past and Present by Jim and Theodore Chen
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The page with information about Top Judo Champions and Athletes was updated and expanded.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The updated Humor Page now includes Personal Safety Tips and The Top 10 Signs You’ve Joined the Wrong Judo Class.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page was updated with 22 new links from 113 countries around the world.

May 2004

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Two new Research Articles: Evaluation of Kinanthropometrics components of infantile and cadet feminine judokas from National Spanish Team and Evaluation of flexibility of infantile and cadet judokas from Nacional Spanish Team.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The article Submission Fighting and the Rules of Ancient Greek Wrestling has been revised with new material and converted to a PDF document.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page was updated with 32 new links from 113 countries around the world. Welcome to the newest country added: Sierra Leone.

April 2004

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Two new articles: Hand Dominance of Elite Versus Non-Elite Judo Players and Submission Fighting and the Rules of Ancient Greek Wrestling.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Check out the excellent new video “Xtreme Judo” by Steve Bell — now on the Video Review Page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Essence of Judo has been updated.

March 2004

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? An article on Medium Range Combatives: Vital Points was added to Judo as a Martial Art.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? An article on Sarah Mayer, the first non-japanese woman promoted to black belt.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Ju no Kata page was expanded with a complete description of the Forms of Gentleness.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new Tournament Highlight Video has been added.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new Links Page and a list of US Olympic Teams Since 1964 have been added.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page was updated with 26 new links from 112 countries around the world.

February 2004

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? New Words of Wisdom were added and Still More Words of Wisdom was expanded.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Tournament Information Page page was updated with the new 2003 IJF Rules, and revised Guide to Tournament Rules, What to Expect at a Tournament, Tournament Results, and List of Penalties.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Three new Spanish Research Papers by Enrique Carratala and Vicente Carratala: Reasons that induce parents to actually introduce their children to Judo, The games and sports of fighting with Judo: An education proposal, and Force: its application to Judo.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Lesson on Ko Uchi Gari was improved with tournament photos.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Why Every Recreational Judo Player Should Compete by Todd Brehe.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? An Objective Critique of the 2003 Judo Refereeing Rules by Elie A. Morrell.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? An article about Keiko Fukuda, 9th dan: A Lifetime of Judo.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Gokyo no Waza page was updated with smaller video demonstrations for faster downloads.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Classification of Judo Techniques is new, and the 1895 and 1920 Gokyo no Waza have been added to Official 67 Throws of the Kodokan.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page was updated with 32 new links from around the world.

January 2004

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A couple of new Judo Jokes were added.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Gokyo no Waza page was updated with video demonstrations of each of the 40 basic techniques of Judo.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? New articles on Mikonosuke Kawaishi, Friction Fractures U.S. Judo Factions (1970), and Origins of the Karate Rank System.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? An abstract of new research on Judo Therapy by Dr. Tony Scuderi has been added to the Research and Technical Papers Page. An excerpt from this study has also been added: The Psychospirituality of Judo Therapy.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Most of the Judo Lessons have been expanded with videos and more illustrations and photos. New lessons have been added on Hane Goshi and Sumi Gaeshi.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new page was added on How to Tie Your Belt.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page was updated with 27 new links from 112 countries around the world.

December 2003

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Four new articles by Elie Morrell: Teaching Judo to Preadolescents, Characteristic Traits of a Good Judo Coach, An Introduction to Variance of Opportunity for Roller and Driver Throwing Actions, and Golden Score Handicaps.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Two new Spanish Research Papers by Enrique Carratala and Vicente Carratala: Valoración de los componentes cineantropométricos de los judokas infantiles y cadetes del equipo nacional Español (Evaluation of anthropomorphics of infantile judokas and cadets) and Valoración de la fuerza explosiva, elástico-explosiva de los judokas infantiles y cadetes del equipo nacional Español (Evaluation of explosive force of infantile judokas and cadets).
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? An article by Donn Draeger: Ranking Systems in Modern Japanese Martial Arts
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? An article by Kosuke Nagaki: Randori and the Unification of Jujutsu Disciplines by the Kodokan.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new video of Yoko Tomoenage used in junior competition was added to the 2002/2003 tournament Video Highlights.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page was updated with 32 new links from 112 countries around the world, including our latest addition — Sri Lanka.

November 2003

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Two new sets of videos have been added to the Throwing Technique Video Page courtesy of Sarah Goodall and Mainline Judo.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? New articles by Elie Morrell: The Challenges of Shimewaza and Teaching Judo Techniques.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? An article, analysis and results of the 2003 World Championships for Visually Impaired were added, as well a report on the 2003 World Championships in Osaka, Japan.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Another question (about the role of ritual suicide in samurai and Judo philosophy) has been answered at Ask the Sensei, and a link to an article on Bushido was added to Judo as a Martial Art.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? New Judo t-shirt designs are now available, along with new products.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page was updated with 36 new links from 111 countries around the world. Welcome to our newest addition from Mauritius.

October 2003

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? See 2002/2003 Judo Tournament Video Highlights.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? An article by Neil Ohlenkamp: Trends in Championship Judo.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Poetry Page and the Discussion Forum have been updated.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new article by Elie Morrell: Observations and Comments on the Current IJF Judo Contest Rules.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page was updated with 36 new links from 110 countries around the world.

September 2003

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Information Site has moved to a faster dedicated server for better performance. More videos and improved features can now be added to the site.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? See the 2003 World Judo Championship Results and Highlight Videos.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? New Discussion Forum software is faster and includes many new features.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A faster Guestbook has eliminated all the advertisements on the old one which had seen 8,035 guests sign-in over the last 8 years. Here’s the Old Guestbook.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new Search Engine was added.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Two new articles by Elie Morrell on Preparatory Moves for Nage Waza and Nage no Kata Preparations For Engagement.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A study of the Relations Between Gripping Methods and Favorite Tricks in Judoists.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The News Page, the Tournament Results Page, and the Judo Gi Page have been updated.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page was updated with 28 new links from 110 countries around the world.

August 2003

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A short article on the 2003 World Masters Championships in Tokyo, Japan by Bill Gaffney.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A paper called Making Way: War Philosophy and Sport in Japanese Judo by Kevin Gray Carr.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? An article on the Evolution of Judo Rules by Neil Ohlenkamp.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Some new technique videos and a new cartoon was added.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page was updated with 20 new links from 110 countries around the world.

July 2003

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? An excellent coaching article on Mental Projection as a Judo Training Form by Raf Tits has been added to the Research and Technical Papers Page. In addition, four new technical papers (in Spanish) by Enrique Carratala were added.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Another in the series of articles on Masahiko Kimura by Jim Chen with lots of historical photos.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Links to new photos and information added to Profiles of Judo Tenth Dans.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Competition photos and official results from the 2003 World Masters Championships in Tokyo, Japan.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A short article on Sensei by Roberto J. Perez.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page was updated with 32 new links from 110 countries around the world.

June 2003

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Two articles by Kazuzo Kudo: Body Movements and Using Your Strength.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Two excellent articles by Raf Tits have been added to the Research Page: Periodisation of Randori Types and The Puzzle of Technique Development.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new article on Tactics.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page was updated with 26 new links from 110 countries around the world.

May 2003

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Frequently Asked Questions was updated with a new Vocabulary List.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new page of Links for Kids was added.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Kata Page was expanded with Judo Arresting Techniques, Kime Shiki (forms of decision), and more was added on the Kime no Kata and Katame no Kata.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Sources for Judo Uniforms was revised and expanded.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Information about Posture (shisei) was added.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? News and Announcements was updated with the results of the All Japan Judo Championships.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? An article was added about the samurai Yoshida Shoin: The Archetype of Japanese Revolutionaries.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page was updated with 39 new links from 110 countries around the world. Welcome to Azerbaijan, the latest country to be added to the list.

April 2003

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Judo Terms was updated with new words and sound files to help with pronunciation.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new poem, “Why I do Judo,” was added to the Poetry Page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Images of Judo techniques from 1907 were added to The Art of Judo, and another image of Judo in 1921 was added.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page was updated with 28 new links from around the world.

March 2003

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Kata Page was updated with new information on the lost Go no Kata and new articles on the Joshi Judo Goshinho, Itsutsu no Kata, and the Gonosen no Kata.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? An article on Grappling was added.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? “Casey on the Mat” was added to the Poetry Page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo as a Martial Art page was updated with links to new articles on Samurai, and more recognition has been added to the Awards page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page was updated with 32 new links from around the world.

February 2003

grapple What Was New on the Judo Info Site? redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Heirarchy of Judo was added.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Tournament Results Page was updated with results from more international tournaments, and new photos of Encino Judo Club classes were added.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page was updated with 29 new links from 109 countries around the world, including the latest country to be added — Cuba.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? If you like the Judo Information Site and want to see it continue please read about What You Can Do to Help. This site needs your support.

January 2003

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Tournament Results Page was updated with new results from international tournaments.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Articles and Essays on Judo was updated with more articles, including A Warrior’s Creed, Jigoro Kano’s Thoughts on Judo, An Interview with Helio Gracie, and Sakamoto Ryoma ­ the Indispensable Nobody.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page was updated with 34 new links.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Several pages have been updated with new images of techniques.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Info CD now includes more tournament and grappling videos, as well as the latest articles.

What was new for December 2002?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new page with links to information about Top Judo Athletes.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Video Page was expanded with more tournament videos and grappling (newaza) videos. Also see the funny videos on Tai Chi and Karate under Judo in the Media.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page was updated with 29 new listings from 108 countries around the world.

What was new for November 2002?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Article on Masahiko Kimura, The Man Who Defeated Helio Gracie by Jim and Theodore Chen has been updated and additional photos were added.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? An excellent article on Competition Peaking has been added to the Research Page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page was updated with 32 new listings from 108 countries around the world.

What was new for October 2002?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? New Research on Making the Weight by Dave Coles.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? An Article on Tokio Hirano, The Man Who Revolutionized Judo by Jim and Theodore Chen.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page was updated with 39 new listings from 108 countries around the world. Welcome to the latest country added to the list — Fiji
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? See the latest News on the Yoshida vs Gracie match with a video of the final choke. To see the entire match, order the Judo Info CD which now includes it on the Video Page.

What was new for September 2002?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Throwing Techniques on Video page has been expanded with 44 more videos.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? An Interview with Hidehiko Yoshida after defeating Royce Gracie in the Pride Fighting Championships.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The History Page was updated with Jujutsu Becomes Judo by Jigoro Kano.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page was updated with 32 new listings from 107 countries around the world, including the latest additions of Syria, Nicaragua and Uzbekistan.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? In addition to the new material, many other pages have been improved and updated. For example, Counters and Combinations was enhanced with more links showing techniques and more News was added.

What was new for August 2002?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Interviews with Royce Gracie and Hidehiko Yoshida have been added. See the News page to learn about their upcoming Judo vs Brazilian Jiujitsu match.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Two humorous videos called ‘Baby’ and ‘Concentration’ have been added to Judo in the Media.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Judo as a Martial Art now includes the classic samurai text The Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi. Also included is The Art of War by Sun Tzu. Both of these are provided courtesy of
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page now includes the latest rec.martial.arts newsgroup Martial Arts FAQ.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page was updated with 46 new listings from 104 countries around the world.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? In addition to the new material, many other pages have been improved and updated. For example, Books for Sale and Video Reviews have been enhanced with links to lots of new books and videos, more News was added, the information About has been rewritten, and a few More Quotes have been added.

What was new for July 2002?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Fighting Spirit by Isao Inokuma has been added to the Online Articles.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new page for Judo in Germany has been added.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page was updated with 32 new listings from 104 countries around the world.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? In addition to the new material, 15 other pages have been improved or updated. For example, the Goshin Jutsu has been enhanced with links to new videos, the Interactive Polls have been reformatted, the News Page has been updated, more site Awards have been earned, links have been added to many pages like the one on Principles of Chokes, and another way to tell if you are Too Old for Judo has been added.

What was new for June 2002?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? International Tournament Results have been updated with the results from the European Championships.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Judo Lessons and Links have been updated.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page was updated with 46 new listings from 104 countries around the world. Welcome to the latest country represented — Senegal.

What was new for May 2002?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Two new articles have been added: Seishin Toitsu: Concentration in Judo Training by Neil Ohlenkamp, and Understanding Ukemi by Brandon Lee
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Best of the Web and Alphabetical Index to Articles have been updated with new additions. Check out the US Army Field Manual on Combatives.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? New Videos have been added to the Competition Video Page and Videos of Throws, and News has been updated.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? International Tournament Results have been updated.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page was updated with 56 new listings from 103 countries around the world. Welcome to the latest countries represented — Barbados and Suriname.

What was new for April 2002?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page was updated with 30 new listings from 101 countries around the world. Welcome to the latest country represented — Saint Lucia.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Two new articles have been added: An Interview with James Bregman and A Speech about Courage
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? New Books for Sale: Judo: The Essential Guide to Mastering the Art by Alex Butcher, Judo with Words: An Intelligent Way to Counter Verbal Attacks by Barbara Berckhan, Judo (Get Going! Martial Arts) by Neil Morris, and Judo: Top Action by Ulrich Klocke

What’s new for March 2002?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A Judo Research article has been added: Effects of competition and its outcome on serum testosterone, cortisol and prolactin.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Search Engine has been improved, new shirts have been added to, more Contacts Around the World have been added, additional quotes have been added to various pages, and some new images have been added.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? New Brazilian Jiu Jitsu books have been added: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu: Theory and Technique (by Renzo and Royler Gracie) and The Essence of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (by Rigan Machado).

What was new for February 2002?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Here is a new promotional video for the New York Open. It is an exciting video that shows great tournament action, and it is only available on the Judo Information Site Video Page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? New Visitor Polls have been added.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A Judo Research article has been added: Anaerobic Requirements of Elite Judo Athletes.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A comprehensive Judo Coaching Guide has been added to the Judo Competition Menu.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? New Judo poetry and songs are at The Essence of Judo.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Some thoughts on What is a Sensei?
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new series of six Personal Protection and Safety Tips.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Check for the latest Judo News. Also new Books and Videos have been added.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page has been updated with 29 new listings from 100 countries around the world.

What was new for January 2002?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new article by Kenji Tomiki called On Jujutsu and its Modernization.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page has been updated with 32 new listings from countries around the world.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new collection of Quotes for 2002.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The listing of the Best Online Articles has been updated with new articles by Ben Holmes.

What was new for December 2001?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Check out this new page of movies and music, Judo in the Media, added to the Humor Page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page has been updated with 38 new listings from 101 countries around the world. Welcome to Moldova, the newest country to be listed.

What was new for November 2001?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page has been updated with 25 new listings from 100 countries around the world.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Information Site is now available on a CD.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Jokes page has been updated with a new story (added to the end).
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Research Page now includes a new article: The Temporal And Material Structure Of Ju-Jitsu Sports Combat by Stanislaw Sterkowicz and Tadeusz Ambrozy.

What was new for October 2001?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new research article, The Physiological Composition of Elite Judo Players by Wayland Pulkkinen, has been added to the Research Page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Videotape Reviews now includes a great new competition video called “Winning in Judo” from Harold Sharp, 7th dan.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Champion Page has been updated with the results of the 2001 World Championships.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? New Judo books have been added to the Judo Bookstore and prices have just been lowered. Now you can save 30% or more on most books that are over $20–that’s at least $6 off every title.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Check the Judo News Page for information about our latest Judo hero, Jeremy Glick.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? More new Judo clothing designs have been added at Do Help promote Judo by buying a t-shirt or sweatshirt today!
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page has been updated with another 42 listings.

What was new for September 2001?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new article: Fighting or Playing–The Martial Art vs Sport Debate.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? More pictures of Grappling Techniques have been added to the Technique Page, and images of various throws have been added to the Gokyo no Waza and Online Judo Lessons.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The lists of World Champions by Country, and World Champions Since 1956 have been updated with the results of the 2001 World Championships.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page has been updated with another 30 listings.

What was new for August 2001?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A more complete Biography of Masahiko Kimura, a Judo legend.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Humor section now includes a video — Why Judo is Better Than Karate, and a new Poetry page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? More Tournament Results, including the World Championships. The lists of World Champions since 1956, and Multiple Gold Medalists have also been updated.
judoka What Was New on the Judo Info Site? redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? See the new Judo shirt designs and other new products (like hats and bags) that are available at Do
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page has been updated with 40 more listings. With the addition this month of Kosova and Ghana there are now contacts in 100 countries around the world.

What was new for July 2001?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The list of Judo Terms has been expanded and revised based on the new Kodokan Japanese-English dictionary.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new article, Judo On and Off the Mat has been added. Links to many more articles have been added to the list of all online Judo articles — see the articles on Combatives, Master Sensei, and Power vs Waza.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Another Cartoon added to the Humor Page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? More Tournament Results have been added.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page has been updated with 30 more listings.

What’s new for June 2001?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Judo Tournament Results have been added for 2001.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new collection of more than 40 Demonstration Videos of experts showing Judo throws. This is in addition to the 30 Tournament Videos.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Cartoons have been expanded with 45 new additions.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? New Videotape and CD Reviews.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The page on the Judo Rank System has been expanded to include an image showing how to tie your belt.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page has been updated with over 35 new listings during the last month.

What’s new for May 2001?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Terms Page has been expanded to include more vocabulary words and counting in Japanese.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new menu has been added with Frequently Asked Questions.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new domain has been added for Judo t-shirts, sweatshirts, and gifts:
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page has been updated with over 40 new listings during the last month.

What was new for April 2001?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Discussion Board has been improved with new software. The old board had great participation, almost 50,000 people viewed it and there were 615 posts in just over 3 months. Check out the new one.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Seiryoku Zen’yo Kokumin Taiiku and Koshiki no Kata have been added to the Kata Page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Tournament and Event Schedules have been expanded to include more U.S. and international calendars.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Information Site has won the Golden Martial Arts Web Award.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Video Page has been expanded to include some valuable new links to photos, videos, and animations.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page has been updated with over 50 new listings during the last month. With the addition of Hungary there are now contacts in 98 countries.

What was new in March 2001?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A variety of original Judo designs are now available at which includes t-shirts, sweatshirts, mousepads and mugs.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Another page of Questions and Answers has been added. See the Original Q&A or submit your own questions.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new collection of Historical Photos of Jigoro Kano has been created.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new article on the art of ukemi called The Study of Falling.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A competition research article on The Weight-loss Practices of Judoka.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new article called Ten Things You Should Know About Your Judo Teacher.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Index of Articles has been expanded with all of the above plus some new discoveries from other sites. The Videotape Reviews have been expanded to include Judo CD’s.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page has been updated with about 50 new listings during the last month.

New in February 2001?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new Index of Articles on Judo — finally a comprehensive listing of all the best articles online anywhere, arranged alphabetically.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A great new Cartoon by Blane Bellerud is on the Humor Page. There is also another new Cartoon by William Jeovah de Medieros.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Many historical photos have been added to this article on Jigoro Kano.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Information Site has been given two more Awards recognizing it as a valuable resource in the education field.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new page of Judo Quotes has been added to expand on the Original Quotes.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A great new resource has been found for information about the Itsutsu-no-kata. You will find it on the Kata Page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Judo Contacts Page has been updated with 50 new listings during the last month.

New in January 2001?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Order the new Judo T-shirts.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? With the addition of Honduras and the Republic of Cameroon the Judo Contacts Page now includes contacts in 97 countries around the world and has been updated with 55 new listings during the last month.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new Brown Belt Quiz has been added. Test yourself now, then go to the Black Belt Quiz.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? More Judo Events have been added. You can add your own events (camps, clinics, tournaments) for others to see.

What was new for December 2000?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new page showing all the Country Codes used by the International Judo Federation and the International Olympic Committee.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Another joke has been added to Just for Laughs.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new feature — The JudoInfo Message Board — a discussion forum about Judo. Try it out.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? With the addition of Chinese Taipei the Judo Contacts Page now includes contacts in 95 countries around the world and has been updated with over 30 new listings during the last month.

What’s new for November 2000?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Check out the latest news about the controversial Olympic final match between Shinohara (JPN) and Douillet (FRA).
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? More books have been added to The Judo Bookstore. Order a gift for your sensei or Judo friends today.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Tournament Results page has been updated with the results of the US Open and the Paralympics.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new article has been added about the importance of relaxation: Take It Easy by Neil Ohlenkamp.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new article has been added to The Best of the Web on Belt Colors and Ranking Tradition by Don Cunningham. Other excellent historical articles from the Journal of Combative Sport have also been added.

What was new for October 2000?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? 2000 Sydney Olympic Results and updated Charts of World Champions.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new cartoon has been added to the Judo Cartoon Page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? With the addition of Madagascar, Macedonia, and United Arab Emirates the Judo Contacts Page now includes contacts in 94 countries around the world and has been updated with 40 new listings during the last month.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? More International Events have also been added. You can now add your own events (camps, clinics, tournaments) for others to see.

What’s new for September 2000?

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new article has been added to the History of Judo called “My Judo” by Masahiko Kimura. Links to other new articles have also been added, along with new videos, a new International Event Calendar (please add your events now), and a new bibliography.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? With the addition of Ukraine and Bulgaria, the Judo Contacts Page now includes contacts in 91 countries around the world and has been updated with 25 new listings during the last month.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Olympic information and videos will be posted on the News Page.

August 2000

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? The Technique Page now includes a comprehensive list of Combinations and Counter Throws with illustrations.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new article has been added to the Principles of Judo called the Principles of Kuzushi or “I’m falling and I can’t get up”.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new menu has been added with all the Articles and Essays about Judo.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Be sure to check out the News Page for interesting announcements about Judo around the world.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? With the addition of Trinidad and Tabago, the Judo Contacts Page now includes contacts in 89 countries around the world and has been updated with over 35 new listings during the last month. The US Tournament Calendar has also been updated.

July 2000

redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? A new collection of quotes and sayings that apply to various aspects of Judo training: Words of Wisdom on Learning Judo.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? See the History and Principles Page for a new article “From the Mat to the Street: Judo and Life” by Richard Hodges.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? Remember that the Announcements Page is frequently updated with news from the world of Judo. This month read about what Judo means to the President of Russia (and watch a video clip of him on the mat). More videos have also been added to the Video Page.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? See the Awards Page for a new award received by the Judo Information Site from This site has also been ranked as the #4 most valuable martial arts site in the world by the objective and exclusive Links2Go.
redball What Was New on the Judo Info Site? clear What Was New on the Judo Info Site? With the addition of El Salvador and Togo, the Judo Contacts Page now includes contacts in 88 countries around the world and has been updated with over 40 new listings during the last month.

June 2000